are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking evil women imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA reddit self-congratulation shit that never happened

The Men’s Rights subreddit finds its Walter Mitty


Has the Men’s Rights subreddit found its Walter Mitty? Yesterday, a fellow by the name of Mrwhibbley won himself nearly 200 upvotes from the assembled Men’s Rightsers with a tale of terrible misandry at his local Panera Bread.

I am sitting at panera bread. I got here at 6am, when no one was here. After ordering, I took the only comfy chairs next to a nice fire place and started reading. Halfway through my meal two women came up and asked me to move because they wanted to sit where I was sitting.

Ok, but before you say that this didn’t happen, consider this: Only a few minutes ago a woman demanded my seat, and when I didn’t get up to give it to her she simply sat right on top of me. And by woman I mean cat.

I told them I would be done in about 10 minutes and they could have it them. The older woman (only about 35) said “a real man would be a gentleman and offer his seat to a lady”

That is exactly how those “older ladies” of 35 talk these days.

I replied politely that I understand her outdated view that feels women are weak and require special treatment, but that I believed that women are strong and independent and should be treated as equals.

That’s right. Mrwhibbley has installed a Reddit-comment-to-speech generator in his mouth, and can conveniently turn it on when he wants to recite a Men’s Rightsy talking point.

Immediately, another table about 10 feet from me filled with women (4 women over 70 years old) started chuckling. I initially assumed they were laughing at them women, but then one of them said “what ever happened to chivalry? In my day, a real man would have jumped up….and pulled out the chair for the lady. That man is an ass!”

Ah, yes, because all women, across all generations, are united in their goal of making men give up their nice comfy chairs by the fireplace at Panera Bread.

It was obvious that she said it loud enough for me to hear. I politely replied “In your day, you just got the right to vote, and were not treated as equals. Aren’t you glad you aren’t still in your day?”

Oh, snap!

Well, Mrwhibbley sure showed those old hens what’s for!

By the way, women in their 70s would have been born in the late 30s or early 40s.

Naturally. the assembled Men’s Rightsers applauded Mrwhibbley’s great heroism in standing up to the gynocracy.

But this isn’t the first time that MrWhibbley has had this sort of heroic confrontation with evil, privilege-demanding females, as one of the few skeptical Men’s Rightsers in the crowd pointed out. Only a month ago, he had a surprisingly similar showdown an an ice cream parlor with some teenage girls:

This is a rant. After a long day at work (6am until 3:30) without a break, I was tired and craving an ice cream. I walked in about a minute before a group of 6 girls about 16-18 years old. I ordered my ice cream and paid, and took it.

No misandric misandering so far.

while they ordered theirs, one of the girls commented loud enough for me to hear that a real man would have let a lady go first.

Oh no she didn’t!

Seriously. This didn’t happen.

I ignored them. Two other girls made other comments about my car and my clothes not being fashionable. Again I ignored them. A couple more goggles and comments under their breath that I didn’t hear. After 15 minutes I finished my ice cream and got up to leave. They said “bye loser!”

Imaginary teenage girls can be so cruel!

I decided the high road wasn’t working and said “You are not ladies, and you are to fat to be eating ice cream. Next time try a salad.” Felt good. They were insecure bullies in a pack and deserved to be spanked.

Naturally, the Men’s Rightsers congratulated him for his deft handling of these little misanderers.

So am I being too hasty in assuming that these little stories are fiction? I mean, strange encounters do happen.

Heck, a couple of months ago I was walking back from the grocery store at 1 or 2 AM (I keep odd hours) and a group of gay guys drove up in a convertible, stopped the car, and asked me what I was carrying in my bags. I awkwardly mumbled something about “a lot of different things.” This was apparently not witty enough for them. One of the guys repeated “a lot of different things” with a note of disappointment in his voice, and they drove off.

A few moments later, I realized I should have said “condoms and cat food — I’m having a party!” The first two parts of that would have even been true.

The difference between my story — which actually happened — and MrWhibbley’s — which almost certainly didn’t — is that mine is just a weird thing that happened, and which proves absolutely nothing.

The guys in the car had obviously just left one of the gay bars in the neighborhood and saw me with grocery bags, and must have thought this was sort of amusing given how late it was. So they decided to say something to me. This turned out to be more awkward than hilarious, as real life often is.

The story doesn’t reinforce any weird gay stereotypes — oh those gay guys, they’re always asking about groceries! — and doesn’t make me look like some sort of master wit with a perfect comeback, because I didn’t have one.

In MrWhibbley’s stories, by contrast, the women seem to have come straight from Men’s Rights Central Casting; they are misogynistic caricatures. And of course he always has the perfect comeback — or at least what passes for perfect on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Another day, another battle with imaginary evil women. That’s the Men’s Rights movement in a nutshell.

The AgainstMensRights folks have been all over this one.

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11 years ago

I like to think she was trying to memorise Beowulf …

Hwæt. We Gardena in geardagum,

Hello inferior man on public transportation,

þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon,

Grant me your place of sitting,

hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.

I say this with my body language.

11 years ago

I ignored them. Two other girls made other comments about my car and my clothes not being fashionable. Again I ignored them. A couple more goggles and comments under their breath that I didn’t hear. After 15 minutes I finished my ice cream and got up to leave. They said “bye loser!”

