announcements kitties off topic open thread

Cat discovers snow; David takes a few days off

So, there’s a whole bunch of MRA stuff I should be writing about now, and some Roosh drama, but, you know, my heart just isn’t in it at the moment. So I’m going to take a few more days off to clear my head. In the meantime, I would suggest keeping up with the latest MRA and PUA shenanigans by checking out the AgainstMensRights and TheBluePill subreddits, respectively.

Also, I thought you all might appreciate this video of a cat discovering snow for the first time.

And Happy New Year! Or did I already wish you guys that?

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

That was my assumption as well, seeing how some of our regulars are disabled men. And idk how we should’ve known, or why we should care, I mean, they’re speculating he’s avoiding court or similar utterly fine but not online things. Not like we’re hindering finding him when foul play is suspected or something.

Not that, you know, they don’t revel in causing foul play…

Ok, in seriousness, they’d gloat, so wtf is with it being HORRIBLE that we didn’t notice?

In other things, my mother has saved my sanity by reminding me that I have noise canceling headphones. The downfall of seeing sound? Yeah, music is amazing, but horrible noises are horrible. But now I’m piping music into my brain and drowning out That Noise on all levels. W00t.

11 years ago

I guess that, following the usual MRA theme, we were supposed to be keeping tabs on him as if we were his mom, because that’s what nice ladies are meant to do.

11 years ago

Ally – LOL I’ve had that confusion with this one is between perspective’s nym in many a sentence!

katz, I’m glad you figured out WTF that “feminists despise disabled men” was all about. I was totally baffled. Now I just have to find where my eyes rolled to this time.

11 years ago

They may also mean Aspergers, since there have been a couple of dudes who’ve shown up here going “I have Aspergers and that means I should be able to act shitty to women, how dare you suggest that I try not to make women uncomfortable”.

11 years ago

I do quite like this bit:

Let’s hope this whole affair is just an elaborate hoax to gin up publicity for the manosphere.

I love that the idea that WTF Price is faking his own disappearance to drum up blog traffic is a) a possibility and b) a good thing.

11 years ago

I’m not seeing how his vanishing from his blog could create publicity unless the mainstream media noticed, and as they pointed out even the people here who know that the MRM exists mostly didn’t notice, so…

11 years ago

Generally someone disappearing from a blog, even their own, just isn’t that noteworthy. Unless there were warning signs that something might be wrong, the normal assumption would be that they quit blogging because they got bored or busy and are off somewhere else doing something more important.

11 years ago

I disappeared from my blog ‘cos I’m either knitting or nattering here (sometimes both at once).

That’s in the “more important” category. 😉

this one is between perspectives
this one is between perspectives
11 years ago

@Kittehserf: thanks! ^-^ to be far I don’t think I ever mentioned arriving.

AllyS, I almost didn’t use this name cuz i thought it could be confusing

11 years ago

Hello again all. Christmastime disappeared in a haze of FTL and family trips. Hope everyone is doing well.

Heck, I’ll even extend that to WF Price.

11 years ago

Yeah, if he’d been displaying signs that something was wrong immediately prior to vanishing (had he?) then I’d say sure, be worried, but if not I’d just assume that he was busy with something else. So, again, not sure why we’re supposed to have mounted a search party for him. It’s the holidays, people get busy.

11 years ago

I don’t suppose it occurs to any of his fanboys to drop him an email themselves. No, it’s people he loathes who’re supposed to chase him up.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Cassandra — seeing how his own followers are thinking he’s busy or avoiding going to court or something…probably not. At least one of the people commenting did check the obits though (and fail to find anything)

But yeah, I’m voting for the simple answer — dude’s busy.

11 years ago

There are a few people here whose emails I have, and if I don’t see them around for a few days I don’t go all OMG ARE YOU STILL ALIVE? DID THE ILLUMINATI FINALLY GET YOU?, I just assume they’re busy. If I was starting to worry I’d email them, not go ask the dudes at AVFM why they hadn’t done it for me yet.

