So one of the regulars on Reddit’s The Red Pill subreddit — the “TRP Endorsed” contributor who calls himself IllimitableMan — has worked himself into a lather about the coming Whitepocalypse. You know, the impending collapse of civilization that Mr. Man and assorted other racist asshats fear will come about as a result of white women refusing to pop out the required number of white babies to keep it alive. Sorry, due to white women refusing to “shit out” the required number of white babies. (Mr. Man is quite the defender of family values.)
It pretty much goes without saying that IllimitableMan blames feminism for it all. In fact, over the course of his rambling, repetitive, and rage-fuelled 2,000 word rant he manages to blame feminism for the impending death of the white race roughly half a dozen different times.
Here’s perhaps the most coherent statement of his thesis:
Feminism has infected western civilization, which means by merit of these societies being predominantly white Caucasian, has harmed this ethnicity the most on a global level, reducing its birth rates the most significantly and affecting its various European and anglo speaking cultures the most adversely. …
What we can conclude is that castrating men by raising them to be effeminate whilst simultaneously allowing women too much freedom and self-determination and polluting said women to view men as adversaries leads to a drop in the birth-rate so deep that a society becomes unsustainable, leading to its inevitable collapse.
So why are white women less interested in popping out babies these days? Blame that Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel.
A fundamental criticism of feminism is it taught women to take on masculine traits, to provide, to work hard, it demonised the sanctity of motherhood, it taught women to value career and the self (an overlap with individualism there) over motherhood and family, 21-year-old White Caucasian girls no longer give any fucks about being a mother and a wife like they did in the 50′s and 60′s, no now they’re thinking about jumping on as much cock as possible, getting a degree, going on holidays … and generally fulfilling the sexual and materialistic elements of their hypergamy. Family and reproduction takes a back-seat.
Ah, good old “hypergamy.” I would just like to take a moment to point out that the word hypergamy actually means “the action of marrying a person of a superior caste or class.” Red Pillers and Men’s Rights Activists have so distorted the basic concept that Mr. Man here can use it to mean “fucking lots of dudes who aren’t me, providing for themselves and NOT getting married to anyone” without blinking an eye.
Mr. Man continues:
Society facilitates this as any imposition of responsibility or standards placed on a woman is rationalised away as simple “oppression” some psychological misogyny cards are played and voila, Miss Jane average can diffuse all her responsibilities and continue to live as a completely obnoxious and self-entitled bitch giving no fucks in the world about settling down until her beauty privilege fucks off around the age of 30 aka “she’s hitting the wall.” Whilst she was fucking around in her twenties, the average immigrant woman has already had a couple of kids and they’re attending school now.
Damn you white ladies, for neglecting your duty to the white race and refusing to get married until you’re ugly crones in your (gasp) thirties!
And so, while white birthrates decline, European countries have opened their borders to not-white people who show up and eat not-white food and wear not-white clothes and make a lot of not-white babies. Mr. Man, who is apparently British, notes:
[A]n American friend came to London once and stated “IllimitableMan there are no fucking English people this looks like Pakistan” Yes, I did just throw anecdotal evidence in there, this is a blog – not a fucking thesis and I’m starting to taste prozac in my mouth after the incessantly negative tone this piece carries, of course many of you know as such that the pill can be a bitter bitch.
I felt compelled to look up the actual demographics of London, and found that roughly 60% of London’s population is white — which is what I assume Mr. Man’s friend meant by “English people” — and the vast majority of them are of British origin. Roughly 3 percent are Pakistani, another 3 percent are Bangladeshi, and not-quite 7 percent are Indian.
It’s kind of amazing the effect that bigotry can have on someone’s perception of reality, huh?
Like some other Red Pillers and white supremacists out there, Mr. Man looks to that beacon of hope and freedom in our world — Russia — for the possible salvation of the dying white race.
As usual, like with feminism, Russia seems to be one of the few countries making a stand against egalitarian bullshit and seeing the world for what it truly is, a ruthless and uncaring place, I guess being an inherently “red pill country” and opting to reject the babble of cacophonous radical leftist ideologies has had it benefits for the Ruski people.
The funny thing about Mr. Man’s rant is that many of the basic demographic trends he cites are, in fact, real. White birthrates have fallen, and as he points out, in the US more whites are dying than are being born — though somehow he’s missed the news that the birthrates of immigrants to the US have fallen even faster, with the birthrates of Mexican immigrants falling nearly 4 times faster than that of native-born Americans between 2007 and 2010.
Women have entered the workplace in larger numbers and are waiting longer to marry (as are men). Feminism has something to do with all these changes, but so do changes in birth control technology, in education and in the economy.
So what? The real problem with Mr. Man’s rants is that, for assorted racist and misogynistic reasons, he thinks all this is bad. Europe and the US are becoming more multicultural? Cool. That makes the world a more interesting place. Birth rates are falling, not only for whites but for other ethnic groups? Cool. This planet has already got more people than it can handle, and lower birth rates may be critical if we have any hope of staving off a total environmental collapse.
