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Cat discovers snow; David takes a few days off

So, there’s a whole bunch of MRA stuff I should be writing about now, and some Roosh drama, but, you know, my heart just isn’t in it at the moment. So I’m going to take a few more days off to clear my head. In the meantime, I would suggest keeping up with the latest MRA and PUA shenanigans by checking out the AgainstMensRights and TheBluePill subreddits, respectively.

Also, I thought you all might appreciate this video of a cat discovering snow for the first time.

And Happy New Year! Or did I already wish you guys that?

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11 years ago

As an aside, the nature of victorian prudery wasn’t that sex was bad, it was that it wasn’t something decent people talked about; in public. The victorians were very much about public/private spheres of behavior, and about class marking behaviors (which is why there were 1: so many books about how to behave, “properly” and 2:why so many social con-men were able to parlay native wit, and seeing the flaws in the system (e,g, lack of awareness of “parts foreign”) to become, “Count Ezterhazy of Hunagaria” and so be taken into social realms where credit was lent on the idea of the borrowers ability to pay, not an any actual knowledge of financial state.

It had some drawbacks, the most crucial being a terrible lack of practical sex-ed. Couples had to figure things out for themselves. Most seem to have done all right (and women wrote some torrid letters/diaries), because one of the other things in the age was the idea of marriage for love. Couples tended (in the main, esp. in the middle classes) to care for each other.

It’s a really complicated social time frame. In so many ways, so very alien to our ways of thinking.

11 years ago

I’m having a hard time understanding how using a turkey baster to inseminate your self is natural but sexual intercourse is not .

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

I just made my 1st tweet ever. I feel a bit strange and dirty, but also satisfied that I got done with it.

11 years ago

Content: rape apologism

Ma’lik Richmond, one of the two convicted Steubenville rapists, was released early from detention today, after serving 9 months of his 1-year sentence. A statement from his family notes how much he has suffered over the last 16 months since he raped someone — no wait, they didn’t mention that he raped someone. They don’t mention the young woman he raped at all.

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

You know some men think along the same lines as the radfem’s when it comes to sex. Whereas some radfems see all intercourse with a male as an invasion and rape, some men actually view the vagina has a death trap that is to be feared and sex with a woman can sap one’s life force away.

It is an ancient fear amongst men.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Cloudiah — *twitches* dafuq?!

Victorian sexytimes — daaaammn where they a different matter in private! And the porn, oh the porn! I’d share, but everything I have has chunks that would be child porn now as the age of consent was 14 then (FTR, I mostly have them for historical interest, though some of the ones with folks of age are raunchy)

And I’ve heard that fainting couches were for, uh, handmadiens to assist in “hysteria”…for her to get her maids to get her off basically. Idk if that one’s true, but Victorian women where going to their doctors for hysteria cures (aka orgasms) enough that they’re why we have vibrators.

Now, public discussion of sex was for the lower classes, and working girls were shunned. So yeah, it was very weird.

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

Argenti – I bet you have read The Pearl.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
11 years ago

Sorry for playing Victorian stereotypes for cheap laughs.

I still think some women have a secret fetish for England. For example, my sister apparently didn’t date until she moved to England in her early 20s and immediately picked up a local boyfriend.

Dallasapple: As I explained above, natural means whatever you choose to assert is the right thing to do. Granted, it can also mean how things were done traditionally, or what happens outside of human free will, or what generally feels good to people. If these meanings coincide with your moral views, you can bolster your assertion with the naturalistic fallacy. But if these meanings are in conflict with your moral views, you might throw them out, ignore the conflict and just go on with rhetoric about nature.

11 years ago

You know some men think along the same lines as the radfem’s when it comes to sex.

Robert this is a link to a popular Christian feminist . There was commentary on one of the popular “complementarian” web sites by a a particular Christian conservative writer critiquing 50 Shades of Gray . It caused quite an uproar and they eventually took the comments off the site . It eludes to sex being about the man “conquering” and sex not being an “egalitarian pleasure party ” i.e not about mutual pleasure .Of course not for the woman anyway .

11 years ago

Wow, that statement from the Steubenville family is deeply disheartening. I’m more disturbed by it and how it how it completely ignores the victim than his early release or any notion that his sentence may have been too light or whatever . . . 🙁

11 years ago

He /they probably didn’t mention anything about the victim or her family because they don’t believe she was “really” raped .

