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Men in Dresses: A Voice for Men stands up for trans women by declaring them to be deluded men

Men in dresses: How A Voice for Men sees trans women
Men in dresses: How A Voice for Men chose to promote its post about trans women

Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men has not exactly shown much of an interest in trans* issues in the past. Indeed, the only time I can recall founder Paul Elam ever even mentioning trans* people was in the context of a vicious attack on a Men’s Studies expert who happens to be a trans woman; he suggested she was a mentally ill man-hater whose “so hated the sex they were born with that it sparked a life long academic quest to deconstruct it into something that did not disgust them.”

So it’s a little surprising to see a post on AVFM now with the seemingly dispassionate, slightly turgid, title “Male/female discrepancies in transsexualism.” The post starts out as dry as its title, but it soon becomes clear that it is “scientific” in style only. It’s not an attempt to understand trans women or trans people in general; it’s an attempt to use the existence of trans women as a helpful prop in an old Men’s Rights argument.

After declaring that “the inherent,prenatal explanations for transsexualism are highly questionable” — without actually examining any of these explanations beyond mentioning one study —  Jesse Folsom offers his own crackpot theory to explain why, in his words, there are more “male-to-female [than] female-to-male transsexuals.”

In short, he asserts, our society is so biased against boys and men that a lot of boys and men have decided that they want to become girls and women. And naturally, feminists are largely to blame.

[W]hy would a young boy associate more with the stereotypes assigned to girls? Well, one good reason would be because he wants to, because he regards his stereotypes of women as superior. For instance, in a feminist household, expressions of masculinity may be viewed with derision, or, when there is a father present, as a source of shame.

Also, in case you hadn’t realized this, most mothers are women as well:

Even without such associations, however, a child often just spends more time with his or her mother.

Oh, and so are teachers. It’s like there’s some sort of plot!

While it does not occur until after a large proportion of gender ideas are formed, school also exposes children, primarily, to female role models. Not to mention the fact that many behaviors typical of boys are frowned upon and even drugged out of them in modern school environments.

As a result, young boys have no real role models in society.

And where do boys find themselves today? Today, women can be anything they want. Women can be action heroes, happy homemakers, corporate executives, and powerful politicians.

Obviously there are no examples of men in any of these roles for boys to look up to.

There are two categories of fashion, fashion for everyone and fashion for women only. Women are the ones seen as beautiful and glamorous. Women are kind, gentle, empathetic, and allowed to freely express emotion. With the traditional strengths of men now seen as irrelevant or even negative, why wouldn’t a boy rather be a girl? Is this not as good an explanation as any for the discrepancies between MtF and FtM transsexualism?

Well, actually, no. But Folsom continues, insinuating that this evil feministy brainwashing does terrible damage to all the poor little boys who have decided that they want to be girls:

It is simply implausible that a child that associates with the opposite sex label has any real understanding of what that means, but unfortunately, such associations often stick. Further, this gender dysphoria is extremely harmful, frequently leading to severe depression and high suicide and poverty rates for transsexuals. As one might expect, researchers believe that male-to-female transsexuals are the hardest-hit by these problems.

Aside from all the general bullshittery of Folsom’s not-very-original theory here, it’s telling that he never refers to trans women as, well, women, preferring instead to refer to them either as male-to-female transsexuals — or to actually refer to them as male. Like Elam, clearly doesn’t see trans women as real women, but rather as men suffering from some sort of delusion, driven by internalized misandry.

And that’s really the only way that AVFM can have any sympathy for trans women at all: if they’re seen as male victims of feminism, and not as women at all.

Regular Man Boobz commenter Ally S ventured into the Men’s Rights subreddit to offer a rather more nuanced view of the subject. Some highlights:

This article is almost exactly like countless articles written by trans-exclusionary radical feminists. The only real difference is that the arguments are being used to further support MRA talking points rather than TERF talking points. …

When I was little, I didn’t identify as a girl because I associated more with femininity and stereotypes about girls. It was the other way around: I came to associate more with femininity and stereotypes about girls because I identified as a girl. Just as cis girls associate with stereotypes related to their own gender. …

I guarantee that virtually any trans woman will say that adherence to stereotypes and misandry have nothing to do with identifying as female. That’s because there’s a difference between gender identity and gender expression. Personally, I am a trans woman, but my clothing style is basically agender and I engage in what are often considered masculine activities, such as programming. And when I was a child, I actually saw feminine traits as inferior, not superior – yet I still identified as a girl. I have many friends who have had similar experiences. …

Lastly, deliberately misgendering trans women (you know, what the author does in every other sentence) is completely unacceptable, even if one is speaking about young children. We are not and never will be men.

You can see Ally’s entire comment here, as well as a number of detailed followups. Amazingly, they actually got upvotes in the Men’s Rights subreddit, where Folsom’s article received a generally hostile reception. Apparently some of AVFM’s bullshit is so bullshitty that even Men’s Rights Redditors can recognize it as such.

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11 years ago

So, wait, every non-profit has to rename itself The Society To Fix Everything and broaden its focus to, well, every socio-political issue that exists? So Doctors Without Borders should start working on homelessness, and Save The Children should really focus more on adults? Yeah, this is going to work out great, what a brilliant idea.

11 years ago

I quite like this bit:

That’s not suddenly going to become centered on trans issues, gay issues, black issues, Hispanic issues, or any of the identity politics victim of the week.

It’s MEN.

