As requested, an open thread. I’ll try to get these up more often in the future. This one will be overseen by Morrissey with a cat on his head.
No trolls, no arguments.
As requested, an open thread. I’ll try to get these up more often in the future. This one will be overseen by Morrissey with a cat on his head.
No trolls, no arguments.
Man, I love how a day that began with extreme anxiety and fear for my safety ended in me not getting in trouble, receiving an $800+ check in the mail randomly, and being high as fuck. My life is very strange.
I’d honestly love to be high. It’s been so long.
Only issue I see is that it’s a loan check right? So you’ll have to pay it back but depending on the loan terms if you enroll next term it will be defered and you’ll have another year+ before you have to worry about paying it back.
In any case, the worst that happens is you can’t pay it back and it goes into collections, which is shitty for your credit score. But even that takes like a year, or more, to happen, so definitely worry about your safety first.
If it isn’t a loan, be sure to read the fine print, if it can be spent on books and the like you should be okay, but all mine was loans so I don’t really know.
Two great pieces of news, and extra breathing space, Ally!
Have you an account your dad can’t get at? I’d hate to see your money go into that joint one.
“Good things come to those who put offerings out to Ceiling Cat,” she said sententiously. 😉
Oh, I’ll put it in my own account – that’s not an issue.
I might not even use the money, depending on my future circumstances. I’m mostly happy about the money because it’ll serve as a kind of “emergency savings” for lack of a better term.
Nice windfall, Ally. I’m hoping for all the best for you!
Yay for windfall money!
Water main update: still broken. I had a luxurious wet-wipes sponge bath this morning before I went to work, and since work have been hanging out at the library for bathroom access, but I had to come home due to people overwhelm. I’m about to brave the cold to get some potable water from a truck in a parking lot so I can flush the toilet. If they haven’t run out of containers.
Effing broken pipes in effing frozen ground.
That’s terrible Unimaginative. This has been such a harsh winter. Are they going to be able to get to it soon or is it too cold?
Reminder to self: you need new earthquake emergency water, you used most of it up a few weeks ago when the water pipe down the street broke.
My experience was much less drawn out than Unimaginative’s ordeal and I’m not comparing. Luckily my parents are close by and I was able to get a shower there.
*crossing fingers that there are still containers*
There are definitely people in much worse situations than mine, and for much more extended periods. I’m only mildly inconvenienced, and I have lots of options if it becomes uncomfortable. I’ll try not to whine too much.
It’s the cold that is delaying the fix, apparently they didn’t expect frost to be a problem in January in Canada. It’s been about -25C overnight and about -10C during the day.
Hey, worse situations existing don’t mean that your situation isn’t legitimately sucky. Running water isn’t exactly a frivolous luxury!
I was only without for a few hours. It sucked because it was a day off and I was planning on getting lots of laundry and cleaning done.
And it was a total PITA, so, as far as I’m concerned, complain away!
Ally, great news about the money!
Unimaginative, it is the worst when infrastructure breaks. It’s so hard to get your stuff done. Complain away!
We have water! It started flowing at around midnight last night. So far this morning, my roomie and I have each had a GLORIOUS shower, we are able to FLUSH after we do our business, and I’m on my third load of laundry and third cup of coffee.
I think indoor plumbing is about the best invention ever.
Doggie is BACK!
Especially in the evenings. He’s asking for stuff. Wants his food and MY food. Takes his pills. Corticosteroids are a modern medical miracle. I know we won’t have forever, but I think I knew deep down he wasn’t ready yet.
Thank you so much to everyone for the support. Last week sucked.
::dances around::
That is such good news, eli!
RE: Ally
sometimes I even find myself talking tarot card readings seriously.
My sibling Sneak has been getting into tarot lately. I try to not be a dickhole atheist about it; zie could use the hobby, and really, it’s harmless compared to what zie could be doing, but sometimes I go to zer for a reading. It makes zer really excited and happy, and even if I don’t believe in the cards, I DO believe in zer, and that’s good enough for me. Besides, gives me an excuse to ask zer advice and just spend quality time with zer doing something zie loves.
I’ve never had Tarot readings done, but I’ve had one or two clairvoyant readings that came up with stuff that couldn’t have been cold-reading. 🙂
Yea doggy!!!
RE: Kittehs
Yeah, Sneak mostly just does it in a psych way to give advice. Considering zie could be doing what people WORRY teenagers do, it could be way worse. (Though zie isn’t a teenager anymore. Zie’s twenty-one. BUT ZIE IS STILL MY TINY I DON’T CARE IF ZIE’S TALLER THAN ME.)
Sneak’s twenty-one!?!
21? Old enough to drink? Time flies!
It’s stupid, I know, but I’ve become like an overprotective parent. Zie’s been taller than me for coming on five years now, had all sorts of growth delays and crap (by all rights, zie SHOULD be my age), so I can’t claim zie grew up too fast but ZIE IS STILL MY TINY AND I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT THIS.
Snoopy Dance! So adorable 🙂
katz is going to pick me up very soon. ^_^ We have both confirmed the date. I finally took the step I have been needing to take for the past several months. I’m very scared but I can’t wait much longer here for the sake of my safety and well-being.
Ally, that is wonderful news!