11 years ago



Argenti – WTF might be avoiding going to court? In trouble with the law, is he?

11 years ago

I haven’t updated my blog in a dog’s age, but thanks to the Welcome Package my traffic stats are still kind of impressive for a parasitic little blog. XD

I will get back to updating it soon, once we’ve figured out stuff with my mom.

11 years ago

Just before he disappeared (for over a month now I think) Price mentioned he was behind in child repayments, his minions weren’t checking obits they were checking the county jails to see if he was arrested.

The funniest thing is though, of all his “best friends” from The Spearhead and the manosphere, not one has his phone number or can get someone to pass by his house to see if he is OK..?

11 years ago

So WTF is a deadbeat dad, eh? Captain Renault speaks for me:

11 years ago

Kittehs, the way the US treats debt is pretty deplorable actually. I can try to dig something up, but I’m too tired now. Basically, it’s a pathway into our lovely prison industry, no matter the origin of the debt. It’s a bigger issue than failure to make child support payments, but essentially the powers that be often do things that make it more difficult for people to make their debt payments and then jail them for not making them. It’s complicated. Not to excuse Price in any way, but I do have sympathy for US “deadbeats” in general because the system is so fucked up.

11 years ago

Yeah, I kind of feel like debtor’s prison is one of those things that we should have moved beyond as a society at around the same time we banned children from working in factories and coalmines.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

FTR, there was exactly one reference to checking obits, so it’s probably safe to assume that person is just a worrywart. Because yeah, most of the rest are either “probably busy” or court related speculation.

In other news, I just got out from being elbow deep in the sump and have solved the horrible grinding noise. Now I just need to trap the damned snails that caused it. Also, I broke the terrarium lid and it crashed in on the plants. All of which, miraculously, survived without a scratch, except one — but it’s a nice hardy jade like plant (crassula gollum) and it just lost a few leaves fingers! I left the broken bits atop the soil in its pot, they may actually sprout, so no harm done there either.

Need a new hood though, again. And perhaps to figure out how to reinforce it, because one of these times the glass is going to end up in my ass, not in the terrarium.

Speaking of which, remember way back when, when I took four African violet cutting for pecunium? And how one died quickly and two have been growing? The fourth one sprouted!

Also, my genius puff got lost in the not currently in use CO2 diffuser earlier. Apparently clear plastic is confusing. I have really got to swap the CO2 container, I probably have some serious moonshine by now! (It’s a basic DIY CO2 generator — yeast and yeast food, but the result is…potent…I have no intent to drink it, but damn is it boozy!)

/tank related updates

11 years ago

Strewth, debtors’ prison is still a thing in the US? O_O

Okay, makes WTF disappearing for that reason more understandable, if that’s the case … though my sympathy for him is still minimal, because of all the shit he and his mates heap on women raising children alone.

11 years ago

We don’t call it debtor’s prison any more, but like cloudiah said, it’s pretty easy for a person to end up in jail for not paying their debts, which seems fundamentally uncivilized to me.

Snork Maiden
11 years ago

@baileyrenee, that is hilarious, initially I thought it was for real until it portrayed him as the perfect gentleman.

If anyone is curious about the latest attention seeking drama on RoK, they’re back on their persecution of fat women theme, currently they’re bashing pregnant women who dare to pile on extra pounds:

Comments include this gem from a young man who clearly wasn’t breast fed:

‘gross James
• 2 days ago

Do you realize how disgusting it is to have a “big family”? There should be laws against people like you, your wife, and your disgusting community. I am sick of people who think it is a great idea to have litters of children as if they are some sort of farm animal. That is sick. I hope your wife miscarries every child she was conceives. It is assholes like you giving in to some bitch’s fantasy of being the next Michelle Duggar.

You are doing a great disservice to the entire male gender by being pro life. Please don’t ever count yourself among us real men.

You are a wet nurse at best.’

It’s quite a long exchange with the LDS he’s flaming, but I haven’t figured out how to do screenshots yet.

11 years ago

I don’t think he understands what a wet nurse is…