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Red Piller: Unless white women start "sh*tting out" more babies, western civilization is doomed

A shipment of white babies.
A shipment of white babies.

So one of the regulars on Reddit’s The Red Pill subreddit — the “TRP Endorsed” contributor who calls himself IllimitableMan — has worked himself into a lather about the coming Whitepocalypse. You know, the impending collapse of civilization that Mr. Man and assorted other racist asshats  fear will come about as a result of white women refusing to pop out the required number of white babies to keep it alive. Sorry, due to white women refusing to “shit out” the required number of white babies. (Mr. Man is quite the defender of family values.)

It pretty much goes without saying that IllimitableMan blames feminism for it all. In fact, over the course of his rambling, repetitive, and rage-fuelled 2,000 word rant he manages to blame feminism for the impending death of the white race roughly half a dozen different times.

Here’s perhaps the most coherent statement of his thesis:

Feminism has infected western civilization, which means by merit of these societies being predominantly white Caucasian, has harmed this ethnicity the most on a global level, reducing its birth rates the most significantly and affecting its various European and anglo speaking cultures the most adversely. …

What we can conclude is that castrating men by raising them to be effeminate whilst simultaneously allowing women too much freedom and self-determination and polluting said women to view men as adversaries leads to a drop in the birth-rate so deep that a society becomes unsustainable, leading to its inevitable collapse.

So why are white women less interested in popping out babies these days? Blame that Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel.

A fundamental criticism of feminism is it taught women to take on masculine traits, to provide, to work hard, it demonised the sanctity of motherhood, it taught women to value career and the self (an overlap with individualism there) over motherhood and family, 21-year-old White Caucasian girls no longer give any fucks about being a mother and a wife like they did in the 50′s and 60′s, no now they’re thinking about jumping on as much cock as possible, getting a degree, going on holidays … and generally fulfilling the sexual and materialistic elements of their hypergamy. Family and reproduction takes a back-seat.

Ah, good old “hypergamy.” I would just like to take a moment to point out that the word hypergamy actually means “the action of marrying a person of a superior caste or class.” Red Pillers and Men’s Rights Activists have so distorted the basic concept that Mr. Man here can use it to mean “fucking lots of dudes who aren’t me, providing for themselves and NOT getting married to anyone” without blinking an eye.

Mr. Man continues:

Society facilitates this as any imposition of responsibility or standards placed on a woman is rationalised away as simple “oppression” some psychological misogyny cards are played and voila, Miss Jane average can diffuse all her responsibilities and continue to live as a completely obnoxious and self-entitled bitch giving no fucks in the world about settling down until her beauty privilege fucks off around the age of 30 aka “she’s hitting the wall.” Whilst she was fucking around in her twenties, the average immigrant woman has already had a couple of kids and they’re attending school now.

Damn you white ladies, for neglecting your duty to the white race and refusing to get married until you’re ugly crones in your (gasp) thirties!

And so, while white birthrates decline, European countries have opened their borders to not-white people who show up and eat not-white food and wear not-white clothes and make a lot of not-white babies. Mr. Man, who is apparently British, notes:

[A]n American friend came to London once and stated “IllimitableMan there are no fucking English people this looks like Pakistan” Yes, I did just throw anecdotal evidence in there, this is a blog – not a fucking thesis and I’m starting to taste prozac in my mouth after the incessantly negative tone this piece carries, of course many of you know as such that the pill can be a bitter bitch.

I felt compelled to look up the actual demographics of London, and found that roughly 60% of London’s population is white — which is what I assume Mr. Man’s friend meant by “English people” — and the vast majority of them are of British origin. Roughly 3 percent are Pakistani, another 3 percent are Bangladeshi, and not-quite 7 percent are Indian.

It’s kind of amazing the effect that bigotry can have on someone’s perception of reality, huh?

Like some other Red Pillers and white supremacists out there, Mr. Man looks to that beacon of hope and freedom in our world — Russia — for the possible salvation of the dying white race.

As usual, like with feminism, Russia seems to be one of the few countries making a stand against egalitarian bullshit and seeing the world for what it truly is, a ruthless and uncaring place, I guess being an inherently “red pill country” and opting to reject the babble of cacophonous radical leftist ideologies has had it benefits for the Ruski people.

