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Men in Dresses: A Voice for Men stands up for trans women by declaring them to be deluded men

Men in dresses: How A Voice for Men sees trans women
Men in dresses: How A Voice for Men chose to promote its post about trans women

Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men has not exactly shown much of an interest in trans* issues in the past. Indeed, the only time I can recall founder Paul Elam ever even mentioning trans* people was in the context of a vicious attack on a Men’s Studies expert who happens to be a trans woman; he suggested she was a mentally ill man-hater whose “so hated the sex they were born with that it sparked a life long academic quest to deconstruct it into something that did not disgust them.”

So it’s a little surprising to see a post on AVFM now with the seemingly dispassionate, slightly turgid, title “Male/female discrepancies in transsexualism.” The post starts out as dry as its title, but it soon becomes clear that it is “scientific” in style only. It’s not an attempt to understand trans women or trans people in general; it’s an attempt to use the existence of trans women as a helpful prop in an old Men’s Rights argument.

After declaring that “the inherent,prenatal explanations for transsexualism are highly questionable” — without actually examining any of these explanations beyond mentioning one study —  Jesse Folsom offers his own crackpot theory to explain why, in his words, there are more “male-to-female [than] female-to-male transsexuals.”

In short, he asserts, our society is so biased against boys and men that a lot of boys and men have decided that they want to become girls and women. And naturally, feminists are largely to blame.

[W]hy would a young boy associate more with the stereotypes assigned to girls? Well, one good reason would be because he wants to, because he regards his stereotypes of women as superior. For instance, in a feminist household, expressions of masculinity may be viewed with derision, or, when there is a father present, as a source of shame.

Also, in case you hadn’t realized this, most mothers are women as well:

Even without such associations, however, a child often just spends more time with his or her mother.

Oh, and so are teachers. It’s like there’s some sort of plot!

While it does not occur until after a large proportion of gender ideas are formed, school also exposes children, primarily, to female role models. Not to mention the fact that many behaviors typical of boys are frowned upon and even drugged out of them in modern school environments.

As a result, young boys have no real role models in society.

And where do boys find themselves today? Today, women can be anything they want. Women can be action heroes, happy homemakers, corporate executives, and powerful politicians.

Obviously there are no examples of men in any of these roles for boys to look up to.

There are two categories of fashion, fashion for everyone and fashion for women only. Women are the ones seen as beautiful and glamorous. Women are kind, gentle, empathetic, and allowed to freely express emotion. With the traditional strengths of men now seen as irrelevant or even negative, why wouldn’t a boy rather be a girl? Is this not as good an explanation as any for the discrepancies between MtF and FtM transsexualism?

Well, actually, no. But Folsom continues, insinuating that this evil feministy brainwashing does terrible damage to all the poor little boys who have decided that they want to be girls:

It is simply implausible that a child that associates with the opposite sex label has any real understanding of what that means, but unfortunately, such associations often stick. Further, this gender dysphoria is extremely harmful, frequently leading to severe depression and high suicide and poverty rates for transsexuals. As one might expect, researchers believe that male-to-female transsexuals are the hardest-hit by these problems.

Aside from all the general bullshittery of Folsom’s not-very-original theory here, it’s telling that he never refers to trans women as, well, women, preferring instead to refer to them either as male-to-female transsexuals — or to actually refer to them as male. Like Elam, clearly doesn’t see trans women as real women, but rather as men suffering from some sort of delusion, driven by internalized misandry.

And that’s really the only way that AVFM can have any sympathy for trans women at all: if they’re seen as male victims of feminism, and not as women at all.

Regular Man Boobz commenter Ally S ventured into the Men’s Rights subreddit to offer a rather more nuanced view of the subject. Some highlights:

This article is almost exactly like countless articles written by trans-exclusionary radical feminists. The only real difference is that the arguments are being used to further support MRA talking points rather than TERF talking points. …

When I was little, I didn’t identify as a girl because I associated more with femininity and stereotypes about girls. It was the other way around: I came to associate more with femininity and stereotypes about girls because I identified as a girl. Just as cis girls associate with stereotypes related to their own gender. …

I guarantee that virtually any trans woman will say that adherence to stereotypes and misandry have nothing to do with identifying as female. That’s because there’s a difference between gender identity and gender expression. Personally, I am a trans woman, but my clothing style is basically agender and I engage in what are often considered masculine activities, such as programming. And when I was a child, I actually saw feminine traits as inferior, not superior – yet I still identified as a girl. I have many friends who have had similar experiences. …

Lastly, deliberately misgendering trans women (you know, what the author does in every other sentence) is completely unacceptable, even if one is speaking about young children. We are not and never will be men.