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Robert — yep, it’s The Pearl alright. I have a few issues in PDF form, but am wary to share seeing how that may be a federal offense.

11 years ago

I just made my 1st tweet ever. I feel a bit strange and dirty, but also satisfied that I got done with it.

Robert , I have never tweeted either . I thought I was the only one left in the developed world! I also have never texted ! LOL>>>> I getting to the point of realization I’m going to HAVE to start texting . No one answers their phone!

11 years ago

The left out the rape because they don’t want to admit their little boy is a rapist.

He got off easy. He has to register, but he’s not on the public registry. In effect, he’s got a clean bill of health (juvenile convictions are, generally, not something one has to report to employers, etc.).

So, the best we can hope for, (in the example to other category) is he doesn’t get a football career. That, and the adults get prosecuted.

11 years ago

Arctic Ape: re your sister, that’s a strange American thing. We seem to have a holdover idea that the English are, “better” than we are. Brits say it’s strange, but they see themselves getting much better treatment here than they do at home. They also get paid better (relative to their peers, etc).

Someone with an English accent will get more attention when they go to clubs, etc..

11 years ago

Argenti: The Pearl is (barring one having a conviction for a sex offense; and even then probably not if it wasn’t involving a minor), is legal. Since it’s fictional, it’s ok and since it’s historic, it’s ok.

They can sell Lolita, you can have The Pearl.

11 years ago

I don’t believe that after someone has served their time they should continue to be punished for the rest of their life . But getting off that easy and without a demonstration of true remorse I don’t have much sympathy for any future consequences he pays . I know people that served more time and still pay heavy consequences 10 years later for non violent crimes particularly drug possession when they were young.

My son in fact knew a guy in highschool that he found out from mutual friends at 18 years old got caught selling an exctacy pill and he got 25 years no chance of parole . Allthough he was wrong and should be punished I think that is absolutely criminal in and of itself .

Rant over.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — so transmitting it via the net is okay? That’s the part that concerns me, seeing how anyone searching my computers is going to be interested in other things once stepping foot in this house!

Randomly, has anyone seen Alice around today? I need to ask her something Borg related.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
11 years ago

Reading closer of the Wikipedia article I linked, apparently any insemination where ejaculation occurs outside of vagina is actually included in AI, subtype intracervical (or intravaginal) insemination. Not that it’s relevant to anything.

11 years ago

You know some men think along the same lines as the radfem’s when it comes to sex. Whereas some radfems see all intercourse with a male as an invasion and rape, some men actually view the vagina has a death trap that is to be feared and sex with a woman can sap one’s life force away.


Sorry, somebody had to say it.


11 years ago

I believe the Pearl is publicly downloadable from horntip, so there’s no need to actually send anyone files.

11 years ago

Random funny – I was reading through the Tiger Beatdown archives and found a guy claiming that it isn’t misogyny if a man is terrified of women because that’s not hatred, see. So if a dude reacts to the very idea of women with oh-no-my-precious-bodily-fluids-that-some-succubus-wants-to-steal-for-nefarious-purposes stuff that’s not misogyny, it’s…something else that’s totally OK, apparently.

11 years ago

some men actually view the vagina has a death trap that is to be feared and sex with a woman can sap one’s life force away.

Yes I encountered a guy like that once . He didn’t like me . He said he felt sorry for my husband because I probably “swallowed his manhood with my vagina and clamped down on it with its teeth severing his masculinity ”

I still can’t get that visual of my vagina out of my head .

But in general lots of other men talking about how lacking in compassion women are because they have sexual “power’ over men and they know it and the men are weakened by her immodesty .

11 years ago

On the one hand you have the camp that wants to protect their sperm. Then you have the other camp that goes on about the man’s instinct to spread his seed all over the place with as many women as he can .

I get confused about which one it is . Spread it around like a heroic fireman putting out forest fires or guarding it like precious gems ?

Then if you say don’t worry we don’t want your sperm /or keep it in your pants big boy I don’t need or want your seed then its misandry .

11 years ago

Yes, it would be legal to transmit: it’s not actually child pr0n, as no actual children are involved.

In happier news: Discharges for homosexuality can be corrected. DoD will grant appeals request to reflect that service was honorable. That could use being spread, because lots of people don’t know it. (I didn’t think about it, even though the ability of DADT ejected service members to re-enter the ranks means it had to be so).

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