a woman is always to blame alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males antifeminism beta males boner rage creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny narcissism not-quite-explicit threats playing the victim PUA rhymes with roosh sympathy for murderers that 80%/20% bullshit that's completely wrong victim blaming

Return of Kings blog: High school girls are responsible for school shootings because they won't have sex with nerds

A memorial for the victim of the shooting
A memorial for the victim of the shooting

Attention pretty high school girls! If a nerdy looking dude in your school shows up one day loaded with guns and Molotov cocktails and starts shooting up the place, it’s actually your fault, for not sleeping with him.

That, in any case, is the argument of a recent post on pickup guru Roosh V’s repulsive Return of Kings blog. In a post titled Why Did Karl Halverson Pierson Attack His School And Kill A Pretty Girl? guest blogger Billy Chubbs looks at a recent shooting at Arapahoe High School in Colorado, throwing out the few bits of information we do have about the shooter and making up a story of his own.

On December 13 2013, Karl Halverson Pierson walked into his high school with a gun, wounded a fellow student named Claire Davis and then killed himself. The assumed motive was Karl’s anger toward a teacher at the high school but others in the mainstream media posited their own theories as to the reasons behind the shooting. The usual suspects were called out to blame: prescription drugs, mental illness, gun control, etc. … One theory that was noticeably absent from the ‘experts’ who reported on the situation, however, was Karl’s probable sexual frustration.

His proof? The fact that the girl he managed to shoot and mortally wound before killing himself was quite conventionally attractive. Chubbs posts pictures of the shooter and the girl he shot, who subsequently died:

What do you notice right away? Karl’s not a stunningly handsome dude and Claire is a smoke show. As of this writing, there’s not much information on Karl’s sexual history. It’s doubtful that Karl had a girlfriend, and it’s likely that he was a virgin.

Chubbs makes clear that even if he’s completely wrong about all this, he’s not going to let mere facts stand in the way of his theory.

By the way, if further details are released in the future which discredit my assumptions, well, ignore the Karl parts of this article obviously. Yet even if I’m wrong in my assumptions of Karl’s life, the basic gist of this article is right and does apply to the majority of normally peaceful men who suddenly turn violent and perpetrate these tragedies.

And so he moves on to state what he considers his very brave thesis:

Return Of Kings has touched on this subject before, but since the cowardly and narrow minded mainstream media refuses to even consider positing such a theory, it’s up to us ROK truth sayers to repeat ad nauseum such observations: women’s selfishness makes men kill.

And by “selfishness” Chubbs means their unwillingness to shower sex on all men.

What do I mean by women’s selfishness? The majority of women are consistently sexual only with a minority of men. This is a fact. The percentages aren’t certain (some studies claim a 60w/40m percentage – I personally think it’s as high as 70w/30m based on my own empirical observations), but the basics are a sure thing.

If by “sure thing” you mean “completely wrong,” then yes. There’s no evidence to back up the oft-repeated manosphere myth that women are having sex with only a small percentage of men. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of adult men are having at least occasional sex. According to one recent survey of American sexual behavior, some 86% of men said they’d had sex in the past year; only 70% of women said the same.

In our society today, there are hundreds of thousands of young men with insatiable sex drives who are receiving little to no sex from their female peers—not even the less attractive women whom traditionally would be paired off with less attractive men.

Wait, someone on Return of Kings is suggesting that it might be acceptable for a man to date a “less attractive woman?” The sort of woman that Roosh and Return of Kings routinely ridicule, and ridicule men for dating?

Chubbs wants to have it both ways. He wants to play at being an alpha male, but he also wants the privileges of victimhood as a poor, oppressed beta. Indeed, in his bio, he describes himself, paradoxically, as a “bipolar, optimistic Alpha male who truly believes that Beta chumps like himself are doomed in today’s politically correct utopia.” Alpha or beta: which is it, dude?

In his post, he postures as an alpha even while recounting his own story of beta victimhood:

Life without sex is a horrible experience, especially when you’re a young man. Although I get laid consistently, I have gone long stretches without any sort of sexual contact with women.

