a voice for men a woman is always to blame are these guys 12 years old? domestic violence empathy deficit evil sexy ladies evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

A Voice for Men boldly opposes respect for women

Hardly a controversial message, you wouldn't think.
Hardly a controversial message, you wouldn’t think.

If you live in New York state, you may have seen the poster above plastered on a bus shelter; or you may have seen it posted somewhere on the internet. The message is pretty simple, and it’s sad that it has to be said: kids are pretty impressionable, so teach your sons to treat women with basic respect.

The purpose of the ad campaign, sponsored by the New York state Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, is pretty clear as well: teaching boys respect for women lessens the chances that they will abuse women as adults.

Numerous studies have found that men with sexist attitudes towards women are more likely to try to control their wives or girlfriends with physical abuse. Indeed, one recent study even found that brief exposure to sexist jokes made men more inclined to brush off violence against women, at least amongst men with sexist attitudes to begin with.

Speaking of which, the sexist jokes over at A Voice for Men have unveiled a hilarious new “meme,” which just happens to be inspired by the “awaiting instructions” PSAs we’ve been discussing. And here it is:

From A Voice for Men. I've blurrred the women's faces.
From A Voice for Men. I’ve blurrred the women’s faces.

The logic here is airtight: because some women get drunk and urinate in public, women don’t deserve respect.

I guess men never get drunk and urinate in public, or ever do anything vaguely embarrassing that gets caught on camera?

Is it really asking too much to respect people as people, foibles and all?

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11 years ago

Every time I hear someone shouting “You have to EARN my respect,” I know right off i don’t want their respect, and they likely won’t give it. In my experience, it basically translates to them saying “I will be a disrespectful little shit to anyone I damn well please!”

11 years ago


I totally know where you are coming from. It took me many years of living away from my family to appreciate the good and bad. My family is just starting to really heal I think and learn to love each other despite their flaws (which we all have plenty of thanks to our upbringing including my mom’s upbringing by her mom). But, I wouldn’t be me if it wasn’t for her, and I kinda like me so I can learn from her mistakes and be thankful for the things she got right. At the end of the day it’s about loving your kids and just trying.

On a happier and completely off-topic note, I came home today and left the door open for a minute and when I turned around there was a black cat looking to come inside! I was naturally ecstatic and proceeded to give him (I think) some loves. He then decided after a while that he was good and wandered back out.

11 years ago

Whats even more sad is respect that SHOULD have been “earned” would be ‘washed down the drain” because you squatted and went SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS>>>

11 years ago

I have a theory.

Whats so anger inducing about this ad? It points to the future and it is a future without them in it. They’re frustrated by the fact that a greater number of the next generation will look back on them with a mixture of pity and disgust than look upon them that way now. They are not winning hearts and minds. In fact, the few people they attract now seem to lack both hearts and minds.They’ll never be hailed as heroes or great thinkers and they know it. No one is going to look back in reverence at a “movement” based around hating and abusing half of humanity. At some level they have to be aware of that. They hate campaigns like “Don’t be that guy”, because they work. They’re Misogynist Rape Advocates and if they are remembered at all, it will be as a bunch of stupid, hateful jerks who were really, really angry that women weren’t their personal slaves / punching bags. The clock is not rolling back to the days they dream of and their moaning and whining that it won’t makes about as much difference as a fart in the wind. Progress infuriates them because they are not capable of it. The world keeps marching forward without them and they are not missed. They can’t make it stop. They can’t keep up. It must be so frustrating for them. I mean, if the best argument against respecting women you can make is, “But sometimes some ladies do a pee-pee in public!”, you have to at least suspect that your “movement” is a lost cause. That’s assuming that they’re capable of any self-reflection at all, of course. I could be wrong. They could actually be dumb enough to think that’s a brilliant argument and be confused as to why no one else agrees.

11 years ago


I totally know where you are coming from. It took me many years of living away from my family to appreciate the good and bad. My family is just starting to really heal I think and learn to love each other despite their flaws (which we all have plenty of thanks to our upbringing including my mom’s upbringing by her mom). But, I wouldn’t be me if it wasn’t for her, and I kinda like me so I can learn from her mistakes and be thankful for the things she got right. At the end of the day it’s about loving your kids and just trying.

