So the nice gentlemen over on MGTOWforums are trying to get to the bottom of what they see as a very important question: Why Can’t They Ever Shut Up?
Unfortunately, they’re not asking this question about their fellow Men Going Their Own Way and their tendency to blather on and on about the manifold evils of women. No, they’re talking about women and their alleged inability to shut up. And they have some, well, interesting theories to share.
NonNegotiable offers these highly scientific thoughts:
I have a hypothesis that women possess a gland that produces mindless chatter, like the liver produces bile, and if they don’t constantly vent it, it builds up in their system & becomes toxic. The healthy venting of toxic chatter facilitated the invention of cell-phones & texting, allowing women to mindlessly chatter over great distances.
While men appreciate solitude, he explains, women can’t stand it:
In solitude & silence, most men can introspect and, should they come up against his own mortality & the ultimate futility of existence, can conclude, “I will rage against the dying of the light!”
In the same situation, women will be overcome with terror; they literally cannot be alone with their thoughts & will do whatever it takes to distract themselves from thinking about tomorrow, let alone their own mortality.
I should note that, despite the widespread belief that women talk a lot more than men, men and women actually are pretty much equal when it comes to the gift of the gab. The widely cited “fact” that men utter 7,000 words a day while women spout 20,000 seems to be nothing more than an urban myth; several meta-analyses of the actual studies out there suggest that men and women talk about the same amount.
But don’t tell the MGTOWers, because the inherent greater blabbiness of women is a subject they love, love, love to blab about. Here’s Octavian with his own extremely long-winded explanation for this thing that isn’t true:
Us men being men, we can’t think of an existence without some degree of tranquility.
Unfortunately, evolution has denied the understanding of that concept to women. Let us go back to why we men value solitude.It is because we can contemplate higher degrees of thought in that state.Thoughts on cosmic matters, justice,the state of our own lives, the lives of others, or the universe as a whole, can all she evaluated and discussed internally without a single word needing to be spoken.
But apparently thoughts on why women are awful need to be shared publicly, at great length.
Now, lets take a field trip into the mind of a female.Don your protective suits, because even though we’ll keep the trip short your mind might hurt from the experience.
To contemplate what goes on in the head of a woman, the image of an interstellar singularity comes to mind.A woman is biologically unable to comprehend the very thoughts we men prize and , innately ,take for granted.Contemplate a human intellect denied the ability to think, and you have the nature of a woman cornered.She cannot understand justice, she cannot grasp lives outside of her own, and she is unable to identify with any being besides herself.She can think, she can reason, but has no idea what to reason about.
Er, citation needed? Or, rather, ALL THE CITATIONS.
Her mind is therefore a black hole of consumption, materialism, and selfishness. If a woman thinks to herself for long, it’s like a computer trapped in a loop-she doesn’t know why things aren’t right, but she knows mentally what’s happening upstairs isn’t good.Add in this innate emptiness with the general fickle nature of women, and you have a brain incapable of positive reflection when left alone.
Unlike you guys, who obviously think only noble and uplifting and profound thoughts while you are sitting alone at home with your computer, and don’t just sit and stew about how much you hate the ladies.
That’s why us men are so critical for a woman’s mental health-without our centered mental natures, shes like an aircraft with no instruments flying through a thunderstorm, unaware of the mountain looming unseen in the gloom.
Yeah, the men of MGTOWforums are pretty much the epitome of “centered.”
So she has to talk.About SOMETHING .Or shell have to face her own empty nature without the means to understand it.It’s why those surveys say the biggest fear of a woman isn’t death, destitution, or poor health-it is being alone which frightens the female most.
Want to make a woman fall for you?It’s easy.Just distract her from herself as long as you can.The situation is so bleak women would rather be beaten to a pulp by a violent man then face being alone even briefly.
That’s right. He honestly believes that women sign up for domestic violence just so they can have someone to talk to between beatings.
Strong_hand, who presumably spends a lot of time alone with his hand, has a slightly different theory: It’s all a long con.
Women can’t do SHIT on their own. They need men to do things for them so they can indulge in consumption, materialism and selfishness.
Just as babies have only one power, crying, women have only one power: talking. You can count pussy/SMV as another power but it’s available to them for only about 20 years max. They talk to get INFORMATION that they can use to manipulate men to get them to do the things noted above.
Ask yourself, can they do anything EXCEPT talk someone into doing real work for them? Regardless of how well she can clean the house, at the end of the day, some MEN built the house and MEN do all of the real maintenance on it. Even with the massive technological advancements, most of the real work that enables modern society to function is done by men.
This is why they hate “the silent treatment.” It deprives them of the only power they have: to interrogate, probe, trade information and push buttons until they get every last bit of information they want & need.
They will NEVER shut up. This would be giving up the only power they have. Why should they bother to think, anyway, when they can talk men into doing all the hard work of thinking and acting on that thinking?
