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Men’s Rights Redditors respond to imaginary plot to force men to pee sitting down with proposals to kill, pee on feminists

So Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers are in a tizzy over a bullshitty piece in the Daily Telegraph warning of an evil worldwide plot to force men to pee sitting down.

The evidence for the existence of such a plot is a bit on the skimpy side — the Telegraph writer leads off with a reference to a 2012  proposal from a County Council member in Sormland, Sweden that doesn’t seem to have gone anywhere legislatively but that’s been a favorite evil-feminist story on conservative websites ever since.

The very notion that some evil feminist might force them to sit while they spray has Men’s Rights Redditors in an unusually combative mood. Heck, it’s got some of the regulars thinking that it might well be time to start doing some good-old fashioned murdering. No, really.

Spacedatwork 6 points 10 hours ago (7|1)  Feminists are taking it too far now, I pee half the time with a boner and when I do pee sitting my dink dips in the water and it is nasty as fuck. This is the part where the MRA should pull off a campaign to assassinate feminist figures because talking, ranting and blogging is not enough until they take away our ability to naturally produce testosterone through medical procedures at birth.
Yep. In case you’ve been wondering, suggesting “a campaign to assassinate feminist figures” because some local council member in Sweden had a dumb idea will in fact win you upvotes on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Strikerfm1, by contrast, seems almost moderate with his “tie feminists down and urinate on them” proposal.

strikerfm1 3 points 8 hours ago (5|2)  I so wish I could grab one of these feminists, tie her down,a pee all over her. Just to show her that I'm a fucking MAN and that I will never become the pussified, wimpy broken wrist faggot of a man they so desire. Fuck these lebsbian nazi cunts who want to destroy our manhood. Fuck them. Stand up. Be a man. Pee standing up.  Women think it's gross? it creates puddles? FUCK YOU WOMEN. I cleaned women's bathroom's for a living when I was younger, you fucking cunts leave blood on walls, shit all over walls because you won't sit on the bowl, and your pregnancy tests everywhere. Fuck you if you are gonna piss and moan about piss on the floor.
The World’s Greatest 21st Century Human Rights Movement, folks!

Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing me to this horrible crap.

EDIT: The “let’s murder feminists” comment has been taken down by the subreddit mods, though the user hasn’t been banned for it; the “I want to tie a feminist down and pee on her” comment remains up, and still boasts upvotes.

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Ally S
11 years ago

: : waves at Howard : :

11 years ago

Shh… don’t tell the guys this, but in various times and cultures women have stood up to pee. It’s not that difficult to do.

11 years ago

More new kitties for Howard, yay! I’m sure new kitty will start exploring his fantastic new home soon.

11 years ago

Also also, calling it now: The Amazing Atheist will make a video talking about this.

Sucker bet.

11 years ago

“Also also, calling it now: The Amazing Atheist will make a video talking about this.” LOL! So true.

Robert Ramirez
Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

I bet the MRA lurkers just cringe when they read this blog. How can they not feel really really stupid at the shallow nonsense that they work themselves up in a lather about?

A footnote politician in some town in Sweden makes a resolution about being polite while peeing and all of a sudden it is the END OF CIVILIZATION AS WE KNOW IT!

11 years ago
Reply to  katz

Sorry, new here. Who is the Amazing Atheist?

Ally S
11 years ago

Shh… don’t tell the guys this, but in various times and cultures women have stood up to pee. It’s not that difficult to do.

I’m sure some DMAB trans women occasionally stand up as well. I’m one of them, although I prefer to not do it.

11 years ago

I’ve always felt the more pride a person takes in what is ultimately their factory default settings, the less they’ve actually done in their lives. If the only thing a person has to feel pride over is the fact that they are white, straight, male and assigned as such at birth…what have you *done* to feel so superior to any other factory (whether assigned at birth or otherwise) setting?

11 years ago

“Shh… don’t tell the guys this, but in various times and cultures women have stood up to pee. It’s not that difficult to do.”

I have a friend who taught herself to pee standing up, and would do so regularly. She was also very much a “fuck the system” type, and apparently really confused some dudes once by deciding the restroom wait was too long, and using a urinal.

I’ve been tempted to try to figure out the process myself, but then I imagine failing in technique at the mall or something, and decide that the risk is higher than the reward.

11 years ago

Good to see that /mensrights and InfoWars has the exact same audience…

Also, why is it a favorite insult of these guys (and conservatives in general) to claim that liberals and male feminists are “weak”? I mean, I am fairly certain that Jello Biafra, Barney Greenway, Chuck Schuldiner, Randy Blythe, and more could absolutely wipe the floor with any of them…

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

“Hate religion, love Jesus”

As a formerly religious person, … this is entirely a matter of definitions. And for certain values of the word ‘religion,’ it is truly utterly ridiculous. However, most people know right off that when you say ‘hate religion, love Jesus’ you mean to say something about a form of ritualized worship that allows you to act any old way you please and still claim to be a Christian. (see also: the religious right, working itself into a lather to avoid helping the poor)

Even as a non-religious person, a formerly religious person, I understand perfectly well that words can be used to mean different things, and y’know what? I’m actually 100% straight-up in favor of religious people examining which of the things they do are because of form and which of them they do because Jesus was All About That. (hint hint: riches, eye of a camel, feed my sheep, stuff and stuff)

Robert Ramirez
Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

I am sort of an atheist ( it is very complicated) and I really don’t like Jesus at all…I find him too didactic.

