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Men's Rights Redditors flood Occidental College's online rape reporting form with false accusations

Last night, a regular commenter in the Men’s Rights subreddit — inspired by a thread on 4chan — posted a link to an online form on r/mensrights under the headline “Feminists at Occidental College created an online form to anonymously report rape/sexual assault. You just fill out a form and the person is called into the office on a rape charge. The “victim” never has to prove anything or reveal their identity.”

This headline is not only inflammatory but untrue: Yes, Occidental College has an online form that allows victims of or witnesses to sexual assault to report the incidents to the school. But, as a statement at the top of the form makes clear, the point is to collect data on how much sexual violence there is at the school, who the victims are, and so on.

If the person reporting the crime names the alleged perpetrator,

a member of the Dean of Students Office will meet with that person to share that the person was named in an anonymous report, review the Sexual Misconduct Policy, and inform the person that if the allegations are true, the behavior needs to cease immediately. Information shared in this form alone will not result in anyone going through the grievance process.

I’ve put the last bit in bold to emphasize a point: No one will be charged with anything based only on information gathered using this form. As would be clear to anyone who thought about the matter for more than a few seconds, it’s rather difficult to investigate, much less prove, a rape if you don’t actually know who the victim is.

Somehow this rather elementary fact eluded the OP, and virtually all of those who left the hundreds of comments on the popular post.

Indeed, a host of Men’s Rights Redditors were so convinced of the innate evil of the online form they all had the same bright idea: let’s flood the school with false reports of rape and break the form. Here are some of their comments. (There are more in the thread.) Note the number of upvotes each of these suggestions got. (Click the images to see the comments in context on Reddit.)

SirSkeptic 167 points 15 hours ago (209|45)  That's awesome.  I'd like to see one sent with the name of every member of the Dean of Students Office as the offender. Hey, it's anonymous and no evidence is required.  Sometimes that's the only way fanatics learn.

blueoak9 83 points 15 hours ago (129|46)  The quickest way to shut this one down is to anonymously report random women and let them sweat in the hot seat. This will be over before it begins.  How are they any less expendable, and more to the point, above suspicion that the men?  And if the school treats them any differently, there's your Title 1X complaint.

WhiteThrone 15 points 12 hours ago (24|9)  Step one: Get a list of every 'Feminist' at Occidental College who supported this system.  Step two: Anonymously report them for rape.  Step three: Watch them squirm as their lives are hanging in the balance over a false rape charge.  Step four : Shutdown the BS online form.

Jonathan_Taylor 26 points 11 hours ago (30|4)  I'd just like to say that I don't condone using the form to make false accusations against officials. Flooding the forms with other ridiculous things as a means to demonstrate how ridiculous the form is, on the other hand...

While a few commenters stood up to point out that in fact the school will not charge anyone with anything as a result of anonymous information gathered by the form, they were outnumbered by  Men’s Rightsers gleefully reporting that they in fact had reported false information. Among them:

froggymorning 46 points 15 hours ago (59|13)  I've already filled one out.      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Muffinizer1 6 points 7 hours ago (9|4)  Was kind of fun. I swear to god though, if they track us down it would be terribly ironic, however it's mildly likely.

Your_Bacon_Counselor 5 points 6 hours ago (6|1)  Looks like there is an epidemic at Occidental, particularly female-on-female assault.  Even though most of these will be scrubbed, I promise the numbers will be kept and used to justify programs.


unexpecteditem 6 points 9 hours ago (11|5)  I like this. Where can I fill it in. I've been raped all over the place. Let's get submitting boys? Has anyone been raped by the dean of women's studies? Surely somebody. I find her a bit creepy.  I've also been raped by the president of the US. And of course by everyone I don't like. Heck, why don't I just go down the phone book. I've been raped by everybody. There. That ought to do it. Nothing like a practical demonstration of the absurdity of an idea.

gonecatfishin 8 points 11 hours ago (9|1)  Filling this out is fun!

