are these guys 12 years old? citation needed domestic violence empathy deficit evil women grandiosity mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men that's completely wrong women's jobs aren't real

Men Going Their Own Way blather endlessly about how women won’t shut up

Sorry, gals! You'll never be as blabby as Men Going Their Own Way
Sorry, gals! You’ll never be as blabby as Men Going Their Own Way

So the nice gentlemen over on MGTOWforums are trying to get to the bottom of what they see as a very important question: Why Can’t They Ever Shut Up?  

Unfortunately, they’re not asking this question about their fellow Men Going Their Own Way and their tendency to blather on and on about the manifold evils of women. No, they’re talking about women and their alleged inability to shut up. And they have some, well, interesting theories to share.

NonNegotiable offers these highly scientific thoughts:

I have a hypothesis that women possess a gland that produces mindless chatter, like the liver produces bile, and if they don’t constantly vent it, it builds up in their system & becomes toxic. The healthy venting of toxic chatter facilitated the invention of cell-phones & texting, allowing women to mindlessly chatter over great distances.

While men appreciate solitude, he explains, women can’t stand it:

In solitude & silence, most men can introspect and, should they come up against his own mortality & the ultimate futility of existence, can conclude, “I will rage against the dying of the light!”

In the same situation, women will be overcome with terror; they literally cannot be alone with their thoughts & will do whatever it takes to distract themselves from thinking about tomorrow, let alone their own mortality.

I should note that, despite the widespread belief that women talk a lot more than men, men and women actually are pretty much equal when it comes to the gift of the gab. The widely cited “fact” that men utter 7,000 words a day while women spout 20,000 seems to be nothing more than an urban myth; several meta-analyses of the actual studies out there suggest that men and women talk about the same amount.

But don’t tell the MGTOWers, because the inherent greater blabbiness of women is a subject they love, love, love to blab about. Here’s Octavian with his own extremely long-winded explanation for this thing that isn’t true:

Us men being men, we can’t think of an existence without some degree of tranquility.

Unfortunately, evolution has denied the understanding of that concept to women. Let us go back to why we men value solitude.It is because we can contemplate higher degrees of thought in that state.Thoughts on cosmic matters, justice,the state of our own lives, the lives of others, or the universe as a whole, can all she evaluated and discussed internally without a single word needing to be spoken.

But apparently thoughts on why women are awful need to be shared publicly, at great length.

Now, lets take a field trip into the mind of a female.Don your protective suits, because even though we’ll keep the trip short your mind might hurt from the experience.

To contemplate what goes on in the head of a woman, the image of an interstellar singularity comes to mind.A woman is biologically unable to comprehend the very thoughts we men prize and , innately ,take for granted.Contemplate a human intellect denied the ability to think, and you have the nature of a woman cornered.She cannot understand justice, she cannot grasp lives outside of her own, and she is unable to identify with any being besides herself.She can think, she can reason, but has no idea what to reason about.

Er, citation needed? Or, rather, ALL THE CITATIONS.

Her mind is therefore a black hole of consumption, materialism, and selfishness. If a woman thinks to herself for long, it’s like a computer trapped in a loop-she doesn’t know why things aren’t right, but she knows mentally what’s happening upstairs isn’t good.Add in this innate emptiness with the general fickle nature of women, and you have a brain incapable of positive reflection when left alone.

Unlike you guys, who obviously think only noble and uplifting  and profound thoughts while you are sitting alone at home with your computer, and don’t just sit and stew about how much you hate the ladies.

That’s why us men are so critical for a woman’s mental health-without our centered mental natures, shes like an aircraft with no instruments flying through a thunderstorm, unaware of the mountain looming unseen in the gloom.

Yeah, the men of MGTOWforums are pretty much the epitome of “centered.”

So she has to talk.About SOMETHING .Or shell have to face her own empty nature without the means to understand it.It’s why those surveys say the biggest fear of a woman isn’t death, destitution, or poor health-it is being alone which frightens the female most.

Want to make a woman fall for you?It’s easy.Just distract her from herself as long as you can.The situation is so bleak women would rather be beaten to a pulp by a violent man then face being alone even briefly.

That’s right. He honestly believes that women sign up for domestic violence just so they can have someone to talk to between beatings.

Strong_hand, who presumably spends a lot of time alone with his hand, has a slightly different theory: It’s all a long con.

Women can’t do SHIT on their own. They need men to do things for them so they can indulge in consumption, materialism and selfishness.

Just as babies have only one power, crying, women have only one power: talking. You can count pussy/SMV as another power but it’s available to them for only about 20 years max. They talk to get INFORMATION that they can use to manipulate men to get them to do the things noted above.