On a happier and completely off-topic note, I came home today and left the door open for a minute and when I turned around there was a black cat looking to come inside! I was naturally ecstatic and proceeded to give him (I think) some loves. He then decided after a while that he was good and wandered back out.


Misty eyes. …all is good in the world at this moment ….its wonderful when we get and recognize those moments…if only we could capture them all…..

11 years ago


11 years ago

Respect is a given for them, so again, when you say you “repect” a man like that it’s a little something extra, and earned. That’s not what group X means when they say “respect us.”

Nailed it, baileyrenee.

11 years ago

Whats so anger inducing about this ad? It points to the future and it is a future without them in it. They’re frustrated by the fact that a greater number of the next generation will look back on them with a mixture of pity and disgust than look upon them that way now. They are not winning hearts and minds. In fact, the few people they attract now seem to lack both hearts and minds.They’ll never be hailed as heroes or great thinkers and they know it. No one is going to look back in reverence at a “movement” based around hating and abusing half of humanity.


Plus, they secretly fear that the half of humanity they hate and want the right to abuse will gain the upper hand and piss all over them if they show that half any “unearned” respect at all. What they really want is to make it impossible for said half to earn respect, much less just get it handed to them unasked but fully expected. Anything less than total male domination is “inequality”, “unfairness”, “disrespect for men and boys” , and evil gynocratic anarchy, in which feeeemales will just get to piss all over everything men have built…with complete impunity.

It must be really sad to live in their world.

yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
11 years ago

The more I’ve been here, the more I see various classes of MRAs: Disgruntled “Nice Guy”, The Shock Jock, Pick-Up Artist (PUA), Bitter Divorcee, MGTOW, Entitled White Guy and FeMRAs.

Disgruntled “Nice Guy”: After years of believing that because he is “nice” that he deserves a girl or didn’t make effort towards one he liked that wasn’t manipulative, he takes it out on all women. To him, they’re all mean, picky and only want abusive jerks.

The Shock Jock: Loves to make hateful comments about women and gets a joy out of seeing them get hurt or humiliated (if it’s a picture/comic, they’ll happily show it.). Will usually claim that you’re too PC or they’re only “kidding”. if called on it. They see women as useless, incompetent trash that is only hit to be treated like it.

PUA: Constantly hunt for women to have sex with (and then toss aside when they grow tired of them) and playfully manipulate and dominate those they do have a relationship with. And then complain there’s not enough virgins and “nice girls”. To them, women are viewed as numbers (as in she’s a 10 or a five), are to be trained like the stupid children they are and their happiness doesn’t matter. If called on it, the ones in relationships will sometimes claim they care about women.

Bitter Divorcee: Got majorly screwed-over in a divorce or relationship and now believe that all women are manipulative whores who want to use and destroy men for their own petty cruelty.

MGTOW: Fed-up with women, these guys believe the society or at least woman kind will crumble without them because they’re going their own way. And women are stupid, lazy, incompetent, ugly and can’t even wipe their asses properly without staining every inch of the bathroom.

Entitled White Guy: Believing that every racial stereotype is true, the EWG believes that because he’s a white, American male, all Asian women and those from 3rd world countries will automatically worship them. Treats them very condescendingly, views any man of their race as ugly trash and will blame the westernized world if the woman is turned off by his attitude.

FeMRAs: Females that will suck-up to MRAs in hopes of getting attention, pats on the head and possibly a man. Will agree with them on pretty much everything they say while failing to realize that unless they’re barely legal and look like airbrushed supermodels, they don’t have a chance.

Common traits in all of them: Any woman over 24 is yucky at best. Major disgust towards black people of both genders as in any non-black woman has had any sexual contact (no matter how small it was) with a black man is automatically a filthy, tainted slut. Think they’ll all be like Sean Connery when they get older (better looking, more distinguished and richer.)

