antifeminism evil women false accusations harassment internal debate men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim rape culture

As the worms turn: Men's Rights subreddit mod now defends spamming Occidental College with false rape reports

Oh, Men’s Rightsers, can you just make up your minds? Only a couple of days after blaming trolls for the spamming of Occidental College’s rape reporting site with false accusations, rather than acknowledging it as the work of Men’s Rightsers in his own subreddit who were proudly encouraging and taking credit for it themselves, Men’s Rights subreddit mod sillymod is now defending the false rape reporting as “unpopular” but thought-provoking activism.

sillymod 6 points 7 hours ago (13|7)  First you have to believe that we did something wrong in order to want to get our reputation back. Sometimes people fighting for a cause are going to do something that is unpopular in order to make a statement.  I don't think we do need to get our reputation back. I think the act stands for itself, and it will get people to stop and think.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]TheIdesOfLight [+20] 15 points 4 hours ago (22|7)  So I guess that whole "We were trolled"/"It was SRS!" bullshit is off the table? You can't pass the buck and convince yourselves everyone else is guilty but you and now it's become an act of bravery?  Wow.  Yeah, watching you flip flop on this for the past three days has been both alarming and rewarding. You didn't make any kind of statement, Sillymod. The entire internet and media is sneering at you and you still can't just say WE DID A TERRIBLE THING. PERHAPS WE SHOULD REFLECT ON IT AS A WHOLE.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]ninioquiroz 6 points 3 hours ago (12|6)  No, because that would require a level of maturity and self-awareness that this "movement" clearly lacks.  But, does anybody else think feminists are to blame for all the world's problems?

This whole exchange is worth reading — it continues on for a number of comments beyond this, with sillymod’s rationalizations becoming increasingly baroque. It’s extremely rare to see critical remarks like those from TheIdesOfLight actually get upvoted in the Men’s Rights subreddit. The Occidental College fiasco has divided the Men’s Rights subreddit like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Some are appalled by it; others are digging in their heels.

Speaking of which, here’s former subreddit mod Celda defending the false rape reports in much more straightforward terms than sillymod:

Celda [-1] 5 points 18 hours ago (9|4)  I agree that the subreddit deserves some responsibility for that.  But - there was nothing wrong with those actions.  I saw the news articles in which it says they were spammed with hundreds of reports, of being raped by fictional characters, accusing the staff of the Dean's Office (the form is run by the Dean's Office), etc.  Those reports are non-harmful - and the goal of shutting down the online form is quite a laudable one.  I am actually quite disgusted by the number of people who are defending the existence of an anonymous online form intended for reporting people as rapists.

Elsewhere, Celda has called the false reporting “quite moral and laudable.”

Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit — which, again, is not actually against rights for men, but against the reactionary clusterfuck that is the Men’s Rights movement — for keeping close track on all this.

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11 years ago

What is worse is not only are some of them are trying to pretend that the fiasco did not happen but those very same people who are saying it that it did not happen are also trying to still justify what happened.

Yeah, reminds me of Neo-Nazis who say the Holocaust never happened, but by golly they’ll finish the job next time.

Wait, did I just Godwin this thread, or has that already happened?

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

MordsithJ – Nope. Congratulations, you have had the honors to Goodwin this thread! 😛

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

@AllyS I am not using that term loosely. But as i read MRM literature and engage people within this movement I can’t help but think that I am dealing with people who are cultic in their thinking.

11 years ago

Nitram – that’s why I specified lurkers, ie. people who’ve read posts here. Gods, there have been so many threads lately where we’re having to say this thing over and over again, that anyone reading them and delurking now doesn’t have that much of an excuse. Coming in commenting straight off, that’s a different thing, indeed; I too only learned about ableist language from reading this site.

