antifeminism doxing false accusations gross incompetence harassment hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever not me playing the victim rape culture reddit shit that never happened that's completely wrong

Men’s Rights subreddit mod blames “Not Me” for Occidental College vigilantism

The diabolical Not Me strikes the Men's Rights subreddit yet again
The diabolical Not Me strikes the Men’s Rights subreddit yet again

Some updates on the Occidental College situation.

First, for those who didn’t see my post yesterday, a quick recap: Yesterday, Men’s Rights Redditors discovered that Occidental College has an online form that allows victims of and witnesses to sexual violence to report the incidents anonymously.

Although the information is being collected to track trends, and no one will be charged with anything as a result of such a report, a number of Men’s Rights subreddit regulars decided it would be a great idea to flood Occidental College with false reports to basically break the system, and they suggested this to much acclaim; others proudly reported that they’d sent in bogus reports.

So what has happened since then? The story has been picked up by a number of sites, including Gawker, Business Insider, RawStory, and LAist. In a followup post, Adam Weinsten of Gawker confirmed that Occidental College had indeed been hit with some 400 bogus rape reports in the past 36 hours — that is, after posts encouraging false reports appeared on 4chan and the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Meanwhile, on the Men’s Rights subreddit, after belatedly realizing that this whole thing makes them look kind of bad, the subreddit’s mods are trying their best to make the whole embarrassing thing go away — and not really doing a great job of it.

The first mod to say anything publicly was sillymod, whose initial reaction to the calls to flood Occidental with false reports of rape was to boldly announce that … the mods really weren’t going to be doing anything about it. In a post titled “With regards to Occidental College’s ‘rape report form,’” Sillymod wrote:

some people are claiming that it violates the Reddit TOS. It is not clear to me that it does, and I have not removed the article yet. But I will assume that Reddit admins will get involved at some point. So be it. At least then we can get a definitive ruling on whether it breaks the TOS.

What leadership! A true profile in courage.

Sillymod went on to note that the headline of the post he wasn’t going to remove was actually completely wrong in implying that people were going to get charged with crimes after being anonymously reported, and then made a few suggestions:

As always, when something gets you outraged – pause, take a few deep breaths, and then think of the most productive action to take. Don’t knee-jerk your response like feminists do. Do you want to be viewed the same as Big Red?

It might seem a tad ironic — or perhaps completely and mind-bogglingly hypocritical — to bring up, as an example of a person behaving badly, a women who was the victim of online MRA vigilantes when trying to cool off the online MRA vigilantes in your own subreddit, but never mind, because a couple of hours later Sillymod returned with a new response to the Occidental College thing.

First, he removed the thread from the subreddit. (Note: removing a thread on Reddit doesn’t make it go away; it just removes it from the subreddit’s index.)

Then, in a new thread entitled “‘Why did sillymod remove the Occidental College post?’ Let me tell you why,” he decided to blame the whole thing on trolls.

So I was reviewing the post and the multitude of reports on it. I noticed a sad trend.

I noticed a lot of very young accounts encouraging bad behaviour, I noticed that the post was made by a self-proclaimed “shitlord”. I noticed that there was a lot of misconception/misinformation about the form in general, whether willfully spread to take advantage of people choosing not to read these things for themselves or not.

In the end, I can’t help but feel that we were trolled, and that is why I removed it.

Sillymod, who apparently doesn’t research anything before posting, added:

Some people have alleged that 4Chan was involved, which would support the idea that we were trolled.

Yeah, the dude who posted the original thread said explicitly he’d found out about it on 4chan, and there are screenshots of the 4chan thread floating around that would take all of 5 minutes to find.

In any case, Sillymod’s “argument” — or, rather, his assertion — that the Men’s Rights subreddit was the victims of “trolls” with “very young accounts encouraging bad behaviour” was quickly shown to be utter nonsense:

johndoe42 40 points 17 hours ago* (123|83)  Bullshit. The biggest comments "encouraging" bad behavior were all long time contributring /r/mensrights members.  /u/blueoak9, whose account basically solely consists of comments in this subreddit, made the 100+ upvoted top comment "The quickest way to shut this one down is to anonymously report random women and let them sweat in the hot seat. This will be over before it begins."  /u/froggymorning, who had a 50+ upvoted comment noting that she filled out a false report is a longtime /r/mensrights member and has had comments with hundreds of upvotes.  /u/muffinizer1 also claimed to have "fun" filling one out. Also a long time MRA member (has had comments with 5-25 upvotes on this subreddit older than 20 days).  /u/whitethrone is also not a new MR member, who made the 20+ upvoted comment "Step one: Get a list of every 'Feminist' at Occidental College who supported this system. Step two: Anonymously report them for rape."  I know this looks pitchforky but you didn't have to lie about members of this subreddit's involvement in "encouraging bad behavior." I fucking hate revisionism and this subreddit needs reform badly. The "a few bad apples" defense is not going to work anymore.

