a woman is always to blame alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males antifeminism beta males boner rage creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny narcissism not-quite-explicit threats playing the victim PUA rhymes with roosh sympathy for murderers that 80%/20% bullshit that's completely wrong victim blaming

Return of Kings blog: High school girls are responsible for school shootings because they won't have sex with nerds

A memorial for the victim of the shooting
A memorial for the victim of the shooting

Attention pretty high school girls! If a nerdy looking dude in your school shows up one day loaded with guns and Molotov cocktails and starts shooting up the place, it’s actually your fault, for not sleeping with him.

That, in any case, is the argument of a recent post on pickup guru Roosh V’s repulsive Return of Kings blog. In a post titled Why Did Karl Halverson Pierson Attack His School And Kill A Pretty Girl? guest blogger Billy Chubbs looks at a recent shooting at Arapahoe High School in Colorado, throwing out the few bits of information we do have about the shooter and making up a story of his own.

On December 13 2013, Karl Halverson Pierson walked into his high school with a gun, wounded a fellow student named Claire Davis and then killed himself. The assumed motive was Karl’s anger toward a teacher at the high school but others in the mainstream media posited their own theories as to the reasons behind the shooting. The usual suspects were called out to blame: prescription drugs, mental illness, gun control, etc. … One theory that was noticeably absent from the ‘experts’ who reported on the situation, however, was Karl’s probable sexual frustration.

His proof? The fact that the girl he managed to shoot and mortally wound before killing himself was quite conventionally attractive. Chubbs posts pictures of the shooter and the girl he shot, who subsequently died:

What do you notice right away? Karl’s not a stunningly handsome dude and Claire is a smoke show. As of this writing, there’s not much information on Karl’s sexual history. It’s doubtful that Karl had a girlfriend, and it’s likely that he was a virgin.

Chubbs makes clear that even if he’s completely wrong about all this, he’s not going to let mere facts stand in the way of his theory.

By the way, if further details are released in the future which discredit my assumptions, well, ignore the Karl parts of this article obviously. Yet even if I’m wrong in my assumptions of Karl’s life, the basic gist of this article is right and does apply to the majority of normally peaceful men who suddenly turn violent and perpetrate these tragedies.

And so he moves on to state what he considers his very brave thesis:

Return Of Kings has touched on this subject before, but since the cowardly and narrow minded mainstream media refuses to even consider positing such a theory, it’s up to us ROK truth sayers to repeat ad nauseum such observations: women’s selfishness makes men kill.

And by “selfishness” Chubbs means their unwillingness to shower sex on all men.

What do I mean by women’s selfishness? The majority of women are consistently sexual only with a minority of men. This is a fact. The percentages aren’t certain (some studies claim a 60w/40m percentage – I personally think it’s as high as 70w/30m based on my own empirical observations), but the basics are a sure thing.

If by “sure thing” you mean “completely wrong,” then yes. There’s no evidence to back up the oft-repeated manosphere myth that women are having sex with only a small percentage of men. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of adult men are having at least occasional sex. According to one recent survey of American sexual behavior, some 86% of men said they’d had sex in the past year; only 70% of women said the same.

In our society today, there are hundreds of thousands of young men with insatiable sex drives who are receiving little to no sex from their female peers—not even the less attractive women whom traditionally would be paired off with less attractive men.

Wait, someone on Return of Kings is suggesting that it might be acceptable for a man to date a “less attractive woman?” The sort of woman that Roosh and Return of Kings routinely ridicule, and ridicule men for dating?

Chubbs wants to have it both ways. He wants to play at being an alpha male, but he also wants the privileges of victimhood as a poor, oppressed beta. Indeed, in his bio, he describes himself, paradoxically, as a “bipolar, optimistic Alpha male who truly believes that Beta chumps like himself are doomed in today’s politically correct utopia.” Alpha or beta: which is it, dude?

In his post, he postures as an alpha even while recounting his own story of beta victimhood:

Life without sex is a horrible experience, especially when you’re a young man. Although I get laid consistently, I have gone long stretches without any sort of sexual contact with women.

Well, that kind of sucks, dude, but, you know, welcome to life. Sometimes life sucks.

It was gruelling.

No, the Bataan Death March was gruelling. You had a dry spell.  I’ve had dry spells. Everyone else I know has had dry spells. Virtually everyone in the world has dry spells. They can be really rough. But they’re not a fucking human rights violation.

