a voice for men entitled babies father's rights hamstering hypocrisy imaginary oppression men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim slacktivism somegreybloke the eternal solipsism of the MRA mind we hunted the mammoth why should we have to do anything? women's jobs aren't real

Men Rights Activist: Don't expect activism from us, because "someone has to keep this society running and it damn sure ain't going to be the ladies."

MRA doing a large amount of advocacy in a comment section
MRA doing a large amount of advocacy in a comment section

So someone went to the Men’s Rights subreddit the other day to ask the assembled Men’s Rights Activists a simple question: what sort of activism do you folks do? Specifically, the visitor asked, “Do MRAs have marches or campaigns or fundraisers?”

The post didn’t get much attention, but the answers that “Chickenjuggle” got were pretty, well, instructive.

Some Men’s Rights Redditors pointed to the astounding successes of the events organized by A Voice for Men, which have drawn literally dozens of people from around the globe — that is, more people than you are likely to see waiting for a bus (except during rush hour).

Others tried to claim credit for, among other things, Movember, a month-long prostate cancer awareness campaign that most MRAs have no more connection with than I do, and for the work of various Fathers Rights organizations that MRAs, by and large, have nothing to do with.

A few pointed to fundraisers that A Voice for Men has held … for itself. (Yes, if “fundraising” is redefined to mean “sending a lot of money to Paul Elam, without knowing what exactly he even does with it,” then, yes, MRAs are pretty active fundraisers.)

And the rest mostly offered excuses.

LAMFF explained that most men have a hard time fitting activism into their busy schedule of HUNTING THE MAMMOTH TO FEED YOU:

LAMFF 3 points 1 day ago (8|5)  Most MRA's are too busy working to march. Someone has to keep this society running and it damn sure ain't going to be the ladies.

Others darkly intimated that it was much too dangerous for them to actually get up off of their asses and march, as they might risk their balls, or at least their jobs, and possibly even their spot on the couch. (I added that last bit; it seems like it would be important to them.)

ThePigmanAgain 5 points 1 day ago (10|5)  "Do MRAS have marches...?"  No, mostly because MRAs have an aversion to being shot in the balls by the Stormtroopers of the Plutocracy.
Ianafiafe 15 points 1 day ago (21|6)  No because there are serious risks of losing jobs/pets etc. for MRAs who march.  Once the movement becomes mature and can withstand things like that there will be.

As is well-known, no other activists in the history of the world have ever put themselves willingly at risk for their ideals.

Unkleman sniffed that those silly marches were probably sour, anyway:

unkleman 1 point 1 day ago (3|2)  MRA's are more about awareness in a hostile media than feelgoodisms or PR actions. The distinction lies in that men do not need to qualify themselves for equality, once the general populace is aware, people will be inclined towards fairness. It is false propaganda and straight out lies we need to combat with false facts that have been too long unchallenged.

That bit at the end about “false facts” is an interesting slip, huh?

TRPACC, meanwhile, insisted that sitting on your ass posting comments on the internet was, in fact, activism of the highest order:

TRPACC 1 point 1 day ago (4|3)  AVfM, CAFE and F4J are the most active in those regards, individual mra's have been doing a large amount of advocacy in comments sections of the mainstream media for years.  AVfM is currently trying to raise 20k and is going to expand.
In other words, this video from SomeGreyBloke turns out not to be a parody after all, but a dead-on accurate portrayal:

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11 years ago

I also appreciate MRAs “keeping society running” for all of us. I mean, I’m not sure how that works or what it is that they are doing that is so indispensable but obviously if they stopped doing it, even for a day, I’m sure society would crumble like stale Christmas cake. All society, everywhere.

They apparently think “male ” makes the world go round . Females are optional. I wonder who raised his ass while his daddy kept society going ? Or did his mom work too .Id’e be curious to know.

11 years ago

I also appreciate MRAs “keeping society running” for all of us. I mean, I’m not sure how that works or what it is that they are doing that is so indispensable but obviously if they stopped doing it, even for a day, I’m sure society would crumble like stale Christmas cake. All society, everywhere.

Well, when they aren’t tiptappting away at their keyboards, they spin on their office chairs, and that rotational motion keeps the earth spinning on its axis, donchaknow? If they weren’t out there manfully ‘manning’ those chairs in front of the keyboard, the world would literally cease to turn and one side would freeze while the other side burned to a blackened crisp.

That, or the fact that they keep Coke and Frito-Lay from going out of business and taking the global economy down with them.

11 years ago

Seriously this is it . Its not even a joke anymore .Just listen to this . This is the oppression and the hate crime against ‘men” by the feminist. I have witnessed it for about 6 years.Before I even heard to the MRA.