11 years ago

seraph – love that version! 😀

moldybrehd – gah, J sounds like an idiot who worked here for three months (he got the arse at the end of his probationary period). He had some sort of bowel problem and one time used the upstairs loo, which until then I’d been the only one using. I’m not going to describe the disgusting mess he left; I’ll just say that I belted downstairs and screamed at him to go and clean it up. Then I put a sign up marking that loo at the women’s (ie. mine). I could not believe that an adult would leave a toilet in that condition. Not a public loo where he couldn’t clean it, either; in his workplace where everything he needed to clean it was available. I knew the guy was a moron by then but didn’t know anyone could be that grosstupid.

On that jackass commenting in the Telegraph – men being obsessed with their appearance is a new thing/ sign of lack of interest in sex? Get a fucking clue and look at fashion history, ignoramus. I’d love to see more men looking decorative instead of wandering around like total slobs all the time.

11 years ago

Which is fine, but doesn’t make “hate religion, love Jesus” logically impossible.

11 years ago

Robert – I guess being didactic sort of went with his job. 🙂

Definitions can be such a pain, can’t they? Closest shorthand term I can find for myself is deist, except the history of deism I’ve read doesn’t work for me at all; Spiritualist doesn’t work either, because it brings up images of Blavatsky or various reincarnationists or other stuff I’ve no time for at all.

Vive la square pegs!

11 years ago

katz – was that TheAssholeAtheist claiming it is logically impossible? That’d be just like his bigotstupidity.

11 years ago

Wow, these guys are taking their urination process WAY too seriously. Also, double the OHGODNOWHY regarding people who seem constitutionally incapable of getting their shit in the bucket. (I’ve seen some pretty impressive disasters, even in the women’s room.)

How can folks NOT care or be aware of that shit? D: I mean, I worked on a dairy farm for a bit and got used to being shat on regularly, but that ended the moment I left the cows!

11 years ago

RE: Kittehs

Oh god, that coworker sounds AWFUL. Good on you for calling him out; what kind of asshole makes a mess like that and then doesn’t clean it up, or at least mention it to someone who can?

11 years ago

Yeah, there’s no way Spaced at work is telling the truth. I mean, boners point up when you have them-if your sitting down, firstly that will improve your likelihood of not causing a spillage (rather than relying on a mini-fountain to land precisely where you need it), and secondly, even if you are sitting down, a boner will sit high, into the edge of the bowl, not point downwards.

11 years ago

Nope, not every boner points up.

11 years ago

LBT – hi! Have you moved to Ohio yet?

I can never fathom how, or WHY, people piss or shit outside the bowl, either. I don’t see men’s loos other than the one I now share at work – going upstairs is too hard on my knees these days – but I’m relieved to say I’ve never encountered puddles there. They know how to lift the seat and clean up after themselves! As for the messes I’ve seen in station toilets, I can only assume it’s drunks or obnoxious, deliberate behaviour. I always do wonder about the just not-flushed thing. How anyone can walk away without flushing the loo is beyond me.

That co-worker was … gods, I hope he was one of a kind. He was like a little kid still getting its arse wiped. Had a beautiful speaking voice (I suspect his parents had paid for lessons) and absolutely nothing else going for him. Couldn’t put charts away in numerical order. Tried to describe a manager as “acute” and used a word that had nothing to do with that – I can’t remember what it was, except it started with A and he mispronounced it.

Oh, and he showed me a foul play he was writing. (Yes, he fancied going into theatre.) About some ghost of a rapist, and the witch he’d raped, who was trying to get another woman raped by this ghost to prove something to him about her own rape, or for revenge, or something. It was utterly disgusting as well as being appalling writing, and I don’t think he had a single clue about how offensive and ridiculous the idea was.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
11 years ago

According to Wikipedia, the county council in question covers an area of 5600 square kilometers (2200 sq mi) and has a population of 270,000.

But tomorrow… the world!

11 years ago

Why he trying to complement his boss’s managerial acumen?

11 years ago

RE: kittehserf

LBT – hi! Have you moved to Ohio yet?

Ugh, yes. Got hammered by TWO blizzards, then my moving buddy got sick, and now I am sick too, couch-ridden (haven’t had a bed because the blizzards shut everything down, and now I’m too sick to get out), without health insurance for this state, and unable to do jack shit about any of it until I pitch off the flu, which is what I think I have. My throat feels like it was assaulted with sand paper and I can’t find anything to soothe it; even cough drops only last as long as the damn thing’s in my mouth, and then it’s right back to hacking and coughing.

In other words, this move has been awful and I haven’t even UNPACKED yet.