My unfulfilled sex drive made me jack off on average three times a day—four or more on gym days when I upped my testosterone level.


NEWS FLASH: Women aren’t obligated to jump on your stick every time you get a boner.

For the vast majority of men their sex life is a central part of their character and a major part of their motivation for all aspects of their life. If men are barred from it (whether they actually are or merely feel that they are) for whatever reason, they feel little incentive for anything else; even if that incentive is to not go crazy and shoot people.

Wait, how did we get from, boo hoo I have to masturbate to, well I might as well just kill a bunch of people?

Karl wanted to have sex, and just by looking at him it’s obvious he wasn’t getting much, or any. Claire is a beautiful young woman and is doubtlessly the object of affection for many young men who know her, including lonely and sexually frustrated ones. Karl was certainly amongst them. Karl had no chance to ever be with her and he knew it. And that’s why he encountered her in his school, armed with a gun, he turned it against her.

So it’s her fault for getting shot by a dude because she didn’t fuck him?

Am I saying Claire should have known better and had sex with Karl in advance? No. Claire was for all intents and purposes (looks, status, wealth) far out of Karl’s league. Yet there’s little doubt that there were many, many women in Karl’s high school who were in his league.

Oh, so it was some other girl’s fault that Claire got shot, because this other girl didn’t fuck him.

So why wasn’t Karl at home relieving his sexual frustrations with a girlfriend on par with his looks instead of simmering in anger alone, writing typical angry teenaged political messages on his Facebook and purchasing guns? It is because the inherent selfishness of all women has been allowed to run rampant in our Western societies.

How is it selfish for women to choose who they want to have sex with? No one is obligated to have sex with anyone they don’t want to have sex with.

Women whose level of physical looks give them no right to be picky are allowed to chase after the upper tiers of men with no shame while men who are just as, or perhaps even a little more, attractive then themselves are forced to remain virgins into their twenties and are forced to wait until women’s looks begin to fade around the age of twenty-six before being given the chance to enter into a relationship with them.

What the fucking hell? What planet are you living on and how on earth, even if this were true, does this justify murder?

Also: there is no epidemic of American men “forced to remain virgins into their twenties” by evil women. Indeed, the average American male loses his virginity just shy of age 17, slightly earlier than the average American female.

And even then, the relationship is a farce. The woman has only entered it out of desperation since all the upper echelons of sexually enticing men who used to have sex with her have cast her off and she is emotionally damaged by her selfish experiences.

Really? This little narrative describes the life of precisely zero women I have ever met.

What future did Karl have to look forward to? Working a mediocre job (if he could even get one), living in a society that does not look out for him or his interests in the slightest (while often ridiculing the people like him in the media – when not actively selling out his future) and having to wait until he was twenty-five or older before being able to enter into a sexually satisfying relationship with a woman on par with his looks (who would be incapable of actually loving him by that point due to her dozens of sexual partners)?


Young men like Karl – who aren’t blessed with looks, or exorbitant wealth, or the top tier social skills of the small percentage of men who are getting laid – have been left in the dust by our female-centric, uncaring societies.


And society does not care until men like him pick up a gun and starts shooting.

And now we come to the blackmail portion of the rant: Sleep with us or we’ll kill you!

The assumed catalyst as to why Karl went on the rampage was that he was demoted by a teacher in charge of the debate team, and that this caused murderous frustration in him. Do you think Karl would have had so much murderous frustration if he was receiving as little as a blowjob every so often?

All he wanted was a blowjob! It is the sacred duty of every high school girl to seek out high school boys with the greatest surplus of murderous frustration and ease this frustration with sex.

So long as society encourages women of all ages to be the inherently promiscuous creatures they are and allow them to limit their sexual choices to the men at the top of the pyramid (when many of them have no right to), sexually frustrated men will continue to lash out with extreme violence.

Wait, so after demanding that women be more promiscuous, you’re berating them for being promiscuous?

Not that I’m surprised in the slightest.

The Columbine’s will continue. The Sandy Hook’s will continue. The Arapahoe’s will continue. Until society sits down and thinks over these problems with an unclouded mind, men will continue the shootings. More people will die just so Jane Doe can continue to ‘explore’ her sexuality until she hits the wall.

