$MONEY$ a voice for men hypocrisy irony alert mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever MRA narcissism paul elam things that aren't satire

A Voice for Men’s Paul Elam finally admits that he’s been pocketing an unspecified chunk of site donations

Your donations will help change the life of this suffering man-child!
Your donation will help change the life of this suffering man-child!

Here are some of the things Paul Elam of A Voice for Mens has said in the past that the $80,000 plus in donations his site aims to take in every year go to:

Dedicated servers, image royalties, legal fees, internet radio premiums, various kinds of computer and media hardware — and now traveling to different locations, like Toronto, in order to do what has been in the plans all along.

Here are a few things Elam has not said the donations have been going to:

Buying him sandwiches. Paying for the down payment on a condo. Paying his cable bill. Paying for DVD rentals. Buying tasteful framed art for the walls and tchotchkes for the end tables. Buying him suits for his big important media interviews.

Well, now he’s fessed up — sort of.

After a bit of a kerfuffle about financial transparency in his site’s comments section, Elam has finally admitted what a lot of us have been assuming but that he’s been loath to admit: that he’s been living off of his supporters’ donations — and a generous girlfriend. As he explained in a post yesterday:

Donations are used to meet my personal living expenses (with the help of a supportive partner), especially as I have not yet figured out a way to do this 14-16 hours a day and also hold a full time job.

Was that so hard to admit? Apparently it was, so hard, in fact, that he chose to admit it in the quietly evasive passive voice, so as to symbolically avoid responsibility for taking his donors’ money even as he acknowledged that this was what he was doing.

Now, is there anything wrong with making a living, or a part of a living, off of a “donate button” on a web page? Of course not. I have a donate button, and I run regular fundraisers; all of the money I collect — which I greatly appreciate, though it is only a small fraction of what AVFM takes in — goes directly to me, as I’ve always made clear.

Is it wrong for activists to make a living off of their activism? No. Plenty do, though few live lavishly. Most serious activist organizations depend both on paid staff and volunteers.

But I think there are two problems with what Elam has done.

The first is that he’s basically been fundraising under false pretenses, claiming that the money was going for various other costs and never — until now — admitting that a chunk of the money was going directly to him. He still won’t say what percentage of the money goes to him — and his silence on this point suggests to me that it is probably a large one.

His unwillingness to offer any real transparency beyond admitting that some of the money goes to him seems a tad, well, ironic in light of his site’s bad-mouthing of former AVFM-er Kristina Hansen for her alleged lack of transparency with regard to a much smaller sum of donated money.

The second big problem is the hypocrisy. Elam has been essentially urging his followers to adopt vows of poverty in order to devote more money to AVFM — and thus to him. He’s bragged, on several occasions, about getting $100 donations taken from a donor’s unemployment checks.

And in one notorious post, he literally offered a big “fuck you” to men who came to AVFM seeking help, telling them explicitly to “go fucking bother someone else with your problems” — if they hadn’t already offered help to AVFM by hitting the donate button.

I am tired of seeing a handful of men and women fight for a cause that should include millions. I am tired of seeing a comparative handful of men and women cough up the lion’s share of financial assistance when most, even some who come here every day to read and cheer on FTSU, won’t cough up five fucking dollars to help us out; who are just fine as long as none of the burden, even a trivial part of it, is on them.

After a bit more ranting, he offered this advice:

If you want things to change, then stock up on Ramen, get cozy in your studio apartment and join us in the fight to fix this shit. Don’t ask us to help you, but rather give your life the only meaning it may have left, as someone ready and willing to turn your meager existence into helping others who have been similarly screwed over.

Emphasis mine in both quotes.

Apparently the main “other” that doners have been helping has been Elam himself.

And as far as I can tell Elam hasn’t exactly taken his own vow of poverty. The photo at the top of the post is a partial screenshot from a recent AVFM video, which evidently shows Elam at home. To me, that doesn’t look much like the bleak studio apartment of a man living a “meager existence” on Ramen noodles.

Still, if there are men out there who want to send in hundreds of dollars from their unemployment checks to support Paul Elam in the lifestyle to which he has become accustomed, that is their right, I suppose. They should just be aware that’s what they’re doing when they donate to AVFM.

NOTE: I should make clear that I don’t know what exactly Elam has spent his donors’ money on. It is possible that he has not spent any of his donors’ money on sandwiches, condos, cable bills, DVDs, art, tchotchkes, or suits. Those were just guesses. As for me, I do spend some of the money I get from donors on sandwiches, rent, cable bills, Netflix, and of course cat food.

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11 years ago

@ Argenti

Yeah, this does not surprise me. There does seem to be a distinct theme in terms of women, especially women perceived as being more sexually active than the killer approves of, being targeted.

