kitties off topic open thread

Happy New Year! Also, a cat


Happy New Year!

My first New Year’s resolution is to finish up my slightly belated Big Year End Review of Manosphere Greatness in 2013. But in the meantime, enjoy this cat, and this open thread.

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11 years ago

Ahhh, New Year. We never cared about it until Christmas got tainted, and now, we say: GOODBYE, 2013! MAY WE NEVER SEE THE LIKES OF YOU AGAIN!

Seriously, 2013 was ASS. Spent pretty much the entire year homeless and crazy, so I am not sad to see it gone, even if I got a lot done, got on disability, and started my art business pretty well. (I made almost $1500 this year in art income, even though I was just flailing around in desperation!)


RE: Ally

A while ago I tried to see if there were any fellow trans women programmers I could get in touch with, but my efforts were fruitless.

I know three! 😀 Though I’m not sure whether all three are employed programmers; some of them might be engineers, or unemployed, but they all do SOME kind of computery work. Would you like me to give them a poke? I’m sure one of them would be happy to help a fellow trans programmer.

RE: Argenti

Hell, they make wash and reuse thingies now, I’m guessing it doesn’t take much water to clean those.

Hell, my blood-soaker is a medical-grade silicone cup that can, if necessary, go without washing for a while. (And when it does need washing, barely any water at all.) And there’s reusable pads and a bunch of other options. I know this because of my researches. (And by ‘researches,’ I mean a zine on bleeding green someone I know made.)

Seriously, these guys. Don’t they know people have been having uteruses for a bajillion years and coping with them? *eyeroll*

Ally S
11 years ago


I know three! 😀 Though I’m not sure whether all three are employed programmers; some of them might be engineers, or unemployed, but they all do SOME kind of computery work. Would you like me to give them a poke? I’m sure one of them would be happy to help a fellow trans programmer.

If it’s not too much trouble for you, sure! That would be super helpful. Thanks. ^_^

11 years ago

Emilygoddess, that’s awesome about your year. I’ve had some of the best years in my life after I turned 30. It sounds like it

11 years ago



11 years ago

Yay, premature post. Thanks, haunted keyboard!

I meant to say: It sounds like it’s going to be the same for you. I hope so!

Augz, the best way I know of to eat lots of vegetables is in soup. The next best way is by roasting them. I’m a much bigger fan of cooked, hot food than raw food, FWIW. The third way I cram more veggies in my diet is by veggie-heavy main dishes, like having spinach and mushroom enchiladas instead of cheese ones, or having roasted veggie pasta, for example.

Argenti, I hope she sent you rainbow carrot seeds for your unicorns.

11 years ago

Squee! LBT, the borgwombat is adorable.

11 years ago

A cool cyborg wombat and sweet Digger ref in one fell swoop. Thursday has been improved.

11 years ago

I got Beloved the paperback Digger Omnibus for Christmas. She had no idea what could be so heavy, but when all was said and done it was the only gift she got this year that made her exclaim.

I had ulterior motives: I haven’t been able to get through it online, and I thought it would be easier to finish it in the dead-tree version.

I love it. It’s a great story and very creative. I highly recommend it.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Falconer — your apple seeds are appreciated by my herd of ableist comment critters (I’m collecting one every time we fail to go 24 without an ableist comment, I have six unicorns and two horses and started this like 10 days ago >.< )

Serrana — she didn't specify, but those are kinda awesome.

11 years ago

I’m so sorry that you have so many equinoforms, Argenti.

Fish are much easier to keep. They’re not bigger than a person … usually.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Usually, there are fishies like the oarfish and Mekong giant catfish though (google oarfish, they make weird fish look normal)

11 years ago

I was also thinking, like, sharks. Whale shark for favorite.

11 years ago

Oarfish don’t need no evolution.

11 years ago

I’m glad everyone liked the wombat! I’ll be doing the last one (the tiger) either later today or tomorrow.

Also, Ally, I have contacted my horde of computery trans women. I hope to get a response from them soon! 😀

11 years ago

@wordsp1nner & cloudiah:

I’ve totally been there, my grandmother had a cancer in her jaw, which doctors were luckily able to remove, but it fouled up her face for some time and the care she received from my aunt was… less than stellar. But here’s hoping your folks can fight through.

11 years ago

Argenti: Remind me which equid is which?

11 years ago

The wombat is awesome.

Can I donate sugar cubes to the herd?

11 years ago

A note about the borgwombat that I think folks may be amused by! For each borgcritter, I tried to have a different inspiration for each of their designs. (The donkey was plague doctor/beekeeper, the fish was submarine, the cuttlefish a torpedo…) But I didn’t know much at all about the wombat, or even really what one looked like; I was imagining something large and possibly cuddly, like a capybara or something. So I went to that patron saint of quick ‘n’ dirty knowledge, Wikipedia. What did I learn?

“A wombat may allow an intruder to force its head over the wombat’s back, and then use its powerful legs to crush the skull of the predator against the roof of the tunnel,”

“Humans who accidentally find themselves in a fray with a wombat may find it best to scale a tree until the animal calms and leaves.”

“Startled wombats can also charge humans and bowl them over”

“One naturalist, Harry Frauca, once received a bite 2 cm (0.8 in) deep into the flesh of his leg—through a rubber boot, trousers and thick woolen socks.”

“a 59-year-old man from rural Victoria state was mauled by a wombat (thought to have been angered by mange),[10] causing a number of cuts and bite marks requiring hospital treatment. He resorted to killing it with an axe.”

Cuddly, my ass! Wombats are TANKS.

11 years ago

Wombats? They may look like a busy-busy waddling always-on-the-ground furry relative of koalas. But that furry, fluffy bottom is actually a super heavy grade bone shield. Their burrow entrances are j.u.s.t. big enough for them to get through. If anything’s attacking them, they can get into the burrow entrance and their rear end becomes like a massive, immovable, castle gate.

One interesting thing about their development. A keeper at a wildlife place told us that there’s no problem with babying the little ones – which are seriously cute. You can cuddle them, play with them, do silly, stupid things with them with no fear that they’ll be unable to cope in the wild. When puberty arrives, they make up their minds to go – and they never come back. They don’t need any of that fancy acclimatisation or graduated release stuff. They just go and live their lives without a backward glance.

11 years ago

A wombat takes care of the villain in one of the Phryne Fisher books. IIRC, she tosses a potato behind the villain and the wombat just bulldozes and tramples him en route to his (the wombat’s) favourite treat.

11 years ago

That borg wombat is my absolute favorite. I think maybe it was my suggestion? I’m sure that has nothing to do with why I like it so much. XD

11 years ago

Wombats are mentioned in Rossetti’s poem “Goblin Market”, which is also a wonderful paean to sisterhood. Speaking of non sequiturs, my resolution for the New Year is to stop obsessing over not understanding jazz and just enjoy listening to it.

11 years ago

Speaking of non sequiturs

Best transition ever.

Ally S
11 years ago

This is probably the coolest thing I’ve seen all day.

Ally S
11 years ago

Sorry, I should note that the link is technically NSFW, although there’s no nudity – just giant images of women’s underwear.