Oh, Men’s Rightsers, can you just make up your minds? Only a couple of days after blaming trolls for the spamming of Occidental College’s rape reporting site with false accusations, rather than acknowledging it as the work of Men’s Rightsers in his own subreddit who were proudly encouraging and taking credit for it themselves, Men’s Rights subreddit mod sillymod is now defending the false rape reporting as “unpopular” but thought-provoking activism.
This whole exchange is worth reading — it continues on for a number of comments beyond this, with sillymod’s rationalizations becoming increasingly baroque. It’s extremely rare to see critical remarks like those from TheIdesOfLight actually get upvoted in the Men’s Rights subreddit. The Occidental College fiasco has divided the Men’s Rights subreddit like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Some are appalled by it; others are digging in their heels.
Speaking of which, here’s former subreddit mod Celda defending the false rape reports in much more straightforward terms than sillymod:
Elsewhere, Celda has called the false reporting “quite moral and laudable.”
Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit — which, again, is not actually against rights for men, but against the reactionary clusterfuck that is the Men’s Rights movement — for keeping close track on all this.
@serrana, yeah I know. I’ve also noticed that the men who claim that are usually the least logical ones.
So in a nutshell, their argument goes:
‘IT WASN’T US! IT WASN’T US! well, okay, it was us, BUT WE WERE RIGHT TO DO IT!!!!’
Back when they were denying it yesterday I read a comment that suggested it was feminists making those false rape reports in order to make dudebros look bad. Yes, the manosphere truly is the place to find ‘real men’.
Gizwardo, that is horrific. Shouldn’t that be protected information? Good grief
Celda’s comment is a perfect example of the MRAs’ black and white thinking: if you disagree with the methods of their “activism”, you must be on the target’s side. Grey areas and nuance are misandry!
DaisyMae, hi and welcome. Seconding it’d be nice to send MRAs to an island somewhere, but please, don’t use ableist language here. They’re not mentally ill; they’re misogynistic arseholes.
Yeah @Gizwardo, I posted a story about that too. It’s horrific.
That would explain why they’re always so pissy and full of hot air.
Just read this incoherent gem:
‘The problem is the MRM rightly blamed the feminist movement for some utterly sexist laws and systems in place, rather than rethink what they had done it was all out war. the mens rights movement is exactly that, a rights movement. Feminism is not a rights movement, it is a gender specific ideology that will often pretend to be a rights movement for financial and political gain. Feminism is not womans rights, but there is a lot of money in it for them to put themselves forward as that. They also have vaginas a boobies and right or wrong society is more open to the needs and wants of those with viginas and boobies so they get a better press. Intelligent people, you know like scientists and the like generally don’t give too many fucks about vaginas and boobies atleast not to the extent that it would lead them to choose feels over intellect.
I’m not here to be liked, if you are clearly a cunt or a moron I will call you such and I really don’t give to may fucks if some witless passer by gets all offended about a subject they know nothing about.
The MRM uses science and true statistics and a lot of swear words. Feminism uses science they made up, statistics they either fabricated or warped and violence.
It is true to say many MRMs hate feminism, it is not true to say MRMs hate women, feminism however likes to believe that feminism equates to women and most people believe that because they are uneducated and easily manipulated by despicable people who happen to have vaginas and boobies.
There really is a lot of patriarchy in feminism these days and it’s almost amusing to witness.’
Yes, it’s all about ‘Teh Scienze’.
That’s priceless supidity, that is.
One has to take seriously a fellow who uses the term “vaginas and boobies” repeatedly.
@DaisyMae: Hi and welcome, but yes, as Cloudiah said, please do be extra careful in the future as there are folks here who have mental conditions that they have to deal with, so do try to keep that in mind.
(Also, just be extra careful about how you phrase stuff in general around here, lest you risk giving out the wrong impression. Just some friendly advice for you. =) )
@Diana: Well, given that many of these MRA jackasses employ double-standards when it comes to just about everything gender-related and are often so caught up in their own agitprop that they can’t tell a dirt road from a racetrack……..well….fill in the blank.
Whoever created that thread asked this in the title: “What can we do to get our reputation back?”
So many snarky responses are possible, I can’t choose one.
The problem is the MRM rightly blamed the feminist movement for some utterly sexist laws and systems in place, rather than rethink what they had done it was all out war. the mens rights movement is exactly that, a rights movement. Feminism is not a rights movement, it is a gender specific ideology that will often pretend to be a rights movement for financial and political gain. Feminism is not womans rights, but there is a lot of money in it for them to put themselves forward as that. They also have vaginas a boobies and right or wrong society is more open to the needs and wants of those with viginas and boobies so they get a better press. Intelligent people, you know like scientists and the like generally don’t give too many fucks about vaginas and boobies atleast not to the extent that it would lead them to choose feels over intellect.
I’m not here to be liked, if you are clearly a cunt or a moron I will call you such and I really don’t give to may fucks if some witless passer by gets all offended about a subject they know nothing about.
The MRM uses science and true statistics and a lot of swear words. Feminism uses science they made up, statistics they either fabricated or warped and violence.
It is true to say many MRMs hate feminism, it is not true to say MRMs hate women, feminism however likes to believe that feminism equates to women and most people believe that because they are uneducated and easily manipulated by despicable people who happen to have vaginas and boobies.
There really is a lot of patriarchy in feminism these days and it’s almost amusing to witness.’
This poor idiot gave a perfect description of the MRM without realizing it.
So now making false reports of rape is “non harmful” ? O.K Got it. NOT!
Damn block quotes…
Yep! Head spinner. I would just simply say “do not fret honey you have not lost your reputation its fully in tact “
Katz — blame my iPad! Let me see if I can rotate them.
Argenti – unfortunately then we would have to turn our heads sideways.
Reblogged this on iheariseeilearn.
@Cassandrasays However they come to the conclusion that the MRM is not for them, getting out of the echo chamber is a win. Plenty of good people go through self-deluded phases. You’re always smart enough to fool yourself.
Watching these guys squirm Is surprisingly Fun. Maybe we will see some genuine Self-reflection, which might lead to a generally less annoying MRA.. Or they will learn nothing and keep going, just with worse PR. that would work too.
And Im with you Ally S It is really disgusting. But Unsurprising. They will compromise their so called beliefs for a cheap shot at whatever they think is ‘evil’ nearly every time. Their ‘movement’ is all about dragging people down, not helping anyone.
course.. I’m sure you knew that already, probably far better then I.
@marina genuine self-reflection from the MRA’s?
@Robert Ramirez I think there is some real evaluation going on with the people who aren’t talking. People denigrate arguing on the internet for failing to change opponents minds, but good arguments convince the fence sitters.
Just like the numbers of libertarians spike when a republican president face plants, this may be temporary. The frequent purges and bad PR do wear away support. The fact that real SJWs helping men don’t want to be associated with the MRM shows the movement burns bridges.
No, Celda, you slimy slug of a human being, the form was not intended to “report people as rapists.” It was intended to be used by victims to report their rapes.
On a totally different topic, it’s kind of unfortunate how much ableist language has been showing up in the comments lately.
I knew they were full of shit. 😉