Ask yourself, can they do anything EXCEPT talk someone into doing real work for them? Regardless of how well she can clean the house, at the end of the day, some MEN built the house and MEN do all of the real maintenance on it. Even with the massive technological advancements, most of the real work that enables modern society to function is done by men.

This is why they hate “the silent treatment.” It deprives them of the only power they have: to interrogate, probe, trade information and push buttons until they get every last bit of information they want & need.

They will NEVER shut up. This would be giving up the only power they have. Why should they bother to think, anyway, when they can talk men into doing all the hard work of thinking and acting on that thinking?

Do men like this actually believe this crap? Women are half the workforce. How exactly does someone go about their life or their career in contemporary America without seeing ample evidence, on a daily basis, of women working as hard as men? Does he live in some weird boys-only STEM clubhouse?

CaniGhost, meanwhile, thinks that women are just copying men, without really understanding what talking is for:

We know that women largely emulate men (they mirror you to get you into a relationship). Women may watch – from a young age – men talking and enjoying the talk between one another. Two grown men. But unknown to her, the men enjoy the chat because they are exchanging ideas and value. To the girl, she sees just chatter. She grows up emulating that, believing that men like chatter.

Because women lack an ability to contribute or do actual work, all chatter for them is without value or weight. All chatter is equal chatter in their mind.

Thus they chat to (in their mind) because men enjoy it.

Well, you have to give him points for creativity.

I would say more, but as a man I am naturally laconic.

Well, in this case I’m actually just dumbfounded.

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11 years ago

This reminds me of all dem studies and statistics about representation and stuff like that… Specifically, the ones that are excellent indicators of how stereotypes and media representation affect how we interpret reality. Case in point, girls/women are often perceived as talking more than the males in the same group if they get to be voiced around equally or even less than the dudes. Same goes for number of women vs number of men in groups – a lot of people give rough estimates of ratios being half-and-half when there are less women, but say there are more women if their numbers are 50/50.

I guess what I’m going at is that it doesn’t matter if in reality women talk as much as men, or in certain scenarios less. Unless one is actively aware of this effect, they most likely believe that women talk more and can back this up with “experience”.

11 years ago

@ Vaiyt I suspect it’s like the noise the fridge makes: you get so used it, you only occasionally notice it. Except with the MGTOW’s you think “Are they still here? Shouldn’t they have gone by now?”

11 years ago

@Brooked: I know, right. That’s the thing I always find so hilarious with the MGTOW/PUA/MRA nonsense about ‘men are better at introspection.’ Like, all evidence to the contrary.

Well, solitude is a great time to delude yourself, so…

11 years ago

“That’s why us men are so critical for a woman’s mental health.”

Wahahahahahahaaaaaaaa pissing myself. This is so so so so so so so so so so so so so dumb. (yes, that many so’s were needed to convey my baffledtitude.).

Clearly this is all nonsense. HOWEVER. I did read something interesting and actually scientific about this once, which basically stated that talking, especially about relationships and emotions made women feel safe (lowered stress hormone in their blood), whereas it made men feel UNsafe (heightened stress hormone in their blood.) So there’s that.

11 years ago

There was a study a while back (Spender 1979) that showed that when women constitute 30% of the speakers, men feel like they are dominating the conversation and threatening their ability to speak. I think this is pretty relevant to why these blabberfarts think that women talk more than men – because they perceive women talking at all to be too much.

11 years ago

I never got the ‘women talk more than men’ thing. Just go into any busy-ish pub in the evening and you’ll find dozens of men who have gone to the pub for the express purpose of talking to each other over a pint and some pool, darts, maybe the pub quiz. Most of the university clubs I’ve done stuff with are full of really sociable guys who talk to each other a lot. I’ve got male lecturers who just love to go off on long wordy tangents. A lot of the guys in my social circles are also into games like M:TG and role playing games which require a lot of talking to be enjoyable and are pretty much coded as ‘male’ activities. Everywhere I go, there are men exchanging non-essential, non-groundbreaking information because they like to. On the street, at university, at work, at the bus stop, on trains, at gigs, in the park, outside cafes, out running, are men, gabbing away about football and TV and their car’s MOT and their dogs and their new phones, or their kids or their trip away or how their new coat was a bargain or the weather or the news or the trains being late again or what they are having for tea and so on.

where the hell do these guys live, where men aren’t talking about well, just, stuff, with their friends?

11 years ago


One brain bleach coming up, because I’m homesick and I love this dude

11 years ago

Also, a much younger Meg & Amy

11 years ago


11 years ago

Awww I don’t want lions to be endangered 🙁

11 years ago

“That’s why us men are so critical for a woman’s mental health.”

