Many of you may have been worried, but I’m happy to report to you today that the future of the Men’s Rights movement is in good hands! My evidence? The following essay on the evil that is feminism, posted recently to the Men’s Rights subreddit by a 5-year-old boy.
At least I’m assuming it was posted by a 5-year-old boy. If it was posted by a teenager, or — heaven forbid! — an adult, well, all bets are off.
The essay was inspired by the age-old question: What is the nature of evil?
To that, the fellow who calls himself newmressay answers: Feminism. Let’s let him explain:
The New Webster’s Dictionary defines evil as “what is morally wrong, what hinders the realization of the good,” and “what is materially, esp. socially, very harmful,” (328-329 New Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus of the English Language). It also defines feminism as “the policy, practice, or advocacy of political, economical, and social equality for women,” (346 New Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus of the English Language).
Aw, yeah! He’s kickin it off Webster-style!
Now, for a massive leap in logic: Feminism is a modern evil.
Well, a leap, anyway. We’ll see about the logic.
Why? After all, in the past century it has achieved most of its goals in the developed world and is permeating into the third world; numerous pieces of legislation, specifically in the United States, have given women the right to vote, own land, and prevent discrimination and harassment in education and the workplace.
You can OWN LAND, ladies. All lady problems have been solved forever! Time to close up shop!
But wait! The feminists have the audacity to continue to exist?
Feminism is good to a fault. Much like a line, it keeps going.
Much like a line? A line!? That just doesn’t have much zing to it.
Much like the Energizer bunny, feminism keeps going and going …
Much like a shark, it must continually swim forward gnashing its giant teeth or it will die!
Much like sandpeople, feminism travels in single file to hide its numbers.
Like a banana, it splits?
I’m just spitballing here. I’m sure you can think of a million more.
It is no longer about equality, but equity.
Uh, equity means “fairness.” That’s a bad thing? Or do you mean “equity” as in “ownership?” I guess newmressay probably means that, but we’ll never know because he never says.
Western contemporary Feminism has become synonymous with the nature of evil: materialistic pursuits with adverse societal consequences.
Oh, so you quoted Webster’s but didn’t actually understand its definition. When it said “materially” it didn’t mean “materialistically.” Also, huh? What does feminism have to do with materialism?
Feminism has Orwellian tendencies to maintain and “enforce” its beliefs and goals in the name of following ideological tenets, rather than empirical data they see before them, Feminists censor and distort data found in their studies.
Newmressay then cites a self-serving paper by Murray Straus, who claims that feminists have unfairly dismissed his domestic violence research and threatened fellow researchers who’ve failed to toe the feminist line. In fact, there are many valid reasons to be wary of Straus’ work, as I point out here.
The alleged threats are more worrisome, but newmressay cites the example of only a single researcher; if you check his original sources you will find that the harassment took place decades ago and that the perpetrators were never identified.
Newmressay drags out his copy of 1984 to give us some quotes about our boy Winston being forced to change facts and figures to fit the party line. Which would be very damning if there were evidence that feminists actually did this, but there isn’t.
Then with the help of more antifeminist “scholars” he misrepresents the notion of “patriarchy” and gets mad at feminists for that. He follows this by summarizing (badly) two feminist-bashing columns from neocon faux-feminist Christina Hoff Sommers before moving on to his grand conclusion:
Feminism’s essence is that of a greedy quest, resulting in harm to society: evil.
Greedy quest? Greedy Quest sounds like a third-rate Bejeweled knockoff.
It pushes and pushes to further its agenda of equity, not equality.
You know, you really might want to rethink this whole “equity” thing, given that most people are going to assume you mean “fairness,” and given that your gal Christina Hoff Sommers actually calls herself an “equity feminist” and means that as a good thing.
In its pushing, it has damaged society by stereotyping men and belittling the issues of others in the developing world. Although in the past it has served for the benefit of all in society, it now is pushing an agenda that threatens everyone. This evil, that which damages society, will persist until more realize what it is doing.
Dude, I don’t even understand what you’re doing.
Feminism’s essence: distilled from the sweat of coal miners and mammoth hunters. With a top note of bon bons, child support checks, and Prada shoes.
If allowed to age past 14 years, it disintegrates into bitter cat whiff.
So, a few weeks ago I read about a child support reform bill that was going to be debated this week here in Wisconsin. One of the things it aimed to do was cap the amount of money eligible to be calculated to determine the amount of support a parent owes. I thought it was really weird — out of left field. I tried to see if there were local MRA groups behind it but couldn’t find anything.
Turns out it was completely random because it was pretty much a kickback to a wealthy campaign donor who is worth $30 million and protected by a prenuptial agreement, but who still thinks that $200K per year for his three children is too much. He and his lawyer literally wrote the bill, too! He aimed to change the law for everyone just to benefit himself.
So, I see this post today about how FEMINISTS are greedy, materialistic, and evil. And then the news comes out that after the bad publicity about this bill, the representative has withdrawn it. Good to see that shame still works, or maybe it was CYA, who knows. But talk about greedy.
I’ll never, ever understand people who begrudge their own children proper care and support. Hearing that MRAs think child support is an oppression had me hating their movement long before I learned that they were just a hate group in social justice clothing.
Ugh, and to put it in perspective — this man earns $1.2 million per year. This bill would’ve capped his eligible income at $150K, meaning his three children would receive a percentage of $150K as support instead of the full million dollars that he makes. People can argue all they want about whether anyone “deserves” $200K in support per year, but those same people would have to then discuss how the hell this guy “deserves” a million dollar paycheck when he’s clearly a crook —
What’s that about looters and moochers? I maintain that predatory assholes like Eisenga are the looters and moochers.
