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Men’s Rights Redditors respond to imaginary plot to force men to pee sitting down with proposals to kill, pee on feminists

So Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers are in a tizzy over a bullshitty piece in the Daily Telegraph warning of an evil worldwide plot to force men to pee sitting down.

The evidence for the existence of such a plot is a bit on the skimpy side — the Telegraph writer leads off with a reference to a 2012  proposal from a County Council member in Sormland, Sweden that doesn’t seem to have gone anywhere legislatively but that’s been a favorite evil-feminist story on conservative websites ever since.

The very notion that some evil feminist might force them to sit while they spray has Men’s Rights Redditors in an unusually combative mood. Heck, it’s got some of the regulars thinking that it might well be time to start doing some good-old fashioned murdering. No, really.

Spacedatwork 6 points 10 hours ago (7|1)  Feminists are taking it too far now, I pee half the time with a boner and when I do pee sitting my dink dips in the water and it is nasty as fuck. This is the part where the MRA should pull off a campaign to assassinate feminist figures because talking, ranting and blogging is not enough until they take away our ability to naturally produce testosterone through medical procedures at birth.
Yep. In case you’ve been wondering, suggesting “a campaign to assassinate feminist figures” because some local council member in Sweden had a dumb idea will in fact win you upvotes on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Strikerfm1, by contrast, seems almost moderate with his “tie feminists down and urinate on them” proposal.

strikerfm1 3 points 8 hours ago (5|2)  I so wish I could grab one of these feminists, tie her down,a pee all over her. Just to show her that I'm a fucking MAN and that I will never become the pussified, wimpy broken wrist faggot of a man they so desire. Fuck these lebsbian nazi cunts who want to destroy our manhood. Fuck them. Stand up. Be a man. Pee standing up.  Women think it's gross? it creates puddles? FUCK YOU WOMEN. I cleaned women's bathroom's for a living when I was younger, you fucking cunts leave blood on walls, shit all over walls because you won't sit on the bowl, and your pregnancy tests everywhere. Fuck you if you are gonna piss and moan about piss on the floor.
The World’s Greatest 21st Century Human Rights Movement, folks!

Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing me to this horrible crap.

EDIT: The “let’s murder feminists” comment has been taken down by the subreddit mods, though the user hasn’t been banned for it; the “I want to tie a feminist down and pee on her” comment remains up, and still boasts upvotes.

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11 years ago

A reasonable person would need to exercise the pelvic floor muscles because they’d want to stop peeing while changing positions, but you know this guy would just piss all over the floor because it’s his right and telling him not to is misandry.

11 years ago


Should do what nasty owners do to pups … rub his nose in it.

11 years ago

By the way, I do enjoy peeing sitting down.

11 years ago

Wow. I keep reading the second reddit comment and I can’t get over how stupid it is. Like, it honest to god might be the stupidest thing I’ve read. Not because it was the worst, most offensive, or nauseating thing I’ve seen. Hell, I’ve read worse form MRA’s on this website alone.

I wonder, when these people encounter a woman in the flesh, what their first impulse is? The ignorance of these redditors has made me see them on the same level as castaways that have never been in any civilized society and have had to live on the wreckage from a plane crash. It’s strange, I know. But it’s even stranger to think that a man actually believes feminists will start policing men’s bathrooms and forcing them to sit down and pee while they watch.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Someone in poly relationships across the sexes could be in real trouble.”

I am suddenly glad my ex-FWB is an ex and I don’t have to ponder that question! Oh, I know, pee lying down in the shower, since poly people are all sluts who spread their legs for anyone (yes I’ve had it assumed that not-monogamous = willing-to-fuck-you, like I don’t still have standards!)

The spread their legs part follows from the slut part, since only women are called sluts, the rest of us are just playing the field or some such. Hey, does that mean that my lying down thing only applies to women in poly relationships with people of differing genders?


11 years ago

Obviously everyone’s gonna have to stop peeing, it’s all too difficult!

(Except the Manly Menz who can stand up and pee on the floor, they’re allowed to, obvs.)

11 years ago

pee lying down in the shower


Ally S
11 years ago

pee lying down in the shower


11 years ago

Ya just gotta get your butt right over the drain. 🙂

11 years ago

Eeeeee deadly warrior kitteh!

11 years ago

So, if I can pee with relatively good aim into the toilet while doing a handstand, what does that say about my sexuality?