11 years ago

If Elam is the MRM’s angry dad then Fidelbogen is its Unabomber.

Except the Unabomber was highly intelligent, wasn’t he? Fiddles could never convincingly portray that.

Gods, that Green River killer. Hadn’t heard of him before; what a piece of utter garbage. I’m surprised the MRAs don’t treat him as a hero – unintelligent, obsessed with sex and the worst known serial killer in the US. He’s like the ne plus ultra of MRA fantasies.

11 years ago

I’m serious, it’s cosplay. Look at him in his little hat and his “this makes me invisible to the cops” coat.

11 years ago

Paul Elam says….

FUCK you ! If you don’t have $5 why should I care! Your story isn’t even EXPLOITABLE! Cough it up ($5 ) or fuck you I don’t care!

Ally S
11 years ago

Speaking of the Unabomber: there is some evidence that ze is trans.

11 years ago

Elam said this, I’m guessing?

“These emails always leave me fumbling for a polite, supportive way to tell them they are fucked and that there is no help. These men write me because they think I am an expert on the system they are up against, and to some degree I suppose I am, so I don’t much relish writing them back with the news that there are no answers that don’t involve knee pads, copious amounts of Vaseline and platitudes like “survive to fight another day.””

That is bullshit. The whole point of being an activist, part of a movement, is to get things to change, right? I mean, by doing things like engaging in protests, writing to government representatives, starting petitions, creating some kind of fund, etc., etc., etc. The only thing he can think to do for men who write to him is to tell them they’re SOL? (Not that most of the “issues” that MRAs think are actual issues ARE actual issues. But some of them, like say, domestic violence shelters for men, or prison rape, or suicide, or any of the actual issues that they happen to stumble upon, they could be actually, y’know, advocating and affecting change for).

Shaun DarthBatman Day: Ouch! I’m sorry, I have no opioids to send. I do have a housecleaning hamster, though:

11 years ago

If they weren’t before, they were SOL the moment they contacted Elam.

11 years ago

It’s impossible for him to talk about anything without throwing in a rape joke, isn’t it?

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
11 years ago

Those donations go to vital activism. The ‘H’ in MHRA alone costs at least $8000 per year. This is why David is jealous; he wanted to name the site manhumanboobz, but sadly couldn’t afford it.

Ally S
11 years ago

I didn’t notice the rape joke until Cassandra pointed it out. Elam is so disgusting. Doesn’t he know that there may be some rape victims who are reading the shit he says?

11 years ago

Of course he does, Ally – he just doesn’t care. If anything, he probably gloats at the thought he’s causing distress (yes, I do mean to men).

11 years ago

He’s trying to use the fear of rape to manipulate people, because he is an evil shithead.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

The Unabomber is a legit genius. Not just intelligent but brilliant, like, IQ well above MENSA’s requirement. So no, Fidelbogen cannot compare in that department.

11 years ago

TW for attitudes to male rape victims:

It really shows how much Elam despises men, doesn’t it, that he makes a “joke” like that. There’s a world of contempt for rape victims in there, and, I’d bet, especially for men who’re so weak or unmanly or gay as to be assaulted that way. He may pretend it’s all compassion for how Teh Ebil Feminazi State treats them, but that’s bullshit.

11 years ago

I don’t think it’s even pretend compassion, it’s a threat – do what I tell you and keep giving me money or the evil feminazi state will rape you.

11 years ago

I was thinking of his “compassion for men and boys” line.

11 years ago

Compassion for men and boys as long as they’re not gay, or insufficiently manly, or too friendly to women, or not-white, or…

11 years ago

Yup, compassion for white, cis, hetero, misogynist, racist, homophobic, trans phobic men and boys. Especially if they’re rapists, of course.

11 years ago

Compassion for men and boys as long as they’re not gay, or insufficiently manly, or too friendly to women, or not-white, or…

Or refuse to send Paul Elam money….

11 years ago


$5 for that? Hell, Lucy gave better advice for a nickel when she sat at her lemonade stand labelled “The Doctor Is In”.

With apologies to Charles Schulz:

11 years ago

Brilliant, Myoo! 😀

Sigh … all that money and Elam still can’t get a decent haircut. (Mind you neither can Bernie Ecclestone or Donald Trump.)

11 years ago

Refusing to send Elam money is misandry. If you don’t want to fund him then the feminazi conspiracy has obviously colonized your brain.

11 years ago

Myoo, that’s perfect! Is it yours? And if so, may I steal it?

11 years ago

So much fun stuff this thread (the mockery, I mean). Not much to add, so I provide brain-bleach to the hardy warriors who have gone to Elam’s vile site so the rest of us don’t have to: