So, there’s a whole bunch of MRA stuff I should be writing about now, and some Roosh drama, but, you know, my heart just isn’t in it at the moment. So I’m going to take a few more days off to clear my head. In the meantime, I would suggest keeping up with the latest MRA and PUA shenanigans by checking out the AgainstMensRights and TheBluePill subreddits, respectively.
Also, I thought you all might appreciate this video of a cat discovering snow for the first time.
And Happy New Year! Or did I already wish you guys that?
Have a kitty:
Ally — I’m sorry. Check the Borg though, I’ve been posting brain bleach daily, you’ll find the link up top by the Borg critters (I know you know the link, but for those who don’t, click my nym)
That’s why I said it wasn’t personal, Ally – so you could see someone say it in print, because that sort of thing always does feel personal.
Randomly, this Borg post by pecunium is well on its way to being our most popular to date. Apparently a certain someone has twitter followers from the disability blogosphere and that post is interesting.
Personally, I think it’s the mustache.
Definitely the moustache.
Ally, you don’t have to feel horrible about your self just because you had an accident. We all have them. But that bus driver should feel horrible about what he did to you, many human beings try to assist people who have accidents instead of berating them. He choose to be an asshole instead of taking a higher road.
May the sweat of a thousand camels infest his armpits and may the fleas of those camel molest him.
Pictures for Ally:
This makes me sad. Very, very sad. 🙁
Here you go, Ally. A little cozy kitty!
Alice — Latin quiz — what’s cordis_melum’s nym mean? (Don’t be too literal with it, I’m pretty sure it’s a bit like mine in that the gist of the Latin is the point) That aside, their comments are at least slightly heartening.
Also, I have suffered Cat Anger Consequences because of my frikken mother going “here, hold this” to me with a cranky cat. IT STINGS DAMNIT!
Heart’s song, if I remember right.
A hug for Ally (and anyone else who needs one), plus a happy seal. And what the heck, a bonus corgi.
And Alice I find that ableism on Reddit is really persistent, even among those who enjoy mocking TRPers and the misters. 0_o
Thank you so much, guys. <3 It really means a lot, even though you're all online.
Currently I'm feeling very sick. I have almost no energy and I keep vomiting every time I eat or drink something. Fortunately, I feel very relaxed now – a few hours ago my sickness got really awful because of my anxiety (and, strangely, feelings of loneliness). I hope I feel better soon because I'm starting to get very worried.
cloudiah – It SUCKS. I’m pretty sure no one there would tell a black person to stop whining if a person was using the n-word. Why is it so different when it’s a person with mental disabilities+illnesses saying calling someone crazy makes zir uncomfortable, may you please not do that anymore?
Ally, do you think it’s persistent anxiety/ a long running panic attack doing this, or does it feel like food poisoning? I know I’ve had times when heaving just wouldn’t stop, though it does make the stomach relax afterward.
Ally — afaik the standard is that you don’t need to see a dr until 24 vomiting hours.
Alice — that’s what I was figuring 🙂
My arm still stings >.<
That was supposed to read “food poisoning as well” or just something disagreeing with you, on top of the anxiety.
Here’s some more cute, courtesy of Mads:
Kitty gymnastics
Gymnastics with different equipment
Housework: polishing the furniture
Hidden tiger (you’ll have to look very carefully to find her)
Laser-power cuteness
Do not ask me how a blockquote got in there! Possibly she didn’t approve of being shown doing housework. Try again:
Polishing the furniture
Mads is from the “if I can’t see you, you can’t see me” school of hiding. Very clever. XD
I hope all the nausea and stinging goes away for everyone! 🙁
Definitely. I’m surprised she doesn’t just put her little paws over her eyes.
Lifeguard on duty (though hopefully you don’t need to be saved- she does not like getting wet)
Apparently the blockquote monster is an agent of the Furrinati. The Furrinati has friends in unexpected places.
I would not be at all surprised if the blockquote monster works for them.
Cutest lifeguard ever!
Lovely picture of a ray, too. 🙂