a voice for men entitled babies father's rights hamstering hypocrisy imaginary oppression men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim slacktivism somegreybloke the eternal solipsism of the MRA mind we hunted the mammoth why should we have to do anything? women's jobs aren't real

Men Rights Activist: Don't expect activism from us, because "someone has to keep this society running and it damn sure ain't going to be the ladies."

MRA doing a large amount of advocacy in a comment section
MRA doing a large amount of advocacy in a comment section

So someone went to the Men’s Rights subreddit the other day to ask the assembled Men’s Rights Activists a simple question: what sort of activism do you folks do? Specifically, the visitor asked, “Do MRAs have marches or campaigns or fundraisers?”

The post didn’t get much attention, but the answers that “Chickenjuggle” got were pretty, well, instructive.

Some Men’s Rights Redditors pointed to the astounding successes of the events organized by A Voice for Men, which have drawn literally dozens of people from around the globe — that is, more people than you are likely to see waiting for a bus (except during rush hour).

Others tried to claim credit for, among other things, Movember, a month-long prostate cancer awareness campaign that most MRAs have no more connection with than I do, and for the work of various Fathers Rights organizations that MRAs, by and large, have nothing to do with.

A few pointed to fundraisers that A Voice for Men has held … for itself. (Yes, if “fundraising” is redefined to mean “sending a lot of money to Paul Elam, without knowing what exactly he even does with it,” then, yes, MRAs are pretty active fundraisers.)

And the rest mostly offered excuses.

LAMFF explained that most men have a hard time fitting activism into their busy schedule of HUNTING THE MAMMOTH TO FEED YOU:

LAMFF 3 points 1 day ago (8|5)  Most MRA's are too busy working to march. Someone has to keep this society running and it damn sure ain't going to be the ladies.

Others darkly intimated that it was much too dangerous for them to actually get up off of their asses and march, as they might risk their balls, or at least their jobs, and possibly even their spot on the couch. (I added that last bit; it seems like it would be important to them.)

ThePigmanAgain 5 points 1 day ago (10|5)  "Do MRAS have marches...?"  No, mostly because MRAs have an aversion to being shot in the balls by the Stormtroopers of the Plutocracy.
Ianafiafe 15 points 1 day ago (21|6)  No because there are serious risks of losing jobs/pets etc. for MRAs who march.  Once the movement becomes mature and can withstand things like that there will be.

As is well-known, no other activists in the history of the world have ever put themselves willingly at risk for their ideals.

Unkleman sniffed that those silly marches were probably sour, anyway:

unkleman 1 point 1 day ago (3|2)  MRA's are more about awareness in a hostile media than feelgoodisms or PR actions. The distinction lies in that men do not need to qualify themselves for equality, once the general populace is aware, people will be inclined towards fairness. It is false propaganda and straight out lies we need to combat with false facts that have been too long unchallenged.

That bit at the end about “false facts” is an interesting slip, huh?

TRPACC, meanwhile, insisted that sitting on your ass posting comments on the internet was, in fact, activism of the highest order:

TRPACC 1 point 1 day ago (4|3)  AVfM, CAFE and F4J are the most active in those regards, individual mra's have been doing a large amount of advocacy in comments sections of the mainstream media for years.  AVfM is currently trying to raise 20k and is going to expand.
In other words, this video from SomeGreyBloke turns out not to be a parody after all, but a dead-on accurate portrayal:

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11 years ago

Love the grey man!

While I don’t agree with the methods employed by Fathers4Justice, at least those guys do attempt to do something to help the men they represent, though again, one of their people at the top is a woman.

11 years ago

Deep down they know if they ever did march if wouldn’t come off very well. What would they chant or write on their signs? If they were being honest it would go something like this-

Spread those legs
We need sex
Wimmin were made
To suck dick

Or possible something about scented candles and hand bags being evil. Maybe bear fighting?

11 years ago

Equal sauce is misandry! So are women having cats…and a Cactus of One’s Own!

Snork Maiden
11 years ago

@Valerienorth: Indeed.

Placards demanding:


‘PUT THINGS BACK HOW THEY WERE!! (though they were never really like that it’s just feeeeemale lies)

‘WE DEMAND THE RIGHT TO TAKE AWAY WOMEN’S AUTONOMY!!’ (not that they really have any, that’s just a feeeeemale lie too)




And so on. I’m starting to wish they would march so people could point and laugh at them.

11 years ago

And then I noticed that those groups have some very prominent women in them. GWW in Edmonton, Typhoid Blue in S’toon. Not sure about Toronto, don’t care enough to go looking (kind of assuming that GWW organized it from Edm).

So now I’m assuming that, as with almost every organization run by men (I’m thinking churches), the actual work is being done by women.

Wouldn’t be at all surprised. But unlike the women in those churches, the FeMRA’s are getting exactly what they deserve.

11 years ago

I suspect they’re using FeMRAs as mouthpieces to try to make it look like they aren’t sexist and misogynous as hell. As though that strategy weren’t utterly transparent. And as though they weren’t going to dispose of these women as soon as they could…

11 years ago

I completely agree they don’t want change . Too many references to the good ole 1950’s to believe they are O.K with how things are .Just needs some tweaking for men’s issues like prostate cancer research and more women paying for dates.