Do men like this actually believe this crap? Women are half the workforce. How exactly does someone go about their life or their career in contemporary America without seeing ample evidence, on a daily basis, of women working as hard as men? Does he live in some weird boys-only STEM clubhouse?
CaniGhost, meanwhile, thinks that women are just copying men, without really understanding what talking is for:
We know that women largely emulate men (they mirror you to get you into a relationship). Women may watch – from a young age – men talking and enjoying the talk between one another. Two grown men. But unknown to her, the men enjoy the chat because they are exchanging ideas and value. To the girl, she sees just chatter. She grows up emulating that, believing that men like chatter.
Because women lack an ability to contribute or do actual work, all chatter for them is without value or weight. All chatter is equal chatter in their mind.
Thus they chat to (in their mind) because men enjoy it.
Well, you have to give him points for creativity.
I would say more, but as a man I am naturally laconic.
Well, in this case I’m actually just dumbfounded.
Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing, kittehserf. Hence all the fundies with degrees in engineering believing the Earth is 6000 years old, which would require most of physics to be wrong.
I also don’t think though that lack of academic education automatically means very low emotional intelligence or lack of common sense . A.K.A stupid .
Stupid is stupid, dumb is dumb .Doesn’t matter where you’re from .
Men are supposed to be ‘logical” as a rule just by nature hard wiring as opposed to women are “emotional” . I never believed that stereotype and thanks to the MRA now we have lots of ongoing proof .(in writing)
I was thinking basically the same thing. All he’s describing here is navel-gazing, with no outside contributions to confirm or challenge or build on your ideas. To get that, you’d have to talk, which is apparently too womanly. Better to just keep your man-thoughts pure by not exposing them to critique.
I doubt the woman would be able to get a word in edgewise, anyway. But I’d almost be willing to sit through a rant like this IRL, just for the irony.
I never forget this argument I got in with a guy who insisted than men need alone time (man cave) for different reasons than a woman might .(of course since men and women are all in their own genders gender box) . It was also more “vital” for a man .More important .More of a “man need.”
Round and round and round we went . He could never exactly explain how or why . With each assertion I challenged it was a “you just can’t understand because you aren’t a man.”
Just like women can’t understand what its like to be a horny man because horniness is different for women .
I think finally it was back to “men are from mars women are from venus” As the answer. OH..THAT SPLAINS IT! CLEAR as SWAMP WATER!
“But cognitive dissonance is part of their thing. It would take them 30 seconds to realise women do not rule the world, if they did/control it from the shadows, why is congress mostly rich white men and anti women laws so easily passed?”
At least one of them claimed this was women manipulating those men into doing things that would prove we still need feminism, in some weird self-perpetuating loop.
And plants of them think that women control their husbands, so all those married rich white men are actually doing what their wives want.
*and plenty
Also, women make up half the population, so if having a bunch of men in charge doesn’t sit well with them, why do they vote for them?! See, women are totally okay with having those men in power!!1!!!111!!!!
Hmm….must be the congressmen’s wife’s running the show behind the curtain!
I know, right?! Comment sections (especially on YouTube) are where your faith in humanity goes to die…
It seems egocentric to act as if any article bringing up the abuse of women must also talk about men being abused, as if it is equal (it’s not). Maybe it’s because I’m actually self-aware – but you can’t claim something is equally bad on gut-feeling alone. There’re organizations who actually go out of their way to research such things and seeing it be dismissed, simply due to one’s willful ignorance, is enraging.
That’s the thing, though: despite all their talk of “logic” and “reason” and “objectivity” – they’re easily one of the most anti-intellectual people you can come across (doesn’t help many of them also identify as being Libertarians, who’re equally disingenuous about it). They’re skeptical of any research that doesn’t fit neatly into their incredibly distorted world view and usually exercise a lot of armchair rumination. That is, endless conjecture and hearsay with little to no (usually the latter) observable data used. Which is funny given how some of the comments are accusing the article of being the same – even if it is obvious the person who wrote it did their research. She explicitly points out several studies that back up her claim. But, instead, all we get is nonsensical bullshit like this:
“I would like to point out that this article has no real facts and based on opinions by the reporter. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala all have native American ancestors in them, thus these nations has always been troubled with wars, genocide by the U.S and government corruption (By the U.S again) ( remember the Coup d’état of a Honduran president? Anyways this article is misrepresenting the true problems of those nations, which are drugs trafficking, human trafficking and child labor. Male and female murders are about the same in these nations, there is no WAY a femicide ideology in these nations. DAILY NEWS SHOULD RETHINK THIS ARTICLE.”
God-fucking-dammit. This is as bad as the time someone claimed that female circumcision was a myth. A person who, by the way, never went to Africa but still made that claim with certainty. Again – reading this stuff is a great way to lose faith in humanity…
WAIT!! We are getting side tracked here we need to get to basics.
Women rule “the world ” (at least in civilized/developed countries) because they “control the vagina supply” . Women rule the world (a.k.a men’s boners ) because she can say NO. ENNNNNN O! NO! Women can CHOOSE to have sex or not and if she is forced call 9-1-1 and appropriately accuse him of rape. (yes even if he is married to her)
Women can use BC . Have sex with whom she wants . And get an abortion without the man’s permission . Women can refuse marriage proposals.