Ally – I agree with Robert on this: it doesn’t strike me as insulting to people who’ve escaped cults to say the MRM shows the same traits as their abusers. If anything I’d say it’s an indication of how toxic the MRM is. However I haven’t been through such horrible shit so my outsider’s perspective may be a case of Kidney Logic.

11 years ago

auggz – because the form brought up the subject of rape at all. It brought up the idea that men raping people is bad and shouldn’t be done (even though the MRM knows it totes doesn’t happen anyway).

11 years ago

Hey folks, just chiming in on the ableism thing.

I hate pulling people up on their language because it does feel mean, but I really don’t know what else to do. If people find being asked to stop it offensive or feel it’s over the top, read a few old threads. There are plenty of people who have explained why ableist language upsets them.

I think, sometimes, being a morally conscious person means we tend to think we are incapable of causing offence. We want to say, “but I would never say anything bad, I’m somebody who cares about these things.”
But that also means we stop reflecting and start defending what we do. It’s okay to be wrong, it’s the way we react to being in the wrong that is the problem. (I know this from fucking up, A LOT!)

I remember a little while ago getting upset on a thread because somebody said something like “MRAs are crazy and as a result have no sense or decency”. That night I was struggling with my OCD and thought “This is great, I have to do everything 15 fucking times and apparently I’m also stupid and immoral, that’s just fucking awesome.” (Everyone else was lovely by the way, really got me through that night.)

To be honest it’s not just the offence caused, it’s also just bloody boring. I love Man Boobz because everybody here is witty and interesting, but the last few weeks there’s been an influx of “they’s crazy” and that is just dull.

MRAs are manure for the funnies, “Misogyny. I mock it!” is part of the reason I’m here, that and the cat (and baby fish) videos of course.

(Hoping this makes sense, having to read it through fifteen times at four in the morning makes it blur somewhat.)

Ally S
11 years ago

I am not using that term loosely. But as i read MRM literature and engage people within this movement I can’t help but think that I am dealing with people who are cultic in their thinking.

Ok, that’s a fair comparison.

11 years ago

Also, I wasn’t commenting at the time, but Cloudiah, the last few days you posted some great links and videos (the one with the radio guy destroying the MRA) thank you, interesting and bloody hilarious!

I’m off to bed, nighty night folks.

11 years ago

I’m still confused at why they think the form was bad. Because it could be abused? “See, your house sucks because it’s not fireproof, and in order to teach you the value of houses I burned down that homeless shelter.”

Perfect comparison is perfect.

11 years ago

I think the supposed badness of the form is an excuse, honestly. They just object to any cultural efforts to reduce the incidence of rape, and if you add the idea that rapists might get a stern talking to then they’re guaranteed to go into full frothing mode.

11 years ago

Hi Ophelia, bye Ophelia, sleep well! 🙂

11 years ago

(Also, just be extra careful about how you phrase stuff in general around here, lest you risk giving out the wrong impression. Just some friendly advice for you. =) )

I’m going to disagree with you a little bit. I used to hang out a lot in a forum that was heavily moderated, and I had to be VERY careful when I commented there, and I fully expected to be chastised, often quite rudely, if I stepped out of bounds. I was careful there.

Here, I’m not careful, I’m thoughtful. I’ve started to pay attention to my use of ableist slurs, not because I’m More PC Than Thou, but now I know people here, and care about them, and I don’t want to hurt anyone through verbal laziness, or casual cruelty.

I’m not perfect, and I’ve fucked up and said hurtful and sometimes plain stupid things here, and I’ve been called out on them.

So I think it’s not about being extra careful how you phrase stuff, so much as pay attention when people call out what you’re saying, and be open to changing to a more compassionate and kind vernacular. Especially, don’t double-down on being an asshole. The people here are very forgiving of ignorance and errors when displayed by people who show good faith. Show good faith.

/end sermon.

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

@Cassandra because a stern talking to = misandry

11 years ago

“Be very careful what you say” also implies that you have no intention of changing the underlying attitudes that lead to saying offensive things, you’re just going to refrain from saying them so nobody will tell you off.

