So Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers are in a tizzy over a bullshitty piece in the Daily Telegraph warning of an evil worldwide plot to force men to pee sitting down.
The evidence for the existence of such a plot is a bit on the skimpy side — the Telegraph writer leads off with a reference to a 2012 proposal from a County Council member in Sormland, Sweden that doesn’t seem to have gone anywhere legislatively but that’s been a favorite evil-feminist story on conservative websites ever since.
The very notion that some evil feminist might force them to sit while they spray has Men’s Rights Redditors in an unusually combative mood. Heck, it’s got some of the regulars thinking that it might well be time to start doing some good-old fashioned murdering. No, really.
Yep. In case you’ve been wondering, suggesting “a campaign to assassinate feminist figures” because some local council member in Sweden had a dumb idea will in fact win you upvotes on the Men’s Rights subreddit.
Strikerfm1, by contrast, seems almost moderate with his “tie feminists down and urinate on them” proposal.
The World’s Greatest 21st Century Human Rights Movement, folks!
Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing me to this horrible crap.
EDIT: The “let’s murder feminists” comment has been taken down by the subreddit mods, though the user hasn’t been banned for it; the “I want to tie a feminist down and pee on her” comment remains up, and still boasts upvotes.
Trail and error? Don’t go hiking with that dude.
(Sorry, Ally, couldn’t resist the hiking comment!)
LOL that was katz’s joke, JustAbrowngirl, I was quoting her! I’m glad I wasn’t drinking when I read it …
Katz, once again I have wronged you (please forgive me), you have a great sense of humour girl.
One can be quite healthy, and still end up with, “split stream”, and the divergence can be extreme.
Me, I (TMI Warning) sit, if possible, because it’s easier.
Well I bid everyone goodnight; I enjoin your eloquent response to these MRA’s twatwaffles (no sarcasm). Catch you on the flip side; keep up the good fight against those boneurologist’s (don’t even care if it is not a word) I’m going with it. Bye!
It’s much easier if you think of it as garlic soup in a cup.
Re: wet dangly bits & downward dog dicks
Perhaps he mistook the bidet for the toilet. Because those things will get your bits wet. That’s the point.
re: sore throat. Gargling a strong (at least 10 ppm) colloidal silver solution is supposed to kill bacteria, even strep throat, but it can be expensive and hard to find. I second the suggestion to see if you can see white spots and get antibiotics sooner if you do. Also, (GROSSNESS alert) if your mucus is brightly coloured (green or yellow), then it’s probably bacterial. Virus snot is usually clear, dingy, or brownish.
Be careful and pay attention, though, H1N1 is out killing people again.
Using collodial silver can turn you blue though.
:snorfl: This made me laugh. Can I steal this? Please?
You only turn blue if you ingest too much. Gargle and spit, try not to swallow much of it.
Go ahead! =P
It is a freaking crying shame, the state of the American healthcare system.
If its only for a couple days, then it’s probably a virus, and yeah, there’s really not much can be done for a virus except symptom management and let it run its course. If you’re also having sinus problems, a Neti pot can help. It feels weird, but it does clear out the sinus good. The best thing is just to rest and sleep as much as you can, and drink plenty of fluids. I hope you feel better soon.
“Leite Queimado” sounds absolutely delicious, just to drink. Thanks for sharing this. It sounds I could probably get the toddler to drink it when she’s sick. 🙂
Being a dick is offensive.
Being a dick by being passive-aggressively “nice” is offensive.
Being a dick by being “nice” with dickish motives is offensive.
There, I fixed it.
Guys, I highly recommend you read the rest of that Feministe thread. Someone comes in and starts saying “I’M A GUY AND MY WIFE LIKES IT WHEN I TELL HER I LIKE HER BREASTS SO WHY CAN’T I DO IT TO ANYONE ELSE YOU’RE ALL SO UNFAIR”
The only appropriate response to something like this is a nice, dry “That’ll do, pig.”
Today I learned the surprising true secret of women: we’re actually just one person, moving really fast so as to appear to be in several places at once.
I would actually recommend against colloidal silver. Silver is an antibacterial, true, but it also kills mammalian cells. Gargling with it won’t kill you, but it might hurt your body’s immune response/healing. Successful antibiotics kill bacteria significantly more than they do your cells, and there is no evidence that ingesting/gargling silver does that. Also, the effects depend on the exact formulation of silver (silver ions are toxic as all hell, and generally, the smaller the colloidal formation, the more toxic it is–to you and bacteria) so dosing is… a crapshoot.
(Source: I do nanotox research. Most colloidal silver formulations are micro- or nano-sized metallic silver or silver salts. I know less about the silver salts, but I have done a lot with metallic silver and silver ions. Metallic silver does seem to be a good antibacterial treatment for medical devices, but not for medicine.)
I think your best bet is find a doc-in-a-box, if you can afford it, and just ask for the cheapest antibiotics they have. (My college would sell z-packs for 20 bucks).
Good lord. The internet has misled me!
And don’t forget….you don’t want to go through life looking like a smurf just because you had a sore throat. All the kids in school will make fun of you.
Don’t worry. I didn’t know that before I started working at my job either.
Grahhh, noooooooo! <= my reaction to taking random antibiotics when you may or may not need them. Also, taking only part of the course of them. MRSA people, drug resistant gonorrhea, extermely drug resistant TB!
Ok, in practical things, if you email me LBT, I'll see if my pharm student can pull you an unofficial Dx and wtf to get from the doc in the box. Ze can't actually write you a script or anything, obviously, but will know what antibiotic you want for what, and should be able to help narrow down what you've got.
One thing you may want to grab from a pharmacy is that tamiflu stuff, depending how long you've been sick it might at least make it run its course faster.
But yeah, email me if you want me to consult my personal not-quite-a-pharmacist-yet (soon! Whether I have a date to pecunium's wedding depends on where zir residency is, better be in Pittsburgh cuz I iz lonely)
I’ve seen that article brought up now about 1/2 dozen times over the past six months by various conspiracy theorist (men’s rights activists) . Its really the glaring truth of misandry that in one shitty ass little town in Sweden a year and 1/2 ago someone proposed that in one city building they adopted a sit down only toilet bathroom .
Its really pitiful that they have to keep reusing this same old obscure news article to keep feeding their rage. I just really cringe for them . I’m embarrassed for them . Having fits about how they are ‘fed up ” NOW!
Dudes ? Look around calm down ‘breath ” you can pee standing up …it was all just a bad nightmare ….you’re safe at home …
Yeah, I meant that if the doc said there was an infection to be straight-up about needing the cheap kind. And if you can, shop around. My school clinic gave me a prescription for a skin cream, and I took it to Safeway. They didn’t take my insurance, and wanted to charge me $60. I went to another local drug store. They also didn’t take my insurance, but their cost was $13, about the same as my co-pay, so I just got it anyway.
Notice how he calls them ‘lesbian nazi cunts ?” Is that because since you can’t get laid no matter how much you pee standing up like a man they must be lesbians ?
Notice how his experience with women and her toiletry habits is cleaning women’s restrooms for a living? Not any woman he ever lived with ? Is that because he’s never had a girlfriend in his bathroom ?Wait a minute he did say “blood on the walls” ……shiver!
Anyway GREAT example of the ‘men’s causes” they are fighting for ! I don’t understand why its only a handful and not MILLIONS of men donating and volunteering !