a voice for men are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking drama kings evil women false accusations johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men rape culture slacktivism

John "The Other" Hembling on MRAs spamming Occidental College with false rape reports: "Go forward, brothers, and f*ck their sh*t up!"

This has to be my favorite quote to come out of the whole Occidental College fiasco; it’s staggering in its moral blindness and fanaticism and its complete lack of self-awareness. It also captures well the peculiarly self-defeating quality of so much Men’s Rights rhetoric and, er, “activism.”

johntheother [-37] -8 points 3 hours ago (11|19)  "‘Men’s rights activists’ conspire to cripple college rape reporting system with false reports"  GOOD! Go forward, brothers, and fuck their shit up.  rape is a crime. If somebody has a report to file of being the victim of this crime - file that report with a POLICE ORGANIZATION, not with some jumped up kangaroo court or administrative star chamber. And when operating in an environment where the star-chamber rules - FTSU with the same fraudulent reports they've tuned their system to process against you.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]O-Fortuna 3 points 35 minutes ago (4|0)  This came off so silly and juvenile I thought it was one of the troll comments the mods talked about, but you seem to be some kind of widely known mra. In favor of making false reports. Appalling.

The backstory here: the commenter in question is none other than John “The Other” Hembling, the Number Two (or Three? I can’t tell) boy at A Voice for Men. He’s responding to an article on Raw Story that’s indicative of the incredibly (and justifiably) bad press Reddit MRAs have gotten for spamming Occiental College’s anonymous rape reporting website with false reports of rape, some of which may have named real people at the school as the “perps.”

At this point in the story, even the normally obtuse Men’s Rights Redditors realize they have a disaster on their hands, and are trying to blame anyone else they can.

But Hembling thinks it’s the perfect time to cheer on the false accusers amongst the MRAs.

That’s right: apparently jealous of all the attention Reddit MRAs have gotten for their cloddish “activism,” he’s decided to jump aboard this train — after it’s left the station, derailed, and fallen into a ravine.

That response is classic, too

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11 years ago

JtO is a clown. If I hadn’t read AVfM and someone told me about them, I’d thinking they were making it up.

The greatest human rights movement (bowel edition) of our time, folks!

11 years ago

^I’d thinking? No, think.

Ally S
11 years ago


Keep digging, assholes.

11 years ago

Hembling’s decided rape really is a crime, now? This is the same fecal specimen who said he’d walk past a woman being raped.

11 years ago

Pretty true to form for JtO.

11 years ago

I love it! Mainly because whenever MRAs do repellent shit in the name of men’s rights, apologists fall all over themselves ‘splaining that “it was trolls” or “it was a small group and not representative.” Well, isn’t JtO considered a major figure in the MRM? He at least seems to heartily approve of the action. And we all know how Elam feels about rape victims.

So, to borrow a phrase from GirlWritesWhat, “MRAs, own your shit.

11 years ago

Who is this o-fortuna? I think I have seem other posts by him/her.

11 years ago

Do they ever actually talk to eachother? I mean in the sense of planning their responses to things? Right now it looks to me like they just shoot off their mouths at whim. sigh. I think that these guys have gone way past misogyny right into gynophobia…

11 years ago

This is the same fecal specimen who said he’d walk past a woman being raped.

Oh… that is him. Avfm really is well represented, isn’t it?

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

Oh boy…more comedy. Don’t they ever stop…I mean I like seeing people shooting themselves in the foot…but their comes a point where it just not funny anymore and becomes a pathetic spectacle

11 years ago

There’s something really quite majestic about how the MRM can hit the self-destruct button so consummately and descend into utter pandemonium, all without the slightest outside interference. Most houses of cards at least need to be gently blown upon.

11 years ago

he’s decided to jump aboard this train — after it’s left the station, derailed, and fallen into a ravine.

Made me think of this.

11 years ago

They actually think that making the general public disgusted and appalled is good PR. Wow.

11 years ago

Who is this o-fortuna? I think I have seem other posts by him/her.

Dunno, I never go to their sites.

Ally S
11 years ago

They actually think that making the general public disgusted and appalled is good PR. Wow.

It’s like setting up a lemonade stand business and putting up a sign that says “Our lemonade tastes like piss and will make you want to never drink again.”

11 years ago

Cassandra: if they had a real PR person, that unfortunate soul would be drinking full-time to deal with them. Then again, I can’t imagine a legit PR person working with these assholes.

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

I like how they are not trying to use the old “4chan made us do it” defense.

Ally S
11 years ago

Also, look at a shining star of the MRM ignoring the reality of victims (including male victims) who are either unable to report to a police organization or choose not to because they want to avoid being involved in our shitty justice system. Such compassion.

11 years ago

Truly a thing of beauty. It’s like the twenty-car pileup of internet activism.

Human rights movement of the century, my ass.

11 years ago

I mainly know of this turd from youtube. I sometimes watch his dropping when I am in need of some amusement.

11 years ago

Human rights movement of the century, my ass.

Or human rights ass movement of the century?

11 years ago

I like how they are not trying to use the old “4chan made us do it” defense.

“But Timmy did it first!” is not an acceptable excuse when it comes from 5 year olds, but I am strangely unsurprised to see MRAs trying it out.

11 years ago

Onward, rapist soldiers, marching as to Gor,
With the book of Farrell going on before,
John, that stupid asshole, leads against the foe,
Forward, into college, see his spammers go!

11 years ago

(Points up)

I’m not sure they have enough self-awareness not to adopt that as an awesome new campaign song for those for whom Fuck Their Shit Up was too rawk.

11 years ago

Do katz and Arctic Ape tie for an internet win for their lyrical skillz today?

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