So young men should be guaranteed sex — OR ELSE THEY’LL SHOOT YOU — but young women are somehow evil for having sex with men who aren’t murderously frustrated nerds?

Of course, it’s always easier to scream, “PRESCRIPTION DRUGS! GUN CONTROL MENTAL ILLNESS!” and ignore the root of the problem and twiddle one’s thumbs until the next shooting. For many men, hundreds of thousands of them, they live in a mentally ill society. It’s a testament to either their humanity or their cowardice that more of them do not lash out like this.

And it’s a testament to your lack of humanity that you even think like this.

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11 years ago

Feminists are always bragging that humans are closer to Bonobos

I haven’t seen this, but then, I’ve only been a feminist for a few years. Do I need to compare myself to other primates more often?

But you know what I have seen feminists saying? That we (un like seta-san and his ilk) believe that men are human beings, capable of decency, empathy, and restraining their baser impulses. When you say things like “wearing a short skirt is like waving a steak in front of a dog” or “men wouldn’t kill so much if they were getting laid”, you’re saying men are animals who can’t be trusted to treat their fellow human beings (and yes, that includes women) with an ounce of respect. But I guess it’s cool to dehumanize half the human race if it offers the slim chance of being given a pass for rape and murder.

11 years ago

Am I seriously the only one with “bragging about bonobos” tattooed on my ass? Come on! I thought you were all feminists.

11 years ago

I had my entire ass tattooed red. Oh, wait…that’s not bonobos, is it? SHIT.

11 years ago

I snorted.

11 years ago

My local zoo has a troop of those red rump monkeys. I love them. They’re so cute and there always seems to be lots of babies. It’s a highlight of every zoo visit for me.

11 years ago

it makes a sick kind of sense. Feminists are always bragging that humans are closer to Bonobos, where the females keep the males in line with sex, than chimps. All males in the troop of bonobos gets some on a regular basis. That’s not true in regular chimps. If you want human males to act like bonobos we need to get the bonobo bribe… or we’ll just go back to acting like war-like chimps.

If I don’t get laid, I’ll beat the shit out of you?

Right. You do know that male bonobos engage in homosexual liasons. You know that female bonobos choose whom they have sex with.

I’ll bet you didn’t really know either of those, and thought it would just be cute to say, “nice gender you’ve got there, pity if anything were to happen to it”.

Mind you, I happen to be a better human being than the sort who says, “beasts with no reason do it this way, and I want to be like them, so do what I say or I’ll fuck you up”.

11 years ago


You’re making my gender look bad.

Turtle Boy
Turtle Boy
10 years ago

Complete nonsense.

FYI, my teenager attended this school with the shooter and was there when it happened.

It’s disgusting that people are focusing on Claire as a target of some sort of frustration. She was not a snooty girl at all. She was well-liked, but not part of the popular crowd. She was a wholesome sweet girl who minded her own business and had a lot of outside activities. Even if she had been a snot, she didn’t deserve to be shot. It’s sick that people would think that just because she was pretty she had “airs” about her and looked down her nose at people like the shooter. She did not. Besides, she had the right to choose whom she wanted to spend her time with just like anyone else on the planet. She was shot because she was in the way. Period. A young person with a bright future died and the people on this blog are ticked because pretty girls don’t want to date them. Get a grip.

The shooter had girlfriends and apparently went to Prom every year – I saw his Prom photos with a pretty girl on his arm. He was not conventionally handsome, and he was strange, but he did have girlfriends. What’s your excuse? This “oddball weirdo” had girlfriends and everyone on this blog is making him out to be sort of a martyr for guys who can’t get laid. Wow, you guys have to come up with different role models..

He was bullied, but not in the traditional sense. People liked to provoke his hair-trigger temper However, he had been well-liked by many people who are now beating themselves up because they feel they misread him, he betrayed them and put them in danger. He killed a completely innocent girl that had nothing to do with him. She was just in the way. Anyone would’ve been innocent.

Up until the time he snapped, he was not a loser. He was a kid with a bright future who ruined it for himself and an innocent girl. He could’ve ruined the lives of more people had he not been stopped.

No, no sexual frustration for this kid. He had girlfriends. He was a nerd, but that didn’t prevent him from having girlfriends.