Too many references to going back to fault divorce after the phrase “75% of women file for divorce” . Too many references to what in effect would make it more intimidating for women to report rape . Too many intimidating references towards women to marry very young. Too many references to consent to sex in marriage is a given the day you say I do, its assumed from that day forward its not a question anymore. Too many references for the desire for the “return of ” clear cut ,well defined ,male and female “gender roles ” and etc ,etc…

That’s not change ,unless you wan’t to call it “changing back.”

11 years ago

Bina – it’d help their strategy if the feMRAs weren’t as misogynist as hell, too.

11 years ago

–]ThePigmanAgain 0 points 2 days ago
“Do MRAS have marches…?”
No, mostly because MRAs have an aversion to being shot in the balls by the Stormtroopers of the Plutocracy.

LOL!! Right …personally for myself you need to realize you aren’t worth going to jail over . Besides it would be more fun to gather with friends, with some lawn chairs , lots of popcorn ,sit on the curb / and laugh our asses off at you . That is if you can find enough men WITH the balls to show up for a march. I doubt that will happen .

11 years ago

I’d love to know who the Stormtroopers of the Plutocracy are. Are we talking the Sturmtroppen of WWI, or something more like Star Wars?

It couldn’t possibly be the various US police forces, could it? I wouldn’t have thought a handful of white guys whining about loss of privilege would attract such attention.

11 years ago

something more like Star Wars

I’m picturing Darth Vader and the works. Talk about your father’s custody battles!

11 years ago

Marches? Well, to have a march you need enough people willing to publicly label themselves under the MRA banner, and even then the focus of marches is primarily just awareness. Considering that I’ve gotten harassing calls to my job and family for coming out as an MRA I can’t say I recommend it — My boss is understanding and sympathetic to my political activism, but not everyone can be so fortunate.

Way to RALLY for your serious men’s issues ! While men are being seriously and systematically discriminated against/abused (by women) you ‘recommend’ not coming out as an MRA?

Such bravery it takes my breath away laughing.

11 years ago

[–]Ianafiafe 11 points 2 days ago
No because there are serious risks of losing jobs/pets etc. for MRAs who march.
Once the movement becomes mature and can withstand things like that there will be.

But wait a minute ? I thought that was already happening anyway because of misandry /feminism /divorce ? Come on seriously what do you have to lose ?????

11 years ago

It is false propaganda and straight out lies we need to combat with false facts that have been too long unchallenged.

O.K my eyebrows are really crinkled now . Is this saying to combat lies with lies in order to challenge the lies ?

11 years ago

Yah ..I think he means Star Wars.

11 years ago

Some Men’s Rights Redditors pointed to the astounding successes of the events organized by A Voice for Men, which have drawn literally dozens of people from around the globe — that is, more people than you are likely to see waiting for a bus (except during rush hour).

David !!!!!!!!! I’m ‘in love” with your smart ass!!!!!!!!!!!

James Yakura
11 years ago

Original version:

It is false propaganda and straight out lies we need to combat with false facts that have been too long unchallenged.

Likely intention:

It is false propaganda and straight out lies we need to combat with: false facts that have been too long unchallenged.

Apparently disambiguating punctuation is misandry.

11 years ago

it’d help their strategy if the feMRAs weren’t as misogynist as hell, too.

Heh. Sooner or later, one of those useful tools is going to slip up and show herself insufficiently self-hating…and when she does, it’s heave-ho, over you go, off with The Wooly Bumblebee.

That prospect alone makes me giggly with anticipation…

11 years ago

Yes ..sooner or later they will get tired of being regarded as their pet dogs. Being kept on a leash and patted on the head wont be enough .

11 years ago

And if they propose anything which might actually benefit men and boys in need, they’ll be shafted so fast, they won’t know what hit them. That’s what Ms. Bumble did. It didn’t sit well with El Elam.

11 years ago

Right . What might actually help unless it somehow punishes women will be immediately rejected . They “need” to stay victims otherwise what is the excuse to have rage gatherings against evil feminist ? They don’t want harmony they want control over women .Its so obvious.

This video (its a Christian MAN talking about why women are divorcing) is met with outrage if you suggest it to an MRA . They retort its nonsense blaming ‘everything on men”. Its a short video and I wouldn’t post it if I didn’t believe its a big part of the problem. They RECOIL in disgust!

11 years ago

Heaven forfend that we leave them if they don’t love us. We’re only supposed to be there to burnish their egos, wash their socks, make them sandwiches, give them kids…and suck their dicks. Expecting anything in return, even a paltry show of love, is misandry!

11 years ago

But of course. Only a mangina likes, let alone loves, women. Or any other being except himself, for that matter.

11 years ago


Likely intention:

“It is false propaganda and straight out lies we need to combat with: false facts that have been too long unchallenged.”

Apparently disambiguating punctuation is misandry.

Avoiding redundancy and having a basic grasp of English grammar is also Misandry, which is why this ass-backwards sentence is a prime example MRA activism.

11 years ago

Thinking, speaking, writing and acting in a clear and on-risible fashion is deepest, darkest misandry!