Well, that kind of sucks, dude, but, you know, welcome to life. Sometimes life sucks.

It was gruelling.

No, the Bataan Death March was gruelling. You had a dry spell.  I’ve had dry spells. Everyone else I know has had dry spells. Virtually everyone in the world has dry spells. They can be really rough. But they’re not a fucking human rights violation.

My unfulfilled sex drive made me jack off on average three times a day—four or more on gym days when I upped my testosterone level.


NEWS FLASH: Women aren’t obligated to jump on your stick every time you get a boner.

For the vast majority of men their sex life is a central part of their character and a major part of their motivation for all aspects of their life. If men are barred from it (whether they actually are or merely feel that they are) for whatever reason, they feel little incentive for anything else; even if that incentive is to not go crazy and shoot people.

Wait, how did we get from, boo hoo I have to masturbate to, well I might as well just kill a bunch of people?

Karl wanted to have sex, and just by looking at him it’s obvious he wasn’t getting much, or any. Claire is a beautiful young woman and is doubtlessly the object of affection for many young men who know her, including lonely and sexually frustrated ones. Karl was certainly amongst them. Karl had no chance to ever be with her and he knew it. And that’s why he encountered her in his school, armed with a gun, he turned it against her.

So it’s her fault for getting shot by a dude because she didn’t fuck him?

Am I saying Claire should have known better and had sex with Karl in advance? No. Claire was for all intents and purposes (looks, status, wealth) far out of Karl’s league. Yet there’s little doubt that there were many, many women in Karl’s high school who were in his league.

Oh, so it was some other girl’s fault that Claire got shot, because this other girl didn’t fuck him.

So why wasn’t Karl at home relieving his sexual frustrations with a girlfriend on par with his looks instead of simmering in anger alone, writing typical angry teenaged political messages on his Facebook and purchasing guns? It is because the inherent selfishness of all women has been allowed to run rampant in our Western societies.

How is it selfish for women to choose who they want to have sex with? No one is obligated to have sex with anyone they don’t want to have sex with.

Women whose level of physical looks give them no right to be picky are allowed to chase after the upper tiers of men with no shame while men who are just as, or perhaps even a little more, attractive then themselves are forced to remain virgins into their twenties and are forced to wait until women’s looks begin to fade around the age of twenty-six before being given the chance to enter into a relationship with them.

What the fucking hell? What planet are you living on and how on earth, even if this were true, does this justify murder?

Also: there is no epidemic of American men “forced to remain virgins into their twenties” by evil women. Indeed, the average American male loses his virginity just shy of age 17, slightly earlier than the average American female.

And even then, the relationship is a farce. The woman has only entered it out of desperation since all the upper echelons of sexually enticing men who used to have sex with her have cast her off and she is emotionally damaged by her selfish experiences.

Really? This little narrative describes the life of precisely zero women I have ever met.

What future did Karl have to look forward to? Working a mediocre job (if he could even get one), living in a society that does not look out for him or his interests in the slightest (while often ridiculing the people like him in the media – when not actively selling out his future) and having to wait until he was twenty-five or older before being able to enter into a sexually satisfying relationship with a woman on par with his looks (who would be incapable of actually loving him by that point due to her dozens of sexual partners)?


Young men like Karl – who aren’t blessed with looks, or exorbitant wealth, or the top tier social skills of the small percentage of men who are getting laid – have been left in the dust by our female-centric, uncaring societies.


And society does not care until men like him pick up a gun and starts shooting.

And now we come to the blackmail portion of the rant: Sleep with us or we’ll kill you!

The assumed catalyst as to why Karl went on the rampage was that he was demoted by a teacher in charge of the debate team, and that this caused murderous frustration in him. Do you think Karl would have had so much murderous frustration if he was receiving as little as a blowjob every so often?

All he wanted was a blowjob! It is the sacred duty of every high school girl to seek out high school boys with the greatest surplus of murderous frustration and ease this frustration with sex.

So long as society encourages women of all ages to be the inherently promiscuous creatures they are and allow them to limit their sexual choices to the men at the top of the pyramid (when many of them have no right to), sexually frustrated men will continue to lash out with extreme violence.