In the discussion that followed, a Men’s Rights regular called oneiorosgrip tried to use another specious argument in order to suggest that the whole controversy had been ginned up by evil feminist trolls. All those screenshots showing terrible comments with lots of upvotes? Those comments were, she suggested, upvoted by feminists to make the subreddit look bad:

So what you’re telling me is that initially, just in time for SRS to post it as “evidence” that MRAs were flooding Occidental with false reports, a comment with less than 60 upvotes was the top comment in the sub… and despite the fact that the comments you cite represent less 0.00002% of the sub’s population, you claim that single moment in time proves MRAs flooded occidental with accusations.

Weird, because by the time I discovered the thread, a number of the comments I screenshotted had been up for 15 hours, and one of the worst had a lot more than 60 upvotes.

SirSkeptic 167 points 15 hours ago (209|45) That's awesome. I'd like to see one sent with the name of every member of the Dean of Students Office as the offender. Hey, it's anonymous and no evidence is required. Sometimes that's the only way fanatics learn.

15 hours is a pretty long “single moment in time.”

But hey, Sillymod and oneiorosgrip have their stories, and they’re sticking with them. Who are you going to believe, them — or your lying eyes?

Men’s Rights Activists: No matter what terrible things they do, it’s always someone else’s fault.

The MensRights mods have begun to try to clean up the mess — or at least remove the evidence of it. They’ve deleted most of the comments I linked to yesterday (Always Be Screenshotting). Has anyone involved in this faced any repercussions beyond having a comment or two deleted? I sent the mods a message to ask if they’d banned any of those who’d made those comments, and Nicemod replied:

I don’t see any reason why we should tell you anything at all.

I’m guessing that means “no.” But I wouldn’t really have to guess if they simply told me. Masters of Public Relations, these guys are not.

There’s more discussion of all this going on in the AgainstMensRights subreddit (which I feel I should mention again is not actually against men’s rights, but against the so-called Men’s Rights movement).

Here’s a discussion of another thread — which I hadn’t seen — in which Men’s Rights redditors talked about spamming Occidental College with false reports of rape. There are screenshots.

Here’s a thread with screenshots featuring our old friend ThePigman, an MRA blogger and long-time contributor to the Men’s Rights subreddit, proudly prooclaiming that he’d submitted a bogus rape report.

And here is a particularly damning screenshot of the entire Men’s Rights Occidental College thread some five hours after it went up. The second comment on the page, then three hours old and with several dozen upvotes, provides two links to lists of names of Occidental College staffers to serve as potential targets of false accusations. (It was later deleted, but SirSkeptic’s original comment was around for me to screenshot it 11 hours later.)


This, sadly, is what Men’s Rights activism looks like.

Oh, and MRB2012 was still posting in the Men’s Rights subreddit as of 5 hours ago, so it looks as though he hasn’t been banned even though he provided his MRA comrades with a specific list of individuals to falsely accuse of rape. And I have no way to check if he has been banned since then because the mods won’t speak to the evil Man Boobz.

Way to go, mods. Great job!

One last thing: Gawker’s followup post included a great quote from Occidental College sociologist Lisa Wade that I think puts the whole espisode in context perfectly:

The men targeting Occidental’s anonymous report form are mad that women are being listened to, that men’s voices are no longer given so much power that they can effectively drown out the voices of women. They’re mad because they’re not the only ones that matter anymore. I get it. To them, it really does feel unfair. Something really is changing. They ARE being demoted — from a superior to an equal — and it feels wrong to them because they’re so used to being privileged …

[The backlash is] a good thing. It means we’re winning the fight. They’re gonna have to get used to it.

I think she’s absolutely right. It’s going to take a few years — well, probably more than a few — and we’re going to see a lot more outbursts like this, but these aren’t the battle cries of a rising “human rights” movement. They’re the tantrums of small subset of the male population that can’t accept that the world has changed.

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Robert Ramirez
10 years ago

Where I come from Big Red is cream soda

10 years ago

I just know I’m going to regret this, but who or what the hell is “Big Red?”

Is it chewing gum?

Sorry, I don’t know either.

10 years ago

I just know I’m going to regret this, but who or what the hell is “Big Red?”