Wait, is this gonna turn into another three hour lecture on how your sperm is liquid gold, and will fill us with Happy Feminine Energy™ so we can iron your shirts and get you sammies and quit our bitchin’? Because if it is, I’ve already heard it. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

11 years ago

Funnily enough I knew about the debunking of the women talk more urban myth. Which is why my first reaction was “ha! and you guys claim to love STEM!”…

PS I hate all the only men to REAL work crap, that’s only because it’s defined as real work = what men do and therefore a circle that’s “true” by definition. If we want to play gender stereotypes, Without the work of women raising the next generation you wouldn’t exist.

11 years ago

Delurking again to say that MRAs just use any feeble excuse to dehumanize women and we know that dehumanizing someone is the easiest way to justify doing bad things to them.

This reminds me of only women “b*tch” and moan and stab people in the back nonsense when guys do it just as much.

11 years ago

@samantha vimes:
biology is also a STEM field. people keep forgetting that because now that it’s relatively dominated by women, it’s lost its “edge” as a science. Rosalind Franklin was an important and outstanding biologist.

11 years ago

@ catgirl, I don’t think they’ve forgotten biology is a STEM field – hell, they go on and on about how men and women are really physically, biologically different and women are rubbish because of biology and biotruth this and biotruth that and animals do this and that so humans should too , most of their core beliefs stem from this stuff. I think they may just like to pretend that the women who have ‘invaded’ biological sciences are rubbish at it and ruining it, or only cleaning the labs, or ignore them altogether.

11 years ago

@Monster They see biology as a “soft” science and easy while maths, physics and chemistry are hard sciences that men do. Plus biology has animals and stuff so women like it because it is nurturing.

11 years ago

Thanks Shadow I needed that. 🙂

11 years ago

“I suspect they are actually less likely to be in STEM fields than the average man.
Any man in computers knows names like Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper.
Physics, chemistry or astrophysics? Marie Curie, Lisa Meitner, and there have been quite a few notable women astronomers.”

Not to mention all the women who did important work in the sciences but had to put a man’s name as head of research. Or the countless others who never got credited for their hard work.

“This reminds me of only women “b*tch” and moan and stab people in the back nonsense when guys do it just as much.”

When men stab each other in the back, it’s manly man competitive spirit. That’s how we ended up with all those psychopaths running our banks and oil companies, yanno.

11 years ago

@darksiren22 – yes, that too! The cognitive dissonance must be..painful. Soft sciences like biology and social sciences are not real science, and easy and full of lazy dull women – yet their entire worldview is based on biological and sociological ‘theory’ (flawed/misinterpreted/made up as it may be). No wonder they are angry and make such little sense.

11 years ago

@Vaiyt I wonder how many of them would claim the men did all the real work…….

Wait it is almost like they hold men to a different standard of behavior and moan when women want to be able to behave differently to just make me a sandwich crap. Colour me shocked. Not to mention women are encouraged to turn on each other.

11 years ago

@Monster But cognitive dissonance is part of their thing. It would take them 30 seconds to realise women do not rule the world, if they did/control it from the shadows, why is congress mostly rich white men and anti women laws so easily passed? But that would require thinking beyond their rage boners.

It is amazing that the “hard” sciences are male dominated and very maths based when women are seen as bad at maths and discouraged from going into them. I wonder they only see biology/other soft sciences as vaild when they use them/support their views as they are not associated with women.

11 years ago

@darksiren22 yes, it is the foundation of their ‘movements’. women are dumb and only follow, but also rule the world and run highly coordinated shadowy man-oppressing cabals. of course.

11 years ago

@Monster Yep. They would only be happy if women were their slaves to use/abuse and all the ways they oppress men (womens’ equal rights) were taken away.

One of the things that bothers me with all women are dumb yet rule the world while oppressing the men is women must be extremely clever to do all that but leaving no evidence. Me expecting them to make sense is too much

11 years ago

where the hell do these guys live, where men aren’t talking about well, just, stuff, with their friends?

Monster, I think you just answered your own question.

11 years ago

I very much doubt any of these morons is in a STEM field, or anything else that takes serious education and training. They’re too ignorant of everything: not in the way someone can know their field but not much outside it, but just everything. They can’t write and it doesn’t matter what the subject is, they get it wrong. I’d be surprised if any of them has a tertiary education. For that matter I’d be surprised if they did more than scrape through high school.

I know extreme bigotry can coexist with higher education and working in specialist areas, don’t get me wrong; but these guys don’t show any signs of knowing anything about anything except their rageboners.