Wait, so after demanding that women be more promiscuous, you’re berating them for being promiscuous?

Not that I’m surprised in the slightest.

The Columbine’s will continue. The Sandy Hook’s will continue. The Arapahoe’s will continue. Until society sits down and thinks over these problems with an unclouded mind, men will continue the shootings. More people will die just so Jane Doe can continue to ‘explore’ her sexuality until she hits the wall.

So young men should be guaranteed sex — OR ELSE THEY’LL SHOOT YOU — but young women are somehow evil for having sex with men who aren’t murderously frustrated nerds?

Of course, it’s always easier to scream, “PRESCRIPTION DRUGS! GUN CONTROL MENTAL ILLNESS!” and ignore the root of the problem and twiddle one’s thumbs until the next shooting. For many men, hundreds of thousands of them, they live in a mentally ill society. It’s a testament to either their humanity or their cowardice that more of them do not lash out like this.

And it’s a testament to your lack of humanity that you even think like this.

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11 years ago

OMG, kitteserf, the mental imagery – Paul Elam and the others, balls exploding …. Too much testosterone for this world, poor guys. Must … stop … giggling.

11 years ago

Eh, the way that he describes Claire: is this piece of trash sexualizing the victim of a school shooting?

11 years ago

Umm… I wonder, by this logic, why I didn’t commit a mass shooting yet. I mean I’m a virgin well into my thirties.

Oh, yeah, I forgot I’m a woman and so I obviously can’t have sexual frustrations according to these guys. Or as an ugly woman I don’t even exist at all.

11 years ago

I will not look at the welcome package – I know why my choice of words was very poor. For some reason, insanity is one of the words that just keeps getting a pass from my otherwise relatively good self-censorship radar, and I apologize for my insensitivity with this issue. I guess I for whatever reason disassociate insanity and mental illness. I hope you all understand I didn’t mean it that way. (I myself have recently been diagnosed with a mental illness, which I still haven’t come perfectly into grips with yet – and jokingly refer to myself as being insane when in company that I know won’t take it the wrong way.)

My wording was a mistake on my part and I apologize. 🙁

Utter stupidity and offensive garbage is far more fitting.

11 years ago

As for male virginity being a cause of aggression…
My significant other was a month short of thirty at the time we had our first time. He’s always been a nerd, loner, VERY shy.
The thing is… he’s also conventionally attractive by societal standards.

I just find him, and a lot of people I know, to be interesting cases to consider if OPs strange little claims are to be taken at face value.

Also, theory, scientifically speaking, means something that is widely supported by evidence. It’s generally a way to explain existing phenomena. I don’t think ROK has any merit to call this one a theory 🙂

11 years ago

And of course they’d say “What’s the problem, it’s just sex,” to us, ignoring that this whole rant is about how they MUST, MUST have sex or they’ll die, or their balls will explode, or something.

Oh, if only they would. That would be karma for them…

But srsly…”it’s just sex”? Um, NO. These guys are always wanking on and on about how all the hot chicks never have sex with them. Would it kill them to have “just sex” with one of the lesser female mortals once in a while, just to, y’know, appease them and keep them from falling into misandry? Apparently, it would. It’s only supposed to work one way — the MENZ way. Women aren’t supposed to have desires, just serve them.

Plus, of course, there’s the fact that Elam & Co. are all just so fucking repugnant that there’s no way anyone would consent to do it with them, even out of pity…which is a damn poor aphrodisiac, BTW. Something that all those sad-sacky “friendzoned” moaners just can’t see because their bloated blue balls keep getting in the way of their eyes. How the hell do those dudes manage to WALK with that condition?

11 years ago

(off topic, sort of)
Argenti Aertheri, Thank you for your well-made points about mental health care. I have experienced much the same and I’m still appalled by the lack of logic behind it all. Like, if their aim is to cure, they’re going about it all wrong, so that makes me wonder what the aim then could be, and I’m afraid that (to me) it seems like simple “lock em away so we don’t have to deal with ’em”.