Argenti, I think Kiki was just making a Simpsons reference.
Off topic, but anyone notice that wtf price is getting progressively more unhinged? And he has a daughter(!)and son from his first wife :s
Uh oh, someone didn’t like what I wrote on r/mr:
Bingo. But the MRAs will probably hail him as some kind of hero…or martyr, if he is pilloried as he deserves to be.
And great job tying him in to the nonsense essay on the nature of feminism-as-evil, too. What a pity the clown who wrote it wasn’t paying attention there, either.
Ally: Face it–they’re upset because this was actually one of the better pieces they’ve ever had written in the first place, and for you to demolish it so easily makes it clear that none of them will ever get a passing grade at life.
And the bit that got me in that story about Eisenga is that the rep (Joel Kleefisch) who was backing the bill STILL isn’t walking away from this–he made it perfectly clear he’s hoping to push it forward again once the dust has settled and no one’s paying attention.
I just wish they would make up their minds. I run in to just as many men that cling to their gender box as women . They make lists of what are “masculine’ traits lumping all men together even as to character .All of this hard wired . How “men” think .What “men” want.The nature of “men.” The women I hang with try to move away from gender stereotypes and look at people as individuals ,and or some of the things we may have in common as humans.The anti feminists men seem to be the very ones that reject that .
Ironically how they come up with what a “man” is ,is by first stereotyping women and defining men as an opposite of that or somehow ‘different” than that.
“Women need love ,men need respect” is an example that drives me up the wall.
She also repeatedly said she did not agree with his argument but that was besides the point.She was willing to keep her critique strictly about the flaws in his writing.Which is what she did . She wasn’t there to debate his points. An example is she said you don’t need (or shouldn’t ) say “pushing and pushing ” ,once is enough.
She made it clear she was a feminist and did not agree with his point of view .The guy that made that comment sure is some Sherlock Holmes. I’m impressed detective gum shoes.
I bet he had to modify the main deflector dish to generate a reverse tachyon pulse in order to get those scan results.
And then just look at how much they babble about how A Good Woman Is Hard To Find. How “incel” they are. How this. How that. But tell them that men need love and women, respect — and just watch the fur fly!
Oh man, this one is my absolute worst pet peeve. As if anyone out there wants to be unloved or disrespected.
Right . Supposedly ‘respect” comes naturally to a man as in he just naturally gives it ,but love and nurturing is not so easy for him. So he needs to make a conscious effort because its against his “nature.”
Then you have women who showing love and nurturing just naturally flows out if her by hard wiring but she struggles with respect .
When I asked the staunch believers of this would they tell a judge that in a child custody case (his limitations at loving and especially nurturing which is what you need to give children) all I heard was crickets chirping .I asked repeatedly and I still ask every time I hear that hog wash and no one will answer me .
By the way its an oxymoron . In a romantic relationship love and respect can not be distinguished from one another.
I tried over and over to get examples of a respectful ACTION verses a loving ACTION. Because they also go on and on about how love is NOT a feeling neither is respect.
Every example they gave me of a loving action could also be called respectful . When it all boiled down to it I got some to admit that they want their wives to verbally ‘praise” them with words of honor. That is what “men need.” One man NO LIE said he wants his wife to call him her “leader.” I think they want to go back to the days and societies where the women referred to their husbands as “my lord” and “yes master” is what it is.
They are talking about the kind of respect you would show a superior officer in the military .Or your boss if you didn’t want to get fired.
And it turns out that both love and respect come in at a staggering fifteenth place behind oxygen, food, warmth, proper barometric pressure, etc. etc.
Howard, don’t you know that when you’re hungry, love will keep you alive?
YES that is one of my biggest peeves.
Like that ever stops anyone from posting in r/mr.
… I have to link this now, don’t I?
Ally: You identified as a feminist, and yet offered a constructive, non-ideological critique of the essay. The misters just can’t get their heads around that. They wouldn’t be able to do that. Besides, to them, feminists are evil, scary monsters. They can’t ever admit a feminist did something good or right. You actually made suggestions on how to make the essay better. They responded, “You’re a feminist, go away!” It really says a lot about your maturity, and their complete lack thereof.
Manly man no need oxygen! Manly man need respect! Raargh!
Howard – like the song says,
lovehamburger is all you need! 🙂Re respect – if you read it as meaning “women’s subservience” then you get why these shitstains don’t think women need or want it, and men can’t live without it, and why it has fuckall to do with love.
Not that I think there’s an MRA alive capable of love anyway.
Pity the TA who receives this essay and has to grade it, knowing with grim certainty that every assignment this student will turn in for the rest of the semester will be the same damn thing. Nature of the deterministic universe? Feminism is evil. Substance vs. property dualism? Feminism is evil. Limits of utilitarian theory? Feminism is evil.
And he’ll blame every bad grade on the school being infected with feminism.
OT but in a sign that maybe all of Reddit isn’t the pit of garbage, a Redditor apparently tried to do an experiment to prove how “easy” women have it at online dating, so he posted a fake female profile.
He didn’t last 2 hours before he deleted it in horror at the messages he was getting.
We should start the countdown to the MRM calling this guy a mangina or claiming it’s a false story or explaining why belligerent demands for information on your underwear from a total stranger are something women should be grateful for, etc.
I can’t wait to hear what grade the essay gets.
@ drst
I read about that somewhere already… was it here, or on another blog?
I can’t remember -_-
I met my boyfriend from an online dating site, trick was it was a paid site. Meaning people on it were typically serious about it because it was a fairly large expense depending on the type of membership. It’s kinda hard to justify acting like a pecker head for $45 a month.