a voice for men are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking drama kings evil women false accusations johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men rape culture slacktivism

John "The Other" Hembling on MRAs spamming Occidental College with false rape reports: "Go forward, brothers, and f*ck their sh*t up!"

This has to be my favorite quote to come out of the whole Occidental College fiasco; it’s staggering in its moral blindness and fanaticism and its complete lack of self-awareness. It also captures well the peculiarly self-defeating quality of so much Men’s Rights rhetoric and, er, “activism.”

johntheother [-37] -8 points 3 hours ago (11|19)  "‘Men’s rights activists’ conspire to cripple college rape reporting system with false reports"  GOOD! Go forward, brothers, and fuck their shit up.  rape is a crime. If somebody has a report to file of being the victim of this crime - file that report with a POLICE ORGANIZATION, not with some jumped up kangaroo court or administrative star chamber. And when operating in an environment where the star-chamber rules - FTSU with the same fraudulent reports they've tuned their system to process against you.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]O-Fortuna 3 points 35 minutes ago (4|0)  This came off so silly and juvenile I thought it was one of the troll comments the mods talked about, but you seem to be some kind of widely known mra. In favor of making false reports. Appalling.

The backstory here: the commenter in question is none other than John “The Other” Hembling, the Number Two (or Three? I can’t tell) boy at A Voice for Men. He’s responding to an article on Raw Story that’s indicative of the incredibly (and justifiably) bad press Reddit MRAs have gotten for spamming Occiental College’s anonymous rape reporting website with false reports of rape, some of which may have named real people at the school as the “perps.”

At this point in the story, even the normally obtuse Men’s Rights Redditors realize they have a disaster on their hands, and are trying to blame anyone else they can.

But Hembling thinks it’s the perfect time to cheer on the false accusers amongst the MRAs.

That’s right: apparently jealous of all the attention Reddit MRAs have gotten for their cloddish “activism,” he’s decided to jump aboard this train — after it’s left the station, derailed, and fallen into a ravine.

That response is classic, too

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11 years ago

Ya, Encyclopedia Dramatica. I am seriously shocked they don’t have one yet. But as opium4themasses said…

11 years ago

There a LOT of things that “ED” could stand for I guess, heh.

11 years ago

Extreme Douchebaggery, in the MRM’s case.

11 years ago

That is wonderful and you should feel wonderful Kitteh.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Encyclopedia Dramatica page for the MRA movement:

“The Men’s Right’s Movement is a movement made up of whiny white men complaining that it’s too hard to be a man because the ladies are allowed to say ‘no’ to sex […]”

11 years ago

Awww! 🙂

11 years ago

Hembling’s decided rape really is a crime, now? This is the same fecal specimen who said he’d walk past a woman being raped.

Oh, it’s a crime, all right…but it’s one that he heartily approves of, provided the victim isn’t a Manly Man™. And the perp isn’t an Uppity Woman™.

11 years ago

ED page continued…

“They complain about how irresponsible, privileged, and easily offended woman are, while they try to find ways to weasel out of paying child support, talk about the burden of not calling woman c*nts, and get offended by Homer Simpson.”

11 years ago


damn, that’s spot on. XD

11 years ago

Being ED, it’s only spot-on by complete accident, of course.

11 years ago

Yeah, iirc, I read the ED article on twilight (may have been another site, though, this was like five years ago) and half of the article was dissing stephanie meyer for being fat (according to whomever wrote it). It was really awful.

11 years ago

Oh, ED is terrible, no doubt. I just figured since they were all about making fun of people the MRM would get a page eventually.

La Strega
11 years ago

Just when I start worrying these guys pose some kind of threat, they decide to “take action”, and prove to be about as menacing as The Three Stooges.

11 years ago

Anything an AVfM PR person could come up with for anything they want to get out to the media would sound like it came from The Onion, I think.

11 years ago

OT, but somewhat germane: Pro-rape frosh chants confuse students, blurring lines of consent…and no doubt making reporting of sexual assaults less likely.

11 years ago

(Sorry About The Weird Capitalization. I’m On My Phone, And It Does This.) I’m Still Laughing About The AVfM Logo, Which Half Disappears Off The Screen On Every Device I’ve Viewed On. Why?

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

cloudiah – I suspect bad website design. Still hilarious though.

11 years ago

But What, They Don’t Even Notice? It’s Their Very Important Site, The Flagship Of The Manosphere! I Would Think It Would Give Paul A Sad Boner.

11 years ago

…”kangaroo court?” A lecture from the dean is a “kangaroo court?”

11 years ago

The barrel bottom has been breached long ago and they are busily clawing their way to the Earth’s core.

11 years ago


I’m indebted to David for covering the amateur hour AVFM logo contest because I get a laugh every time I see the blurry, off-center results.

It’s so blurry I feel like I’m failing an eye test and the left edge is clearly chopped off, and yet I know Paul and Co. are so cheap and inept that they are most likely never going to fix the damn thing. Classic AVFM moment.

11 years ago

Right edge actually. (Time for go to bed.)

11 years ago


Reading “Give Paul A Sad Boner” with proper noun caps made me snort some of my whiskey through my nose for some reason. Your unintentional hilarious! It burns!

11 years ago

The barrel bottom has been breached long ago and they are busily clawing their way to the Earth’s core.

I’ve said before that I stopped hoping these guys would hit bottom, and instead started hoping they’d hit magma.

I think this might be the Magma moment.

Ally S
11 years ago