a voice for men are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking drama kings evil women false accusations johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men rape culture slacktivism

John "The Other" Hembling on MRAs spamming Occidental College with false rape reports: "Go forward, brothers, and f*ck their sh*t up!"

This has to be my favorite quote to come out of the whole Occidental College fiasco; it’s staggering in its moral blindness and fanaticism and its complete lack of self-awareness. It also captures well the peculiarly self-defeating quality of so much Men’s Rights rhetoric and, er, “activism.”

johntheother [-37] -8 points 3 hours ago (11|19)  "‘Men’s rights activists’ conspire to cripple college rape reporting system with false reports"  GOOD! Go forward, brothers, and fuck their shit up.  rape is a crime. If somebody has a report to file of being the victim of this crime - file that report with a POLICE ORGANIZATION, not with some jumped up kangaroo court or administrative star chamber. And when operating in an environment where the star-chamber rules - FTSU with the same fraudulent reports they've tuned their system to process against you.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]O-Fortuna 3 points 35 minutes ago (4|0)  This came off so silly and juvenile I thought it was one of the troll comments the mods talked about, but you seem to be some kind of widely known mra. In favor of making false reports. Appalling.

The backstory here: the commenter in question is none other than John “The Other” Hembling, the Number Two (or Three? I can’t tell) boy at A Voice for Men. He’s responding to an article on Raw Story that’s indicative of the incredibly (and justifiably) bad press Reddit MRAs have gotten for spamming Occiental College’s anonymous rape reporting website with false reports of rape, some of which may have named real people at the school as the “perps.”

At this point in the story, even the normally obtuse Men’s Rights Redditors realize they have a disaster on their hands, and are trying to blame anyone else they can.

But Hembling thinks it’s the perfect time to cheer on the false accusers amongst the MRAs.

That’s right: apparently jealous of all the attention Reddit MRAs have gotten for their cloddish “activism,” he’s decided to jump aboard this train — after it’s left the station, derailed, and fallen into a ravine.

That response is classic, too

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11 years ago

Note that the LA times reporter who wrote that article is a man. Still convinced that most other men secretly agree with you after the blowback on this stunt, MRAs?

11 years ago

A white knighting mangina, you mean!

11 years ago

Best part of that news story: That the form has been around since 2009.

11 years ago

Those MRAs really have their fingers on the pulse of society, huh?

11 years ago

A decade ago or so, I used to work late nights next to bar and it was hair-raising to watch patrons (and the bar owner) drunkenly stumble into their cars and swerve off. This was in NYC, so these people could easily take public transportation or jump into a cab.

I’d agree with Cassandra that a good portion of Americans think adults who have “a drink or two” are not officially drunk, it’s just the social custom. I also firmly believe that a lot of people don’t drive after drinking only out of fear of getting busted and don’t really consider driving while “somewhat” impaired morally wrong if they make it home safely. This “no harm, no foul” approach allows you to drive after social drinking and yet still morally condemn drunk drivers who get DUIs or cause accidents. Socially convenient hypocrisy is pretty common.

11 years ago

Totally random, but I’m oddly charmed by the fact that there’s a mountain lion hanging out in the middle of LA.

(Hopefully hikers are taking appropriate precautions, as are people who live near the park who have cats and dogs.)

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

This is the best X-mas present the MRA’s have given us. Low-brow comedy at it lowest and egg on their collective faces. Much better than the Pope spanking Rush Limbaugh.

11 years ago

Thanks guys for your explanations. The legal limit here is 0,02 %, which pretty much means you can’t drink AT ALL, and that’s what people go by.

It’s interesting, because I’ve talked to a woman who lived in France for a while, and she said that while at first she was apalled by the way people would have wine for lunch and then drive, she sort of accepted this custom herself after having lived there for a year… But here, yeah, it’s not just the law, it’s morality as well. Most people would really judge you as horribly irresponsible if you had a little bit to drink with your food at a restaurant, for instance, and then drove home.
I’m not saying Swedes are perfectly responsible drivers though, since it’s completely accepted to drive when you’re really tired, although that’s really as bad as driving when you’ve had a bit to drink. So that’s hypocritical. Still, the idea that you should have peak reflexes when driving makes sense. After, like, two beers, you might be perfectly capable of driving around safely in normal conditions, but still too slow to hit the breaks in time if a child or an animal would unexpectedly dart out in front of the car… You obviously don’t need peak reflexes to have sex though – you just need to know what you’re doing.

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

And OT: I hope some of you guys head over to HateWatch and show them some support because some MRA’s are trolling the site right now over that new article.

11 years ago

The driving while exhausted thing does bother me. I can’t remember the exact number of hours of sleep, but there’s a point of sleep deprivation at which they’ve measured it and a driver’s performance is just as impaired as if they were legally drunk. Part of the problem in the US is that in many parts of the country people wouldn’t be able to, say, get to work in the morning without driving because there’s no public transport infrastructure, so no matter how tired they are it’s either drive while barely able to keep their eyes open or call in sick.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Cassandra — I start acting tipsy at 30~ hours awake. But we’re talking goofy, not too out of it to consent (too tired to actually fuck is another matter!)

As for BAC, for someone as small as pecunium and I, two drinks in an hour is over the limit. For my brother’s size it’s three. I am definitely still good after two shots in a row. Not to drive, but mentally I’m just a bit sillier, not out of it at all. So yeah, using the legal limit for this seems a bit off.