STOP hitting on the girls ! They don’t want YOU .. Keep your crawly eyes off of them and they won’t bother you . Eat your “ice cream” and ignore the teen aged girls and leave .

11 years ago

My dad had to memorize Kubla Khan by Coleridge when he was in Grade 3. He’s 76 now, and he can still recite it.

11 years ago

It’s true – I picked up some very tasty oyster ‘shrooms from the market, only today.

“emoticon” for cool………

11 years ago

I say this with my larynx.

11 years ago

Yeah, calling bullshit on both his stories. As we say in SRS – shitthatneverhappened.txt

What probably happened is the two women glanced at him sitting where they’d like to sit and sighed in disappointment. To a brave MRA however, that sigh was totally misandric. THEY WERE PRACTICALLY DEMANDING HIS SEAT, MAAAAAN!

11 years ago

I decided the high road wasn’t working and said “You are not ladies, and you are to fat to be eating ice cream. Next time try a salad.” Felt good. They were insecure bullies in a pack and deserved to be spanked.

Working for what ? You mean you are a reject ?

11 years ago

They … deserved to be spanked.

Yep, all this really boils down is MrWhibbley’s fantasies about spanking teenagers. TMO, dude.

11 years ago

^ or TMI even

11 years ago

I also want to know what Panera Bread only has two comfy chairs. Does not sound like any Panera Bread I’ve ever seen.

These guys should take a creative writing class before they make this stuff up. The dialogue in this tale sounds like something out of bad fanfiction.

11 years ago

There was that one story on Reddit from a white girl, and how she attended a black panther meeting or something. She solved their hatred of white people with hugs.

LOL!!! I remember that one! I remember staring at the story in completely disbelief as I was reading it. In the end, I could just laugh, so ridiculous it was.

11 years ago

Completely off topic: What’s the manboobz etiquette for when you find a necro’d troll comment on a thread, that no one ever responded to? I was searching through old posts, looking for a specific comment, and found a post where a troll had necro’d (posting 2 months after the last comment) but it happened six months ago. Not sure if I’m really explaining myself well, sigh.

I’ll just post where I found it.

11 years ago

It’s Shit That Never Happened Day on Reddit. The guy’s in an empty Panera at 6am and this shit happens? HAHAHAHA, no sir.

Kevin: you’re going to have to bring better game if you have any hope of being a quality chew-toy.

Countdown to Kev’s meltdown starts now. Place your bets.

I call 9 PM CST.

11 years ago

moldybhred: if it’s a recent necro full of fail, I’ll usually bite. The one in your link did his little drive-by and isn’t worth it.

11 years ago

@moldybrehd nothing to stop you leaving a snarky response in case he ever returns, though.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

That was an hilarious read, though. Thanks!

*the above might be the painkillers talking*

11 years ago

oh, I have my own story of horrifying women doing horrifying things! see i was walking down the street, and accidentally nudged a bottle on the ground with my foot. there were some people (mostly women!) driving by, and one of them shouted “don’t kick that bottle! It’s mean! “. and then they drove off.

ok, so it’s not actually horrifying. but it actually did happen, unlike this

11 years ago

David, I feel that I must come to Mr. Whibbley’s defense.

First off, how would you feel if you were saddled with a name that sounds like a character in a Mother Goose story? Imagine how the other kids at school reacted! Imagine job interviews!!

Second, it’s obvious that he is telling the truth, and I can understand what happened. Clearly he was hired as the tour manager for the continually-occurring and continually-relocating group known as RWA. Now, while most people know the RWA as that famous association “women Ready for Whoopie with Anyone at anytime” (admittedly a confusing acronym), it is a little known fact that there is another group, similarly known as “RWA” and whose full name is “Rude Women of America”, and when he was offered the job of tour manager, he mistakenly (and totally understandably) thought it was the famous one. Hence his confusion and consternation.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

I think Harvey Pekar already has that schtick covered pretty well.

11 years ago

This comment thread is especially hilarious. You guys are all awesome.

11 years ago

Once, I was a female junior high school student in the library and this male student demanded that I loan him a pen. I said, “I’m sorry but I don’t have one.” Then he called me a b@tch.
(true but very old story)

MISANDRY!!! It must be, because everything else is.

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

@ kev ii
Have you noticed how guys are conservative and liberal at the same time? So illogical!
Of course, this is caused by the undecisiveness of men hunting in the pleistocene. They kept going: “Mammoth, hamster, mammoth, hamster — I can’t decide! Help me, Grumblblbl!” But Grumblblbl was equally fucked with this overwhelming variety of tasty game. It was rough.
Therefore this nonsensical behaviour is clearly biological. Men are individuals, different from one another, just like women (gasp!)!

11 years ago


“This comment thread is especially hilarious. You guys are all awesome.”


11 years ago

This one time I had to get on a packed train and I totally asked some dude if I could have his seat and he said “Yes, of course be my guest” and let me have the seat and even put my bag up in the rack for me because I was on crutches-I mean because of my firm buttocks exerting mind control over him.

Also another time I told some dude he was sitting in the seat I had booked and he had to go and find another one, and he complained at me but then he left, again possibly because of my controlling arse somehow.

In fact just the other day I got on a bus and an old man offered me his seat and I said “I’m OK, thankyou” because I like playing games with mens’ minds like that.

Every day I’m out there, making men feel like they need to move out of my way with my entitlement and assorted bodyparts.