This doesn’t excuse what he did – what he did was horrible. However, mischaracterizing him as a misunderstood guy who couldn’t get dates in order to validate your own lack of ability to attract women is disgusting.

You’re all as stupid as the Roosh guys.

James Donnaught
10 years ago

“For the vast majority of men their sex life is a central part of their character and a major part of their motivation for all aspects of their life.”

Ummm . . . no. Sounds like a good recipe for repelling women, though – too bad this dolt fails to make the connection.

It seems to be an essential part of the PUA-MRA mentality to insist that the “vast majority” of men share their 24/7 obsession with sex. Because without that, they’d have to admit that they – and their attitudes – are perverse.

10 years ago

Wow. Reading comprehension fail on the part of Turtle Boy.

10 years ago

I don’t like this article. It’s patronizing a very good argument. When men don’t get the women they want they turn to violence. This is established all over the animal kingdom and offers a good example about how it applies to humans, that snotty girls who keep their sexual treasures to all but a few males cause the remaining males to snap. The other posters simply writing the event off as the makings of psychopath are doing the whole situation injustice, and I suspect use stories like these as a way to put another layer of self-deception over their own insecurities about their relationship to the sexual marketplace. What else explains the huge numbers of posters on articles like these?

High school is a massively sexually charged winner take all environment. Somehow I think the author of this website went to high school in the 50’s or 60’s when teens could rarely get their hands on contraceptives. Today’s high school is basically an ongoing audition for a porno video and the guys and girls who don’t make the cut can only sit at home and masturbate. It’s demeaning and hits a major blow to a person’s sexual identity to not be invited to frolic with the beautiful people. I’m sorry but almost no men go on wild shooting rampages if they have a beautiful female in their keep. The only guys that do so are bank robbers and thieves, generally guys at a later stage of life more fixated on money. Human beings naturally assess the amount of sex going around them and judge themselves in relationship to the amount and type of sex others are getting. This makes sense because from a reproductive standpoint sex is coveted, and sex with beautiful thin, young women are the most coveted. Being the first to spoil these young women sexually is viewed reproductively as a guarantee of parentage, thus this is why males instinctively covet and burn with passion for these females. This is why we have “morality” which is in its essence is a promise not to flaunt or indulge in sex moreso than the lowest man or woman in your tribe. This is what is meant when people say “morality went out the window.” They mean someone with more sexual prowess is openly indulging in sex and broadcasting it to stimulate the jealousy of the underclasses. High school brats are totally immoral.

This teen killed people cause he thought that beautiful girls were out of reach. The high school environment merely rubbed it in his face. Yes drugs to treat ADD might’ve eroded many of the impulse control functions in the teen, but the rage against the high school was still the gasoline. He might’ve had a picture or two taken with a girl next to him, but oftentimes those high school girls lie and simply eat up the male’s offerings without granting sexual access, but grant it to a random stud. I’m not saying the girl he killed deserved it, it’s only that when you are in that frame of mind you cannot tell who is having more sex than others and you simply fill in the gaps with rage. The beautiful girl simply represented everything that the teen couldn’t get. The steady love and wild sex of a valuable young girl.

All the other theories posted on this site seem comical, self-righteous and weirdly off-point. It’s like you’re assessing the situation as an asexual senior citizen or righteous prude. Generally men want sex with young thin beauties who validate their existence. If society removes all of the social pathways to attaining such a beauty, such as making prostitution illegal, increasing shame for men who seek sex, rewarding females and males called manginas who identify and mock the sex seekers and so on… this will lead to depression in men and all of the behaviors surrounding it, including shootings. Sounds pretty much like a logical line of reasoning to me.

10 years ago

I didn’t read that whole wall of text, but the bits I read were seriously fucked up. Women do not exist for you to fuck, asshole.

10 years ago


Wow. You are quite the ethically-challenge asshole, aren’t you? I mean, to be defending an article that blames a teenage girl for being shot and killed by a teenage boy because she did’t have sex with him.

And I was going to pick you’re disgusting apart bit by bit, but the. I thought, no. I’m not trying to explain to someone ONCE AGAIN that just because a man doesn’t get teh secks from the woman or women he wants to have teh secks from DOESN’T FUCKING MEAN HE HAS ANY FUCKING RIGHT TO KILL PEOPLE.



This is not that hard to grasp. This is pretty much Ethics 101. And if you think otherwise, you are very, very, very wrong.