11 years ago

When I was close to graduating college c. 1991, there was a wave of concern about sexual harassment and all women [sic] at the school got a survey to fill out. Clearly no one was going to be reported, it was fact-finding.

There was lots of frothing about it. So much frothing.

And if we had an internet and a form, we all could have reported that guy. Everyone knew who that guy was.

11 years ago

::climbs out of bed::

Hey Kitteh, sorry for drive by posting, OCD is being a wanker tonight and I’ve convinced myself everything I write is wrong. Same old, same old.
Also, it’s bloody tedious reading your own comment fifteen times, wish I was funnier.

Love to Louis x

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

1) it seems I can’t rotate the videos anymore than I can make this fucking jQuery work (I’ve been working on the Borg again)

2) the recent string of ableist comments…just gonna drop this again —

3) seconding what Cassandra just said.

4) “Like when toddlers cover their eyes and think they’re invisible.” Nawh, that’s adorable

5) what I want for Christmas from manboobz — 24 hours without a comment calling MRAs crazy, or any variation of crazy, nuts, etc. Or a unicorn. Someone better go start looking for a unicorn! (Hm, I guess I could settle for an alicorn, or, more specifically, my pharm student in zir alicorn costume…)

6) at least EST, the Doctor Who Christmas Special is airing at 9pm Christmas Day.

11 years ago

my pharm student in zir alicorn costume…

I think I strongly approve of your pharm student.

11 years ago

GRRR, crazy. So much hate. My mom, who I have never noticed this about before, was using that word all over the place last night. Is this from the new facebook that she has?

11 years ago

Totally off topic, but…

It’s Mr M’s and my wedding anniversary today. Twenty years together, Eleven years married, and we still can’t stop kissing and holding hands, not bad.

Looking at seventeen year olds now I realise how young we were when we got together!

Anyway, completely irrelevant to everyone else, but it makes me happy so I wanted to share.

🙂 🙂 🙂

11 years ago

TWENTY YEARS you can’t be old enough to be together twenty years omigawd

Happy anniversary!

Also you are funny and smart, tell jerkbrain to go do its wankiness in private 😛

11 years ago

Apparently he didn’t read the WhiteThrone comment that said “Get a list of every ‘feminist’ at Occidental College”.

Some may have been trying to show the brokenness of the system by naming people who would presume themselves to be innocent, but I’d bet next year’s pay that some of them were doing it for intimidation or revenge, because MRAs.

And yes people, I happen to think that the MRM has the hallmarks of a cult much like the Ayn Randroids are a cult.

Some of the specific MRM sites/groups may be, but the movement as a whole doesn’t have some of the key indicators, like a central charismatic leader or the ability to socially isolate members. It’s kinda like how some AA groups can be cults, but not AA as a whole – though both movements may have aspects about them that encourage cultishness.

With apologies to the regulars who’ve heard this speech before, I think the MRM has more in common with conspiracy thinking. Some force in the world (feminism, the NWO, reptilian aliens) has amassed unthinkable power and has implemented or intends to implement some dastardly plan (Agenda 21, fluoridated water, FEMA camps, female sexual liberation) in order to oppress the innocent (Americans, men, gun owners), and for some reason only these brave few truthseekers are able to see through the web of lies and speak the truth. Once you hear someone say they wouldn’t put it past Teh Feminists to change Google’s search algorithm to hide the truth about female-on-male violence, it’s hard to see them as anything but particularly misogynistic tinhats.

11 years ago


my mom way overuses crazy and words that mean the same thing (example insane) a lot, too. 🙁

11 years ago


Happy anniversary!

11 years ago


yeah, I just noticed the other night for the first time and it felt like she was stabbing me


I totally buy that. The MRA types I’ve known in the flesh have all been that type. Or on lots of drugs. Or libertarian. Or mix and match.