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Red Piller: Unless white women start "sh*tting out" more babies, western civilization is doomed

A shipment of white babies.
A shipment of white babies.

So one of the regulars on Reddit’s The Red Pill subreddit — the “TRP Endorsed” contributor who calls himself IllimitableMan — has worked himself into a lather about the coming Whitepocalypse. You know, the impending collapse of civilization that Mr. Man and assorted other racist asshats  fear will come about as a result of white women refusing to pop out the required number of white babies to keep it alive. Sorry, due to white women refusing to “shit out” the required number of white babies. (Mr. Man is quite the defender of family values.)

It pretty much goes without saying that IllimitableMan blames feminism for it all. In fact, over the course of his rambling, repetitive, and rage-fuelled 2,000 word rant he manages to blame feminism for the impending death of the white race roughly half a dozen different times.

Here’s perhaps the most coherent statement of his thesis:

Feminism has infected western civilization, which means by merit of these societies being predominantly white Caucasian, has harmed this ethnicity the most on a global level, reducing its birth rates the most significantly and affecting its various European and anglo speaking cultures the most adversely. …

What we can conclude is that castrating men by raising them to be effeminate whilst simultaneously allowing women too much freedom and self-determination and polluting said women to view men as adversaries leads to a drop in the birth-rate so deep that a society becomes unsustainable, leading to its inevitable collapse.

So why are white women less interested in popping out babies these days? Blame that Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel.

A fundamental criticism of feminism is it taught women to take on masculine traits, to provide, to work hard, it demonised the sanctity of motherhood, it taught women to value career and the self (an overlap with individualism there) over motherhood and family, 21-year-old White Caucasian girls no longer give any fucks about being a mother and a wife like they did in the 50′s and 60′s, no now they’re thinking about jumping on as much cock as possible, getting a degree, going on holidays … and generally fulfilling the sexual and materialistic elements of their hypergamy. Family and reproduction takes a back-seat.

Ah, good old “hypergamy.” I would just like to take a moment to point out that the word hypergamy actually means “the action of marrying a person of a superior caste or class.” Red Pillers and Men’s Rights Activists have so distorted the basic concept that Mr. Man here can use it to mean “fucking lots of dudes who aren’t me, providing for themselves and NOT getting married to anyone” without blinking an eye.

Mr. Man continues:

Society facilitates this as any imposition of responsibility or standards placed on a woman is rationalised away as simple “oppression” some psychological misogyny cards are played and voila, Miss Jane average can diffuse all her responsibilities and continue to live as a completely obnoxious and self-entitled bitch giving no fucks in the world about settling down until her beauty privilege fucks off around the age of 30 aka “she’s hitting the wall.” Whilst she was fucking around in her twenties, the average immigrant woman has already had a couple of kids and they’re attending school now.

Damn you white ladies, for neglecting your duty to the white race and refusing to get married until you’re ugly crones in your (gasp) thirties!

And so, while white birthrates decline, European countries have opened their borders to not-white people who show up and eat not-white food and wear not-white clothes and make a lot of not-white babies. Mr. Man, who is apparently British, notes:

[A]n American friend came to London once and stated “IllimitableMan there are no fucking English people this looks like Pakistan” Yes, I did just throw anecdotal evidence in there, this is a blog – not a fucking thesis and I’m starting to taste prozac in my mouth after the incessantly negative tone this piece carries, of course many of you know as such that the pill can be a bitter bitch.

I felt compelled to look up the actual demographics of London, and found that roughly 60% of London’s population is white — which is what I assume Mr. Man’s friend meant by “English people” — and the vast majority of them are of British origin. Roughly 3 percent are Pakistani, another 3 percent are Bangladeshi, and not-quite 7 percent are Indian.

It’s kind of amazing the effect that bigotry can have on someone’s perception of reality, huh?

Like some other Red Pillers and white supremacists out there, Mr. Man looks to that beacon of hope and freedom in our world — Russia — for the possible salvation of the dying white race.

As usual, like with feminism, Russia seems to be one of the few countries making a stand against egalitarian bullshit and seeing the world for what it truly is, a ruthless and uncaring place, I guess being an inherently “red pill country” and opting to reject the babble of cacophonous radical leftist ideologies has had it benefits for the Ruski people.

The funny thing about Mr. Man’s rant is that many of the basic demographic trends he cites are, in fact, real. White birthrates have fallen, and as he points out, in the US more whites are dying than are being born — though somehow he’s missed the news that the birthrates of immigrants to the US have fallen even faster, with the birthrates of Mexican immigrants falling nearly 4 times faster than that of native-born Americans between 2007 and 2010.

