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Cat discovers snow; David takes a few days off

So, there’s a whole bunch of MRA stuff I should be writing about now, and some Roosh drama, but, you know, my heart just isn’t in it at the moment. So I’m going to take a few more days off to clear my head. In the meantime, I would suggest keeping up with the latest MRA and PUA shenanigans by checking out the AgainstMensRights and TheBluePill subreddits, respectively.

Also, I thought you all might appreciate this video of a cat discovering snow for the first time.

And Happy New Year! Or did I already wish you guys that?

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Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

The Pearl is also available at Wikisource, so it probably safe in most places, but I wouldn’t down;oad it if you were living in China or Saudi Arabia. I had the old Grove Press edition until a “friend” “borrowed” it and never returned it because a friend of theirs “borrowed” it from them and never returned it…that book probably made half way around the country by now.

Also I just bought my first electronic cigarette today, two New Years resolutions down, 3 more to go!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Thanks pecunium. And that’ saleswomen that’s awesome news. (Ok then autocorrect…)

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

@dallas Vagina dentata is one of the most primal and universal fears that the male of our species have. I have volumes of books on the subject, men have a fear of women and their womanly parts and often this fear turns towards hatred and disgust. I don’t know what is more pervasive…gynophobia or misogyny

11 years ago

@ Auggz

And that comment just made me imagine braces, for the vagina dentata that’s a bit crooked. Ow.

11 years ago

Not to mention the many other dental hygiene challenges vagina dentata would pose. Flossing? Dentures, when you get older?

I once co-wrote a short story with a character named Vengina Dentata. I can’t for the life of me remember the plot of that, except that it was set in Louisiana.

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

imagine..we would have to have an orthodontist/gynecologist specialist just to deal with vagina teeth braces

11 years ago

You have a cavity in your *cough*.

11 years ago

I don’t care what I’ve got up there, I’m not douching with listerine.

11 years ago

Laughing gas might be interesting, though.

11 years ago

Vaginae dentatae are precisely the sort of thing that ONLY a misogynist would dream up. Who else would be so stupidly craven as to fear teeth where logic dictates none could exist without a lot of pain and inconvenience to the owner — not to mention the risk of future progeny getting beheaded at birth?

And isn’t it ironic that the very guys who fear getting their dicks bitten off by nonexistent nether teeth…are by virtue of said craven stupidity the very sort of men that even the most desperately horny woman would NEVER stoop to sleeping with? Cowardice makes our clits wilt, fellas.

(And what a good thing that we don’t have teeth there. Mine would be perpetually sore from all the frustrated gnashing they’d do at all this chop-logic.)

11 years ago

re-de-lurking to say
whenever I’m at Mr. Snide’s place and his roommates are trying to decide what to watch on Netflix I always ask if we can watch “Teeth”, only because one of the roommates flips out with disgust every time I suggest it.
I was telling a girlfriend about this and she couldn’t recall the movie and I said “Oh you know, the one with the girl who has a full set of teeth in her vag” and Friend said, “Oh yeah! … man… wouldn’t it suck to have that?”
Me: “Have what? Vagina Dentata? *laughs, makes braces comment similar to above”
Friend: “I didn’t think of that! What do you think they do in situations where the teeth are crooked?”
Me: “Friend… you do know that Vagina Dentata isn’t a *real* condition, right?”
Friend: “Yes it is! I saw a documentary!”
Me: “… was it ‘Teeth’?”
… it took Way. Too. Long. to convince her that no, really, it’s not a thing. she hadn’t even gotten Vagina Dentata confused with the Rape-aXe thing.
I still have no idea what “documentary” she saw!

11 years ago

Well I guess my husband is safe because I never thought to floss my vaginal gums let alone using tartar control paste recommended by 4 out of 5 gynecologist. I never had the TMJ treated either so at any time I will probably get “lock vagina” .

11 years ago

Also I just bought my first electronic cigarette today, two New Years resolutions down, 3 more to go!

Congrats . But if that does not satisfy you think about getting the more pain in the butt one .Its like a pipe and you put the liquid in it your self . The pipe one gives you a bigger ‘hit’ of the vapor than the e-cigs.

