are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking evil women imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA reddit self-congratulation shit that never happened

The Men’s Rights subreddit finds its Walter Mitty


Has the Men’s Rights subreddit found its Walter Mitty? Yesterday, a fellow by the name of Mrwhibbley won himself nearly 200 upvotes from the assembled Men’s Rightsers with a tale of terrible misandry at his local Panera Bread.

I am sitting at panera bread. I got here at 6am, when no one was here. After ordering, I took the only comfy chairs next to a nice fire place and started reading. Halfway through my meal two women came up and asked me to move because they wanted to sit where I was sitting.

Ok, but before you say that this didn’t happen, consider this: Only a few minutes ago a woman demanded my seat, and when I didn’t get up to give it to her she simply sat right on top of me. And by woman I mean cat.

I told them I would be done in about 10 minutes and they could have it them. The older woman (only about 35) said “a real man would be a gentleman and offer his seat to a lady”

That is exactly how those “older ladies” of 35 talk these days.

I replied politely that I understand her outdated view that feels women are weak and require special treatment, but that I believed that women are strong and independent and should be treated as equals.

That’s right. Mrwhibbley has installed a Reddit-comment-to-speech generator in his mouth, and can conveniently turn it on when he wants to recite a Men’s Rightsy talking point.

Immediately, another table about 10 feet from me filled with women (4 women over 70 years old) started chuckling. I initially assumed they were laughing at them women, but then one of them said “what ever happened to chivalry? In my day, a real man would have jumped up….and pulled out the chair for the lady. That man is an ass!”

Ah, yes, because all women, across all generations, are united in their goal of making men give up their nice comfy chairs by the fireplace at Panera Bread.

It was obvious that she said it loud enough for me to hear. I politely replied “In your day, you just got the right to vote, and were not treated as equals. Aren’t you glad you aren’t still in your day?”

Oh, snap!

Well, Mrwhibbley sure showed those old hens what’s for!

By the way, women in their 70s would have been born in the late 30s or early 40s.

Naturally. the assembled Men’s Rightsers applauded Mrwhibbley’s great heroism in standing up to the gynocracy.

But this isn’t the first time that MrWhibbley has had this sort of heroic confrontation with evil, privilege-demanding females, as one of the few skeptical Men’s Rightsers in the crowd pointed out. Only a month ago, he had a surprisingly similar showdown an an ice cream parlor with some teenage girls:

This is a rant. After a long day at work (6am until 3:30) without a break, I was tired and craving an ice cream. I walked in about a minute before a group of 6 girls about 16-18 years old. I ordered my ice cream and paid, and took it.

No misandric misandering so far.

while they ordered theirs, one of the girls commented loud enough for me to hear that a real man would have let a lady go first.

Oh no she didn’t!

Seriously. This didn’t happen.

I ignored them. Two other girls made other comments about my car and my clothes not being fashionable. Again I ignored them. A couple more goggles and comments under their breath that I didn’t hear. After 15 minutes I finished my ice cream and got up to leave. They said “bye loser!”

Imaginary teenage girls can be so cruel!

I decided the high road wasn’t working and said “You are not ladies, and you are to fat to be eating ice cream. Next time try a salad.” Felt good. They were insecure bullies in a pack and deserved to be spanked.

Naturally, the Men’s Rightsers congratulated him for his deft handling of these little misanderers.

So am I being too hasty in assuming that these little stories are fiction? I mean, strange encounters do happen.

Heck, a couple of months ago I was walking back from the grocery store at 1 or 2 AM (I keep odd hours) and a group of gay guys drove up in a convertible, stopped the car, and asked me what I was carrying in my bags. I awkwardly mumbled something about “a lot of different things.” This was apparently not witty enough for them. One of the guys repeated “a lot of different things” with a note of disappointment in his voice, and they drove off.

A few moments later, I realized I should have said “condoms and cat food — I’m having a party!” The first two parts of that would have even been true.

The difference between my story — which actually happened — and MrWhibbley’s — which almost certainly didn’t — is that mine is just a weird thing that happened, and which proves absolutely nothing.

The guys in the car had obviously just left one of the gay bars in the neighborhood and saw me with grocery bags, and must have thought this was sort of amusing given how late it was. So they decided to say something to me. This turned out to be more awkward than hilarious, as real life often is.