It’s one thing to criticize an anonymous reporting system because of its potential for abuse; this is something else entirely.

The post has been up for 17 hours at this point, with more than 700 net upvotes, and some of the calls for “breaking” the form have been up for nearly as long. The moderators of Men’s Rights have done nothing to stop their subreddit being used to interfere with a school’s attempt to assist rape survivors — including men.

“Breaking” a school’s rape reporting mechanism is apparently a form of Men’s Rights activism.

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11 years ago

Adding: And even if you’re in a bar and people are hooking up left and right – I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: I’m willing to grant that if you take a man and a woman of equal attractiveness according to average taste, yeah, I think getting sex would be easier for the woman. There are more men than women willing to have causal sex (because of slut-shaming and various reasons). But there’s a bigger difference between people whom are attractive by some average standards and people who are not, people who are charming and people who are socially incompetent, than between men and women. It’s not like Hunky McHunk is gonna have a harder time than Uglia McAwkwardness in the bar (I’m just rolling with the “everyone’s straight” assumption). It’s just that most guys who go on about how easy it is for women to get laid don’t even factor in Uglia McAwkwardness.

11 years ago

I once saw a woman walking down the street, while fully dressed from the waist up and wearing only panties from the waist down, and you’d better believe nobody was going anywhere near her. It was scary.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

“Re: NWO’s comment that pecunium quoted.

It’s pretty telling that he said the man’s feelings (flattered) but not the woman’s (he just said screeching sexual harassment, which would imply the guy was acting creepy and inappropriate somehow).
dang i posted before I was ready. I meant to add “but he doens’t really take her feelings into account like he did them man’s” ”

Teh wimminz don’t have real feels, remember? They go on and on and on and on…(three hours later)…and on and on and on about how dogs have more feels than women all the time.

11 years ago

I don’t understand why they think collecting a rape kit would be a pressing concern, given that all a rape kit can do is prove that sexual contact occurred and their position is “Bitch was askin’ for it” in the majority of rape cases. (Yes, I have encounter MRA “skeptics” who believe the only time one can even insinuate one has been raped is if one has a video or clear audio recording of the event and there is no way to construe the vict–pardon “accuser”‘s actions as giving consent. And failure to scream and run away is giving consent, regardless of the age of the victim. The specific person I’m thinking of was speaking to the survivor of sexual abuse at age 4.)

11 years ago

Wow. They really really are the rapist and abuser lobby, aren’t they?

I mean, right at the top of the form, the very first paragraph, states that info collected by the form will not lead to a grievance or police involvement. The only thing that’ll happen is a stern talking-to. Anybody clicking on the form is going to see that. So, all these guys falling over themselves to make a false rape allegation (that, supposedly, is a very bad thing, but not when made by men against women they are pissed off at), they had to have seen it, right? At least some of them must have read it. It’s hard to attribute this to anything other than pure maliciousness.

And that AVFM article. He might as well just come out and state that he thinks most (if not all) rape allegations are false, because that’s pretty much the underlying assumption. He outright ignores that filling out the anonymous online form does lead to any formal charges or disciplinary action. And filling out the form doesn’t prevent the victim from pressing charges, having a rape kit done, seeking support groups, etc., etc. Or that they may already have done that. Or that some of those victims are men, who supposedly, are the people they are so concerned about.

This makes my brain and my heart sad.

Mass Hysteria (@masshysteriaco)

I’m sorry, is alternatesteve90 comparing this to activists who don’t spare white people’s feelings when calling out their racist bullshit or am I reading this wrong?

As for the “would you have sex with me” dilemma, I’d probably be like, “Uhhh excuse me?” and walk away. The only way I’d start screaming about sexual harassment would be if the dude wouldn’t take no for an answer and kept pressuring me, which has happened on more than one occasion. No lawsuits filed, just, “fuck off” and “can you kick this guy out of the bar?”

