Those of you who have been waiting with bated breath to hear what the “editors” of our favorite men’s rights hate site, A Voice for Men, think of the Occidental College fiasco can now unbate their breath, as AVFM head boy Paul Elam has stepped forward to explain it all to us in a post that contains quite possibly the most ridiculous two sentences ever written about higher education:
The modern academic climate in the United States can be likened to a table that rests on four legs. Those legs are rape hysteria, demonization of men, fraudulent academic feminism and the continual erosion of due process for men and other Constitutional principles.
Yep, an actual adult human being sat down and typed those sentences out, looked at them and said, yep, that looks good to me, and then posted them on his website.
In honor of these two sentences, I would like to announce the HISTORIC MAN BOOBZ SLIGHTLY BEFORE CHRISTMAS 2013 TABLE OF MISANDRY ART CONTEST.
Your challenge: Draw a picture of that table, and post it in the comments below.
I will post the best pictures, and possibly also the worst, in a followup post.
Nothing else in Elam’s post quite lives up to the GIANT TABLE OF ACADEMIC MISANDRY, but there is some other bullshit worth mentioning.
Elam makes a big point of saying that
AVFM was not engaged in this particular event, nor do we officially endorse what happened. We do not denounce it, either.
The event in question, in case you haven’t been following the controversy, involved a bunch of idiot MRAs and other misogynists from the Men’s Rights subeddit and 4chan flooding Occidental College’s anonymous rape reporting website with false reports of rape in order to break the system; the school ended up having to sort through at least 400 such reports.
After Elam lays out his “official” position of neutrality on the “event” he goes on to say that because Occidental’s rape reporting system sits atop his metaphorical TABLE OF MISANDRY
it not only should be a target, it necessarily will be because a long-due backlash against the processes that put it there is emerging from many corners of society. That backlash is 100% justified. Indeed, that backlash can perhaps be seen as proof that we may have reason to hope for society yet.
Yeah, that kind of, sort of, just a teensy bit, sounds like an endorsement of the false reports.
As did the comment from AVFM “Editor-in-Chief” John “The Other” Hembling the other day, in which he wrote of the MRAs spamming Occidental:
GOOD! Go forward, brothers, and fuck their shit up.
And apparently Hembling took his own words to heart; the teaser for his own post on the subject at AVFM — which can currently be seen at the top of this page — declares that he was one of those who had trolled Occidental with fake reports.
So AVFM doesn’t endorse the false allegations, but it sees the backlash of which it is a part as a sign that there might be hope for humanity after all.
And AVFM didn’t engage in posting false allegations — oh, except for its Editor-in-Chief, whose participation in the trolling AVFM trumpeted on its front page.
Good job, guys.
There’s a lot more bullshit in the post, but it’s the night before the night before Christmas, and I’ve had enough of MRAs for now.
Happy holidays. May yours be MRA-free!
Wow. AVFM sure do know how to make one hell of a metaphor, don’t they?
Hope everyone’s having a good holiday. I’m going north to spend a couple days with some fellow holiday orphans, but the past couple days have been rough. (Christmas is, hands down, the WORST time of the year for me.) Still, I look forward to going to Maine!
Really. really. REALLY bad attempt of a table. *nod*
Holiday hugs to everyone, btw!
(Especially cloudiah.)
Seconding the hugs to all.
I’m working this week except for Christmas day when we’re closed, but this Sunday I’ll cross a bucket list item off. Mr. HK and I are going to see Big Freedia and it will be an AMAZING time. Azz everywhere!
OK, let me see if I can visualize this:
Those legs are rape hysteria, demonization of men, fraudulent academic feminism and the continual erosion of due process for men and other Constitutional principles.
“Rape hysteria” is of course an aspect of “demonization of men”. And the last leg doesn’t make sense…normally people would say “the continual erosion of due process and other Constutional principles for men”.
So what we have here is the projection of a table into non-Euclidian space such that one leg is a proper subset of another leg, while the final leg has been turned inside out. I’ve been reading a lot of H.P. Lovecraft lately so I should be able to get a mental image….AAAAI! The horror! The horror!
…no, wait a minute. It’s just a tripod with a broken leg.
RE: hellkell
Mr. HK and I are going to see Big Freedia and it will be an AMAZING time. Azz everywhere!
I have no idea what any of that means, but I’m glad that you plan to have fun doing whatever that is!
The academic climate is a table, while the economic climate is an armoire (full of the coats of misandry and the hats of creep shaming).
Is Paulie involved in academia at all? I mean, he’s full of shit either way, but it’s extra ridiculous if he hasn’t been to a college or university in a while.
Cloudiah, I hope your mom feels better soon.
LBT, as someone who grew up in Maine, I hope your trip is lovely and you get to see more of our quaint, friendly side than our ign’ant, regressive side. It’s a shame you’re going up in the winter – Maine is lovely in the warmer months.
LBT: Big Freedia is a “bounce” artist out of New Orleans. Bounce is more or less where twerking got it’s start. It’s a lot of fun.
I’ll let ye olde wikipedia take it away: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Freedia
Hollywood is like a bookshelf, with a frame of misandry, shelves made of the demonization of male sexuality, and stuffed with the moldy, dogeared paperbacks of inept dads, rapists, and disposable males, with bookends made of romcoms that make women entitled princesses. And the sides are plastered with Sex & The City posters.
Happy holidays to everyone!
You really need to watch out for the end table of divorce rape, if you don’t watch out you’ll be bruising your shins on that every time you get up to go to the bathroom.
CassandraSays – http://i.imgur.com/4NEJD0H.png
That’s after you trip on the bunched-up area rug of male disposability.
And then you faceplant in the magazine rack of hypergamy.
Which is located near the fireplace of rape hysteria.
Be careful when falling near the andirons of spermjacking!
I’m currently imprisoned on the Comfy Sofa of Feminine Oppression. By this of course I mean my girlfriend is sleeping with my lap as a pillow and I can’t move without waking her. It’s horrendous! Or possibly adorable, I always get those two mixed up.
Anyway, Happy Holidays to all! Don’t forget to put the Matriarchal Chairs up on the Table of Misandry and switch off the Lights of Friendzoning before leaving the Edifice of Feminism.
RE: emilygoddess
LBT, as someone who grew up in Maine, I hope your trip is lovely and you get to see more of our quaint, friendly side than our ign’ant, regressive side.
Thanks! Going to Portland, which I’ve been to once before, but much to my dismay, I didn’t get to see much. Hopefully I’ll do better this time. Last time was a con and good luck escaping from those!
RE: hellkell
Oh, that DOES sound awesome! Enjoy!
This looks like an actual table of misandry. Or at least, poor taste:
Well. That there is sure one unsettling table, sparky. Yesiree, I gotta say, that be one CREEPY table.
“Inspired by the human beauty and sensualit, impression! “
Merry feministmas, manboobz people! Hopefully there will be a ‘best of’ contest again this year.
So what does Elam think of Lou Reed then?