I would go so far to say evil.

So fuck off, whogoesthere?. You’re attempting to excuse a murderer of innocent people by suggesting that women and girls need to have sex with whoever wants to have sex with them, no matter what the women and girls think of want, in order to not be killed.

Fuck off forever.

10 years ago

Who goes there? A potential rapist, that’s who.

10 years ago

Holy shneikes. That whole rant was sexist, demeaning, and nauseating. I think this part was the creepiest:

snotty girls who keep their sexual treasures to all but a few males cause the remaining males to snap.

Dafuq? A vagina is not like a treasure chest that can be plundered. It’s actually attached to living breathing human beings.

Ew. Gross. No.

10 years ago

I don’t like this article. It’s patronizing a very good argument.

No it isn’t. It’s patronizing a very bad argument.

When men don’t get the women they want they turn to violence.

No they don’t. They turn to other women or they find other avenues of filling their desires.

This is established all over the animal kingdom and offers a good example about how it applies to humans,

No it isn’t. Bees, for instances. Fungus. Fish. Sharks. Motherfucking elephants.

that snotty girls who keep their sexual treasures to all but a few males cause the remaining males to snap.

No they don’t. The remaining males find other females, in almost all cases.

The other posters simply writing the event off as the makings of psychopath are doing the whole situation injustice, and I suspect use stories like these as a way to put another layer of self-deception over their own insecurities about their relationship to the sexual marketplace.

No they don’t. The sexual marketplace is a meaningless term intended to mean “The area in which people date and have relationships”, but in actuality referring to some kind of pseudo-economic take on relationships as a good traded by people under a system of maximum competition, which, well, no.

What else explains the huge numbers of posters on articles like these?

Terror at the killings of innocent people.

High school is a massively sexually charged winner take all environment.

No it isn’t.

Somehow I think the author of this website went to high school in the 50′s or 60′s when teens could rarely get their hands on contraceptives.

They had other means, and the sexual revolution happened during the 60’ies, so no.

Today’s high school is basically an ongoing audition for a porno video and the guys and girls who don’t make the cut can only sit at home and masturbate.

No it isn’t. It… really isn’t.

It’s demeaning and hits a major blow to a person’s sexual identity to not be invited to frolic with the beautiful people.

No it isn’t, unless you’re the kind of person seeking validation from sources of beauty.

I’m sorry but almost no men go on wild shooting rampages if they have a beautiful female in their keep.

Yes they do, you might want to look up a little thing called “family killings”.

The only guys that do so are bank robbers and thieves, generally guys at a later stage of life more fixated on money.

No they aren’t, no they don’t.

Human beings naturally assess the amount of sex going around them and judge themselves in relationship to the amount and type of sex others are getting.

They really don’t. Human beings do not do this.

This makes sense because from a reproductive standpoint sex is coveted, and sex with beautiful thin, young women are the most coveted.

It really isn’t. Ten thousand sites on the Internet offering alternatives beg to differ, as does endless people’s constant triades on attraction.

Being the first to spoil these young women sexually is viewed reproductively as a guarantee of parentage, thus this is why males instinctively covet and burn with passion for these females.

No it isn’t, no they don’t, telling use of “spoil”, telling use of “burn with passion”.

This is why we have “morality” which is in its essence is a promise not to flaunt or indulge in sex moreso than the lowest man or woman in your tribe.

It isn’t, it wasn’t, it won’t be. Explain to me why Judaism forbids the eating of amphibians or the the Cushitic Fish Taboo (idea).

This is what is meant when people say “morality went out the window.”

No they don’t, although I have noticed some people eating fish these days which probably means the world is about to end.

They mean someone with more sexual prowess is openly indulging in sex and broadcasting it to stimulate the jealousy of the underclasses.

That’s not what Marxism is, what that means, what morality is or exactly what constitutes a class.

High school brats are totally immoral.

That’s a non-sequitor and also untrue.

This teen killed people cause he thought that beautiful girls were out of reach.

That’s not true, no he didn’t, we don’t know.

The high school environment merely rubbed it in his face.

No it didn’t. The high-school porn environment with it’s moralistic ban on consuming amphibian food probably pointed it out to him, and he, if he did believe this, as a consequence, choose to think beautiful people were out of his reach based on what he learned in this high school of porn. That’s social learning. Otherwise your ideas make no sense.