The story doesn’t reinforce any weird gay stereotypes — oh those gay guys, they’re always asking about groceries! — and doesn’t make me look like some sort of master wit with a perfect comeback, because I didn’t have one.

In MrWhibbley’s stories, by contrast, the women seem to have come straight from Men’s Rights Central Casting; they are misogynistic caricatures. And of course he always has the perfect comeback — or at least what passes for perfect on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Another day, another battle with imaginary evil women. That’s the Men’s Rights movement in a nutshell.

The AgainstMensRights folks have been all over this one.

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11 years ago

Also! Woman and man approach a set of door going into a mall. Man opens first set for the woman, then woman gets to the second set and holds the door for the man who is now coming up behind her. Emasculating misandry or no?

11 years ago

And what about those stupid revolving doors? What’s the etiquette for those? If a man gets caught in one of those with a woman does he die of fright, or possibly confusion?

11 years ago

ONE warning though! Don’t ever hold the door open when they are letting out a movie at the theatre. You can hold it only for a slip second then release just so it doesn’t ‘slam” in the persons face . One time I held the door after I was already out for someone and it never ended .A train of people just kept walking out . Seriously my husband and kids were already to the car before they realized I wasn’t with them .

11 years ago

This also makes me wonder what angry MRA dudes make of obviously gay men who do all the chivalry stuff, since they can’t apply their usual “man does X reluctantly so he can get sex” theory.

11 years ago

And what about those stupid revolving doors? What’s the etiquette for those? If a man gets caught in one of those with a woman does he die of fright, or possibly confusion?

With those its one of those “after you ” things to get in it .

What does a guy do though that gets trapped on an elevator with women and he is closest to the door ? Should he move to the back just not to piss them off that he gets out first ??

Dun dun dun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a scary frightening prospect for the poor guy I know.

11 years ago

Also! Woman and man approach a set of door going into a mall. Man opens first set for the woman, then woman gets to the second set and holds the door for the man who is now coming up behind her. Emasculating misandry or no?

No I call that mutual submission .

11 years ago

What if he’s really elderly and kind of frail? Am I still emasculating him?

In my example with the elderly man at the vet he gladly accepted my seat and was appreciative . I actually stood by him and eventually a seat came empty next to him and we had a nice talk about stuff.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh Robert, that’s the worst sort of misandry! You’re afraid of women so you’ll relay on one to protect you? The matriarchy truly has taken over!

11 years ago

Weird door-holding story:

I was 17 (still thinking I was cis male) and still in community college. After my globalization class ended, I happened to be walking in the same direction as my fellow female classmates were walking, and at each door I approached, two of the girls opened the door for me…10 feet before I approached each door. It was one of my most bizarre school experiences ever.

Yes that sound like the Twilight Zone. I heard the music as I read your post.

11 years ago

All these horror stories of glaring entitled women who want the man’s seat . What about all the rude men out there who will steal your parking space ? Yeah no lie I was waiting a respectable distance WITH my signal on to get a spot at the grocery that someone was vacating.. I had waited a couple minutes for them to load their car ….put the kids in.. put on their seat belt on blah blah .Other people had passed me obviously it was MY space .

Right as they were pulling out a “man’ in a truck pulled in as fast as he could and squealed into my spot .

I was furious ! When I got into the store I found him . He was making himself an “express salad.” I was there shopping for my whole family and had to go home and cook ..So I glared at him with evil eyes . I think I burned a hole through his back .

Another time I was waiting outside of Wal-mart to pick up my WIDOWED friend who worked there . And this “man” came up behind me . I was not blocking the flow he had plenty of room to go around me .He SQUEALED past me like road rage .Parked got out of his car .Walked up to my window and started calling me a “fucking BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

I rolled my window down and said YOU NEED HELP MAN! ” And he looked scared and weasled off.

11 years ago

So what’s the most misandric? A woman being mad at a man for not opening doors and giving up seats, or a woman being mad at a man for doing those things?

Answer: avoid women, MGTOW.

11 years ago

I love how he never says how the evilll femalesss reacted to his witty retort. Not a scoff. Not an evil glare. Not even an “oh my gosh Mrwhibbley you’re so right I’m so sorry let me kiss your feet”!