You can see Ally’s entire comment here, as well as a number of detailed followups. Amazingly, they actually got upvotes in the Men’s Rights subreddit, where Folsom’s article received a generally hostile reception. Apparently some of AVFM’s bullshit is so bullshitty that even Men’s Rights Redditors can recognize it as such.

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Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

What Jesse Folsom is reiterating is that same old tired MRA narrative: “Men are losing….”

The story always goes has usual: “Men are losing because of what these women did, we are losing are men because women are making progress in education, we are losing are manlihood because women have the right to say no to us, we are losing are boy because somehow women used witchcraft and turned them into girls”

Jesse Folsom outright dismisses any scientific evidence that counters his pet theory right at the beginning of his article, without any real explanation as I said before because it does not fit into the story he is trying to tell. Truth does not matter, facts do do matter.

Jesse Folsom was just singing and dancing the same old song and dance against women that the MRA’s have been doing while juggling, but he tried to juggle in trans-gender ball in to scapegoat women. And he dropped the ball.

11 years ago

If the MRAs would change it from “men are losing” to “MRAs are losers” they’d save themselves a lot of breath, or keystrokes, and get the message out much more clearly.

Ally S
11 years ago

Eloquently put, kitteh.

11 years ago

Merci mademoiselle! 🙂

11 years ago

Jesse Folsom was just singing and dancing the same old song and dance against women that the MRA’s have been doing while juggling, but he tried to juggle in trans-gender ball in to scapegoat women. And he dropped the ball.

Yes, well, that sort of thing happens a lot when one or two of the balls one is trying to juggle is still stuck in the scrotum…

11 years ago

Awesome posts Ally!

Someone after you posted an interesting point too. One of the MRA’s constant points to show oppression of men that they blame on feminists is more men are homeless.Then they do nothing and say what are YOU going to do about that wominZ.??If you say what are YOU going to do about it that is PROOF you are not about equality!

The last poster on that thread pointed out that a major cause for poverty /homelessness for men is being a veteran especially a physically/mentally disabled veteran . But yet the MRA doesn’t want to put focus on disabled veterans because its a ‘niche” issue ? A luxury they can’t afford ?

So WHY put it on their LIST of inequality for men ? Its shameful to use that statistic to WHINE and MOAN about about men’s issues . Then ignore a major cause of it calling it a luxury /niche issue . To address the disproportionate # of homeless men vs women , if they really are interested in helping men, wouldn’t it makes sense for them to be active in improving on how we can better take care of our veterans ?

Wouldn’t they be bringing awareness on that issue ?Maybe listing the various charitable organizations and encouraging their members to give as generously as they can to help their fellow man get off the street ? Instead harping and whining about why women don’t pay for a 1st date ? And boasting how men have more honor because they commit suicide after burning their child alive in postmatrimony psychosis ?

Either that or quit BITCHING about more men are homeless and blaming it on feminists.(women)

Oh and by the way . One of the few charities I have given to regularly is to the disabled veterans cause .

Maybe I should STOP donating to them and I know ..MARCH down the street for the more PRESSING issue that WOMEN rape men too and we need to take that seriously! FUCK the “niche ” issue of our soldiers wandering around the streets with missing arms and legs or with serious mental issues from serving our country ..We will get that later ! They will just have to FREEZE to death for a little longer and keep begging for a bowl of soup and a cot!WE need to stop the epidemic of rape of men BY women first!

11 years ago

The thing is they are TOO obvious . Their interest clearly is NOT to actually address serious issues that boys and men face . UNLESS its an issue directly related to some perceived or real injustice against men at the hands of women no matter how big or small. Any crime /injustice /inequality that men face at the hands of other men or otherwise not directly related to women will always be a ‘nice issue ‘ . Like PRISON rape .