11 years ago

Well, when they aren’t tiptappting away at their keyboards, they spin on their office chairs, and that rotational motion keeps the earth spinning on its axis, donchaknow?

No..I disagree . that’s “multi tasking” . That;s what women are good at .(hard wired by God )

Men have to focus on one thing at once because that’s how men are . “Compartments” women are “spaghetti”

11 years ago

No..I disagree . that’s “multi tasking” . That;s what women are good at .(hard wired by God )

Men have to focus on one thing at once because that’s how men are . “Compartments” women are “spaghetti”

Is this a joke I’m just not getting or are you making a serious statement of gender essentialist bullshit here?

11 years ago

In other words, they mainly just whine online about the world they wished they lived in where they are valuable kings of society and women are kept as pets.

11 years ago

Is this a joke I’m just not getting or are you making a serious statement of gender essentialist bullshit here?

I’m being a smart ass. (sarcastic) this is what I have heard 500 + times at least .

I don’t believe it as far as I can throw my stainless steel fridge into my bedroom across the house with my treats in it .

11 years ago

In other words, they mainly just whine online about the world they wished they lived in where they are valuable kings of society and women are kept as pets.

I think so . Pretty much.

11 years ago

I’m being a smart ass.

Got it! My subtlety detector is on the fritz at the moment!

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

Can anyone actually show me *any* statistics that show a court bias against men in custody cases? Real, actual statistics? Because any that I’ve seen show the opposite…that 70% of men who pursue custody get it. I would really like to put that myth to bed.

11 years ago

Got it! My subtlety detector is on the fritz at the moment!

Happens to the best of us !

11 years ago

Oh yeah? Well, I have been industriously reading stuff on Wikipedia. So there.

11 years ago

Can anyone actually show me *any* statistics that show a court bias against men in custody cases? Real, actual statistics? Because any that I’ve seen show the opposite…that 70% of men who pursue custody get it. I would really like to put that myth to bed.

I’ll try and stir up some for you . But one interesting note only about 10 % of divorces end up in a custody dispute. They are normally agreed upon with no ‘battle” (separate custody dispute.)

IOW a custody “battle ” is far from the norm.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

“But one interesting note only about 10 % of divorces end up in a custody dispute.”

My stats show 5%.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

But that’s where we get the myth…because so few fathers fight for custoidy, few fathers have custody. It has *nothing* to do with court bias. It is because men overwhelmingly choose to not have custody.

11 years ago

OMG I cannot stop laughing at the idea that these guys legit think that commenting on news sites and in MRA online groups constitutes activism. My job used to involve moderating comments on a news site and we dealt with guys like this all the time, posting comments at all hours of the day and night as if anyone gave a fuck what Jimbo696969 thinks about anything. The idea that some of them might have thought they were actually making a difference in the world with their barely coherent rage-spew is just too hilarious for words.

11 years ago

You don’t understand. Men are running society, and MRAs not only speak for all men, they also get credit for anything important other men do (without any of the responsibility).

11 years ago

Caitlin: To be fair, there is something to be said for “fighting the good fight” in comments. the trick is to 1: be fighting a good fight. 2: Write well. 3: Remember the job is to persuade the greater majority who don’t comment.

Realising we and they will never agree about 1, I think it safe to say they fail at 2 and 3.

11 years ago

“Serious risks of losing jobs/pets etc for MRAs who march”

Pets? Pets?

Like any of these asswipes has the competence or care for anyone else to have a pet.

As for keeping society running … yeah, dude, does your job involve helping keep people alive? Mine does.

11 years ago

“False facts” is the best and truest thing they’ve ever said. Meanwhile, those of us not in reactionary lalaland call those “lies.”

11 years ago

I mean, if DKM had a pet (which he never mentioned, so I hope he doesn’t) I’d worry about it, but in general, I don’t think that feminists care if MRAs have a pet. I mean, if they can treat the pets well…

In other news, I just got back from my parents’ house, and both my cats are cuddling with me. Jade is sucked up against my side and Pan is flopped out over her with his chin on my arm. Hot cross kittens.

11 years ago

I cannot tell a lie: My five kitties are all stolen from uppity menfolk.

11 years ago

Are my Dad’s kitties in danger? I mean, he does live with two women, and the cats both prefer one of the women (my mom or my sister, though one is not actually particularly picky). Is that enough to save his kitties from the gynospiracy?

Or what about my uncle’s? He’s a widower, and I think he had some of his cats before is wife died. Does that count?

11 years ago

I’m mentally designing a uniform for the Feminist Pet-Confiscating Police. I feel like rank should be indicated by number of tiny cupcakes on the lapel.

11 years ago

And of course, the FemPet Confiscation Brigade will neuter all male cats but not spay the female cats because MISANDRY!!