Anyway, the post. Good heavens above, the post. I continue to be naively amazed and horrified by how these wanknozzles are able to take any tragedy, any tragedy at all, and make it women’s fault.

11 years ago

“I have a sneaking suspicion that these guys just hate women no matter how we behaved.”

ding ding we have a winner here

11 years ago

I had an ex who probably thought like the dudebro in the post. Like going a whole week without sex was the worst thing EVER. It got to the point I dreaded hanging out with him in private because I didn’t want to be pressured into sex. Needless to say, I’m better off without that douche canoe.

Strange thing is, I was actually convinced that the above behavior and mentality about men and sex (men somehow NEED sex to survive? or they become enraged and murderous?) was the norm because of him and a few guys who talked like that. It took me some convincing with my current SO to realize that it wasn’t the case at all.

At first I was really insecure about the fact that we didn’t have sex EVERY chance we got. Not long into the relationship I was told by my doctor that I needed several surgeries to help my condition, and (surprise, surprise) our relationship not only survived the 6 month dry spell, there was absolutely no conflict or pressure about it at all.

Guys like my ex made me think sex was the glue that binds relationships together (and lets face it, daytime TV doesn’t help), but my current most awesomest bf ever taught me that friendship is the glue, sex is just the icing on the cake.

… that makes it sound like relationships are cakes made of friendship glue and sex -_-

11 years ago

Strange thing is, I was actually convinced that the above behavior and mentality about men and sex (men somehow NEED sex to survive? or they become enraged and murderous?) was the norm because of him and a few guys who talked like that.

And it never seems to occur to these ass-hats that it is their problem to solve. And to solve without injuring anyone else.

11 years ago

I had an ex who probably thought like the dudebro in the post. Like going a whole week without sex was the worst thing EVER. It got to the point I dreaded hanging out with him in private because I didn’t want to be pressured into sex. Needless to say, I’m better off without that douche canoe.

Ugh, I dated a guy like that too. Let me tell you, being constantly pressured into sex is one way to kill any desire I may have had in the past.

11 years ago

Nope nope nope.

Dear MRAs,

you once again proved to me that you CAN stoop below the lowest level.

11 years ago

Strange thing is, I was actually convinced that the above behavior and mentality about men and sex (men somehow NEED sex to survive? or they become enraged and murderous?) was the norm because of him and a few guys who talked like that. It took me some convincing with my current SO to realize that it wasn’t the case at all.

Unfortunately there are more than a few guys that believe that .And quite a few women that take it as fact too . Its included in popular relationship books too . I have gotten into many debates about sex being a desire and for some yes a very strong desire verses it being a literal need . They have to admit they wont literally die . But the relationship will die ,they will die “inside”, lose the “will ” to live and on and on .

If you call it icing on the cake they go into convulsions . Its NOT “icing on the cake” its part of the cake BATTER! But worse some of them as you pointed out flat out believe sex is where love IS created everything else is icing .He needs sex to lover her /she needs love to have sex . And for some it is considered a vital human BASE need on the same level as air /food/water /excretion of waste .Love or NOT love .

There is a pyramid out there that was used for years on the college level . Sex (just the physical act) is even put above the need for bodily security which is friggin scary .When I tried to point out that it takes two people for sex .(unlike our other base level needs for survival that is after infancy) So if someone wants to have sex with me and they are under the belief its as basic a need as air and I wont supply it ? It trumps my NEED for bodily security which sounds like rape to me . Then you get more convulsions and they get highly offended and say you are accusing them of condoning rape.

Well how else can you see it ? Me NOT having sex with someone if its seen as the equivalent me depriving them of AIR ? Like I’m suffocating them ? Would make raping me some sort of self defense would it not ?

Anyway the idea is more prevalent I fear than a mere few .

11 years ago

OOPS I forgot to blockquote the first paragraph . That is a quote from Fromafar.

11 years ago

I had an ex who probably thought like the dudebro in the post. Like going a whole week without sex was the worst thing EVER. It got to the point I dreaded hanging out with him in private because I didn’t want to be pressured into sex. Needless to say, I’m better off without that douche canoe.

