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Cat discovers snow; David takes a few days off

So, there’s a whole bunch of MRA stuff I should be writing about now, and some Roosh drama, but, you know, my heart just isn’t in it at the moment. So I’m going to take a few more days off to clear my head. In the meantime, I would suggest keeping up with the latest MRA and PUA shenanigans by checking out the AgainstMensRights and TheBluePill subreddits, respectively.

Also, I thought you all might appreciate this video of a cat discovering snow for the first time.

And Happy New Year! Or did I already wish you guys that?

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11 years ago

🙂 Mama (the beagle) says Thank you and gives many kisses (more if you smell like food).

The ray is cause of the trip to Grand Cayman. I leave on Thursday, and on Sunday I get to snorkel with fishies and play with the sting rays.

11 years ago

Whoo, have a wonderful trip! We’ll want pics, y’know. 🙂

I probably smell like meat pie right now, having just had one for dinner; would Mama approve?

11 years ago

She likes anything that isn’t raw vegetables. 🙂

11 years ago

Late to the party …..

…. but CONGRATULATIONS to pecunium anyway.

11 years ago

Big congratulations to pecunium.

Big non-contact hugs for Ally. Are you still feeling nauseated?

Big nope on petting Mads, no matter how soft her belly or how innocent her face. She might as well be labeled Cuisinart.

Ally S
11 years ago

TMI warning: gross sickness stuff

Falconer, I’m feeling much better. I did the last of my vomiting last night, and my heaves were so painful that now I have full-body fatigue. I still feel better than I did last night, though – my stomach pain is gone, I no longer have any urge to vomit or have a bowel movement, and I don’t feel extremely anxious anymore.

My anxiety was exacerbating everything at some point because I started suffering from some kind of severe disorientation (almost as if I was hallucinating without drugs). I was actually afraid that I was going to die because of vomiting so much. If it weren’t for thinking about all of the nice things people said to me last night and my older brother giving me a back rub after vomiting, I would have felt even worse.

Today I’m just going to rest for the greater half of the day and try to keep thinking peaceful thoughts.

BTW, I think what happened is that I got food poisoning that got worse as a result of the turbulent bus ride and my anxiety. I emailed katz shortly before I started feeling sick and I’m sure she could tell how anxious I was at the time.

11 years ago

[MOST GROSS CHUNDERING] It sounds like you maybe got food poisoning. About a month ago I started feeling queasy after lunch and had an acute attack of vomiting that evening and into the early morning, but within 24 hours I stopped with the heaves. The physical act of throwing up left me all sore and stiff the next day, though.

So I know that feel, sis. *offers daps*

I prescribe curling up with a heating pad, blanket, and reading material.

11 years ago

Er, knucks, rather.

11 years ago

Big nope on petting Mads, no matter how soft her belly or how innocent her face. She might as well be labeled Cuisinart.

awwww. I’ll pet Mads, just not on teh belly.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Falconer — maybe you got Mads and my cat confused? The cuisinart lives here. Mads’s head should be safe petting.

That belly does look like a trap though.

11 years ago

LOL! Mads gets lots of belly pats. She even likes a cuddle where she’s lying with her feet in the air and getting a belly pat. Only bad scratch I’ve ever had from her was when I was taking her to the vet a few weeks back I still have a nice scar from that, but I doubt it’ll compete with the one I got from Cindy in the 1970s that’s still visible. 🙂

11 years ago

Damn MRAs stole the full stop that should have gone after “back”.

11 years ago

Ally: I’m sorry you’re sick. Glad you’re not vomiting anymore (and that bus driver was a straight up jerk – more concerned with the mess than with a sick passenger – really?). Sounds like food poisoning or a stomach virus (both usually last about 24 hours). Hydrate well. Water is best, but also some electrolyte replacement, like Gatorade. Broth is good too. With vomiting/diarrhea you can lose electrolytes, and that can exacerbate the body fatigue/achy feeling. I’m sure you’ve heard of the “BRAT diet” (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast), which are nice bland foods, but really just eat what your stomach can handle when it can handle it. And get plenty of rest!
/Unsolicited health advice, sorry. Feel free to ignore me, I’m in nurse mode :). Hope you feel better soon.

11 years ago

Ally: Glad you are starting to feel better. It sounds like you were really miserable yesterday!

11 years ago

Also glad to hear you’re feeling better, Ally. Doggy hugs!

11 years ago

Just to let ya’ll know I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed from my vagina today . Just to be extra protective of my husbands masculinity .The gynecologist said later I may need braces but only time will tell.

And ((((HUGS))) from me too Ally ..Hope you didn’t get the vomit virus.

11 years ago

Dallas, I hope you didn’t have an impacted vagina.

Ally S
11 years ago

TMI warning: vomit

Ugh, I vomited again around 10 AM. I just got out some bile and Gatorade (the only thing I’ve been consuming all day). It happened because I was tossing and turning a lot in my bed and that must’ve done weird things to my stomach. Fortunately, because I began feeling nauseous around 3 PM yesterday, 24 hours still haven’t passed.

Worst start to a week in a long time. 🙁 I hope it doesn’t become one of those sleep-like-a-hibernating-bear days. I’ve already slept for about 16 hours total.

11 years ago

Well, it’s a good thing we decided not to travel just yet. Take care.

11 years ago

Oh no, Ally. I have my fingers crossed!

Are you going to be able to get to a doctor if you need to go see one?

11 years ago

Dallas, I hope you didn’t have an impacted vagina.

Yes it was and it was abscessed .The teeth came in crooked . It was emergency oral surgery.

11 years ago

Ugh, I vomited again around 10 AM. I just got out some bile and Gatorade (the only thing I’ve been consuming all day). It happened because I was tossing and turning a lot in my bed and that must’ve done weird things to my stomach. Fortunately, because I began feeling nauseous around 3 PM yesterday, 24 hours still haven’t passed.

Can someone get you some ginger tea ? It REALLY helps . Old time remedy not a cure but lessens the queeziness soothes the tummy .

11 years ago

Ally: Sleep is good for you when you’re sick. I know I usually feel guilty when I get sick and I’m not up doing things. And it’s just miserable yucky and boring sleeping all day, but the body needs rest when fighting off sickness. Take care of yourself and try to get to doctor if the nausea/vomiting lasts too much longer. If you can, if you have some, a little hit of pot would help, too.

Stomach bugs are miserable. Feel better soon.

Ally S
11 years ago

Would it be unwise to smoke a little bit to make myself feel better? I know how to avoid coughing after taking a hit, so there’s a very low risk of any strong cough shaking/unsettling my body. But maybe there are other risks that I’m unaware of.

Are you going to be able to get to a doctor if you need to go see one?

Yep. I also have several doctors in my family – including two of my closest uncles. I’ll call one of them later today if I need to. I have a lot of THC in my body, though, so I don’t want the doctors to find out I’ve been smoking and then tell my family members. That would be a disaster.

Can someone get you some ginger tea ? It REALLY helps . Old time remedy not a cure but lessens the queeziness soothes the tummy .

I don’t have any ginger tea, but I do have lemon tea and that’s helped me before. Last night I drank some but it ended up making me vomit again because I was sensitive to hot liquids. I’ll have it before going to sleep now that I can consume things without wanting to vomit.