men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill rhymes with roosh twitter

Roosh V tweets the world’s saddest tweet

How pathetic is this?

What a sad, small, empty life he must lead. I almost feel sorry for him.

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11 years ago

Oh,so Roosh is bad in bed, and boring. Well I never.

I cannot help but laugh at his attempts to be taken seriously as some kind of insightful deep thinker. Wooo, look at me, I read some books and spent years whining on the internet about how women aren’t all pretty enough for me ,I’m so special!

Diana Adams
Diana Adams
11 years ago

The irony is that he has nothing interesting and useful to offer even for the first time.

Diana Adams
Diana Adams
11 years ago

I really think that PUAs are primarily concerned with other men, and just use women as a points system to prove how much better they are than other dudes.

Of course it’s all about the other dudes. Afterall bragging to a woman that you managed to get laid is pointless because women don’t spend 90% of their time thinking about that.

11 years ago

How can someone write that and not think, “Wow, I should drastically change my life because it is doing me no favors!”
You know what? I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know.

11 years ago

Oh, and I think I just realized today that Roosh and Heartiste were not the same person. Weird.

11 years ago

(You could wring his hair out over a pan and fry your eggs in it.)

I’m not eating anything. Ever again.

11 years ago

What kind of sad woman is having sex with that anyway?

11 years ago

FWIW, Beloved and I aren’t all that adventuresome, but we’re coming up on 14 years of snogging, etc. and the Beast With Two Backs just keeps getting better and better.

We just have to hope our two chaperones go to sleep before we run out of energy.

11 years ago

With apologies to Mr. Lionel Richie:


And any self-respecting woman would take one look at Roosh and say, “NOT EVEN ONCE!”

11 years ago

Roosh V already stablished that he doesn’t like women, doesn’t want to have relationships with women and doesn’t like having sex with women. Why does he think anyone should listen to his insights about women, sex or relationships?

11 years ago

Eh, he can’t seriously believe what he is saying here? I don’t have a high opinion of Roosh at all, but usually he at least tries to veer above blatant self-parody (usually not succeeding, but you have to applaud the effort I guess?)

In any case, let’s promote this tweet for a bit and watch him backtrack, it will be instructive.

La Strega
11 years ago

I was really struck by that tweet too. It seems that it has taken Roosh over ten years to figure out that the kind of predatory “seduce and destroy missions” he has been pursuing and advocating are emotionally empty activities that lead to further isolation.

For nearly a year I followed Roosh pretty closely. What persuaded me to stop was how incredibly sad his life made me feel. His relatively unguarded “tweets” are like desperate signals from a dying planet.

11 years ago

@bluecat – I was thinking the same thing. PIV, oral and anal would be 3, and it certainly fits his mindset that he uses a body for himself to get off and that’s the only thing that matters.

Any time I start to feel bad about being partnerless, I can count on the MRM to remind me that there are worse things than being single.

11 years ago

He must suck at sex, too.

He’s said recently that he doesn’t even enjoy it, and either he or one of his co-writers said they consider their conquest a failure if she enjoys it, so frankly I’m surprised he even gets a third try.

11 years ago

3 times 5 seconds is how much again?

A life time of regret and a stain of grease you’ll never remove no matter the amount of scrubbing.

of a kind.

11 years ago

I’ll have to let my husband know there must be something wrong with him because we have been having sex for over 30 years and he still keeps coming after me(his ideal is sex 4 times a week and he is 48 ) .I’m about 1,000 times over my maximum usefulness and it seems he hasn’t noticed.

11 years ago

She has nothing interesting or useful to give him after 3 times probably because that’s about how long it takes for her to say ” I’m sorry this isn’t going to work out .But we can still be friends no hard feelings O.K?”

11 years ago

I’m not even going to address the vast savannah of stupid that is his underlying philosophy, but I can’t help but wonder – like, what if she gives him a set of allen wrenches and a subscription to National Geographic? Interesting and useful. Or, does nothing ‘count’ unless she pulls it out of her lady bits?

11 years ago

I’m surprised that there are women letting him have sex with at all, let alone multiple times…

11 years ago

Actually it made me sad more because it suggests that someone, somewhere, gave him the time of day more than once. What kind of headspace must that poor woman have been in?

Lea Tapp
11 years ago

Oh, please. Pull the other one Doosh.

A friend of mine once said of a particularly bad lover, “Any woman who’d sleep with him twice is too lazy to masturbate.”

With an optimistic and patient woman (My friend was admittedly neither.) a lover might get a couple more attempts to see if inexperience rather than selfishness was the problem. I’m betting Roosh is making sweet lemons out of the fact that it is women who are hitting and quitting him (if women ever voluntarily touch him at all) and not the other way around. I mean, you wouldn’t hang around for his personality and from the way he describes his approach to sexual relations it’s clear that sex with him would be a disappointment at best.

kevin 11
kevin 11
11 years ago

This Roosh must be proud of leading the band of losers he calls his followers. I’ve always said the PUA are poser skidmarks. The only respectable MRA position is MGTOW.

11 years ago

@bluecat – I think your idea of the “three” is correct. I know only a little bit of the PUA rules, but aren’t the “notches” the number of females the PUA has sex with, not the number of times? In which case, there’s no point in being with the same person more than once – it’s wasting time you could be spending on getting more notches, and thus proving yourself better than even more men. (I know, ugh, but PUA-logic.)

On sadism, there’s a joke my father used to tell – “the definition of a sadist is someone who is kind to masochists.” Another sadism joke he used to tell (don’t ask) was that a general is captured by the enemy, and proudly proclaims “I am impervious to pain!” They start torturing him, and his screams are awful. The interrogator says “I thought you said you were impervious to pain?? and the general replies “Not my OWN!!!!”

11 years ago

Jeez, it is gross when grown ass men refer to sex with “girls”.

I don’t feel sorry for that rapist jerk. I’m happy that he’ll never know love or even mutual respect and affection. He deserves imprisonment if the stories he tells are true, not just a lonely life stewing in his own hate.

11 years ago

I am amused that this thread contains both the statements “Great, now I’m hungry.” and “I’m never eating again.”

I only wish they were said by the same person (and possibly in the opposite order).

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