announcements kitties misandry off topic open thread

A Cat for Christmas. Also, Man Boobz TABLE OF MISANDRY Art Contest WINNER!


Merry Christmas, if you celebrate it! And a very happy day in late December, if you don’t! Whatever your religious beliefs, or lack therof, I think you will appreciate this gif of a cat enjoying a traditional Christmas banana.

Also, I’d like to announce the winner of the MAN BOOBZ SLIGHTLY BEFORE CHRISTMAS ART CONTEST. It’s Myoo, for this take on the Table of Academic Misandry described by A Voice for Men’s Paul Elam in a recent post. You know, the one that has legs made up of “rape hysteria, demonization of men, fraudulent academic feminism and the continual erosion of due process for men and other Constitutional principles.”

The Table of Misandry
The Table of Misandry (Click pic for a larger version.)


I think this pretty much nails it, though I do feel obliged to point out that technically that is not an octopus.

Thanks to everyone who submitted pics! You can find more in the comments of the original thread.

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11 years ago

Oh man, I thought that ‘Femmas’ thing was a funny parody by someone in the Manboobz comments that Cloudiah was just quoting, but then I saw that it was actually from AVFM…I mean, even if it’s a troll comment there, it has TEN UPVOTES.

11 years ago

@kleptonetic That is true of a lot of TV and movies. The “poor” characters so often live in these amazing places. They only occasionally bring up money when it is a plot point. I am not sure who they are relating to.

Beautiful kids, Falconer. Though it is amazing how they go from ecstatic to looking bored when the camera comes out.

11 years ago

They aren’t one year old yet and they know when I’m taking their photos.

My parents have told me that my brother and I would just shut down when the camera came out and stare into the lens like wee zombies.

11 years ago

BTW, that’s a tetrapus.

11 years ago

Your babies have learned from the Furrinati, Falconer. Whenever the camera comes out, stop doing whatever it is that made the big humans want to take a photo. Frustrates ’em no end.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Here’s a Christmas miracle: Peace on Earth, or at least the couch.

They’ve NEVER done this before, usually Biscuit is tormenting Mimi (the calico).

11 years ago

Maybe Biscuit’s resting on his laurels after the Christmas Tree Massacre.

auggz – ha, remember that idiot on youtube who whined about women not wanting to wash his skidmarked underwear? You bet MRAs can be disgusting in every possible sense.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Awww, kitties being cute and friendly!

Also, MRAs, didn’t your mothers tell you to always wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident? Or was that just my mother?

11 years ago

I think it was just about every mother I’ve ever heard of.

Though come to think of it, I don’t recall ever saying it myself.

Ally S
11 years ago

Oh my…

So far we have misandric t-shirts, misandric pants, and now…misandric underwear.

That means the Official Misandrist Uniform is almost complete! Now all I need to do to become a true misandrist is to wear an anarcha-feminist t-shirt, dirty socks (clean socks are misandry), an worn-out pair of underwear (clean, of course, because I’m not misandric enough), and jeans made by a company that supports a feminist charity organization!

11 years ago

Love that misandrist beanie!

Didn’t TheNatFantastic get misandrist gloves as a present a while back?

Bras are part of the outfit, of course. If one wears one (especially a push-up bra) then one’s stirring up men’s boners and not putting out, which as we know is terrible misandry. If one doesn’t wear one, it’s misandrist either because a) breasts are seen through material and that’s also appealing to boners, or b) they’re allowed to sit at their natural place and not be all upthrust, which gives men sad boners, which is misandry.

11 years ago

If wearing clean underwear is against the MRA belief system that would partly explain why all middle aged MRAs seem to be divorced. I know I’d bail on anyone who thought that being expected to wash their clothes was discrimination.

11 years ago

That picture of Biscuit and Mimi is adorable. That’s how Hazel and Buster sleep all the time, but I’m too lazy to get a good picture.

Ally, I’m glad to see you on r/amr. XD

11 years ago

These guys probably think being expected to wipe their arses is discrimination.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

But don’t you know? Women doing anything other than being a sex slave and housekeeper and punching bag and scapegoat is MISANDRY!

11 years ago


I have spent the last hour watching big cat videos :-{

Thanks, needed to decompress after yesterday 🙂

11 years ago

In Femmas, every little girl will receive all the presents she wished for, no matter how she behaved over the past year. Every little boy, OTOH, will be given a bottle of ritalin, required to sit quietly and spend the day reflecting on all his male privileges.

Um, I have a nephew who needs medication just to be able to concentrate at the same level as most other boys. The medication does NOT “feminize” him.

This jackass needs to fall face-down in a Lego pit. (Or bare-ass-first in a pineapple patch. I’m not picky.)

11 years ago

Also, on Femmas, or possibly during, but not in. Sorry to be pedantic but that’s been annoying me.

11 years ago

RE: Bina

Everyone knows that taking medication for mental health issues is MISANDRY!

(I admittedly have known some folks who have been overmedicated. But I’ve also met a lot of folks who never got any care because they were petrified of BEING overmedicated, and it’s just this huge ugly mess that I wish people knew more about.)

11 years ago

Good lord…you mean I’ve somehow managed to avoid an opportunity for raging misandry when I just toughed my depressive episodes out by the skin of my teeth? Dang me!

11 years ago

(Heh…the full irony of that just hit me. Toughing-it-out is for Teh Menz, and here a horrible ball-cutting feminist did it even in the face of suicidal ideation, instead of taking meds like a good little girl, like they claim we’re trying to make the manly macho boys do…)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Bina — their “logic” is that boys are diagnosed with ADHD just for behaving like boys, and then medicated out of behaving like boys, because behaving like boys is bad and behaving like girls is good. And boys run around while girls sit still, expecting boys to sit still is feminizing them. And all ADHD is cuz feminists control schools, which are tailored to girls.

So. Much. Fail. It’s like the all too frequent claim I’d magically stop being depressed if I just “got closer to god”. Cuz religion totally cures manic depression, that’s it, I’m sure. They’re a bit like anti-vaxxers sometimes — it’s medical, and relatively new, and they manage to take a tiny iota of truth and go all conspiracy (over medication is a thing => ADHD doesn’t exist, feminizes boys, what the FUCK ever; ASD and vaccines are sorta correlated, in that the timing of vaccines is right around when ASD symptoms are often noticed => vaccines cause autism [aurgh, correlation is not causation!])

11 years ago

See, it’s misandry both ways. They’ll scream about the male suicide rate, but suggesting men get medical help or therapy or anything at all, and it’s all “they’re feminising us!” They complain about men bottling up their feelings – but apparently that’s women’s fault, even though, if said bottled-up feelings are vented through rage/violence, we’re likely to be the ones injured or killed as a result. Plus of course they’ll boast about how manly and logical they are, and how emotions are weak girly things.

No wonder these morons are so miserable and rage-filled; they complain about toxic masculinity but aren’t willing to give up one iota of the privilege for which it’s the price.