Guess he’s not that creative, because that’s usually a part of these kinds of stories that you’d most want to hear/tell.

11 years ago

I don’t get road rage when driving, but I sure did get mad a lot when I was walking.

It seemed like once or twice a week, I’d have to leap out of the way of some middle-aged woman driving an SUV while talking on the cell phone.

I have no problems with middle-aged women. I have no problem with women who drive SUVs. I have no problem with women with cell phones. But when you get the three going at the same time, WATCH OUT!

11 years ago

I think we’ve stablished at this point that MGTOW aren’t at all about avoiding women.

11 years ago

I think we’ve stablished at this point that MGTOW aren’t at all about avoiding women.

I am completely supportive of their going their own way and frustrated that they don’t just GO already.

It’s like having an adult child lay on the couch eating chips all day and refusing to get a job complaining about how The Man is getting them down and slave wages means one can be liberated and independent and all that while you’re like “Please, just go. Fly away. The nest is no longer yours. Just go.” And they refuse to take the hint, or even the loudly shouted plea.

11 years ago

Great, meowbies, now all I can picture is things playing out like in this comic:

Just Mrwhibbley going “witty retordt” over and over again.

11 years ago

I have no problems with middle-aged women. I have no problem with women who drive SUVs. I have no problem with women with cell phones. But when you get the three going at the same time, WATCH OUT!

Its menopause .

11 years ago

It’s like having an adult child lay on the couch eating chips all day and refusing to get a job complaining about how The Man is getting them down and slave wages means one can be liberated and independent and all that while you’re like “Please, just go. Fly away. The nest is no longer yours. Just go.” And they refuse to take the hint, or even the loudly shouted plea.

What about when they threaten to move out ? FINE I’ll just MOVE out then! (but usually they only say that when they are like 17 and they say I”LL move OUT the DAY I turn 18!) and you say O.K .

6 years later …………………….

Yeah MGTOW is a REAL threat .

11 years ago

I don’t understand the door thing. You at least hold the door open for anyone coming behind you, and if they need special help (carrying/pushing something, etc), you hold it all the way open. No matter the genders involved.

Hell, I worked in a building one summer that was undergoing major renovations (I think this lead to mold contaminated samples… samples that really shouldn’t have been hospitable to life) and I often ended up holding the door for workmen coming through with carts. I never got anything less than a thank you. (For reference, I am a petite 20-something woman.)

11 years ago

I think we’ve stablished at this point that MGTOW aren’t at all about avoiding women.

This one guy proudly identified himself as a “MGOW” .What that meant was he PRETENDED GOW was not a “plot” to attract women . He was “game.” So he goes to the gym to “work out ” thats his focus .Working out ! He has really big muscles and could care less about having a woman around .He’s “aloof” and would never “stoop” to asking a woman out because ‘sniff snort spit ‘ he can take it or leave it . In fact he has no interest whatsoever. He’s happier without a woman around .

And this results in women asking HIM out ! Which he ACCEPTS!

11 years ago

I think we’ve stablished at this point that MGTOW aren’t at all about avoiding women.

This is true, sadly.

11 years ago

The real question is how far back does a person need to be before you shouldn’t hold the door open for them* (because it makes them hurry)? That is the etiquette question of the day!

*Assuming they don’t need actual help opening the doors, in which case you should probably stay to help them anyway.

11 years ago

Hell, I worked in a building one summer that was undergoing major renovations (I think this lead to mold contaminated samples… samples that really shouldn’t have been hospitable to life) and I often ended up holding the door for workmen coming through with carts. I never got anything less than a thank you. (For reference, I am a petite 20-something woman.)

You assisted the big strong man and they didn’t run to the MRA and say MISANDRY humongous obese LESBIANS have emasculated masculinity and now Im a unich! ???

11 years ago

The real question is how far back does a person need to be before you shouldn’t hold the door open for them* (because it makes them hurry)? That is the etiquette question of the day!

About 8 to 10 steps I would think .

11 years ago

I’m bad for holding the door open when someone is pretty far away, and standing there with it open for like a full minute. I would feel bad if they just missed me and right as they came up the door closed. I’m super awkward in public.