It’s the red-headed feminist that was on camera at one of the University of Toronto protests, and then subsequently turned into the posterchild of “THIS IS WHAT FEMINISM IS” and made the target of a great deal of “MRM Activism” (read: harrassment)

10 years ago

Even with bad press it’s still making waves and getting our message out about false accusations.


“We did something bad and everyone thought it was bad! We sure are getting out our message about how the thing we did was bad!”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

“Wait. So white people know more about racism then, let’s say, a black person? Or an Asian person, a Hispanic person, an indigenous person?”

*adds Hispanic to the list* Alice, I think I covered Islamophoba and the Asian stereotypes you mentioned, but nothing on Hispanic specific racism so far. Would you mind giving my new links a once over? They aren’t formatted yet, so they should stand out if you look at the text view. Btw, you rock 🙂

As for cold hands, less than 60f = alpaca. But, of course, I find those hand warmers too warm. Alpacas are nice and fuzzy warm though. Reminds me, my frankengloves need work.

10 years ago

dlouwe: Ah, that makes sense given how much they love to invent super-villains. Thank you.

10 years ago

Even with bad press it’s still making waves and getting our message out about false accusations.

Bwahahahahah…yeah, dude, keep telling yourself that. Actually, the only message it gets out is that MRAs are whiny fuckers who like to meddle with studies for shits ‘n’ giggles.

10 years ago

I follow the woman known as “Big Red’s” Tumblr and she’s awesome. She is still getting an unbelievable amount of harassment over the Toronto protest. The MRAs have also found her Tumblr and the shit they sling at her on a regular basis is disgusting. Not only do they blame feminists for pulling the fire alarm, they blame her specifically even though she can prove that she was nowhere near the pull station when the alarm went off. Of course, that makes no difference to them. She’s like their feminist boogeywoman.

10 years ago

And it just so happens that many of the best feminists happen to be female

I should fucking hope so.

Ally S
10 years ago

Even with bad press it’s still making waves and getting our message out about false accusations.

Sure we engaged in vandalism. And we attempted to break an anonymous report form that used to only gather information about victimization and send a warning to named perpetrators with no other consequences whatsoever. And in doing so, we likely damaged the school’s reputation to the point that fewer survivors at the school want to report abuse anonymously.

But at least we’re getting our message out!!!!

10 years ago

It seems to me like if you are still smarting over the same incident a year later because nothing more important has happened in the meantime, you pretty well have nothing to complain about.

Melissia (@MelissiaKuromoi)

I tried to read through that thread you linked (, but damn. I don’t think I have the willpower to deal with this crap when I can just go do something else like play Starbound or one of the Arkham games instead…

10 years ago

It seems to me like if you are still smarting over the same incident a year later because nothing more important has happened in the meantime, you pretty well have nothing to complain about.

Yeah, I feel the same way every time I hear them screaming about Sharon Osborne.

Robert Ramirez
10 years ago

Has anyone read the Media Matter article “9 Things Media Called The “War On Men” in 2013″ yet? More MRA comedy ensues.

10 years ago

I still find it funny that MRAs think feminists are picking on Hugo for no good reason after the whole “btw I tried to kill my ex because she was raped” thing. Apparently attempted murder is an unreasonable thing to hold against someone.

No, but the fact that he was a Feminist (though not really) is apparently enough for them to hope he gets raped in prison.

10 years ago

Has anyone read the Media Matter article “9 Things Media Called The “War On Men” in 2013″ yet? More MRA comedy ensues.

No, but I’m about to look it up.

10 years ago


I just know I’m going to regret this, but who or what the hell is “Big Red?”

This is why I find it hilarious that she’s the “best” scapegoat they have*: even people who are familiar with the MRM have no clue who she is.

*Obviously the part where she’s become an MRM scapegoat isn’t funny, but the fact that the best they can do as far as proving we live in a misandrist culture is to point to a random student who got a little carried away in the heat of the moment. Much cry for the poor oppressed men.

@theladyzombie, I want to ask what her Tumblr is, but I know MRAs read this blog. Would you be willing to send me a message on Tumblr? I have the same username over there.

10 years ago

Actually, the only message it gets out is that MRAs are whiny fuckers who like to meddle with studies for shits ‘n’ giggles.

The message it sends me is that they don’t want anyone reporting being raped by a man – not ever, not anonymously, not even when the rapist isn’t named. They don’t want institutions looking at how to make safer places and systems for people (principally women, of course). They don’t want any hindrance for rapists.

Do they think this out? I doubt it, but that’s what it comes down to.

