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Cat discovers snow; David takes a few days off

So, there’s a whole bunch of MRA stuff I should be writing about now, and some Roosh drama, but, you know, my heart just isn’t in it at the moment. So I’m going to take a few more days off to clear my head. In the meantime, I would suggest keeping up with the latest MRA and PUA shenanigans by checking out the AgainstMensRights and TheBluePill subreddits, respectively.

Also, I thought you all might appreciate this video of a cat discovering snow for the first time.

And Happy New Year! Or did I already wish you guys that?

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Snork Maiden
11 years ago

I don’t think he knows where milk comes from.

11 years ago

I just wanted to clarify one thing in relation to the whole deadbeat/debtor’s prison thing… As a general rule, it should be noted that deadbeat parents are only supposed to be thrown in jail for not making payments when they actually have the ability to pay them. (This is not necessarily true for other kinds of debts — one of the many ways in which we prioritize businesses over people in the US, yay!) And the fact that so much child support goes uncollected leaves me pretty unconvinced that deadbeat parents make up a huge percentage of people imprisoned for failure to pay debts.

So there’s that too.

11 years ago

There does seem to be a trend in the US lately (like, over the past couple of decades) to 1) entrap people into poverty and then 2) punish them for being poor.

11 years ago

Auggziliary that’s pitiful . I don’t know . Like a toddler holding its breath in a temper tantrum.

11 years ago

Hey everyone…I wonder if anybody knows of a site like Captain Awkward? Questions on that site are closed for now and I’m kind of in a bad way.

11 years ago

Alex, there is also a site called Friends of Captain Awkward that has forums where you can ask questions. JenniferP, the owner of the original blog, isn’t part of this site, but there are good people there. (If you do decide to sign up and don’t receive an activation email, send an email to admin [at]

11 years ago

What the fuck is this?

People take this shit seriously? I thought it was an internet meme.

11 years ago

I counted 65 WTFs in that post before I couldn’t take it any more, and I still had 3 paragraphs to go. I hope the comments are better…

11 years ago
11 years ago

Seriously, I thought radfems were, like, a made-up thing. A parody. I can’t believe there are actually real people out there who actually think that way. Mind you, I used to think the same thing about MRAs, so there’s that.

11 years ago

What the fuck is this?

People take this shit seriously? I thought it was an internet meme.

If those women are serious ? I really ,really ,really ,really ,really ,really ,really ,REALLY feel sorry for them .Really .

I also personally resent that they would compare a woman and what she goes through being raped ,and a woman who consensually and willingly has PIV sex and immensely enjoys it physically and emotionally . I have experienced both so they do not speak for me. As well as I take insult for my fellow men whom they have categorized all as rapists .

Leave my husband,sons ,father ,brother ,men friends out of your delusion or whatever it is that’s going on with you .

11 years ago

She believes that PIV always hurts the first few times, all men are rapists (seriously radfems, just stop it with that bullshit), all women can get pregnant and dread it, and that violence is objective, to start. Also, reading other parts of her blog, consent from a woman is meaningless, men’s brains are fundamentally inferior to women’s, and I just can’t read any more. I wish people like this wouldn’t call themselves feminists.

11 years ago

A Mormon libertarian is starving himself until same sex marriage is illegal.

I heard about that. They’re calling him Starvey Milk.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Please add to the WTF list the idea that barriers to avoiding pain are broken down, or whatever that shit is. This masochist begs to differ (no, really, I just may beg, as long as we all know it’s just play begging)

Also, rape doesn’t come from rapt —

rape (n.2)
kind of cruciferous plant (Brassica napus), late 14c., from Old French rape, from Latin rapa, rapum “turnip,” from PIE *rap- (cf. Greek hrapys “rape,” Old Church Slavonic repa, Lithuanian rope, Middle Dutch roeve, Old High German ruoba, German Rübe “rape, turnip”). Usually grown to feed sheep, an oil made from it is used in cooking (see canola).

rape (n.1)
early 14c., “booty, prey;” mid-14c., “forceful seizure; plundering, robbery, extortion,” from Anglo-French rap, rape, and directly from Latin rapere “seize” (see rape (v.)). Meaning “act of abducting a woman or sexually violating her or both” is from early 15c., but perhaps late 13c. in Anglo-Latin.

rape (v.)
late 14c., “seize prey; abduct, take by force,” from rape (n.) and from Anglo-French raper (Old French rapir) “to seize, abduct,” a legal term, probably from past participle of Latin rapere “seize, carry off by force, abduct” (see rapid).

Latin rapere was used for “sexually violate,” but only very rarely; the usual Latin word being stuprare “to defile, ravish, violate,” related to stuprum (n.), literally “disgrace.” Meaning “to abduct (a woman), ravish;” also “seduce (a man)” is from early 15c. in English. Related: Raped; raping. Uncertain connection to Low German and Dutch rapen in the same sense.

