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Men’s Rights Redditors respond to imaginary plot to force men to pee sitting down with proposals to kill, pee on feminists

So Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers are in a tizzy over a bullshitty piece in the Daily Telegraph warning of an evil worldwide plot to force men to pee sitting down.

The evidence for the existence of such a plot is a bit on the skimpy side — the Telegraph writer leads off with a reference to a 2012  proposal from a County Council member in Sormland, Sweden that doesn’t seem to have gone anywhere legislatively but that’s been a favorite evil-feminist story on conservative websites ever since.

The very notion that some evil feminist might force them to sit while they spray has Men’s Rights Redditors in an unusually combative mood. Heck, it’s got some of the regulars thinking that it might well be time to start doing some good-old fashioned murdering. No, really.

Spacedatwork 6 points 10 hours ago (7|1)  Feminists are taking it too far now, I pee half the time with a boner and when I do pee sitting my dink dips in the water and it is nasty as fuck. This is the part where the MRA should pull off a campaign to assassinate feminist figures because talking, ranting and blogging is not enough until they take away our ability to naturally produce testosterone through medical procedures at birth.
Yep. In case you’ve been wondering, suggesting “a campaign to assassinate feminist figures” because some local council member in Sweden had a dumb idea will in fact win you upvotes on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Strikerfm1, by contrast, seems almost moderate with his “tie feminists down and urinate on them” proposal.

strikerfm1 3 points 8 hours ago (5|2)  I so wish I could grab one of these feminists, tie her down,a pee all over her. Just to show her that I'm a fucking MAN and that I will never become the pussified, wimpy broken wrist faggot of a man they so desire. Fuck these lebsbian nazi cunts who want to destroy our manhood. Fuck them. Stand up. Be a man. Pee standing up.  Women think it's gross? it creates puddles? FUCK YOU WOMEN. I cleaned women's bathroom's for a living when I was younger, you fucking cunts leave blood on walls, shit all over walls because you won't sit on the bowl, and your pregnancy tests everywhere. Fuck you if you are gonna piss and moan about piss on the floor.
The World’s Greatest 21st Century Human Rights Movement, folks!

Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing me to this horrible crap.

EDIT: The “let’s murder feminists” comment has been taken down by the subreddit mods, though the user hasn’t been banned for it; the “I want to tie a feminist down and pee on her” comment remains up, and still boasts upvotes.

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11 years ago

LBT, sorry don’t mean to laugh at your misery but that response was hilarious. The onion usually helps you forget the pain.

11 years ago

Katz, thanks…what little I read that guy give athiests a bad name, what a asshat. Going leave that gem for later.

11 years ago

@LBT, if you have some spare cash, they make lozenges with a bit of topical anesthetic in them. It feels weird, but it helps.

11 years ago

@LBT: I usually make a very strong ginger tea with actual ginger. I peel the ginger and chop up some chunks of it and then cover it with hot water. I add honey to it so it is not so deadly.
Garlic is good too, a personal favorite of my grandma. But that is too hardcore for me…

11 years ago

I mean… garlic tea is very hardcore for me. Garlic is awesome, usually.

11 years ago

Pineapplecookies, yes…ginger help with the immune system. When I have a bad cold, I make ginger tea with lemon and honey.

11 years ago

Who takes multiple pregnancy tests in a public bathroom? Cool story, bro, but you need to work on the believability part.

Also, wanting to pee on people to mark your territory like a dog? You sure are superior to us silly ladies with our thinking and our rational debate.

11 years ago

Oh, yes, you are right, JustAbrowngirl!! Lemon is a very good addition to this tea. I sometimes forget it, to be honest, because I don’t always have lemon at home. But I think it does make a huge difference.

11 years ago

To make the ginger tea stronger, if you have a stovetop kettle you can chop the ginger and just drop it right in the kettle. If you reboil the water to reheat it then it gets stronger each time.

11 years ago

Garlic tea?

I can’t even …

11 years ago

@CassandraSays: true, that makes it extra strong. it is really good too! =D

@kittehserf: don’t cough near my grandma….

11 years ago

CassandraSays, my mind went directly there (staking his claim ) because he is Alpha male and other must know how manly he is.

11 years ago

Pineapplecookies, my grand mama will slather you in Vick’s and infuse you with homemade herbal and roots tea. Got love grand mama.

11 years ago

pineapplecookies – so, best not have an asthma attack around your grandma? 😛

11 years ago

RE: JustAbrowngirl

LBT, sorry don’t mean to laugh at your misery but that response was hilarious.

Laughing at my misery is totally fine. It’s how I’m dealing with it. It’s the Manboobz way!

RE: emilygoddess

@LBT, if you have some spare cash, they make lozenges with a bit of topical anesthetic in them.

I think I’ve got those. They still don’t do the job. Whatever it is I’ve got, it’s the HMS Bounty here in my trachea.

RE: pineapplecookies

@LBT: I usually make a very strong ginger tea with actual ginger.

I will have to ask my roomies if we have any ginger, because that sounds quite good. Alas, they have no fresh garlic.

Also, in better news–Boobzers! For the first time since… um… a while… I HAVE A BED AGAIN! With a FRAME and a HEADBOARD and everything! 😀 And, once I’m well enough to reassemble and Rustoleum it, I have also been given a DRAFTING TABLE! A hardcore metal monster that probably dates back to the Cold War and was abandoned in the bowels of the apartment complex’s basement decades ago.

I have never had a drafting table before, never mind one that can be relatively easily disassembled, cleaned, and taken care of like this one. And I haven’t owned a full-on bed since 2008!


11 years ago

I can’t believe I found a recipe for Garlic tea online! But my grandma does not add the ginger. Actually, this tea sounds like an explosion of cure!

JustAbrowngirl: I always got mad at her for giving me all these things, but they always worked. Gotta love them indeed!

Another Brazilian specialty for coughs, colds, fevers & co. is called “Leite Queimado” (burned (??) milk). 2 or 3 tbsp. of sugar, 1 cup of milk, lime. Melt the sugar in a pan and then add the milk. Stir really well until the whole sugar has melted. You may add some lime or lemon peel. It has to be drunk really hot.

I don’t know why or how, but it actually works. It makes you sweat a lot so maybe science.

11 years ago

Those are really great news, LBT!! Congratulations!! =D

11 years ago

LBT, happy dreams in your new bed, I been there…it might be something that some people might take for granted, but it is a nice feeling having your own bed to lay your head on.

11 years ago

JM – maybe that guy has issues with his boner direction. In any case, I missed anything about the seat that you can lift being eliminated.

Ally S
11 years ago


Hey, have you received your welcome package yet?


Yeah, that’s actually how I fucked it up. I was feeling okay, so I went out into subzero weather to get some much-needed furniture. And then I woke up sicker. Then I thought I was feeling a little better, so I went to help a friend in the 20s weather. And then I woke up like this. It’s my own damn fault, but Christ, there’s so much shit I need to do and I just moved here!

That sucks. =[ Well, I suppose if you want to avoid that effect in the future, you can try to keep your body at a temperature that isn’t drastically different from the indoor temperature and the outdoor temperature(s). That means that, in cold weather, you could just bundle up especially well outdoors to counteract the outside cold – or, alternatively, wear only very light clothing when you’re indoors. That way you’ll minimize the impact of the temperature difference. If you’re already sick, my suggestions are likely unwise to follow, but perhaps they’re worth considering.

11 years ago

LBT, glad to have been of help…although your first reaction was a bit WHOA! I was worried that I’d inadvertently killed you. If it doesn’t let up before the honey/onion mix is gone, see your doctor. I hope it’s not strep throat (although the onion IS a mild antibiotic).

And yes, seconding the advice of those who said cloves, ginger, etc. Cloves are good for toothache so it stands to reason that they can also help ease an achy throat, and ginger makes a nice warming tea (and is good against pain too if chewed fresh).

11 years ago

acrannymint, I know, does he have a condition…I might not be a (dude, bro) but I think most wood erect up, not down.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

Feel better soon, LBT!

From what I understand (not being a penis-haver so this could be totally off base) the harder the boner, the more difficult it is to pee. Conversely, it’s easier to pee with a soft wilty boner. (Draw your own conclusions.) Also that it’s painful and impossible to push an erection down while peeing, so it ends up splattering just any old where. Spacedatwork must have one nasty-ass bathroom.

“We aim to please. You aim too, please.”

11 years ago

RE: pineapplecookies

I can’t believe I found a recipe for Garlic tea online!

Oh man, that also looks really useful. I shall have to give that a try, plus the burned milk thingy. All depends on my ability to scrounge shit up in the kitchen (I couldn’t really bring food with me).

RE: JustAbrowngirl

it is a nice feeling having your own bed to lay your head on.

Yeah! I’ve been sleeping on air mattresses, couches, and floors the past three months or so, and had just a mattress for the prior four, five years. It’ll be so exciting to have a whole bed, even though I despair of ever moving it.

11 years ago

YAY about bed and drafting table!

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