men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill rhymes with roosh twitter

Roosh V tweets the world’s saddest tweet

How pathetic is this?

What a sad, small, empty life he must lead. I almost feel sorry for him.

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11 years ago

And I agree; if a woman is enough younger than me that I would consider her a girl, she’s too young to engage in sexual congress with.

I like the phrase sexual congress, by the way, it makes me think about having sex using roget’s rules of order. Is quarum one or two?

kevin 11
kevin 11
11 years ago

Lot of reading comprehension problems in this thread. Just because Roosh doesn’t WANT to have sex more than three times with the same female, doesn’t mean he COULDN’T.

11 years ago

Lot of reading comprehension problems

The irony – it burns.

PS Kevin 11, the word you are failing to find – it’s “woman”. Not “girl” ( a female child), not “female” (an adjective, not a noun).

La Strega
11 years ago

@ kevin 11

I’m afraid the reading comprehension problem is your own.

11 years ago

I think the whole point of the ‘3 times’ thing is to separate his conquests from random one-night stands that could happen to anyone – his claim being that he *could* have had sex with each individual woman as often as he wanted but once he proved to himself (and to his readers, of course) that he had worked his PUA mojo (the magical 3), he could move on, notch well established. Blergh.

I find it much more pathetic that he thinks these romps are relationships.

And kevin 11, thanks for proving my point. Now go away.

11 years ago

Just because Roosh doesn’t WANT to have sex more than three times with the same female, doesn’t mean he COULDN’T.

Nobody is saying that his tweet PROVES that no woman is willing to sleep with him more than thrice 9_9. Why do people go all “you can’t read” and then totally misrepresent the entire thread?

11 years ago

Or he could be obeying the rule of three; the first two times you imply a pattern, setting up the third time for you to defy expectations and supply the punchline.

11 years ago


That’s actually really a sad way to go about life, having sex you don’t even like simply to rack up points for the PUA’s club.

11 years ago

I like the phrase sexual congress

The US legislative branch has ruined it for me. Sounds like an orgy gridlocked by sexual disfunction and arguments over contraception, male enhancement options and pizza.

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

Lot of reading comprehension problems in this thread. Just because Roosh doesn’t WANT to have sex more than three times with the same female, doesn’t mean he COULDN’T.

No he can’t. Any man who fails consistently to establish any sort of meaningful relationship..can’t…he is an abject failure as a man and as a human being.

11 years ago

The only respectable MRA position is MGTOW.

So go.

11 years ago

Lot of reading comprehension problems in this thread. Just because Roosh doesn’t WANT to have sex more than three times with the same female, doesn’t mean he COULDN’T.

Sure, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.

But seriously, so? The point is Roosh is a wearisome, pathetic little predator who for some reason feels the need to get the sex, in any way he can (partners consent, laws, and basic human decency be damned), from people who he appears to loathe and has absolutely no respect for. And he doesn’t appear to enjoy it; and he’s also perfectly happy to spread misery wherever he goes (which actually, seems to be the whole point of his behavior). And he seriously lacks in the personal hygiene department. In short, he’s the human equivalent of slime mold.

Actually, I take that back. Slime mold has an ecological niche, and thus is useful. Roosh is not. Roosh is below slime mold.

kevin 11
kevin 11
11 years ago

I won’t disagree that Roosh is a skidmark. I have nothing but contempt for the PUAs myself. There’s a site devoted to picking their bullshit apart:

But this doesn’t mean I support Manboobz.

11 years ago

And slime mold is fascinating! They’re composed of one enormous cell that can be up to a meter across, containing thousands of nuclei, and some of them have as many as 500 different genders!

11 years ago

I suspect the magic number three, possibly in his sad little head, refers to three orifices. I mean, after you’ve been everywhere, why would you want to go there again?

I’ve read that John F Kennedy had a similar habit with his pickups. It’s a score-card thing, I think.

I was wondering whether that’s what he meant.

Kennedy, too? I already had a bad opinion of him regarding women, but it’s just taken another plunge.

11 years ago

@ Kevin 11

“The only respectable MRA position is MGTOW.”

Yes, we, reasonable people everywhere, agree. Individuals as irreparably damaged as MRA, frustrated in their egoistic desires for control over women and oozing unbridled hatred toward them, have nowhere to go but TOW.

It is not as much respectable, though, as rather their only option, really, since no one — specifically, no woman — wants them. But I suppose it makes them feel better to think that’s it is their choice and their “respectable” way.

In any case, good riddance, is what we say. They won’t be missed.

11 years ago

kevin 11 is… really, really boring, isn’t he? I mean, I just wish for the trolls of yore, the titans of asshattery, but all we get lately are the sad, sorry dregs–shoot-and-run kids who dash off after making a single “I know you are but what am I?” ‘retort’.

11 years ago
Reply to  serrana

“So go.”

Yes, please! The sooner, the better. It cannot be soon enough, really.

11 years ago

OT to all posters:

How do you make use of those awesome quotes you include in your replies?

Please help a newbie. Thanks!

kevin 11
kevin 11
11 years ago

Yes that’s right, “freemage”. I’m boring, stupid, sad. All very vague generalities that you don’t have to back up with substance. How convenient for you.

11 years ago

emma, there’s a how-to on blockquotes in the Official Complimentary Welcome Package – look down in the notes at the end. 🙂

And hi!

11 years ago

How convenient for you.

I’m hearing this in the ChurchChat Lady’s voice.

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

Yes that’s right, “freemage”. I’m boring, stupid, sad. All very vague generalities that you don’t have to back up with substance. How convenient for you.

You own your words, son.

And I am afraid your word are not making you look interesting, smart or even self-aware…your words are making you look boring, dull and pathetic to say the least.

I don’t know how for the life of me how a person can believe that the pathetic backwards opinions of MRM are somehow “winning” or “logical” or even within the spectrum of being an adult…because from what I read of the MRA’s, they are childish, shallow and stupid. Please correct me if I am erring…but throwing tantrums and whining about how evil women are and how these evil women are the cause of all the bad in the world, strikes me as childish, shallow and stupid.

Now go take your coloring book and make yourself useful by drawing in between the lines and let us adults talk.

I am clearly not in the mood for bullshit…proceed at your own risk.

11 years ago

Yes that’s right, “freemage”. I’m boring, stupid, sad. All very vague generalities that you don’t have to back up with substance. How convenient for you.

Well, you call yourself “kevin11,” then in the other thread basically call someone a coward for posting under a username on a blog; you also seem to think that death threats are funny. That really says a lot about you lack of intelligence.

“I don’t support Manboobz.”

Then why the hell are you here? Annoying people for laughs? That’s really sad, don’t you have a life?

And we’ve heard this schtick before, and not contributing anything to the discussion. That makes you pretty damn boring.

“Boring, stupid and sad.” freemage got it right.

11 years ago

Bullshit kevin11, I sincerely doubt any woman is actually sleeping with his creepy ass more than once, if they are doing that.

In his own words, he describes raping unconscious women more than having sex with them.