Women have entered the workplace in larger numbers and are waiting longer to marry (as are men). Feminism has something to do with all these changes, but so do changes in birth control technology, in education and in the economy.

So what? The real problem with Mr. Man’s rants is that, for assorted racist and misogynistic reasons, he thinks all this is bad. Europe and the US are becoming more multicultural? Cool. That makes the world a more interesting place. Birth rates are falling, not only for whites but for other ethnic groups? Cool. This planet has already got more people than it can handle, and lower birth rates may be critical if we have any hope of staving off a total environmental collapse.

I’m always a bit perplexed by Red Pillers and pickup artists ranting about how women (whether white women or women in general) need to settle down and get married and start popping out babies because that’s their duty as women. It’s not like Red Pill dudes seem particularly interested in marrying these women and raising these babies with them.

Once again, it seems to come back to the issue of control: they’re angry at women for actually living independent existences in their twenties and — oh my gosh! — sometimes even their thirties or later, and “you’re betraying your race” (whether that race is the white “race” or the human race) is just a convenient excuse to bash women who are not so much “out of control” as out of their control.

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Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

ceebarks – Yes. Irrational isn’t the same as crazy. Crazy is used to define people who are mentally ill/disabled. In contrast, everyone can be irrational, and does not hold the same connotations.

11 years ago

apologies for my language use. ass hattery is a better term for red pill ramblings.

11 years ago

Tulgey –

I’m starting to believe that these Roosh/Heartiste types are literally just people whose fetish is hegemony. As in, they don’t really give a shit about putting their toxic, racist values into practice—as in pulling their sleeves up and doing the actual patriarchal marrying and white baby raising—but they sure do seem to get off on thinking about it a lot. Their blogs strike me as an extended domination role playing fantasy in which they imagine they are the dethroned kings of the earth who will be returned to power in due course, despite their real-life unremarkable or downright criminal personalities and modest social status. Between these dudes and the actual history of whiteness, I’m not seeing a very good case for preserving it in any social or demographic sense.

And yes, I’m totally kink-shaming these dudes.


titianblue – gah, it’s been ableism for, what, the last couple of weeks? Certainly we seem to be having to say this Over and Over Again* lately. I’m not even personally affected by this and I’m so fucking tired of it.

*this is me trying not to do the all-caps thing

11 years ago

Cheers, Nitram, Feintone.

11 years ago

There are more white people on the planet now than at any time in the past but for these d00dz that does not help because white peeps are still a minority race on the planet and eventually will become a minority race in every country on the planet and OMG!!! The white supremacists and freaking the eff out cuz somebody did the math for them.

11 years ago

Check out the comments by MarkarthAlchemist on TRP. I’m on my tablet, so can’t copy/paste. Vague threats about race-mixing.

As CassandraSays, different forms of bigotry cluster together.

11 years ago

I, on the other hand, am kinda freaked out at the idea that women being a productive member of society is teh evol unless we are producing human resources.

11 years ago

I’m fascinated by the “red-piller” obsession with women’s so-called “responsibility. They’re always talking about how women should “take responsibility” but they hve very curious definition of what “responsibility” actually is.

I had been under the impression it was to not to have sex at all but now it seems now that it is to “shit out” babies and be a stay-at-home mum, if you’re a white vagina-owner.

Is confused.

11 years ago

Weird, the time I went to London – I kept coming across white individuals, like, all the time.

It reminds me of how, in LA, many white individuals will dread how many Latinos there are in the area (as well as blame them for the region’s various ills) while never noticing how they often surrounded by similar individuals. I lived in a particularly conservative and religious part of the county – much to my chagrin – and it was amazing how many Christians whined of supposed oppression by non-Christians…in a town that was almost entirely Christian, with a church at just about every corner.

I suppose it is easier to complain of imaginary problems when you take all your privilege for granted…

11 years ago

back on topic, I think the main reason a lot of these redpillers would never want to have children is that it would require caring about the needs of another person than themselves, and they can’t have that.

11 years ago

Other useful (and funner) words and phrases (besides crazy) for MRAs

Wanking piece of shit
Mucous filled polyp on the anus of humanity.

Also, hey everyone 🙂

I’m writing your email now Kitteh. Love ya. 🙂

11 years ago

ceebarks – Yes. Irrational isn’t the same as crazy. Crazy is used to define people who are mentally ill/disabled. In contrast, everyone can be irrational, and does not hold the same connotations.

