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Men's Rights Redditors flood Occidental College's online rape reporting form with false accusations

Last night, a regular commenter in the Men’s Rights subreddit — inspired by a thread on 4chan — posted a link to an online form on r/mensrights under the headline “Feminists at Occidental College created an online form to anonymously report rape/sexual assault. You just fill out a form and the person is called into the office on a rape charge. The “victim” never has to prove anything or reveal their identity.”

This headline is not only inflammatory but untrue: Yes, Occidental College has an online form that allows victims of or witnesses to sexual assault to report the incidents to the school. But, as a statement at the top of the form makes clear, the point is to collect data on how much sexual violence there is at the school, who the victims are, and so on.

If the person reporting the crime names the alleged perpetrator,

a member of the Dean of Students Office will meet with that person to share that the person was named in an anonymous report, review the Sexual Misconduct Policy, and inform the person that if the allegations are true, the behavior needs to cease immediately. Information shared in this form alone will not result in anyone going through the grievance process.

I’ve put the last bit in bold to emphasize a point: No one will be charged with anything based only on information gathered using this form. As would be clear to anyone who thought about the matter for more than a few seconds, it’s rather difficult to investigate, much less prove, a rape if you don’t actually know who the victim is.

Somehow this rather elementary fact eluded the OP, and virtually all of those who left the hundreds of comments on the popular post.

Indeed, a host of Men’s Rights Redditors were so convinced of the innate evil of the online form they all had the same bright idea: let’s flood the school with false reports of rape and break the form. Here are some of their comments. (There are more in the thread.) Note the number of upvotes each of these suggestions got. (Click the images to see the comments in context on Reddit.)

SirSkeptic 167 points 15 hours ago (209|45)  That's awesome.  I'd like to see one sent with the name of every member of the Dean of Students Office as the offender. Hey, it's anonymous and no evidence is required.  Sometimes that's the only way fanatics learn.

blueoak9 83 points 15 hours ago (129|46)  The quickest way to shut this one down is to anonymously report random women and let them sweat in the hot seat. This will be over before it begins.  How are they any less expendable, and more to the point, above suspicion that the men?  And if the school treats them any differently, there's your Title 1X complaint.

WhiteThrone 15 points 12 hours ago (24|9)  Step one: Get a list of every 'Feminist' at Occidental College who supported this system.  Step two: Anonymously report them for rape.  Step three: Watch them squirm as their lives are hanging in the balance over a false rape charge.  Step four : Shutdown the BS online form.

Jonathan_Taylor 26 points 11 hours ago (30|4)  I'd just like to say that I don't condone using the form to make false accusations against officials. Flooding the forms with other ridiculous things as a means to demonstrate how ridiculous the form is, on the other hand...

While a few commenters stood up to point out that in fact the school will not charge anyone with anything as a result of anonymous information gathered by the form, they were outnumbered by  Men’s Rightsers gleefully reporting that they in fact had reported false information. Among them:

froggymorning 46 points 15 hours ago (59|13)  I've already filled one out.      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Muffinizer1 6 points 7 hours ago (9|4)  Was kind of fun. I swear to god though, if they track us down it would be terribly ironic, however it's mildly likely.

Your_Bacon_Counselor 5 points 6 hours ago (6|1)  Looks like there is an epidemic at Occidental, particularly female-on-female assault.  Even though most of these will be scrubbed, I promise the numbers will be kept and used to justify programs.


unexpecteditem 6 points 9 hours ago (11|5)  I like this. Where can I fill it in. I've been raped all over the place. Let's get submitting boys? Has anyone been raped by the dean of women's studies? Surely somebody. I find her a bit creepy.  I've also been raped by the president of the US. And of course by everyone I don't like. Heck, why don't I just go down the phone book. I've been raped by everybody. There. That ought to do it. Nothing like a practical demonstration of the absurdity of an idea.

gonecatfishin 8 points 11 hours ago (9|1)  Filling this out is fun!

It’s one thing to criticize an anonymous reporting system because of its potential for abuse; this is something else entirely.

The post has been up for 17 hours at this point, with more than 700 net upvotes, and some of the calls for “breaking” the form have been up for nearly as long. The moderators of Men’s Rights have done nothing to stop their subreddit being used to interfere with a school’s attempt to assist rape survivors — including men.

“Breaking” a school’s rape reporting mechanism is apparently a form of Men’s Rights activism.

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11 years ago

This looks like another interesting development (if nobody’s linked it here):

11 years ago

Ha, I knew it! Or didn’t, otherwise I wouldn’t have posted. I gotta confess, I’m warily giddy, and hope it doesn’t get swarmed.