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

On my planet, respect isn’t like money. It is not something you earn but rather something you lose like your eyesight or a limb.

We are taught that people should be respected except the assholes because the assholes have no respect for others or themselves and if you show an asshole respect…he will shit on you and the respect you have given him.

11 years ago

This being the main live thread, I’m going to repeat the OT thing I put on the Roosh one, because it works as well as a digital salute to Elam and co as any of them:

Louis and I celebrated six years since I first called him husband, last night. The celebration consisted of wearing our fanciest silk velvet dressing gowns all day (his purple, mine crimson), eating toast and honey in front of the fire, and lots of … cuddling. Yes, I’ll call it cuddling for now. Happened more than three times, too. 😉

11 years ago

If feminists truly wanted men to respect women then they would insist that men be treated with respect as well instead of actively promoting disrespect for the male gender both individually and collectively. Instead today’s average female is more than likely to not only disrespect men but will not hesitate to abuse the men she comes in contact with whenever it suits her.

11 years ago

Also OT: Ally S, are you interested in helping build a wordpress site for a LGBT teen support non-profit? I can do it myself, but thought you might like to make it a team effort. They are Australian, but with the web dev, OS contacts are awesome.

11 years ago

Louis and I celebrated six years since I first called him husband, last night. The celebration consisted of wearing our fanciest silk velvet dressing gowns all day (his purple, mine crimson), eating toast and honey in front of the fire, and lots of … cuddling. Yes, I’ll call it cuddling for now. Happened more than three times, too. 😉



Keep on going ya’ll!!!!! 6X6 at least!

11 years ago

That’ll be easy, we have forever! 🙂

11 years ago

That’ll be easy, we have forever!

Forever can be a really good thing.

11 years ago

It certainly will be for us! The glimpses I get of it now are something special.

11 years ago

I think my favorite respect story involves a former boss, whom no one respected because he was a credit/idea stealing, sexist, racist, uber-Mormon jagoff who wouldn’t know what work was if it bit him. He had a complete meltdown during one meeting and basically said, “You WILL respect me.” No, dude, we will humor your sorry ass until you’re shown the door, which happened not long after this hissyfit.

11 years ago

It certainly will be for us! The glimpses I get of it now are something special.

You are SOOO sex high !! LOL!! Good for you …I

11 years ago

I think my favorite respect story involves a former boss, whom no one respected because he was a credit/idea stealing, sexist, racist, uber-Mormon jagoff who wouldn’t know what work was if it bit him. He had a complete meltdown during one meeting and basically said, “You WILL respect me.” No, dude, we will humor your sorry ass until you’re shown the door, which happened not long after this hissyfit.

I bet he is MRA now..

11 years ago

Nah, he somehow lucked his way into a very cool job with a major company that apparently doesn’t check references.

11 years ago

One time I was out hiking-while-female with some friends, and I really had to pee so I went in the bushes.

I suppose by confessing this I am causing you all to lose any respect you had for me, as well as opening myself up to physical abuse from all and sundry. It’s only fair.

11 years ago

@hellkell, What is up with those total incompetents who somehow keep getting better jobs?

Ally S
11 years ago

One could easily turn their own reasoning against them: the most dangerous, abusive people I’ve met are men, so I shouldn’t respect men in general as human beings.

Of course, that reasoning is completely morally bankrupt, but any kind of reasoning is valid so long as it can be used to support misogyny, right AVFM?


Also OT: Ally S, are you interested in helping build a wordpress site for a LGBT teen support non-profit? I can do it myself, but thought you might like to make it a team effort. They are Australian, but with the web dev, OS contacts are awesome.

Thanks for the offer, but I’ll have to decline. I would love to work on the project, but I know very little WordPress, and I’m not in the right state of mind for a project of that magnitude. I’m sorry. Maybe if I waited a little while I could reconsider, but I don’t want the other people to wait for me until I feel like I’m ready – I mean, they have deadlines after all.

11 years ago

“If a boy does not respect women, could it be the ones he knows act like this?”

This is basically a “your mother” joke. :/