are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking evil women imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA reddit self-congratulation shit that never happened

The Men’s Rights subreddit finds its Walter Mitty


Has the Men’s Rights subreddit found its Walter Mitty? Yesterday, a fellow by the name of Mrwhibbley won himself nearly 200 upvotes from the assembled Men’s Rightsers with a tale of terrible misandry at his local Panera Bread.

I am sitting at panera bread. I got here at 6am, when no one was here. After ordering, I took the only comfy chairs next to a nice fire place and started reading. Halfway through my meal two women came up and asked me to move because they wanted to sit where I was sitting.

Ok, but before you say that this didn’t happen, consider this: Only a few minutes ago a woman demanded my seat, and when I didn’t get up to give it to her she simply sat right on top of me. And by woman I mean cat.

I told them I would be done in about 10 minutes and they could have it them. The older woman (only about 35) said “a real man would be a gentleman and offer his seat to a lady”

That is exactly how those “older ladies” of 35 talk these days.

I replied politely that I understand her outdated view that feels women are weak and require special treatment, but that I believed that women are strong and independent and should be treated as equals.

That’s right. Mrwhibbley has installed a Reddit-comment-to-speech generator in his mouth, and can conveniently turn it on when he wants to recite a Men’s Rightsy talking point.

Immediately, another table about 10 feet from me filled with women (4 women over 70 years old) started chuckling. I initially assumed they were laughing at them women, but then one of them said “what ever happened to chivalry? In my day, a real man would have jumped up….and pulled out the chair for the lady. That man is an ass!”

Ah, yes, because all women, across all generations, are united in their goal of making men give up their nice comfy chairs by the fireplace at Panera Bread.

It was obvious that she said it loud enough for me to hear. I politely replied “In your day, you just got the right to vote, and were not treated as equals. Aren’t you glad you aren’t still in your day?”

Oh, snap!

Well, Mrwhibbley sure showed those old hens what’s for!

By the way, women in their 70s would have been born in the late 30s or early 40s.

Naturally. the assembled Men’s Rightsers applauded Mrwhibbley’s great heroism in standing up to the gynocracy.

But this isn’t the first time that MrWhibbley has had this sort of heroic confrontation with evil, privilege-demanding females, as one of the few skeptical Men’s Rightsers in the crowd pointed out. Only a month ago, he had a surprisingly similar showdown an an ice cream parlor with some teenage girls:

This is a rant. After a long day at work (6am until 3:30) without a break, I was tired and craving an ice cream. I walked in about a minute before a group of 6 girls about 16-18 years old. I ordered my ice cream and paid, and took it.

No misandric misandering so far.

while they ordered theirs, one of the girls commented loud enough for me to hear that a real man would have let a lady go first.

Oh no she didn’t!

Seriously. This didn’t happen.

I ignored them. Two other girls made other comments about my car and my clothes not being fashionable. Again I ignored them. A couple more goggles and comments under their breath that I didn’t hear. After 15 minutes I finished my ice cream and got up to leave. They said “bye loser!”

Imaginary teenage girls can be so cruel!

I decided the high road wasn’t working and said “You are not ladies, and you are to fat to be eating ice cream. Next time try a salad.” Felt good. They were insecure bullies in a pack and deserved to be spanked.

Naturally, the Men’s Rightsers congratulated him for his deft handling of these little misanderers.

So am I being too hasty in assuming that these little stories are fiction? I mean, strange encounters do happen.

Heck, a couple of months ago I was walking back from the grocery store at 1 or 2 AM (I keep odd hours) and a group of gay guys drove up in a convertible, stopped the car, and asked me what I was carrying in my bags. I awkwardly mumbled something about “a lot of different things.” This was apparently not witty enough for them. One of the guys repeated “a lot of different things” with a note of disappointment in his voice, and they drove off.

A few moments later, I realized I should have said “condoms and cat food — I’m having a party!” The first two parts of that would have even been true.

The difference between my story — which actually happened — and MrWhibbley’s — which almost certainly didn’t — is that mine is just a weird thing that happened, and which proves absolutely nothing.

The guys in the car had obviously just left one of the gay bars in the neighborhood and saw me with grocery bags, and must have thought this was sort of amusing given how late it was. So they decided to say something to me. This turned out to be more awkward than hilarious, as real life often is.

The story doesn’t reinforce any weird gay stereotypes — oh those gay guys, they’re always asking about groceries! — and doesn’t make me look like some sort of master wit with a perfect comeback, because I didn’t have one.

In MrWhibbley’s stories, by contrast, the women seem to have come straight from Men’s Rights Central Casting; they are misogynistic caricatures. And of course he always has the perfect comeback — or at least what passes for perfect on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Another day, another battle with imaginary evil women. That’s the Men’s Rights movement in a nutshell.

The AgainstMensRights folks have been all over this one.

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Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
11 years ago

One time, at band camp…

Okay, I never went to band camp. I got nothing.

11 years ago

Oh, for the record, I really didn’t have a pen. If I did have one I’m sorry to say I would have given it to him even though he was being mean to me, because that’s how I was back then.

11 years ago

I cannot believe how difficult it is to convince my friend that these kinds of stories are fiction. They just accept whatever stories people tell online, be it super ice cream misandry or that someone is a super Captain of Industry millionaire in a perfect free market posting on a forum. Any tips?