I’m always a bit perplexed by Red Pillers and pickup artists ranting about how women (whether white women or women in general) need to settle down and get married and start popping out babies because that’s their duty as women. It’s not like Red Pill dudes seem particularly interested in marrying these women and raising these babies with them.
Once again, it seems to come back to the issue of control: they’re angry at women for actually living independent existences in their twenties and — oh my gosh! — sometimes even their thirties or later, and “you’re betraying your race” (whether that race is the white “race” or the human race) is just a convenient excuse to bash women who are not so much “out of control” as out of their control.
I’m going to weigh in with my favourite insult. Cockjuggling douchecanoe. Asshat is just my most oft used because it covers such a wide variety of behaviours, and I tend to save cockjuggling douchecanoe for special occassions.
Anyway, a friend of mine found this, and it is completely awful.
Seriously, do not click on this unless you are feeling very safe. MRA fantasy rape (because even in their fantasies, the only way they can have sex is if a judge orders it for them).
I can’t get onto the artistry for misandry page which is where the original is from. I hope that means it is broken. Thought the dark lord might like to mock this.
Holy moly, can Kenny’s last comment include any more stereotypes and generalisations? I don’t think so.
And I’m still damn curious as to what Kenny’s job at this museum is…and which museum he works at…
@Aug…: Dude, try the reverse psychology on someone else. You don’t think I can clearly spot a country accent from an Australian? Are you an idiot? A Brit doesn’t sound like someone from Arkansas. A Russian speaking English doesn’t sound like a Carolinian.
but I work in a museum.
keeping the floors shiny, from the evidence
Oh and it’s Argenti, you can handle the two more letters.
We’ve also learned that white women aren’t made to bore babies. I guess Michelle Duggar must be a very entertaining parent.
Add “doesn’t understand what reverse psychology is” to the growing list.
You sure deal in stupid stereotypes, don’t you, Antisocial?
I’mma have to tell my friend he’s no longer allowed to call himself Italian-American because he’s too nice. His mom who was born in Italy will undoubtedly be shocked.
What does count as ‘white’ then, oh mighty pick-up ethnographer?
@Heather- I’m the lead curator at the museum. What’s your point?
Kenny probably does after-hours cleaning at some creationist museum. They don’t let him in during the day because he harasses women visitng.
Shaun – *looks at the image* WHUT
“Lead curator” oh yeah, that’s a real title, for sure.
Unless he means galena is all they’ll let him near.
@Kitt…: Doesn’t matter what I do there. The point is, someone commented that anthropologists do NOT use the term mongoloid to refer to Asians. So even if I were a museum security or cleaner, you don’t think I can simply ask 1 of the archaeologists who is stationed there if they use the term? But I don’t need to ask them because I interact with them daily.
My says “I think he’s wrong” and suggests you ask some Italian immigrants what they call black people. My brother does’t care either way, which is his way of saying “go away”.
Kenny: Which museum? Where? What does the museum specialise in?
My point is that you are so far outside the mainstream (or at least behind the times) of anthropology and archaeology that I can’t really fathom a mainstream historical museum employing you as a curator.
Wtf, stop randomly shortening people’s names when three seconds of paying attention would tell you what we call each other.
Well it sure isn’t one of those government museums. Any information those would give must necessarily be compromised.
@Ignot- That’s like asking, why would the government cover up the true #’s on a specific matter in the country. It’s to prevent anarchy. Are you that dumb?
Telling the white populace that they’re the minority, you don’t think that would inspire some paranoid nut-jobs to try to take over the government or incite home-grown terrorism?
If whites were to be told by the government and the media that they’ll be extinct in 100 years, what would prevent mass killing of Mexicans and blacks by those dissatisfied and paranoid whites?
So think before you comment.
The government will never tell us the truth.
And again,back to the term mongoloid: No archaeologists refer to Asians collectively as anything…because the concept of a single Asian race is just way outdated. Mind, my own speciality was the Levant, so perhaps some archaeologists do still use the term “mongoloid” in some way. But I doubt it, because all the -oid terminology is highly controversial and reminsicent of when anthropology was plagued with racism and colonialism.
Kenny, you’re a lying piece of shit, so we’re not going to take you at your word about anything. You’re so against data and science and statistics, and so ready to claim your very limited anecdotes as superior to them, yet you want us to believe you get all this info from academics at a museum? Bullshit.
What’s your job, that you have time to be wandering around pestering people about your pet theories? If you were a “lead curator” or anything of the sort, you wouldn’t have time to waste on that sort of thing.
Do you try this name-shortening trick on people you’ve just met AFK? Is it an attempt to irritate? That sounds like the sort of halfwitted thing a PUA would try. They never seem to grasp that fleas are irritating, but that doesn’t make humans want to fuck them.
Fuck, you are laughably stupid. The goverment of the US is white dominated, and is already too much in the power of right-wing racists. They’re called the Republicans.
Kenny is boring, and I’ve been on a serial killer documentary binge, have fun with the idiot. (Hey Kitteh, my current one is an Aussie — Peter Dupas)
well, very large theatre companies have “lead curators” of their prop & costume storage facilities….
Obviously there aren’t paranoid people already calling out for “2nd Amendment solutions” to resolve the “there’s a black person in da WHITE House” problem!