Yes drugs to treat ADD might’ve eroded many of the impulse control functions in the teen, but the rage against the high school was still the gasoline.

That’s not what ADD drugs do, no it isn’t, was the rage against high school, porn, beautiful people or his own perceived inability to get them?

He might’ve had a picture or two taken with a girl next to him, but oftentimes those high school girls lie and simply eat up the male’s offerings without granting sexual access, but grant it to a random stud.

No they don’t.
That doesn’t mean anything, you go from pictures to sexual favours. Indeed, offering my camera to beautiful people is a thing I do with the full expectation they will have sex with me. Wait. No. Because that’s dumb.

I’m not saying the girl he killed deserved it, it’s only that when you are in that frame of mind you cannot tell who is having more sex than others and you simply fill in the gaps with rage.

Yes you are saying just that. No you don’t fill the gaps with rage unless you have some serious entitlement issues.

The beautiful girl simply represented everything that the teen couldn’t get. The steady love and wild sex of a valuable young girl.

No she didn’t, no he didn’t, no it did not, no.

All the other theories posted on this site seem comical, self-righteous and weirdly off-point.

No they don’t, you haven’t read them, you won’t read them, you don’t care.

It’s like you’re assessing the situation as an asexual senior citizen or righteous prude.

No he isn’t. Some of us are. Some of us will be.

Generally men want sex with young thin beauties who validate their existence.

No they don’t. That’s a very telling use of “validate”.

If society removes all of the social pathways to attaining such a beauty, such as making prostitution illegal, increasing shame for men who seek sex, rewarding females and males called manginas who identify and mock the sex seekers and so on…

Thy really don’t, explain celibate monks to me.

this will lead to depression in men and all of the behaviors surrounding it, including shootings. Sounds pretty much like a logical line of reasoning to me.

It isn’t really, you really did’t, I really can’t say more than that.

10 years ago

WWTH, yeah, that “sexual treasures” bit was the bit that got me, too. JFC, dudes, women aren’t “witholding” their vaginas from you just to be “snotty” or whatever.

I’d like to offer a shoutout ro Racnad, who was arguing in the other thread that male entitlement isn’t a thing. Because women have to hear shit like this on the regular, but we can’t be trusted to determine whether or not it’s a pattern, because ladybrains or something.

What else explains the huge numbers of posters on articles like these?

Shock and empathy? Trolls and people telling them off? The gun control debate? People sharing their own stories? Tangents about kittens and videos thereof? In other words: plenty of things. The onus is on you to demonstrate that your pet theory is the reason.

Today’s high school is basically an ongoing audition for a porno video and the guys and girls who don’t make the cut can only sit at home and masturbate.

Good god, I hope you’re still in high school. Otherwise, this bitterness that you weren’t getting laid (by the hotties you totally deserved) is just really fucking sad, with a side of creepy.

I’m sorry but almost no men go on wild shooting rampages if they have a beautiful female in their keep.

Plenty of men who don’t have hot girlfriends manage to avoid shooting rampages, too. It’s almost like a killing spree isn’t the inevitable result of dry-dick syndrome.

Human beings naturally assess the amount of sex going around them and judge themselves in relationship to the amount and type of sex others are getting.

You sound like Eliot Rodger. Fuck off and never inflict yourself on a woman again, you misogynistic, victim-blaming, violence-excusing, pathetic creep.

but oftentimes those high school girls lie and simply eat up the male’s offerings without granting sexual access

You literally think you’re entitled to sex in exchange for kindness. This is a literal thing that you literally believe.

Generally men want sex with young thin beauties who validate their existence.

Oh my god, you are so fucking pathetic. And creepy. And horrible.

10 years ago

No they don’t, although I have noticed some people eating fish these days which probably means the world is about to end.

Argenti might agree! 😛

I don’t know what planet creepy rape advocate comes from, but I wish he’d go back there.

10 years ago

People who feel that they only way to validate their own existence is via fucking random hotties really need to develop a damn hobby, maybe work on some sort of skillset.

