a voice for men are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking drama kings evil women false accusations johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men rape culture slacktivism

John "The Other" Hembling on MRAs spamming Occidental College with false rape reports: "Go forward, brothers, and f*ck their sh*t up!"

This has to be my favorite quote to come out of the whole Occidental College fiasco; it’s staggering in its moral blindness and fanaticism and its complete lack of self-awareness. It also captures well the peculiarly self-defeating quality of so much Men’s Rights rhetoric and, er, “activism.”

johntheother [-37] -8 points 3 hours ago (11|19)  "‘Men’s rights activists’ conspire to cripple college rape reporting system with false reports"  GOOD! Go forward, brothers, and fuck their shit up.  rape is a crime. If somebody has a report to file of being the victim of this crime - file that report with a POLICE ORGANIZATION, not with some jumped up kangaroo court or administrative star chamber. And when operating in an environment where the star-chamber rules - FTSU with the same fraudulent reports they've tuned their system to process against you.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]O-Fortuna 3 points 35 minutes ago (4|0)  This came off so silly and juvenile I thought it was one of the troll comments the mods talked about, but you seem to be some kind of widely known mra. In favor of making false reports. Appalling.

The backstory here: the commenter in question is none other than John “The Other” Hembling, the Number Two (or Three? I can’t tell) boy at A Voice for Men. He’s responding to an article on Raw Story that’s indicative of the incredibly (and justifiably) bad press Reddit MRAs have gotten for spamming Occiental College’s anonymous rape reporting website with false reports of rape, some of which may have named real people at the school as the “perps.”

At this point in the story, even the normally obtuse Men’s Rights Redditors realize they have a disaster on their hands, and are trying to blame anyone else they can.

But Hembling thinks it’s the perfect time to cheer on the false accusers amongst the MRAs.

That’s right: apparently jealous of all the attention Reddit MRAs have gotten for their cloddish “activism,” he’s decided to jump aboard this train — after it’s left the station, derailed, and fallen into a ravine.

That response is classic, too

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Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

@MordsithJ Especially after this Occidental College fiasco, you would think they would want to keep low and not call anymore attention to their bullshit but they are like the gift that keeps on giving and they just cannot stop being stupid and so expose themselves to the whole wide world what assholes they really are. One of their head assholes Jonathan Taylor of AVfMS still just does not get it…he keeps commenting and digging their cesspit deeper and deeper.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“… a small hit of LSD…”

1) that is not a thing that exists, either you’re tripping, or you aren’t, this is a binary state
2) oh dear sweet gods no. I have literally gotten lost in a bathroom while tripping (What, the floor tiles were an interesting pattern!). You are NOT okay to drive until the next day, and maybe two depending how late it was when you dropped the acid.

Actively tripping wears of in *thinks* 7ish? hours. Proper lucidity takes at least another 5. I’ve never been back to normal same day as tripping, and I mean like…up at midnight still doing the rambling thoughts part after dropping acid not long after noon.

No no no NO!

Like, I’d be more okay driving after drunk puking that while on any amount of hallucinogens. (After is important there, I sober up fast once I puke, like, cleaning up after myself. Wouldn’t actually drive at that point, but safer than tripping!)

*shudders* that is the opposite of responsible drug use!

11 years ago

@ auggziliary The ones I quoted probably weren’t. Some of them are. Mostly I think it’s funny because the whole thing was about mocking feminism but they just came off as a bunch of tools.

11 years ago

@cupisnique: Lulz…..that’s some good stuff right there, thanks for sharing. =)

11 years ago

Just cause we go on a date doesn’t mean I have to pay, be a real woman and pay for yourself since you’re so “independent”

Golly! I guess that means MRA’s are going to start dating feminists now, right? Right?

11 years ago

On those twitters – the fourth one sounded like it was mocking stupid men who judge women; the others sounded like … stupid men. (Stupid as in misogynistic.)