You most certainly are. He can just go date his dominant hand until he figures his own problems out, because with THAT attitude, he’s going to find himself very much alone for a good long while. Guaranteed.

Strange thing is, I was actually convinced that the above behavior and mentality about men and sex (men somehow NEED sex to survive? or they become enraged and murderous?) was the norm because of him and a few guys who talked like that.

Ugh, that sucks. Sorry you went through that. Glad you’re out of there now.

I had a dude who was convinced that lack-of-having-sex was a sure sign of a relationship going downhill. It became a self-fullfilling prophecy, of course. Dudebro had never had to deal with clinical depression in himself or anyone else he knew, so of course he didn’t realize that my lack of desire was down to other things, like just not having the energy to get excited about anything. And maybe it WAS a little bit his fault, too…lack of understanding is highly unsexy. But at least he wasn’t violent about it…just young, clueless and full of very common misconceptions. He wasn’t like “oh, I gotta have it or I’ll just DIE or be forced to rape you!” He just…did…not…get…it.

11 years ago

Maslow…seems to have forgotten that, unlike breathing, you won’t actually die if you don’t have sex.

11 years ago

I would kinda like to assume the bottom level ‘sex’ is about reproduction, survival of the species thingy, not the individual. Cause ‘sexual intimacy’ is further up, more like where sex really belongs…

11 years ago

In regard to women “losing their looks at 26” (what an arbitrary number) my mom was in her 40s and everyone said she looked like she was in her 30s. I can only wonder what she looked like when she was really in her 30s.

These losers think that every woman is the same. But never mind that, the fact that these sad people base a woman’s value solely on her appearance is sickening. I’m sure most of them probably aren’t prizes themselves. That and their attitude and behavior makes them even uglier.
These men have serious ephebophilia, the reason for which they probably base in evo-psych.

11 years ago

Auggziliary <

This is just a Wiki of it for anyone that hasn't seen it . Safety is a need that comes after base needs and you see one of those is sex .

11 years ago

But reproduction isn’t a need on the same level as breathing either, since you don’t die if you don’t reproduce. Or rather, you will die eventually whether or not you reproduce.

11 years ago

And now I’m reading about Maslow and finding all kinds of fucked up…

11 years ago

I would kinda like to assume the bottom level ‘sex’ is about reproduction, survival of the species thingy, not the individual. Cause ‘sexual intimacy’ is further up, more like where sex really belongs…

That’s what I thought /hoped too but after reading up a little on it he doesn’t mean for survival of the species . He means an individuals physical need .

11 years ago

Yeah, on second thought, the footnote for the sentence explaining sex being on the foundation level just smells fishy…

11 years ago

Women whose level of physical looks give them no right to be picky are allowed to chase after the upper tiers of men with no shame while men who are just as, or perhaps even a little more, attractive then themselves are forced to remain virgins into their twenties and are forced to wait until women’s looks begin to fade around the age of twenty-six before being given the chance to enter into a relationship with them.

I just wanted to repeat that. Because still jaw-dropping.

So, in Chubbs’ head:

Women’s attractiveness is purely based on physical looks.

There is an objective scale of women’s physical looks and every hetro man agrees with that scale.

Women who are low down on Chubbs’ objective scale of physical looks have no right to be picky about who they fuck.

There is a similar scale for men (but possibly based on something other than physical looks).

Women are “allowed” to chase after men. This is a bad thing. Women should be prevented from doing this.

Women should be ashamed of chasing “upper tier” men.

Women should only be allowed to fuck men who are a similar level on the objective scale.

It is impossible that a man should want to fuck a woman lower on the scale than him. And yet strangely, men in the upper tiers of the scale are happy to fuck women lower down the scale than them, thus preventing men not in the upper tiers from fucking someone at a similar level. This is the fault of the women not of the upper tier men.

Men are forced to remain virgins if women at the same level on Chubbs’ objective scale won’t fuck them. This is the fault of the women.

Women’s looks fade at age 26. When women’s looks fade at the age of 26, upper tier men no longer want to fuck them.

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