The funny thing about Mr. Man’s rant is that many of the basic demographic trends he cites are, in fact, real. White birthrates have fallen, and as he points out, in the US more whites are dying than are being born — though somehow he’s missed the news that the birthrates of immigrants to the US have fallen even faster, with the birthrates of Mexican immigrants falling nearly 4 times faster than that of native-born Americans between 2007 and 2010.

Women have entered the workplace in larger numbers and are waiting longer to marry (as are men). Feminism has something to do with all these changes, but so do changes in birth control technology, in education and in the economy.

So what? The real problem with Mr. Man’s rants is that, for assorted racist and misogynistic reasons, he thinks all this is bad. Europe and the US are becoming more multicultural? Cool. That makes the world a more interesting place. Birth rates are falling, not only for whites but for other ethnic groups? Cool. This planet has already got more people than it can handle, and lower birth rates may be critical if we have any hope of staving off a total environmental collapse.

I’m always a bit perplexed by Red Pillers and pickup artists ranting about how women (whether white women or women in general) need to settle down and get married and start popping out babies because that’s their duty as women. It’s not like Red Pill dudes seem particularly interested in marrying these women and raising these babies with them.

Once again, it seems to come back to the issue of control: they’re angry at women for actually living independent existences in their twenties and — oh my gosh! — sometimes even their thirties or later, and “you’re betraying your race” (whether that race is the white “race” or the human race) is just a convenient excuse to bash women who are not so much “out of control” as out of their control.

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11 years ago

Here’s the demographic breakdown of the city I live in:


Black or African American–23.1%

Hispanic or Latino–43.8%



(Note:Note: Asian* includes American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander populations.)

There are not, never have been, and never will be “mass killing of Mexicans and blacks by those dissatisfied and paranoid whites” in Houston. Nor are any other race riots in our future, for that matter. I think the paranoid one is you, Kenster.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

kittehs – EWWW, so we’re being negged? *SHUDDER*

11 years ago

@Heather- You want specific details of the museum that I work. Oh really? Do you want the address and directions also?

11 years ago

Hi, Italian/Sicilian weighing in here.

This is funny stuff, really:

“You raised a good point because lots of Italians do NOT consider themselves to be white, and you know that, and the average American knows that.”

Where do you get this stuff? It’s a funny bit, don’t get me wrong, but errr, geeze. Maybe you meant Italians don’t consider themselves WASPS? **awkward cough**

“You cannot call a New York Italian white or he will fuck you up! They prefer to be called black if anything, but Italian Americans, the ones on the East Coast primarily, do NOT consider themselves white.”

You made this up.Seriously, this is not an actual thing.

“Also, to take it a step further, lots of Italians have African/black blood, which is why Sicilians are the color they are.”

What color are they to you, Kenny? Have you ever seen one? According to Estee Lauder, my complexion is Deset Beige…not that it means fuck all…

“You know this and history proves it with the Hanibal invasion of Italy. So a great # of Italians have black in them.”

You’re oversimplifying the hell out of the history, but wait, what was the fucking point again?

11 years ago

Argenti – gah, Peter Dupas. That’s an utterly repulsive oxygen thief.

11 years ago

@Kitte..: Lol you are so ridiculous. Working at a museum should inhibit me from picking up women on times where I’m not working?


So a Pick-Up Artist cannot work in a museum lol?

This is surely loony-toon time with you guys.

11 years ago

Oh, Kenny…don’t pretend to be afraid I’m trying to doxx you. I’m really not. I’m quite against doxxing of anyone. It’s just that, considering you are using your job at a museum as a supposed position of authority…as “proof” you know what you’re talking about…I’d like to know which museum. Also, as I said, you are so far outside the mainstream of anthropology as to make your employment as a museum’s curator rather questionable.

So…if you don’t want to provide your place of employment, then maybe just provide some info about it…like…is it a large museum? A small one? A sort of general museum of history, or does it specialise in a specific region/time period? Is it more art-oriented, a la the Met, or is it more natural history oriented?

this one is between perspectives
this one is between perspectives
11 years ago

actually the term for Italians is “White Ethnics” same with Jews, Portuguese, Irish, Spanish and Ukranian (as well as most ‘eastern Europeans’. It’s a slightly out dated term that isn’t without it’s own set of problem but I think it’s a term that really exemplifies the internal race hierarchy even within the category of white/Caucasian people.