11 years ago

RE: Falconer

BIG BEBES! I can’t believe they’re almost a whole year old now!

RE: auggziliary

And now they’re blaming the victim for other rapes? Seriously?

This is actually very common. And then they switchback if you DO make the report and say it’s proof you’re just doing it as a grudge because otherwise you’d understand you’re ruining your precious rapist’s precious little life. *eyeroll* The amount of cognitive dissonance and emotional whiplash involved when people are faced with a rape disclosure is staggering. It’s gotten to the point that I just have canned one-liners for people being assholes when I tell them.

11 years ago

@Mass Hysteria

I’m sorry, is alternatesteve90 comparing this to activists who don’t spare white people’s feelings when calling out their racist bullshit or am I reading this wrong?

That’s how it read to me, and it made me kind of uncomfortable. I mean, comparing mras to antiracism activists is like… just not any sense making. One wants a dominant (men) group to maintain their privilege and the other one wants equality

11 years ago

Yeeeeaaaah. Like, there are plenty of assholes on tumblr, but I side-eye the “bullied just for being white” thing on principle.

11 years ago

To further clarify, I have yet to see any asshats on tumblr go after someone “for being white.” What happens is they come after someone for saying something racist… and then the shit gets completely out of control, due to how tumblr keeps track of things. It’s very easy to find things without context (like, uh, thorough formal apologies and retribution made afterward) and then bring something up again and again and again, not realizing the whole fucking thing was put to bed years ago.

The problem isn’t WHAT they go after people for, it’s HOW they do it.

11 years ago

I can definitely say as one of the least attractive men in existence, I will still feel uncomfortable if someone I didn’t know offered me sex regardless of whether I found them aesthetically pleasing or not. And even though it’s been years since I’ve known the touch of another human being, I’d still refuse.

11 years ago

The assumption that any man would say “Yes! Let’s fuck right now!” in response to any offer of sex from a woman does make me wonder just how disconnected from the rest of the population these men are. As everyone already said, wouldn’t you find it a bit weird if some random person walked up to you and said “fuck me, please”? It’s not like these guys are able to conceptualize a scenario in which women are actually horny, so why would they think the woman was offering? Wouldn’t it seem a bit suspicious, from their perspective? Would they not fear that spermjacking was afoot?

It can’t be that they’re just doing the all-women-are-Angelina-Jolie thing, because it’s not as if they don’t waffle on at great length about how ugly they think most women are.

11 years ago

Maybe they think men are wandering around with wads of cash sticking out of their pockets, ‘cos we know women are only attracted to $$$$.

But then, this being one of Owly’s maunderings, who knows what was going through his festering excuse for a mind?

katz is to be congratulated, btw: I never had an image of Owly (thank Ceiling Cat) but now I see him as the grey-bearded character from AVfP.

11 years ago

I’m less disappointing with these anti feminists and more disappointed with my generation.
I feel as if the OP either misunderstood the purpose of the form, or deliberately left out significant information, then propagated it. I feel disappointed that my people will so willingly take up “arms” against something they barely know about and destroy something so beneficial to society.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
11 years ago

My belated tribute to the tigers for weed meme:

Tyger, tyger, smokin’ hot
in the shady parking lot
What immense amount of pot
can match the fearful price you got?

(Apologies for William Blake)

11 years ago

Love it, Arctic Ape!

11 years ago

The assumption that any man would say “Yes! Let’s fuck right now!” in response to any offer of sex from a woman does make me wonder just how disconnected from the rest of the population these men are. As everyone already said, wouldn’t you find it a bit weird if some random person walked up to you and said “fuck me, please”?

Heck… I’ve turned down women I know, and like: because the circumstances seemed less than ideal (no matter how flattering it also happened to be). Some random woman I don’t know? Not gonna get the time of day in that scenario.

11 years ago

Holy shit! I went to look at the thread again (to see if any response has been made in the, “well no one actually did anything” sub-thread) and saw this gem

Second Story:

Psycho bitch girlfriend decided that a day long argument was warranted after I said the wrong thing to her. Well she is yelling at me while I’m trying to sleep and then decided to take my gun. I go to confront her in the living room and she calls the cops after threatening me. I call the cops as well and wait for them to arrive. Long story short, I did talk my way out of them arresting me for domestic violence because she couldn’t keep her story straight. So there’s that.

Dude is admitting to threatening his (I can only hope former; because she dumped his sorry ass) girlfriend, and bragging that he got away with it.

Anyone want to take bets he’s of the, “women commit as much DV as men do” school of asshole?

11 years ago

Pecunium, that story, wow.