11 years ago

I have seen fresh mountain lion tracks while hiking in LA. (Fresh as in the animal was probably still within 100 yards of us. The paw print was perfect, and the dirt around the edges wasn’t even starting to crumble yet.)

I think in Montana, or maybe Wyoming, it was legal until very recently to drive while drinking.

11 years ago

I know this is late, but…

Onward, rapist soldiers, marching as to Gor,
With the book of Farrell going on before,
John, that stupid asshole, leads against the foe,
Forward, into college, see his spammers go!

I just…tears. This is amazing. XD

11 years ago

You obviously don’t need peak reflexes to have sex though – you just need to know what you’re doing.

Yeah, the standards for driving competently and making an informed decision are going to be different. I’d never drive after even a single beer, but it would take something other than alcohol to get me to a point where I’d consider myself incapable of informed decision-making.

That said, I’ve seen enough people who seem rational who retain no memory of those events the next day, which is why I don’t hit on drunk people; I never want to be in a bed with someone who can’t remember the night before.

11 years ago

On a completely different topic, this is appalling.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Looks like 0.1-0.125 is where good judgement goes out the window, and by 0.13 you’re obviously drunk. (Like, reaching the point of falling down drunk)

So over the legal limit might not be a bad standard since that’s probably a one drink difference. Certainly once you’ve reached slurring (which starts around the lower end of those levels) you’re past the point of good judgement and shouldn’t go picking up people who’re that drunk.

I’d think just one drink would be the ideal level for drunken sex — it’s the area where you’re probably a happy drunk, reactions aren’t notably impaired, and the effect on mental state is just enough for inhibitions to be lowered by judgement to be maintained. In short — happy, less shy, still able to make decisions.

This is, of course, assuming you aren’t drinking with an existing partner where you’d be consenting sober, in that case I can see putting the rapey line a smidge higher since all involved parties likely know whether the other parties are too impaired to make decisions — the difference between plying someone with alcohol and having some alcohol with a lover you were intending to fuck already. (Note though, I’m making a moral distinction, not a legal one — legally perhaps the standard should be a simple “does you potential partner appear drunk? If yes, get their number and call in the morning”)

11 years ago

I think in Montana, or maybe Wyoming, it was legal until very recently to drive while drinking.

cloudiah: it wasn’t all that long ago that open containers were perfectly legal while driving in TX. Sometimes I think they still are, given the driving around here.

La Strega
11 years ago

A few years ago a friend brought one of those “DIY” breathalyzers to a party. At that point, I had had three or four drinks and considered myself quite impaired (I wasn’t the designated driver, obviously!), so I was surprised to find I still registered under the legal limit. My personal rule for drinking and driving is not more than one drink, and wait at least one hour after that before driving. It definitely doesn’t take much to affect one’s judgment.

11 years ago

And OT: I hope some of you guys head over to HateWatch and show them some support because some MRA’s are trolling the site right now over that new article.

oh wow. It takes a very special kind of stupid to troll the SPLC.

11 years ago

Aren’t open containers still legal in Louisiana? When my dad was there he complained about seeing folks driving around with drinks in their hands.

11 years ago

The thing with using the legal limit as the ethical standard is that different people have different tolerances. By which I don’t mean “let people with a high alcohol tolerance exceed it”, I mean that people like myself who feel tipsy after one or two drinks shouldn’t be driving at that point even if both the law and the people around us think it’s OK.

11 years ago

I was once at a friend’s house for snacks and wine, I had one glass, waited an hour, then figured I was good to go and drove home. Nothing happened, but although I felt perfectly lucid I noticed that my eyesight wasn’t as good as it usually was. That was kind of scary.

Another time I was out to dinner with friends, and while I usually have one beer with dinnner, this time I decided to have two for some reason. Again, I felt perfectly fine when I left, then I stepped outside and promptly fell off the curb. I turned around, went back inside, and told my friends I needed a ride. Luckily I was parked in a lot that allowed overnight parking, and it was close to home.

Anyway, what I learned from those experiences was, no alcohol at all for me if I’m planning to drive within the next four hours or so.

Years later I learned another important lesson: Never drive while having a nervous breakdown. It’s a wonder I’m still alive and not in jail.

11 years ago

Cassandra: go cups are legal while walking around NOLA, but I highly doubt they’re legal while driving now. I’m sure at one time it was a different story.

11 years ago

@ hellkell

The reason I wonder is that a drive-through for what I generally think of as alcoholic Slurpies (frozen margaritas, daquiris, and so on) exists.

11 years ago

I just learned of this hilarious new Twitter trend it’s #meninisttwitter and it’s brilliant! Here are some samples;

Just because I brought my wallet DOES NOT MEAN I’m PAYING for dinner! #MeninistTwitter

Just cause we go on a date doesn’t mean I have to pay, be a real woman and pay for yourself since you’re so “independent” #MeninistTwitter

#MeninistTwitter Its December…Why didn’t you bring your own jacket? No, you can’t wear mine. I didn’t get a flu shot this year.

So what I aint seen my abs since junior year of college. My opinion on your lack of thigh gap is still valid. #MeninistTwitter

#MeninistTwitter I agree with my wife that women are equals to men. Then it snows and the driveway needs to be shoveled and she thinks diff