men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill rhymes with roosh twitter

Roosh V tweets the world’s saddest tweet

How pathetic is this?

What a sad, small, empty life he must lead. I almost feel sorry for him.

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11 years ago

Pity? Please. He is the author of his own life story.

11 years ago

sparky, I always try to see from other people perspective, give them the benefit of doubt…that maybe he experience something that profoundly impacted him. But looking closer it just pure entitlement. So it is sad that there people out there that think/behave just like him.

11 years ago

Ally S. I will feel more sorry for the Legos.

11 years ago

JustAbrowngirl – I’m not betting Roosh does anything that could be called consensual sex. Coercion is what PUA’s all about, after all. Seeing women having sex as being us losing some sort of contest, or being forced/manipulated into doing what the man wants, being the receptacle for him to orgasm into, especially if he thinks she doesn’t want it … yeah, I can understand him wanting to impose his will on “the enemy” that way.

11 years ago

Ally S. I will feel more sorry for the Legos.

Love it!

Ally S
11 years ago

Ally S. I will feel more sorry for the Legos.

LOL nice one. XD

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

This masochist is popping in to say that no, if he’s a masochist, he refuses to admit it. Cuz admitting it would make for interesting sexytimes!

Seriously, how does it get boring after three times? Maybe if your only form of sex is PiV and you’re a cis man treating your receptacle like a, well, receptacle. Otherwise…yeah, not seeing it (unless you just don’t like sex at all, but then how’s it not boring the first three times?)

So yep, he brought it on himself, and no pity from me. Though, like others here, I can pity men like him — the ones who are decent sorts who want better sexytimes but, for whatever reasons, think PiV is all they can/should do. Lack of sex ed, the sort of upbringing where anything else is immoral, etc.

11 years ago

Kittehserf, so he think of woman as innominate object in order to dehumanize them with out any repercussions. I will said he should build himself doll but then I will feel awful about the doll being in his hands (shuddered).

11 years ago

Argenti, good point, I might be wrong about him. I personally don’t mind a little pain with my pleasure, and my cheeks are burning now after that comment. LOL!

11 years ago

Then there’s the fact that Roosh can’t scare up the 5k to buy a Real Doll. But if he’d fuck off forever never to darken the internet again if we threw him a Kickstarter for one, I’d gladly contribute.

11 years ago

misogynists sleep with women because they think it “ruins” them and decreases their “sexual market value” they use sex to degrade women, not as a way to just feel good with another person. Also notice how lots of guys use “destroyed” as a euphemism for sex, or other violent terminology. This doesn’t seem to just be a part of BDSM or other kinky stuff, I’ve seen it all over the place…why words like “destroy” or “ruined” to describe sex with women?

11 years ago

hellkell, that sound like a better cause than the MRA’s “movement”.

11 years ago

I’m surprised that Roosh attempts to maintain anything that could be called a relationship.

I’m not nice enough to pity them. More like “serves them fucking well right, it’s all self-inflicted.” My only concern is for the people they abuse along the way.

I pity Roosh and then hate myself for feeling anything but loathing for him. Oh, that I had a heart as cold as yours, Kittehs!

Another thing – doesn’t this say soooo much about how bad in bed Roosh must be?

Honestly, this was my first thought, too. I think about my partner’s and my first few times, compared to…well, we just celebrated our 8th anniversary. I know which one I’d choose!

All it takes is one exposure to realize that no matter what you might do in the future you will never, ever be as pathetic as he is.

You know, I might add this to my rotation of anti-depression mantras. “When life looks bleak, remember: at least you’re not Roosh”

Then there’s the fact that Roosh can’t scare up the 5k to buy a Real Doll. But if he’d fuck off forever never to darken the internet again if we threw him a Kickstarter for one, I’d gladly contribute.

Sadly, I don’t think it’d help. If he can’t make the RealDoll as miserable as he is, what’s the point of having sex with it?

11 years ago

Quackers, I have hear some really mess up things from guy’s, one them…is declaring themselves as dominant and they must fuck me into submission. Ewww, as if.

11 years ago


so why doesn’t he get a bunch of this other miserable woman-hating man friends/followers together, buy a couple cases of beer, shove a “no girls allowed” sign on his door and invite them over?

oh wait, because as messed up as it is to bond with other men like himself over their mutal hate of women, no actual women are getting humiliated or having their “SMV ruined” in the process.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
11 years ago

This statement only makes sense if he doesn’t actually care about sex in itself.

I really think that PUAs are primarily concerned with other men, and just use women as a points system to prove how much better they are than other dudes.

11 years ago

Yep, I’m thinking he’s only got 3 (PIV) positions in his repertoire so the only way he can think of to switch things up is to get a new victim. God forbid he do any research or get ideas from his partner. But that would involve not thinking of women as disposable objects and actually caring about their pleasure. He’s worse than a child that gets bored of a new toy after a week.

11 years ago

Emilygoddess, he probably find something wrong with doll and returned it as defected.

11 years ago


See I don’t have an issue with power play and stuff like that if both partners are into it or part of the BDSM scene, but when some guys speak like that or think all sex as always being a power play and women must always be submissive and use words like destroy to describe PIV, that’s what alerts huge red flags. Like I’ll see comments like that under photos of attractive women on the net. It’s creepy.

11 years ago

I figure Roosh would have exactly the sex life he deserves (boring, unsatisfying) even if he’s wasn’t raping people, which he admits that he’s done.

Women fail to feel sympathy for self-confessed rapist and general scumbag! More news at 11.

11 years ago

Quacker, exactly. what is good for the goose is good for the gander.But I don’t think they will like it very much.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

JustAbrowngirl — no need to blush around here, and I sorta hope you aren’t the easily embarrassed sort as we tend to be fairly open with the TMI.

And on the TMI note! I’m pretty sure I’ve said after sexytimes things about feeling like I’ve taken a beating (note, no beatings were involved, not really my thing)…but never destroyed, and, well, I think it’s a bit different when 1) talking about yourself and 2) actually bruised.

11 years ago

Part of the “I totally destroyed that p@##y” thing seems to be delusions of grandeur about one’s penis size.

11 years ago

CassandraSays, he has actually admitted to violating someone in that way…there should be caution sticker permanently seal to his skin to warned woman/man…just about everyone.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Quackers — idk, I think there’s a difference between “I will fuck you into submission” and power play. For one, the submissive partner (or the partner playing the submissive role) already knows they’re in that role so it’s more like “I will fuck you (as we’ve agreed) into (the role you are filling of) submission”

I guess they’d look very similar to an outsider though.

Also, I may be one of the few masochists who doesn’t much go for the submissive thing (is anyone actually surprised that I have a thing for being in control?)