11 years ago

Laughing my head off at the vaginal dentistry comments!

11 years ago

When having sex it’s very important to be careful of your dentata veneers, which are fragile and easily stained, but tragically necessary in order to maintain that youthful look.

11 years ago

That’s why I have a grill for mine.

11 years ago

I just photoshop all pictures of my dentata to be bright and sparkly, because it’s cheaper.

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

What gets me is that the same men who fear the toothy vagina probably have no fear of asking for a BJ.

Logic is misandry

11 years ago

The radfem linked to earlier (WitchWind?) reminds me of the g0ys, only flipped over. The online screeds I’ve read by them are very emphatic about how utterly revolting, degrading and un-cromulent penetration is. They’re not upset about PiV sex, though. I wonder if WW views male-male penetration as doubleplus ungood, but not so much so that I’m going back to her site. The image of a woman delicately anointing her vulva with semen, presumably in dignified solitude, in the expectation of pregnancy, is both creepy and oddly amusing. The rest of her shtik, not so much.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I think she’d be fine with a man penetrating another man. Firstly, because radfems seem to give zero fucks about men. And more relevantly to that post, it can’t result in pregnancy and the risks of pregnancy are how she manages to twist all PiV into rape (may cause pregnancy, which may cause injury or illness or even death, is therefore assault, sex via assault is rape, so all PiV is rape…my brain hurts now)

Ally S
11 years ago

TMI warning: vomit

I had a horrible incident on the bus this afternoon. Shortly before boarding the bus, I ate some stuff from a Subway. I was feeling very anxious on the bus, and the driver was going really fast. And so towards the end of the trip, I got motion sickness. I started panicking because I didn’t want to be an inconvenience to anyone on the bus, so I tried drinking some water – it didn’t do anything. Within a few seconds I lost control and vomited all over the floor of the area I was sitting in. None of it got on my clothes, fortunately, but there was a large pile of vomit on the floor and it almost covered my backpack.

When I was at my stop, I bluntly but politely told the driver that I threw up in the back due to motion sickness and that I was very sorry. He glared at me and scolded me for not using the trash can. I was sitting all the way in the back so the trashcan wasn’t within my reach – and I explicitly told him I was sitting in the way back.

He then started shaming me for not notifying him right away and said that the bus has to go out of service because my vomit constituted a biohazard. He said that in front of all of the people who were waiting to board the bus. I felt so ashamed and hurt that I ran to the metro station restroom and tried cleaning my backpack and shoes. I wandered around downtown smelling like vomit until I decided to call my brother and ask him to pick me up, and he did. As soon as I got in the car I started bawling and venting to him about what happened. I’m glad he wasn’t a jerk about it.

My stomach is starting to feel better now, and I’m resting in my bed, but I feel horrible about that accident and the way the bus driver treated me because of it. I ended up making things difficult for everyone – the passengers and the driver. It was so embarrassing.

11 years ago

Women don’t have to floss their vaginas because they have shark teeth down there. Once a month they shed their old teeth and slide out the next set.

11 years ago

Ally: Yuck, that sounds really miserable. The driver ought to be glad that you told him about it instead of just getting off the bus without mentioning it!

11 years ago

Orion, I forgot to say before, thank you for those comments about Witchwind – they were really interesting (and kudos to you for reading her brain-melting stuff).

Ally – ewww. I can only say, the bus driver wasn’t angry at you, at Ally – he was mad at a passenger who vomited on his bus, and all that goes with that. Embarrassing and awful for you, but not personal, if that means anything.

I’d have been surprised if you didn’t chuck, given anxiety/stomach in knots and motion sickness (buses are the one thing I feel pukey on these days; I used to get it badly in cars, but now it’s just buses and the way they lurch. Ugh). Not much you could have done about it, I’m thinking, it’s one of those shitty things that happen.

Ally S
11 years ago

Perhaps it wasn’t personal, but it definitely felt that way, and I can’t stop feeling super guilty over what I did. Even though it was an accident. If anyone has any kitty pictures or hugs, I’d appreciate it. I know it was just once incident, but it’s really making me feel horrible about myself.