10 years ago

Message sent

10 years ago

The message it sends me is that they don’t want anyone reporting being raped by a man – not ever, not anonymously, not even when the rapist isn’t named. They don’t want institutions looking at how to make safer places and systems for people (principally women, of course). They don’t want any hindrance for rapists.

Do they think this out? I doubt it, but that’s what it comes down to.

That’s true, too. It may be not be consciously articulated as such, but it’s definitely betraying a desire to corral women and either make them vulnerable to rape without recourse anytime and anywhere, or hold the threat over their heads to the point where they do nothing of their own free will anymore. Or both.

(And they accuse “Big Red” the Totally Representative Feminist™ of knee-jerking? Hell, their knee-jerks could send an unwary doctor straight into orbit!)

10 years ago

Hell, their knee-jerks could send an unwary doctor straight into orbit!

If only the elder Dumas was a doctor to one of these dirtbags … I always wanted to kick him into orbit around Pluto. 😛

10 years ago

The message it sends me is that they don’t want anyone reporting being raped by a man – not ever, not anonymously, not even when the rapist isn’t named. They don’t want institutions looking at how to make safer places and systems for people (principally women, of course). They don’t want any hindrance for rapists.

Do they think this out? I doubt it, but that’s what it comes down to.

It really fits in well with their apparent want to frame rape as a perpetrator-less crime, or as some sort of force of nature. And, specifically, how men don’t rape, but rather rape just happens. (the reverse is not given – they are all too quick to point out that female rapists exist)

It affords them all the space they need to express how bad of a thing rape is (when they aren’t currently finding it jokeworthy), but at the same time distancing the crime from anything or anyone they relate to, with the side-effect of never needing to address it as a solvable issue. It just happens, and women should do their best to avoid it, but there’s no point in actually trying to stop it.

10 years ago

RE: Shaun Darth Batman Day

The Oneida Community dissolved in 1881, and eventually became the giant silverware company Oneida Limited.

Okay then. *reads further* OooooKAY then.

RE: alternasteve90

some of the best social justice activists are Caucasian(not trying to diminish our comrades of color, of course!)

Dude. You can’t just diminish folks who aren’t “Caucasian” and then claim you’re not trying to do that! Get your head out of your ass and get off your soapbox. The first social justice activists to even pop into my damn head were Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. You know. Black folks. And then you’ve got Mother Jones, and Gandhi, and

[I] was just trying to expand on that(and adding on my own point against stereotyping.)

Dude, don’t play coy. This isn’t the first time you’ve complained about people getting trolled “just for being white.” This isn’t a single mistake, this is a running theme with you. Head. Ass. Remove.

I realize that that did unintentionally rubbed some folks the wrong way, and I apologize for that as well.

You keep saying ‘unintentionally’ as though that makes it any better. Dude, you didn’t “unintentionally rub someone the wrong way.” You said racist shit, and this isn’t the first time you’ve said it. Accept that you said racist shit, learn WHY it’s racist shit if you don’t understand this concept, then STOP SAYING RACIST SHIT.

If you’re curious as to where I’m from, btw, that would be Texas,

*snort* I am SHOCKED. Denton, right? Been there. Don’t miss it.

10 years ago

When rape happens to a woman (or an insufficiently manly man, or a trans person, or a person of fluid or indeterminate gender) at the hands of a man, it’s a joke. When it happens to a Manly Man™ at the hands of a woman, it’s Deadly Serious™.

And if a woman (or an insufficiently manly man, trans person, person of fluid or indeterminate gender, etc.) should complain of rape by a man, that person must Never Be Believed™. If they refuse to go away quietly, they must be shouted down until they recant, slink off, or kill themselves. This will then be held up as Proof™ that the charge was false, and that they were weak and unmanly and therefore, Not Fit To Live™.

But let a man (the Manlier™ the better) be “engulfed” by a woman, and ZOMG MISANDRY!!! Men are oppressed! Evil Unwomanly Women have usurped the prerogative! It’s no joke!!!

See how the Greatest Human Rights Movement Ever Ever EVER™ works?

10 years ago

Yes, and it places the blame squarely on women. Do the wrong thing (and that is essentially existing while female) and you’ll be raped, and what did you expect? It’s like someone complaining they got wet when they went out without an umbrella on a day rain was predicted: rain just happens, rape just happens, nobody’s fault but the wet person’s/rape victim’s.

Then of course there’s the layer of women not just being careless and getting raped as a natural consequence; they bring it on themselves deliberately, taunting men with short skirts or jeans or things like being unconcsious and vomiting-drunk (which is sooooo sexy). It’s totally unfair of women to deliberately arouse men like that, then lie and insist they weren’t looking to have sex, amirite?
