If you live in New York state, you may have seen the poster above plastered on a bus shelter; or you may have seen it posted somewhere on the internet. The message is pretty simple, and it’s sad that it has to be said: kids are pretty impressionable, so teach your sons to treat women with basic respect.
The purpose of the ad campaign, sponsored by the New York state Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, is pretty clear as well: teaching boys respect for women lessens the chances that they will abuse women as adults.
Numerous studies have found that men with sexist attitudes towards women are more likely to try to control their wives or girlfriends with physical abuse. Indeed, one recent study even found that brief exposure to sexist jokes made men more inclined to brush off violence against women, at least amongst men with sexist attitudes to begin with.
Speaking of which, the sexist jokes over at A Voice for Men have unveiled a hilarious new “meme,” which just happens to be inspired by the “awaiting instructions” PSAs we’ve been discussing. And here it is:

The logic here is airtight: because some women get drunk and urinate in public, women don’t deserve respect.
I guess men never get drunk and urinate in public, or ever do anything vaguely embarrassing that gets caught on camera?
Is it really asking too much to respect people as people, foibles and all?
To clarify: you aren’t really saying anything about the links you’re posting. You’re just link dumping. It’s annoying.
which ones of those links probaby won’t give my computer a gazillion viruses and is probably from a reputable source? I want to exercise my thinking skills and see if these links even say what travis thinks they say
also, guys, fade dragged me into the troll thread. I blame fade.
Sorry 4 and 1 same this just with some bits deleted
But go ahead and look at them non will give you viruses they are all 100% legit. Read on I know their nice grammar will be a nice break from how I type so go read and learn.
I looked at the first link…
17,359 victims of VAP were recorded, 3,172 (18.3%) male and 14,187 (81.7%) female 15,472 suspects/offenders were identified, 12,869 (83.2%) male and 2,603 (16.8%) female
That’s not anywhere near equal. Not even a little. Now I’m trying to figure out what Travis is trying to prove…
I think he’s taking it for granted that we WON’T click the links and read, and realize immediately that he’s full of shit.
Wrong again, Travis!
i’m reading link five and i can’t find anything about domestic violence on it? I mean, they’re talking about regular violence… they’re not the same thing?
what is this supposed to say? Did i click the wrong link? Or did travis mess up?
No, I don’t think you understand.
Why are you linking to those links? What do you hope they prove? It looks like you just barfed links everywhere.
In fact, fromafar, just demonstrated that zie* doesn’t know what you’re trying to prove with the links, and also, that you may not have even read your links very carefully, because they don’t say what we think you think they say, but we can’t know what you think they say because, good god, you link dumped with out context.
*sorry, fromafar, I don’t know your pronouns 🙁 What are they?
It’s funny how often MRAs do that, provide links that don’t say what the people dropping them think they say.
nvm on the last page i got to some domestic violence info
lets see if this says what travis thinks it says
Hahaha you guys are fucking hysterical I can’t even just whatever. Just pretend I was some misogynist troll and go on living your life. I really don’t care
travis are you talking about partner violence (in a hetero couple this would look like girlfriend hurts boyfriend, husband hurts wife, w/e) or any kind of family violence?
@ Marie
‘She’ and ‘her’ etc are fine. Thank you for asking 😉
That’s okay guys, I, like travis, have some links to drop here.
Wow you are so edgy and original I am so impressed enlighten us more about our hystericalness, O Boring One.
how is us reading the links you sent us hysterical?
I mean i made a mistake by commenting on the majority of the document (not about domestic violence) and then addenduming or w/e that there was a last page about it?
i don’t think that’s hysterical…
and fromafar just… read your link
Is it like wrong to read the citation you provide in an attempt to prove yourself right? it’s not her fault that the study didn’t say what you thought it said.
Troll to engilish translation?: Women are hysterical* because I’m too lazy to make sure these links say what I think they say.
*Not that everyone here is a woman, but 1) trolls tend to assume so and 2) hysterical is often used against women, soo…
You know, Travis, in this case the whole “trolling or just stupid?” question isn’t really working out in your favor if you’re not actually trolling.
So if you’re not a misogynist troll, genius, why are you here whining about an anti-violence campaign and spewing out standard MRA bullshit? You do realise that coming into a feminist space, one that specifically mocks misogyny (look up at the header, it’s right there), complaining about that and agreeing with the misogynists says very clearly that you’re one of them, don’t you?
Or maybe you really are that much of a numbfuck that you don’t get it. How old are you, fifteen?
The answer to “trolling or just stupid” in Travis’s case is “both”.
He’s coming across like a kid whining Don’t tell me what to do! You’re not the boss of me!
Seriously, even the one that is linking to a table that looks like roughly even gender distribution of domestic violence had this to say in the section discussing the data in the table.
“Females report more serious violence than males
Similar to previous GSS victimization cycles, females continued to report more serious forms of spousal violence than males. For example, in 2009, females who reported spousal violence were about three times more likely than males (34% versus 10% 3 ) to report that they had been sexually assaulted, beaten, choked or threatened with a gun or a knife by their partner or ex-partner in the previous 5 years (Chart 1.2).
Overall, the proportion of victims who reported the most severe form of spousal violence has remained stable since 2004. In 2009, 22% of spousal violence victims stated that they had been sexually assaulted, beaten, choked, or threatened with a gun or a knife, a proportion that did not differ significantly from 2004 (29%) (Table 1.5).”
So, now I really just hope you reconsider your position, Travis, as even the links you posted seem to indicate the need.
That was some awesome troll smackdown. Just awesome.
i’ve never done a math thing breakdown, so i don’t know if this is the right way to do it. but still, with my meager skills, here we go (off of link 5, which is comparing homocide in england and wales)
total homicides in england and wales thru 2000-2011 added each year and averaged them (I didnt wanna work with only one year in case it was abnormally high or low)
male victims: 5530/11 = 503 rounded
male victims acquainted w/ suspect: 2643/11 = 240 rounded
2643/5530 = approximately 48 percent of male victims of homicide were murdered by someone they know
female victims: 2559/11 = 233 rounded
female victims acquainted w/ suspect: 1778/11 = 162 rounded
1778/2559 = approxamitely 69 percent of female victims of homocide were murdered by someone they knew.
total: 8089/11 = 735 rounded
total victims aquainted w/ suspect: 4421/11 = 402
4421/8089 = approxamatily 55 percent of homicide victims were murdered by someone they knew.
So, we can see that women are murdered more often by people they know than men (Idk whether you count domestic violence as “by people you know’ or “intimate partner violence”? I’m going with the total victims where the suspect was an acquaintance.
this does not prove what you (travis) think it does. (that men and women experience domestic violence in equally. unless he’s going to ignore the percentages. More men killed = technically more men killed by someone they know. But it’s not really porporitonally the same as women. Some other misogynists would argue more men dying = misandry ignoring that the attacker is in most cases a man. but that’s not what travis is arguing).
maybe if i’m still bored later i’ll do an intimate violence breakdown, just with the numbers from partners or ex partners. tho just glancing over the numbers, women were victims of homicide by partner more (In the NUMBERS, ignoring that men account for more of the murder victims. This would suggest that women experience partner/ex partner violence even more disproportionately.
also, i know travis already flounced, but i was already halfway complete with that, and so not going to do it again if he comes back. better to get it all posted now!