On the flip side, I have more than enough experience having my advances turned down and being treated poorly by some of those men. Men have standards, I know, weird concept.

11 years ago

It’s not like Hunky McHunk is gonna have a harder time than Uglia McAwkwardness in the bar (I’m just rolling with the “everyone’s straight” assumption). It’s just that most guys who go on about how easy it is for women to get laid don’t even factor in Uglia McAwkwardness.

B-but, dudes are so desperate for teh secks they’ll fuck anyone. ANYONE, I tell ya! Ok, well, no, not Uglia MckAwkwardness, I mean, come ON. But anyone impossibly beautiful else! They’re not picky!

“And let’s keep this in mind: these “victims” apparently have absolutely no needs that extend beyond accusing.”

1) The form can be used by witnesses as well, who might be (understandably) afraid to come forward for fear of backlash.
2) It’s cute that they don’t realize that having a rape kit done doesn’t necessarily mean justice will be served. Thousands of them are backlogged and never processed.
3) They’re concerned about victims other needs? Since when? Oh, they’re calling them “victims”. I see.

11 years ago

I see there are a few MRAs spouting bullshit and being shot down on that RS thread.

Given Owly’s unhealthy attitude to children (capri pants are totally slutty) I don’t like to imagine what his ideas of asking someone for sex involve.

11 years ago

So Elam’s key issue is with the following:

Two students who wished to remain unnamed told the Huffington Post they were each contacted for a meeting with Occidental College’s Title IX coordinator, Lauren Carella. Both students said they filed out the anonymous sexual assault report form and did not know how Carella got in contact with them.

Apparently, the supposedly anonymous form is not so anonymous because two students were contacted having filled it in anonymously.

And Elam is delighted because he thinks that it is bogus for these students to have expected anonymity in the first place. From a form which is supposedly anonymous. Because apparently genuine rape victims would never want to remain anonymous.

Yep, Elam, demonstrating once again his complete lack of empathy for anyone not him.

11 years ago

Now now, be fair Pauly has lots of empathy for other people … if they’re male rapists.

11 years ago

I live two blocks away from Occidental College, and know several students who attend there. I take this kind of personally.

What a bunch of jerks.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Occidental College has responded to Gawker’s inquiry to confirm that they’ve received 400 fake rape reports from these trolls.

11 years ago
11 years ago

I am glad it’s been reported!! It is so ridiculous what they are doing

11 years ago

That Business Insider link I posted has comments from Dean Esman and a super-long one from GWW.

11 years ago

Really positive response from Occidental College in The Gawker. MRAs must be nashing their teeth.

11 years ago

Damn, ninja’d

11 years ago

karen straughan is already there in business insider commenting… why do I read comments?

11 years ago

Another story. Can you tell I am enjoying this?

I liked that Lisa Wade quote in the Gawker update:

The online trolls’ work is “classic backlash,” Occidental associate professor Lisa Wade, a sociologist with expertise in social inequity and sexuality, told Gawker in an email:

The men targeting Occidental’s anonymous report form are mad that women are being listened to, that men’s voices are no longer given so much power that they can effectively drown out the voices of women. They’re mad because they’re not the only ones that matter anymore. I get it. To them, it really does feel unfair. Something really is changing. They ARE being demoted — from a superior to an equal — and it feels wrong to them because they’re so used to being privileged, to being the most specialest girl in the whole world.

She added that backlash was “a good thing. It means we’re winning the fight. They’re gonna have to get used to it.”

11 years ago

That Business Insider link I posted has comments from Dean Esman and a super-long one from GWW.

Is there any other kind of comment from GWW?

11 years ago
Reply to  cloudiah

And oh, what a wonderful response from Occidental. Looks like the MRAsshat attack backfired.

11 years ago

I was really hoping this would turn around and bite them in the ass.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

So much awesome coming from so much evil. Thanks MRAs, you’ve managed to accidentally restore my faith in humanity…by bringing out the best in people by being the worst of people.

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