Even “irrationality” gets used in pretty stupid ways, though it’s nothing like the shit handed out with “crazy” and the other ableist stuff. Too many people equate irrationality with mental illness anyway, or even with simple emotions, and like to pretend they’re Totes Rational. Except, like you said, nobody is, and nobody can function without those irrational emotions. It’s the hate and desire to hurt and control that’s the real problem with MRAs &co. Yes, the irrationality of their beliefs make them easy to pull to bits, but they’re emotionally invested in them and aren’t going to respond to argument (as we know too well from our trolls!) when it comes down to visceral hatred of women for not being their property anymore.

11 years ago

Ophelia! Wheeee! Great to see you online again!

11 years ago

They did a study about how people view crowds. Thirty percent women was viewed as mostly women. I suppose the same is true of race and class markers. In the case of the creepy d00dz friend Pakistan has only seven percent Pakistani people and the rest are white. Nope!

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

saintnick86 – I know right?

Did anyone else see that Fox + Friends segment about how terrible it is to have a Festivus pole in Florida? I about needed to buy more eyeballs from Costco when someone said that it would be so hard to drive around looking at Nativity scenes with children and having to say “and there’s the baby Jesus hiding behind the Festivus pole”.

Yeah, please tell me how oppressive it is for Christians when part of a Christian Nativity scene is obscured by a Festivus pole when Nativity scenes are all around the country and atheists are considered to be born of the devil and immoral.

I think I’m going to lose my eyeballs again.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

To expound on titianblue’s yes, dangerously illogical isn’t used to shame the mentally ill. Versus shit like “yeah well, you’re crazy”, “are you properly medicated?”, “insane people shouldn’t…” (which isn’t touching on how institutionalized people are, and were, [mis]treated)

Dangerously irrational is a statement of fact, not an insult, or rather, not an insult used to disparage a particular group, feel free to call them assholes!

11 years ago

They did a study about how people view crowds. Thirty percent women was viewed as mostly women. I suppose the same is true of race and class markers.

I’ve noticed that in myself. I’ll be on a train or tram and count how many people of various backgrounds are there, and often my first impressions will have been wrong.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

kittehserf – True, you’re right. But in either case irrational still doesn’t hold the same connotations as “crazy” (among other really ableist things).

Of course, you can also call them utter wankers, which is both ableist free AND true!

11 years ago

Argenti – dangeously irrational is a really good distinction, imo.

11 years ago

You can also call them “creeps”, mostly because it seems to enrage MRA’s for some reason.

11 years ago

Alice – absolutely, I mightn’t have emphasised that enough (crazy vs irrational).

Utter wankers is The Truth with these losers. 🙂

… There’s a street near my place called Ernst Wanke Road. I revert to twelve and get the giggles every time I see it.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
11 years ago

These white genocide idiots don’t bother to actually understand even the most basic facts about demographics before they spin their ass-theories.

Get this through you thick skulls you racist chodelickers*:

Fertility is inversely correlated with per-capita GDP.

People have less babies when they have more money. That’s it. That’s all that’s going on. Europe and America have lower fertility rates because we have a higher standard of living. As Dave noted, this is why immigrants’ fertility rates rapidly drop off.

Macroeconomic research bears out this picture. Fertility starts to drop at an annual income per person of $1,000-2,000 and falls until it hits the replacement level at an income per head of $4,000-10,000 a year (see chart 2). This roughly tracks the passage from poverty to middle-income status and from an agrarian society to a modern one.

You can see this same trend in countries that don’t have any sort of major feminist presence. Iran, for instance:

When the clerical regime took over in 1979, the mullahs, apparently believing their flock should go forth and multiply, abolished the country’s family-planning system. Fertility rose, reaching seven in 1984. Yet by the 2006 census the average fertility rate had fallen to a mere 1.9, and just 1.5 in Tehran. From fertility that is almost as high as one can get to below replacement level in 22 years: social change can hardly happen faster.

White people aren’t going anywhere. As the Economist article notes, fertility is falling across the world as developing nations become more prosperous.

The real problem with demographic collapse is that there’s not enough workers to pay for the people in retirement. Look at Japan, for instance. Immigration (most immigrants are young, productive workers) is one way to solve this, and is the main reason that the US doesn’t have Japan’s problems. If you’d rather be unable to retire, rather than have brown people paying for your social security… well, you’re fucking dumb.

Sorry for the rant.
*No offense to anyone who likes to lick chodes, that’s your choice and is totally cool.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

MordsithJ – *gasp!* You dare call them creeps??? CREEP SHAMERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!11!

11 years ago

MordsithJ – LOL yes, nothin’ gets them frothraging like being creep-shamed. MISANDRY!

11 years ago