10 years ago

@whogoesthere, Even accepting that those social influences do exist (though they aren’t even universal across species), violent behavior for their sake is viewed by society itself as anti-social, reprehensible. It is no excuse, nor culpable.
Also, that kind of thing just feeds the confirmation bias of presumed misogyny that makes it impossible for someone to even bring up men’s rights issues. Seriously, dude, every time some scary stuff like that is written, 100 reasonable MR voices get ignored. Ironically, it’s an actual example of one wrong contributing to another. Even giving you the benefit of the doubt that this really is not coming from a dark place but just some attempt at scientific truth, there’s some human empathy lacking here that should supersede it, especially since it’s bunk.

Headless Unicorn Guy
Headless Unicorn Guy
10 years ago

Return of Kings blog: High school girls are responsible for school shootings because they won’t have sex with nerds

Isn’t that what the Santa Barbara Shooter wrote over and over in his 140-page Manifesto? And how his murder spree was the “Day of Retribution” because he was still a virgin at 22?

10 years ago

Also, that kind of thing just feeds the confirmation bias of presumed misogyny that makes it impossible for someone to even bring up men’s rights issues. Seriously, dude, every time some scary stuff like that is written, 100 reasonable MR voices get ignored.

So, your number one concern is apparently not that someone said extraordinarily misogynistic and predatory. The concern is that it makes MRAs look bad?

You may not realize it, but you’re being part of the problem right now too. You too are a misogynist if your main concern is that misogyny makes you or other men look bad.

You think men face gender oppression? You aren’t the ones who routinely get told “fuck us or we’ll kill you.”

Even giving you the benefit of the doubt that this really is not coming from a dark place but just some attempt at scientific truth, there’s some human empathy lacking here that should supersede it, especially since it’s bunk.

Why the fuck are you giving this creep the benefit of the doubt? He’s sympathizing with a murderer. Look at what he said. He doesn’t even see women as human beings. He sees us as walking vaginas with treasures to be spoiled.

10 years ago


Well, you’re at the right place. We’ve been looking for those moderate MRA voices for many years now, and so far the reasonable MRA seems to be a mythological creature.

So please, let us hear those reasonable voices.

10 years ago

For the hundredth time, WOMEN ARE HUMAN BEINGS. This is ultimately what all of this rage is about. Women, instead of acting lke magic vaginas that fly open for socially awkward men, they have the audacity to think,evaluate, and be something other than objects for boys to “win”.

10 years ago

Just out of curiosity – as an Asian immigrant girl who grew up in the Bay Area, I too was a nerd. I watched blond football players and Italianate swimmers with smoldering blue eyes wistfully from afar. The night of my senior Prom, I wept over my calculus homework and blurred the lines with my tears. And I was horny, gobbling down tons of soft-porn Harlequins in between Flaubert and Dream of the Red Mansions. Needless to say, I jerked off to those. Girls do too, you know. In fact, I stayed a virgin until my senior year in college.

The media did not help. With the exception of a stray image or two of hookers with hearts of gold, spineless Madame Butterflies who slash their own throat when discarded by white men distracted by too much easy prey, or femme fatales, people like me were nowhere on TV, movies or in print. I was invisible, sexually frustrated, and socially ostracized.

Oddly enough, I never once thought about turning a thicket of semiautomatic weapons against the tall, slim, broad-shouldered tennis team captain with his satiny black hair, at whose side walked his half-white, half-Philippino, gorgeous cheerleader girlfriend in a yellow skirt uncovering her honey thighs with every nimble step. Never. I don’t think it’s my inborn nobility. Sad and deprived as I felt, I looked upon my crush and knew this was his happiness. If I liked him, I should wish him well.

It’s basic to being human. It’s affection, appreciation, understanding, empathy, and the essence of love.

Should we women now make the same arguments? How would you self-styled beta-men feel if a hormone-crazed, unloved girl whom you are not in the least bit attracted to comes up to you, stick a gun in your head, and demand you drop your pants? Should she be excused since you’ve withheld the gift of your sex and consideration from her?

For guns can be used by anyone. It reduces the disparity in strength between women and men. Beware of the implications of what you conjure up. And what sort of pleasure can there be, if people come to you out of fear and a sense of obligation? Are we puppets to our biological urges, or do we want more out of ourselves and each other?

I want to end by saying I understand the frustration and loneliness many young men feel. Please know that there are all sorts of ways to go beyond it, and your sadness would not last. I eventually bloomed, dressed and spoke better, and love and sex came into my orbit. The same is possible for everyone.