We can assume the first form is irrelevant, but neither of the other two say shit about the woman being property. It’s what it usually meant in practice, but to claim it’s built into the root of the word is patently false.

11 years ago

That witchwind blog is a cornucopia of fuckery. I was convinced it was parody, but no, they mean it.

Radfems have some interesting things to say about notions of consent in a patriarchy, but it’s hard to find the nuggets of sense in that huge pile of bullshit.

Hope everyone’s New Year is going great. I have sinus and ear infection, so I haven’t been doing much of anything but begging Mr. HK to kill me the past few days (me: kill me? the mr: no). I finally went to the doc in the box today, and now have the world’s biggest antibiotics. Seriously, these things are freakin’ huge.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh, rapt (and rapture) do share the root though —

rapture (n.)
c.1600, “act of carrying off,” from Middle French rapture, from Medieval Latin raptura “seizure, rape, kidnapping,” from Latin raptus “a carrying off, abduction, snatching away; rape” (see rapt). Earliest attested use in English is of women and in 17c. it sometimes meant rape (v.), which word is a cognate of this. Sense of “spiritual ecstasy, state of mental transport” first recorded c.1600 (raptures).

rapt (adj.)
late 14c., “carried away in an ecstatic trance,” from Latin raptus, past participle of rapere “seize, carry off” (see rape (v.)). A figurative sense, the notion is of “carried up into Heaven (bodily or in a dream),” as in a saint’s vision. Latin literal sense of “carried away” was in English from 1550s. In 15c.-17c. the word also sometimes could mean “raped.” Sense of “engrossed” first recorded c.1500. As a past participle adjective, in English it spawned the back-formed verb rap “to affect with rapture,” which was common c.1600-1750.

So the Christian rapture is rape. I could argue that just as “logically” as she’s arguing that all PiV sex is rape. Possibly more so, seeing how I’ve seen how rapere was used in Classical Latin — taken by force is probably the best definition, my dictionary is saying “to seize, snatch, carry away”.

11 years ago

I also like how she rationalized the fact its painful at least the first time is proof its unnatural and “rape.” That is not what the vagina is for (sexual intercourse) its only function it pushing a baby out .

Right exactly that makes sense . That’s why childbirth is so non painful . At least not compared to ‘intercourse” ..I seriously was having no pain at all ..and multi orgasmic through all 3 of my children’s births. I was screaming MORE please don’t stop!

11 years ago

rapum turnip -> Rapunzel. I think that was my favourite part of that story.

11 years ago

Stop me if this is veering into TMI, but…does it really hurt that much for most people the first time? Because I was kinda psyched out by the whole pain thing, but we were just super slow and gentle and it didn’t hurt at all. I mean, it’s not like you have to just ram it in there.

11 years ago

See, I didn’t catch that contradiction, dallasapple. I got hung up on the fact that she thinks it’s painful for everyone at first. For me: awkward? Yes. Painful? No.

Sorry to hear about your sinus and ear infection, hellkell. I had a cold turn into what was probably bronchitis, but by the time I figured that out I wasn’t running a fever any more, so I never went to the dr. for it. Hope you feel better very soon!

11 years ago

See, I didn’t catch that contradiction, dallasapple. I got hung up on the fact that she thinks it’s painful for everyone at first. For me: awkward? Yes. Painful? No.

It isn’t painful for everyone the first time but many times it is . Even so I would hardly compare it to the pain of childbirth . Last I heard its pretty rare anyone request a spinal block to have sex for the first time . Having said that ? I have met women (rare but I have) who say they experienced very little pain giving birth .

The point is IF it is painful having intercourse the first time for many women and that is what it unnatural ? How does she explain the often times immense and long suffering hours of pain giving birth ?

She talked about PIV causing tears and bruising ? Wonder if she has even given birth ?

I see a HUGE contradiction .

11 years ago

Stop me if this is veering into TMI, but…does it really hurt that much for most people the first time? Because I was kinda psyched out by the whole pain thing, but we were just super slow and gentle and it didn’t hurt at all. I mean, it’s not like you have to just ram it in there.

I don’t think that is TMI . I think especially if you are older (by older I mean 18 ,19, 20 ) and you have used tampons ? AND you are relaxed and go slow and easy (no ramming it ?) It shouldn’t hurt that bad or at all . Pressure ? Sure but that’s the good part . (grin ).

But if you take a fully in tact hymen and just burst through it in a thrust or two ? That can be slobbering painful .

11 years ago

The narrative that it has to hurt just seems rather more widespread than the reality; I can’t help wondering if that’s connected to slut-shaming (“That’s what you get for having sex, you dirty slut!”)

11 years ago

Or maybe it’s meant as a warning to young women to stay virgins, along the lines of some of the lies they told us about drugs when we were kids.

11 years ago

Well it hurt for me the first time . BAD . But I was only 14 and I was rammed. Still would never ever compare to childbirth (of which I had 3 ,2 with no pain killers at all just “all natural) let alone subsequent pleasurable sex .(yes PIV)