On drunk driving: the limit here is .05, but we have a horrible drinking culture in this country. Binge drinking, going out intending to be vomiting-drunk by the end of the night, is the thing, and far too many road deaths and maimings come from drunk idiots, and especially teenage drunk idiots. The TAC (Traffic Accident Commission) has had major campaigns going against this sort of shit for years, and they work, but it seems there’s always a fresh supply of morons on their P plates who think they’re invulnerable. (NB I’m not saying all P-platers or all teenagers, or even everyone who’s ever had a drink and driven; but the ones responsible for the crashes are so often in those categories.)

11 years ago

To what extent is Australia a car culture? I’ve always thought that it’s a good thing that the UK has such good public transit, given that our binge drinking culture is legendary. It’s bad enough having drunks throw bottles at you for no reason on a Friday night (yay Glasgow! that was a hell of an introduction to the city for on-a-date teenaged me), I hate to imagine what would happen if they all had cars and no other way to get home after the pubs shut.

11 years ago

@CassandraSays: Well, Australia was home to the ute and the Valiant Charger(regarded as one of the best non-American Chrysler products of all time by many an auto enthusiast), so there’s that.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Auggz — that sucks, I, thankfully, end up disgusted by the idea of food and thus stay out of hue kitchen entirely. And yeah, I’m trying to figure out how you even manage to drive in a straight line when the lines are swimming (or snakes, or whatever thing that isn’t a solid straight line)

11 years ago

Pretty much a car culture, unfortunately. It’s okay in the capitals; we’ve pretty good public transport, though it’s woefully neglected here in Melbourne, partly because of the roads lobby. I can’t speak for other states, but the regional rail infrastructure here was gutted in the 90s, and if you live in the country most places are only accessible by car. Melbourne’s roads are getting more and more congested (government’s solution: knock down houses and build more freeways). The sheer size of the place doesn’t help – not just the size of the country, but urban sprawl. Greater Melbourne is as big as Greater London, so I’ve read. So yeah, cars are very much A Thing here.

11 years ago

Sweden is probably similar to the UK in that our drinking culture is pretty horrible, but we have good public transport and don’t rely on cars the way Americans do. Also, most people abstain from driving the next day as well if they’ve been binge drinking, since it’s gonna take a while for all that alcohol to be cleansed out of your system.

I can have three or four beers and not really be impaired… Like, I’ll be more easily-amused and giggly, but far from the point where I’ll do stuff I normally wouldn’t do. When I was twenty though I was a really habitual drinker and had a tolerance level to match. I could down six-seven stiff drinks and not be visibly impaired at all. That’s pretty dangerous, actually…
Obviously it’s bad for your overall health to drink as often as you have to in order to build up that kind of tolerance, but it’s also dangerous because you can get to a state where you’re much more drunk than what is physically possible for a person with lower alcohol tolerance (because the lower-tolerance-person will throw up or pass out long before zie reaches that level of extreme drunkenness).
Like, once I was having a night-out with some friends, and when I was going home, I had forgotten where I lived. All I could remember was that I lived in the northern part of the city. I did realize that it wouldn’t be a good idea to just go north by a bus or whatever and stroll around hoping to stumble over my apartment, so I didn’t know what to do. By pure accident I did end up outside of the building where Husband lived at the time, although by then we weren’t a couple. I thought that “Yay, I can stay at his place tonight and go home in the morning! Just gotta give him a call so he can let me in.” Problem was, I couldn’t remember his phone number either, I only vaguely recollected what the figures were. So I began making phone calls, trying out the figures I thought was part of not-yet-husband’s phone number, and rang like twenty different random people or so. Eventually, I did manage to call not-yet-husband. Me:
– Heeeeey, can I crash at your place? You see, I’m really drunk and I have forgotten where I live.
– Um, that’s not a great idea, my father is here visiting.
– But come ooooooon, how am I gonna get home when I don’t know where I live? Pleeeeease, I gotta crash at your place!
Not-yet-husband reluctantly agreed that I could crash at his place because he was scared that something terrible would happen to me if I was left wandering the city all night in that state. And that’s how I, for the first time, met the man who would eventually become my father-in-law. I really hope that the saying “first impression lasts” is false.