Because there’s absolutely no element of identity or victimization to “men’s rights.”

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Obviously having a specific focus on a subgroup in order to better advocate for a group’s rights is MISANDRY!

Ally S
11 years ago

Eh, my comment seems kind of abrasive, but I’m not in the mood for being nice to MRAs. My patience with them doesn’t go very far.

11 years ago

Well, you see, straight white men are people, and everyone else is part of a selfish special interest group that needs to STFU.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

The greatest human rights movement this century, people!

11 years ago

I’ll add my hands to the applause for Ally.

avery marcus
avery marcus
11 years ago

I’m a cis-gendered woman, myself. Reading and hearing about trans people’s experiences actually helped me get over my internalized misogyny. I don’t know how well I’ll be able to articulate why and I apologize in advance if I offend someone.
It just made me understand that gender really isn’t just about stereotypes and dress. It made me get over any feelings of superiority because I wasn’t one of “those women”. I’ll never understand what trans-people struggle with everyday,
but they had a huge hand in no longer letting anyone tell me as a woman what I’m supposed to be.

Lea Tapp
11 years ago

I think you summed up that sentiment perfectly.

11 years ago

Abrasive? So what if it is? Abrasiveness is the least the MRM deserves. Come to that, the sort of abrasiveness I’d like to see applied to ’em involves sandpaper.

11 years ago

Ally, a standing ovation for you, that last comment was especially great. You MRM better than the MRAs do. “Abrasive” Ally is a good Ally.

Kitteh, sorry about that friend of yours 🙁

AVFM, go home, you’re drunk.

11 years ago

baileyrenee, Michael Schumacher’s not a personal friend, he’s the seven-time Formula One world champion, one of the greatest in the sport (nobody else has won more championships than that) and the only sportsman I’ve ever followed.

It’s not looking good right now – an hour-by-hour matter and they’re keeping him close to hypothermia to try to get the brain swelling down.

11 years ago

Oh whoops, I had no idea he was and just assumed you knew him! That’s still awful… Poor guy.

Ally S
11 years ago

And to no one’s surprise, I’m now arguing with someone who thinks that, because intersectionality can be a divisive topic, it should be ignored no matter what.

11 years ago

Ally: Oh dear. This person probably also thinks that, since people get mad if you put a badly written woman or minority in a movie, it’s best for all movies to just be about white guys.

11 years ago

No worries, baileyrenee. It is awful.

Ally – I guess that person can’t talk about anything at all ever, because anything can be divisive!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Wait wait, focusing on disabled war veterans (mostly men) means not confronting the (mostly BS) gender gap in higher ed, etc?

Of course, I’m sorta glad, the last thing disabled veterans need is to be used yet again by these tools holding them up as an example of who they (don’t actually) help. To quote pecunium:

“… It’s that we get waved about like a bloody shirt, and then the budget needs balancing and we get hung out to dry. Used, three times, and fucked over in all of them (once when we serve, once when we are used as props to show how “patriotic” those pols are, and once to make it possible to afford other things).”

Last thing they need is a fourth round of being fucked over.

Now, having round three of being fucked over being used to afford better mental health care…*has a fit about the VA having been told not to Dx PTSD for financial reasons*

(I doubt pecunium would count as a disabled veteran by them anyways, his disability isn’t directly service related after all…and he doesn’t talk much of that here does he? I guess that’s probably all I should say on that, though I don’t think he’d mind)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — hypothermic states are actually really good for brain swelling. Not a good sign, no, but the gold standard for treatment, so at least take comfort that he’s getting the best care available, and got it immediately after his accident, both of which bode well.

And I know I’ve mentioned it before, but my mother spent 3 days in a coma after neurosurgery for an aneurysm, goodness, 20 years ago now, and she’s fine, it does happen. Sorry to hear about your aunt too, and I understand why having a 90 year old relative die can be less stressful than having someone you admire in some way be in a tragic accident.

11 years ago

Ally, wow, these people. For all their whining about how ignored men are they sure are willing to ignore a huge percent of them themselves.

But they are not a “cis heterosexual white able-bodied” men’s movement, nosiree.

11 years ago

Argenti – yes, I know hypothermic states are good for brain swelling; that’s why they’ve put him into one. He’s also had (or has, not sure) blood clots, and more areas of damage, which the surgeons are worried about. They said it’ll be at least 48 hours before they can start to estimate what his chances are. He’s certainly getting top-range care, no doubt of that. I just hope he recovers fully and isn’t left brain damaged.

As to my aunt – heh, it must be a good decade since I last saw her, and she was Mum’s least favourite sibling (or at least contending for bottom spot with a long-deceased brother). We had as little to do with each other as possible – it was one of those avoiding each other at funerals relationships.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“I just hope he recovers fully and isn’t left brain damaged.”

Me too, I’m not a fan like you, but he’s a legend.

Regarding your aunt — makes sense.

11 years ago

Plus he’s an awesome person. He donated more than some countries did to the tsunami relief effort; he’s been supporting UNICEF for decades, among other charities. On a small scale, he’s also funded a scholarship for girls to get into motor sport. 🙂 Of course he can afford it and never notice it, but shit, how many millionaires can, and don’t?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Damn, that is awesome. As for those who can and don’t…I hate windows OS, I love the Gates, the Gates Foundation is an amazingly awesome use of the money they’ve made. Those who can and do are awesome sauce.

11 years ago

Yes, the Gates are seriously good people!