I read that the U.S right now is the only country in the world that more men are raped every year than women . Why ? Because of men raping men in our HUGE prison population which % wise to our population I think is also the largest in the world. Its not because MORE women here rape men .But yet prison rape I’m sure is one of their “niche issues” while women raping men is a major one ?

Also on prison rape what makes it NOT a niche issue to me besides the fact how rampant it is . Is many of the rape victims are REPEATEDLY /regularly raped .I’m a womanz and that haunts me . Its horrifying to think about .

11 years ago

i just now found this site, and i love it. thank you so much for existing.

11 years ago

also a point that conveniently gets omitted when discussing the homeless – a homeless female is a much more intriguing prey than a homeless male (not that they aren’t attacked, as well), so there’s at least one good reason why there are less living homeless females than living homeless males.

11 years ago

Hi and welcome, h! Have an Official Welcome Package!

Crip Dyke
11 years ago

@Ally S:
I haven’t bee over there to read the original, but I can certainly appreciate the work you must have done.

One reads this and instantly prefers that AVfM had never heard of trans* folk. This is the kind of help we definitively *don’t* need.

Laughing is the best medicine
Laughing is the best medicine
11 years ago

So back in the 70s/80s when men sat under a hair dryer getting tight little perms or when they dress OTT like women with huge boobs, lashings of lipstick, false eyelashes and high heel shoes poncing around looking like street walkers it’s just done for a laugh for the boys then is it?

How about an insight from him on why men love dressing up like little tarts for the day. They hate us so much so why be like us then? Would love to hear his explanation. Most of the stuff these idiots write make them sound more deranged by the day and it doesn’t half make me laugh how they so easily gave in and relinquished control to the evilz feminists. Talk about giving us so much power and kudos and in return they’ve turned into snivelling little weasels. Ha ha. You couldn’t make it up. They are terrified of women and can only fight back with hair brained, illogical, fantasist, lying statistical crap.

11 years ago

Um, you’re not helping, Laughter.

11 years ago

What have permed hairdos got to do with anything? I don’t see longer hair in fashions for men having anything to do with misogynistic idiots.

11 years ago

Trolling or just stupid? Could always be both!

11 years ago

I got the impression the dressing-up comments referred to idiots like footballers or whatever at parties, unrelated to transvestism and certainly not to trans* sexuality. But I’m not sure if that’s what Laughing meant, and I’m still baffled about how a guy getting a perm when they were the fashion has anything to do with anything. Unless we’re talking about Bring Back Long Hair, which I’m all for.

11 years ago

I think dummy is trying to reference the glam rock/hair metal period, but I can’t say I recall Marc Bolan or Nikki Sixx ever sporting fake boobs.

11 years ago

I think they were meant to be separate. It shouldn’t be this much work to read a comment! 😛

I admit I do side-eye some professional drag queens, because they can look like they’re mocking women, but that’s simply my impression (not helped by the godawful Edna Everage) and nothing more. It could be mocking a particular image or expectation of women’s appearance, for all I know.

Dipshits at parties sporting plastic boobs, however, are just as eye-rolling as when they go blackface and think it’s funny. But I think that’s just fucking idiots being fucking idiots.

Also glam rockers could look the BEST.

11 years ago

I am not a little tart. I am an old tart, thank you very much.

What the fuck was that?

11 years ago

Lemon or raspberry?

I miss the flaky pastry jam tarts of my childhood. Why don’t they make them any more, eh? The shortbread ones just aren’t the same.

11 years ago


There are few looks I like more on a man than tight pants, long hair, and eyeliner.

11 years ago

I’m going to be a strawberry tart, just to be difficult because it’s winter and they’re out of season.

11 years ago

Kittehs: lemon, of course.

I love it when Mr HK lets me glam rock him up with eyeliner. He used to have really long metal hair down to his butt, the pictures are amazing.

11 years ago

Mr C once went to a Halloween party as Richie from the Manics. Shame we couldn’t find a Nicky to go with him, but nobody here is both eyeliner-friendly and tall enough.

11 years ago

Nice! A few years ago Mr. HK wanted to do drag for Halloween, so I made him up. He looked damn good as a woman.

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