11 years ago

So yeah, cars are very much A Thing here.

This is what irks the snot out of me about Austin. You NEED a car here. It’s pretty spread out and the busses aren’t that great and light rail only has one route (to top it off, the city isn’t very walkable if you’re not downtown, it’s not uncommon for neighborhoods to have no sidewalks at all). Plus, there’s more po po than I’ve ever seen in my life here, so driving for a night out is not gonna happen. Thankfully we’re only a six dollar cab ride from anywhere we might want to go downtown.

Seattle was great in that you didn’t absolutely need a car. I sold mine after a few years because finding parking was more hassle than it was worth.

11 years ago

@Kitteh: Reminds me of Dallas/Ft. Worth in a lotta ways…..

11 years ago

The sheer size of the place doesn’t help – not just the size of the country, but urban sprawl. Greater Melbourne is as big as Greater London, so I’ve read. So yeah, cars are very much A Thing here.

Waaaay off. The Melbourne land area is over 8.5 thousand sq km, London’s only one and a half. Even Adelaide’s a bit more than that – and we’ve only got 1.2 million people.

11 years ago

Damn, how long does it take to get from one end of Melbourne to the other? It can take about 90 minutes in London if you count zones 5 and 6.

House Mouse Queen
11 years ago

I love the star chamber. Every so often I invite guests into my star chamber for a good ole stew that I made in the misandry crock pot. What a fucktard Hambling is.

Hambling and new girlfriend are writing crappy rants together now.

It’s a tough world I’ll tell ya.

11 years ago

@House Mouse Queen: I agree with you, though, TBH, I don’t think it’d be a wise idea to keep using the word “fucktard”, as it may come across as offensive to people who struggle with certain mental conditions. Just thought I’d let you know. 🙂

11 years ago

@auggz: I don’t think she meant any harm, though…..or was it me you were referring to? *looks around, confused*.

11 years ago

@auggz: Oh, alright then, thanks for clarifying.

11 years ago

At this point, I have zero fucks to give whether or not someone meant harm by using ableist slurs.

11 years ago

Hembling has a girlfriend??? This I gotta see.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Where’s my unicorn? *restarts the timer* can we go to 10am tomorrow, blog time, without ableism? Probably not.

If people are wondering why the regulars are annoyed, this is why. Imagine if we had to tell people at least daily about some other -ism that we hadn’t had to ask people to knock off, not with any regularity, for months. Like, you go months with just the occasional “they must be fat, that’s why they can’t get laid”, and then you have to say Every. Damned. Day. that this sort of anti-fat bias isn’t cool around here.

Relatedly — neuroticbeagle — narwhal narwhal swimming in the ocean…thank you, my brain beach backlog only goes to Christmas Eve cuz I didn’t know what I wanted to do for Christmas Day. Narwhals it is!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh and alternatesteve90 — this is why people keep raising issue with your warning to other people — fuckt*rd is offensive, not “may come across as offensive”. Calling pecunium a mango may come across as offensive (he hates them, with a passion), mangos are not, contrary his opinion, inherently offensive. Fuckt*rd, and all variations on ret*rd, are inherently offensive.

(Hi pecunium, do they make mango cutters or anything like that? I keep seeing ones for avocados and such, but not mangos. You know I’m buying you one if I find it ^.^ )

11 years ago

@Argenti: Hmm….well, to be honest, having given it a little thought, I think I see your point here. Will keep that in mind for the future. =)

11 years ago

yes, they make mango tools, looks sort of like a metal vulva in a ring. Splits them in half, and removes the pit, all in one step.