You control the “vagina supply” you rule the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is where the problem started . It was in the 80’s 2nd wave feminism. They make it sound like “dancing” but its …the vagina supply .
@Shadow – thank you so much for the videos you posted!!! I’d never heard of this guy. When I saw that the first one was over 14 minutes, I thought “Ugh. Okay, I’ll just watch for half-a-minute or so, and when it gets boring, I’ll stop it. Then, it suddenly ended, and I’d been glued to it the whole time! 🙂
To everyone – completely OT, and I’m not shilling for this or anything, just saw it mentioned on Woot as being on sale today – http://shirt.thatdailydeal.com/home.php?id=36218
I wonder if this badmindedness is related to the preference some dudebros express for male vocalists. That is, I have read that many such men don’t care to hear women singing. This may be more of a rock thing – it’s hard for me to imagine a jazz fan saying this.
Maybe they have mother issues? “I could never tell Mom to shut up, but by Grud I can tell YOU. Wait, where are you going? I wasn’t done telling you that you talk too much!”
lana, vaiyt – I obviously didn’t make myself clear. I know education doesn’t equal lack of cognitive dissonance, and lack of higher education doesn’t equal lack of emotional intelligence. I don’t have any tertiary qualifications, y’know, and didn’t even do the final year of high school, so I can’t lay claim even to proper secondary qualifications.
My point is that these douchecanoes don’t just demonstrate cognitive dissonance and emotional stupidity – they don’t show any grasp of anything. History? Fucking ignorant. Biology? Laughably so. Maths? Don’t even ask, Argenti will explode. There’s no way any of these chucklefucks is in a high-end profession. They’re like Dr General Admiral Lord High Executioner Pell, with his degrees in everything, all of which come from the University of HisAss.
And we all have to watch our language about work. Many years ago my mother learned a hard lesson. She was doing stuff in the kitchen and little grandson wanted her to do something with him. She told him he’d have to wait a bit while she finished the work she needed to do.
“Work?” the not quite 4 year old sneered, “That’s not work, that’s busy.”
From. then. on. she made sure that she never described herself or anyone else doing work inside the house as being “busy”. Work is work.
We know that MRAS and MGTOWS largely emulate feminists (they mirror you to try to gain respect). They may watch – from a young age – feminists talking and enjoying the talk between one another. Two grown feminists. Maybe even showing great emotion as they chat. But unknown to the MRA and the MGTOW, the feminists enjoy the chat because they are exchanging ideas and value, and show emotion because they discuss many real problems and hardships they face. To the MRA and the MGTOW, he sees just chatter, and whining. He grows up emulating that, believing that feminists just chatter and whine.
Because MRAS and MGTOWS (especially MGTOWS) lack an ability to contribute or do actual work, all chatter and whining for them is without value or weight. But all chatter is not equal chatter in their mind, as their own chatter is seen as the more productive chatter merely because they are men, and also intellectual children (manchildren, if you will).
Thus they chat and whine (in their mind) because feminists do.
I fixed it.
baileyrenee – WIN!
The funny thing is that the MRM actually does try to imitate feminism, but they shoot themselves in the foot by being unwilling or unable to form relationships. They can’t get anything done partly because they don’t know how to cooperate, the best approximation they can manage is shutting up for a few minutes so the other guy can talk, and some of them can’t even manage that.
I knew that’s what you meant Kitteh dawling ..I just had to clarify for you …(((SMILE))))
They really do CassandraSays. I don’t even know if what I wrote should be called sarcasm, because it makes so much sense.
Well, this is just a big ol’ stinking like if wrong.
And these guys, besides being completely misogynistic and willfully ignorant and wrong, are just plain lazy. I mean, if your whole “hypothesis” is that women are incapable of thought, that can be pretty easily disproven. I mean, on Google you can find big lists of women doing blank thing that requires actual deep thought processes. Women scientists. Women writers. Women mathematitians. Women artists. Etc. Or, y’know, just walk out your front door and interact with real, actual women.
Octavian does not appear to understand what a singularity is:
Well, this actually a relief. I always thought the housework I did was work essential to the day-to-day upkeep of house and family. I had no idea it wasn’t unnecessary “fake” work. I think, then, I’m just to give up the pretense completely and neve wash another dish, sweep another floor, cook another meal or wash another load of laundry. Nope, just going to let those things like up and lay on the couch eating bon-bons and watching talk shows.
“Like if” =”pile of”
“I had no idea it wasn’t unnecessary ‘fake’ work”=”I had no idea it was unnecessary ‘fake’ work.”
Tonight, apparently, I can not type.
This all reads like a David Sim rant, now that I think about it.
Oh wait that can’t be right because I thought it, and women don’t have thoughts.
Just got out of 10 hours of unbroken social interaction and kept thinking of this post.