11 years ago

Hey, remember Mr. “everyone can easily get journal access?” I really need his help. I desperately need an archive of Pravda but they’re all behind paywalls 🙁

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Katz — you just need apply online for a library card for a library within three counties of yours so you can use their digital archives!

Or email me and I’ll put in a request to my pharm student.

11 years ago

I…might actually take you up on that.

Although at some point surely we’re taking advantage of said pharm student.

11 years ago

I totally read this post on reddit earlier and was thinking there’s absolutely no way this story is true. I have never in my life encountered people remotely resembling the types of women and encounters that MRAs describe in their little fantasy worlds.

11 years ago

“I took the only comfy chairs next to a nice fire place and started reading. Halfway through my meal two women came up and asked me to move because they wanted to sit where I was sitting.”

Chairs? How many chairs was he sitting in? Or was he sitting in one chair and using the other(s) to hold his stuff?

As someone who spends far too much time in coffee shops, I am familiar with this type. One chair for the butt. Another chair for the coat and scarf. Another coat for the stuff. Inevitably they either nap for hours or (if they are guys) stare at the ladies.

Mrwhibbley, you get one (1) chair in a public place. If you are using more than your one (1) chair and someone asks you to move your things, that’s not misandry, that’s proper behavior.

11 years ago
Reply to  katz

Katz, Email Me The Details And I’ll Check When I Get Home. Sorry About The Weird Caps.

11 years ago

In my many years on this planet I have never heard a woman refer to herself in third person as a “lady” or use the term “a real man” unless it was ironically.

For that matter, I am 50* I and I barely remember the days of chivalry when “real men” gave up seats and carried parcels for “ladies.” An 35 year old? Doubtful.

Sounds like Mrwhibbley and Kevin11 have some internalized misandry going on.

*And while we’re on the topic, if a 35 year old is “and older woman” what does that make me? One of the Timeless Ones?

11 years ago

It’s funny how I can’t think of a single story about women behaving this way, but I can think of plenty of men acting like dickbags.

This one time I was on a subway platform probably around 1 am and these two girls who were clearly in a relationship were holding hands n what not. One of them was dressed more feminine than the other and these guys on the other side of the platform (thankfully they couldn’t get near the couple) started telling the “pretty” one that she shouldn’t be with the ugly dyke and it escalated from there.

But I do have to confess there’s been probably more than a few times I have walked through a door someone else was holding for me, sometimes it was even a man who did it.

11 years ago

@auggziliary — of course. It makes so much sense now. How could I be so man-hating as to assume men would be fine sitting on just one comfy chair? I hope some of those REALLY old ladies (the 70 year old ones) helped him put one chair on top of the other for extra ass-comfort.

And then, once he was seated, maybe they put a third on top upside down for a manly-man ass-fort.

11 years ago

When I was naught but a naive schoolboy many years ago, The bus came to the stop before mine and I moved to the aisle seat so that I could get up once the people who got on where out of the way. When I was confronted by the terrifying face of femininity, an old woman of perhaps twenty five stood in my way and tsked at me for taking up two seats, locked by her terrifying basilisk gaze I could only mumble and try to indicate by awkward shuffles and pointing that I was about to leave. Eventually my display of fear seemed to appease her and she allowed me to flee from the bus with my life intact.

11 years ago

I will say as an employee of Panera Bread that I totally believe that some ladies came up and demanded he move. Our customers can be total bitches and will cut someone for the comfy chairs.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

One time I was on the campus shuttle trying to get to class on time. By the time I got onto the shuttle all of the seats were full, so I had to stand.

The shuttle then turns right, as it wonts to do, and I didn’t brace my body well against the inertia, so I ended up spinning around the bus and nearly hitting someone with my backpack.

After that, a fellow female student offered to give me her seat, but I declined, telling her that I was okay with standing up and that we were nearly at the stop anyways so it would have been pointless.

But obviously what I was really going for was for a man to offer his seat. MISANDRY!

I failed in my MISANDRY duties that day though. 🙁

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

John-H, I feel your pain. The misandry! The horror!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

I have a story in which nothing happens, too. One time I was called in for jury duty, missed my chance to get my college student exemption, and had to sit and hear the indictment. It was about an alleged theft of two cans of paint. After the lawyers saw the reactions of the potential jurors, they decided to cut a deal. Then I went home.

#misandry #mensrights

11 years ago

@Basiorana Well.. demanding a seat, and demanding he give them a seat for “chivalry” seem like different scenarios. I wouldn’t doubt people being general asshats in a story.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

@ cupisnique…you are forgetting the first rule of MRA-esque feminism. No woman can do anything without it being an indictment of her entire sex. If one woman is a terrible person, all women are terrible. If one woman makes CEO, that just proves that she’s the only woman who is not *both* terrible and incompetent. Because all women are terrible.

kevin 11
kevin 11
11 years ago

Allow me to suggest that the women here may not be very equipped to spot instances of sexism and female dickbaggery, for obvious reasons.

11 years ago

Allow me to suggest that the women here may not be very equipped to spot instances of sexism and female dickbaggery, for obvious reasons.

Or the men here either, for less obvious reasons.

kevin 11
kevin 11
11 years ago

It’s true- there will always be manginas and such. They cause damage.

11 years ago

You guys all don’t find this guy funny? He claims to have a cartoon character’s name and he thinks that if you aren’t terrified by women standing near you on the bus you’re “causing damage.”