As requested, an open thread. I’ll try to get these up more often in the future. This one will be overseen by Morrissey with a cat on his head.
No trolls, no arguments.
As requested, an open thread. I’ll try to get these up more often in the future. This one will be overseen by Morrissey with a cat on his head.
No trolls, no arguments.
Morrisey has a cat on his head. Your argument is invalid.
Magpie heart update: after 3 SVT* in the last year, finally got in to see cardiologist. She put me on the list for catheter oblation (I think that’s what it’s called) in Sydney, which will fix it once and for all.
*Twice they’ve stopped the svt the way you fix a computer – switch it off and on again 🙂
That cat really looks like she doesn’t want to be there.
Hello all, news from Historophilia towers, just last night I broke the relationship I was in. It had only been going for a couple of months and it was definitly the right decision for me and I feel a lot happier now. Also I think I will be better friends with the guy now we are not a couple.
Also the actual moment of breaking up seemed to go fine and I think we parted on good terms.
I read about this Reddit thread on Jezebel (which I only visit to find stuff like this!). A guy who believed that “women have it much easier on online dating sites” made a fake profile, pretending to be a woman. The nasty deluge of messages he received caused him to delete it a mere two hours later. I’m happy his eyes were opened, but find it sad that so many men refuse to believe it when women tell them what they’ve experienced. And lots of comments on this thread discussing how this is exactly why they don’t respond to men they aren’t interested in….because it escalates so quickly.
Hi Magpie!! I hope it goes well. “Have you tried turning it off and on again” does not seem like a great way to take care of a heart O_O. If you’re feeling up to it, I hope you can keep us updated.
Historophilia, I’m glad that your break-up went okay.
My biggest news — and I have no idea if it’s good news or not — is that I’m taking a class again. The last time I was in school was the winter semester of 2012, and that… didn’t go well. Some of the people who have been around a bit longer were nice enough to listen to me agonize about my decision to leave University when I kept being unsuccessful I am hoping this time will be different, because I’m working and only taking one class in my spare time. If I continue at this rate, I will earn a degree just after I turn 27 (assuming I pass everything, and I don’t take any semesters off). Maybe I can actually do this. I guess I’ll find out. 🙂
Here’s a picture of my new cat. (it’s a dropbox link–hope that doesn’t bother)
Hey. I wonder if anyone can help me? I teach a college level course in human diversity. One of the topics we talk about is sexual diversity. I’m an archaeologist, although I was trained as an anthropologist as well, but that was over 35 years ago. I could really use some suggestions for basic readings on LGBTQ folks, particularly the BTQ end of the spectrum, for both me (can be long and scholarly) and for my students (basically mostly white, middleclass, with many first generation college attendees). I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks for all your posts. I don’t comment, but I read them all, and they really resonate. I admit, however, that I love the cat ones best. ;-p
Bonelady – I would reccomend heading over to feministing.com. They have multiple LGBTQ writers of colour and will be able to answer your questions throughly. It’s really easy to create an account, which you can use to contact the editors. Jos would be a great person to ask.
Aww, what a little tiger, Howard.
quote from that reddit thread.
I bet he does associate with men who do. He just doesn’t realise it because they don’t do it to him.
Howard Bannister, have you stolen Morrisey’s cat? *looks sternly over glasses*
That picture reminds me of the ‘gravity is a Furinatti conspiracy’ tangent we had somewhere…
You can’t steal cats, because cats don’t belong to you, you belong to them. So, insofar as I am willing to answer these *baseless allegations,* which are obviously motivated solely by CAT-JEALOUSY, all I will say is that if a cat thinks I’m better than Morrisey, then obviously they’re right and I am.
Because cats are always right.
Kitty is so cute! I would snuggle that kitty so much (unless kitty didn’t want snuggles).
That is a sweet cat, Howard. How is zie settling in?
Awww, Howard, what a cute cat! Those eyes!
I cannot look at Morrissey with a cat on his head without feeling immediately better about he world.
Excellent choice
ofby a cat,@Bonelady I’m also an archaeologist/anthropologist! Although I can’t help with LGBTQ issues. Although I feel your pain trying to teach undergraduates about gender at all.
I have an Extremely Important Question for Pecunium whenever he’s around, or to anyone else in the meantime:
How does a military officer refer to two soldiers with the same rank and the same last name?
I know this isn’t cats on heads, but it’s pretty effing amazing! This guy gets to cuddle with lions and hyenas!
It’s true – I adore tabbies. Lovely kitty, Howard.
A little update since I think I last posted in the November open thread:
I’m alive, not homeless, and found a much better-paying job. Plus, at the end of the month, my wife and I are weighing anchor and leaving this shit-town for greener pastures and a place where our monthly costs will be halved.
Also, we’ve started fostering kittens. Best thing we could possibly have done for ourselves, and we’ve already found homes for 12 out of the 15 we’ve taken in since mid-Nov.