11 years ago

@Mass Hysteria: Yes, you kinda did misunderstand me, TBH(no offense meant, though, it happens.). Since you brought it back up, you may wish to re-read what I said; I merely pointed out that there are a *few* bad apples in the social justice movement who do use it as an excuse to be completely bigoted jerkoffs, instead of calling out *actual* racism, discrimination, etc., but that also, these bad apples are only a small fraction of what is otherwise a noble movement, most of whose adherents, myself included, actually do try, in whatever ways possible, to make the world a better place(including the exposure of actual racism & other prejudices, structural, individual, or otherwise).

Whereas the Men’s Rights Movement is the complete opposite and never actually had the objective of helping men & boys, but rather, it was always about their hatred & fear of, and desire to control women(of all ethnicities!), and that the “Bad Apples” were always dominant in the MRM.

Does that make a little more sense? Sorry if I rambled a lot the last time, btw…..I try not to do that.

@Pecunium: Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if he *was* one of those, “But, but, women do it just as much!” type of unsavory persons.

11 years ago

I’ll bet, BTW, the “threat” was, “WTF are you doing with a gun? I’m calling the cops!”.

11 years ago

Anyone want to take bets he’s of the, “women commit as much DV as men do” school of asshole?

Of course he is – look how his comment is phrased. He says she took his gun and threatened him, while calling the cops. Implication: she is the violent one, threatening him with a gun. and the police bought that version of events.

Whereas, seems to me, she took his gun because she was afraid he would use it on her (or be otherwise violent towards her) and went to call the police. I’m guessing that the supposed threat was along the lines of “don’t come near me or I’ll shoot” i.e. a warning that she would use the gun against him in self-defense because she was afraid of him.

11 years ago

In other words, he’s a shitweasel.

11 years ago

@Artic Ape

Okay, that tiger poem had me cracking up. XD

11 years ago

Ah…. I misread it is, “she was being loud, so I took my gun and went out to deal with her”.

But yeah, I’ll bet it was her removing the gun from him, and him coming after her because of it; and saying she’d regret it.

11 years ago

To give a tiny shred of fairness to the MRA, It isn’t really that baffling that they bought into the story without doing any research or even reading the web page they are flooding.
I mean, for one, these guys live in a delusion where having a Vagina means you can pretend to be holy and get away with murder, so someone saying ‘a form to insta-blame men!’ fits right into their world-view Biases. And not only that, but these guys Regularly take each-others words for ‘facts’ over anyone else, assuming the world to be under the influence of Bias, which is amusing.

Actually, the part you bolded was that *she* took the gun. AKA: she was threatening him. (unless you mean the ‘I confronted her.’ bit, thought hat is vague, to say the least. since confrontation can mean anything from ‘stern back and fourth’ to ‘fight’.)
Obviously There is no way to know if the story is true or not, but I wanted to point out that In his version of the event, Fantasy or not, she was clearly the aggressor.

I think your reading into the story too much. Obviously there is no way to confirm his story, or confirm weather he is changing details,Unless we find it somewhere int he news or something I guess, But He doesn’t really provide enough details to infer anything like that, if you ask me.
As little love as I have for MRA types, I don’t really like to see flat out assumptions on the motives of people you only heard a paragraph on, who may not even be real. I feel this is too close to a Bias for my comfort. (Then again, since this came out of the mouth of a MRA, maybe Its more indicative of how much he would warp the truth. I dunno.)

11 years ago

@titianblue: I’m inclined to agree with you on that, btw. Too many of these MRA type fellows are all too willing to twist the narrative to make it look like that they’re the victims, when in reality they were the perpetrators of said violence; TBH, this is probably one of those cases.


“It can’t be that they’re just doing the all-women-are-Angelina-Jolie thing, because it’s not as if they don’t waffle on at great length about how ugly they think most women are.”

Honestly, I think it’s just a case of hypocrisy with many of these jerks and that they just alternate between the two just so they can find something to hate, you know?

@Pecunium: “But yeah, I’ll bet it was her removing the gun from him, and him coming after her because of it; and saying she’d regret it.”

Could very well have been the case.

11 years ago

@marinaliteyears: It’s more tragic than anything else; but their worldview really is truly dangerous to women…..all women. (P.S., a friendly warning: no offense meant, but I’m not sure that using the word “delusion” is terribly wise: there are some more regular commenters here who have conditions that they deal with….just so you know.)

11 years ago

Mmm. alright, point taken.
In that case, I suppose I need a new word to talk about the utterly Incorrect world-view they hold.

I suppose I’m pretty insensitive. but Thats no big surprise. I’ve lived in a bubble my whole life, so i’m hoping to become more sensitive to stuff like this. Thanks for pointing that out.