11 years ago

So, if I can pee with relatively good aim into the toilet while doing a handstand, what does that say about my sexuality?

I don’t know, but I bet you’re really popular with whatever gender(s) are involved.

11 years ago

So, if I can pee with relatively good aim into the toilet while doing a handstand, what does that say about my sexuality?

That you should wash your hands very thoroughly.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ok, I apparently cannot post on the first try. Annoying.

1) didn’t say my idea was a good one
2) I think the cat in auggz’s link is a bengal, check out pic #3, those look like spots, not stripes

11 years ago

Hey, if you’re going to put a cat into battle armor, a Bengal is a good contender.

11 years ago

I could be wrong but with that picture of the crotch-shot in cut off jeans and the fact you keep telling us about your preferred peeing method ralmcg, are you just trolling us? lol

11 years ago

So, if I can pee with relatively good aim into the toilet while doing a handstand, what does that say about my sexuality?

I dunno, but it should be interesting!

11 years ago

@ cupisnique

My crotch, look at it! Please?

Chocolate Coyote
11 years ago

I love how on the list of “things I can do to improve my X, or change my Y”, they go from “ranting” to “murder.

damn, my rant and hissy fit didn’t work, and there’s no other options, so it’s time for MURDER!

makes sense to me. though i usually try “organizing” “talking to senators”, “going to school boards to change cirricula” first… but hey, “rant” then “murder” works too.

Robert Ramirez
Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

Like, maybe they can stand up, ass toward the toilet, do just a minimum of squatting and then push really hard to make the pieces of poop sort of fly out of their asses and into the toilet bowl?

I see a future Olympic event

11 years ago

Winter Olympics – outdoor event for the ManlyMenz(TM).

11 years ago

Like, maybe they can stand up, ass toward the toilet, do just a minimum of squatting and then push really hard to make the pieces of poop sort of fly out of their asses and into the toilet bowl?

I see a future Olympic event

I see Clorox bleach becoming a major sponsor of the Olympics.

11 years ago

RE: pineapplecookies

Your grandmother sounds awesome. I wish I could have a book of her cures!

RE: littlebear

You should try to see if you’ve got something bacterial or viral.

Nope, no white spots; my tonsils seem to be okay, though one of my lymph nodes is swollen. (Thankfully not so much today!) My throat is a bit red, but doing much better today; the infection pretty much fled my onion-beleagured throat and bolted up into my sinuses, which I am much better equipped to deal with. Miracle pills, GO!

RE: Unimaginative

Also, (GROSSNESS alert) if your mucus is brightly coloured (green or yellow), then it’s probably bacterial. Virus snot is usually clear, dingy, or brownish. Be careful and pay attention, though, H1N1 is out killing people again.

Oh dammit, AGAIN? Ass. As far as the mucus tests, there’s been practically none to come up, and the vast majority of what I’ve seen has looked pretty normal. Which in some ways is a relief (I used to get sinus infections a LOT as a teenager, and oh god, it was like being a GEYSER of snot) but also more warnings for something viral.

Thankfully, I’m feeling a lot better today. Hubby suggested that stress might be making things worse (especially since my brain has a history of wrecking my physical health if I overdraw my sanity account) and let me have a good cry, I made my space more secure, and did a lot of resting. I think those onions helped too.

RE: emilygoddess

(remember those guys in Texas who died from brain parasites?)


Also, having come from a semi-aquatic childhood, I have never quite been able to overcome my visceral reaction of D: to having saltwater go up my nose. So sorry to hear you’re sick! I joked with Argenti that I’d spread the plague to you guys, but I didn’t mean it seriously!

RE: Rahu

Try making a “lion face”,

This is hands-down the most entertaining advice I’ve gotten thus far. Will keep it in mind when I run out of onions, honey, and cough-drops!

11 years ago

“Fuck them. Stand up. Be a man. Pee standing up.”
Literally the best thing sentence I’ve ever seen from an MRA. I really can’t think of any other group of people who so readily lend themselves to self parody.

11 years ago

“Fuck them. Stand up. Be a man. Pee standing up.”
Literally the best thing sentence I’ve ever seen from an MRA. I really can’t think of any other group of people who so readily lend themselves to self parody.

Yeah. Can’t you just see him, standing on a cliff, solemnly uttering those lines while the wind majestically blows back his superhero cape and the dramatic music plays?

Sadly, that’s probably how he does picture himself….