I can’t speak for all Italians obviously but the ones I know get upset if you say they arn’t white…..same with all the Portuguese(Brazilian), Irish, Spanish and eastern European people I know.

11 years ago

This is surely loony-toon time with you guys.

Oh Goody!!! More ableism! (sarcasm)

11 years ago

kenny, it should inhibit you from spouting assfax, which is why we don’t believe you actually work at a museum.

11 years ago
Reply to  HeatherN

@Heather- I specifically mentioned that it’s a historical museum. And please, try to insult the intelligence of 1 of the other commenters because I’m way about it. I’m fluent in Spanish, standard and slang, fluent in Arabic (fusha/modern and classical), also Levantine dialect of Arabic of Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon. So I’m a worldly guy and not 1 of these clowns you can play the phonetic stuff on

11 years ago

Oh you ridiculous thing. That was an elegant shifting of goal posts there. I might not have noticed if not for the fact that I am actually capable of remembering things I read a whole thirty minutes ago.

First off, it’s Ignotus. Is it really that difficult to type two more letters.

On a national level, there have been multiple studies indicating that the percentage of whites will decrease! Here is a ~government~ site which indicates that by 2060 whites will no longer be a majority. Incredibly this has not caused mass race wars.

Now, you initially started this conversation by talking only about NYC! What purpose would any section of the government have to cover up the racial makeup of that city? Maybe I’m biased coming from an area where the two major cities actually do have a majority black population, but I really just don’t get why they would go to so much trouble. Do you seriously think that people would riot and begin massive campaigns of genocide because NYC isn’t like they saw it in the movies?

Now, where I’m from definitely has its own problems related to race. But the existence of a black majority doesn’t suddenly turn white folks into murderers. Nor do most people seriously give a shit about oh noes not enough white babies.

11 years ago

history of what?

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

“I totally speak all of these languages! Ladies, suck it and WEEP!”

And we’re supposed to be impressed?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Maybe you meant Italians don’t consider themselves WASPS? **awkward cough**”

Hey now, plenty are Catholic!

Kitteh — so far that does seem to be the case!

11 years ago

**giggle-snort** Agreed, Argenti.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh…that’s exactly what you meant, whoops! (Well, that and the AS part of that, which really should’ve given away the snark…)

11 years ago

@This one is..:I specifically said Italian American. You cannot call an Italian in NYC or in New Jersey a white person! You obviously don’t live and have never lived in NYC, or you’re blatantly lying.

I was raised in and live in the Bronx, not far from Little Italy off East Tremont and Fordham road. So I have personal experience in dealing with American Italians.

Italian Americans do NOT consider themselves white. If they’re filling out applications and so forth; they will have to select white as race if that is requires, but an Italian American will never tell you that he calls or classifies him or herself as a white person. They will tell you straight up; “I’m not white”!

So IDK where you so-called Italians are getting your info.

11 years ago

As a well known and respected nuclear physicist who is presently single handedly running the large hadron collider at CERN, I here by declare any assfact I choose to pull out of my superior derrière as undeniably true.

Tru fax, yah boo sucks to you!

11 years ago

@takshak History of Shit from Soci’s Ass?

11 years ago
Reply to  takshak

@Taksh..: Oh I made that up because it’s so cool to work at a museum right? Fall back and hit your head on the pillow weirdo.

11 years ago

LOL Kenny doesn’t get that trying his pickup shit at work would get him in deep trouble. Colour me surprised. Because that, child, was my point: you as cleaner wouldn’t be allowed to work near the public, because you’re a sleazy little creeper.

Y’know something? I really did work at a museum (not the Museum of PUA Fail, either). We had one staff member who really did try pestering staff and public, and he was out on his arse in no time.

11 years ago

Fun factoid: In German, schwarz means black. That adjective can in turn be used to describe either a black person — or a person of any color skin, with black hair. By that token, Hitler was black.

Actually, given his DNA, he was at least partly the OTHER kind of black, too. (Also, ironically, Jewish.)

As is Craig Cobb, who does not have black hair. Or skin.

This concludes today’s mini-lesson in German and genetics.

PS to Kenny: Please stop smoking horseshit. It’s making you paranoid.

11 years ago

I feel like Kenny and Pell are sort of melting together.

11 years ago
Reply to  ignotussomnium

@Ignot- Since stopping random folks on the streets is creepy, it’s now so apparent why a guy like yourself (if you are a man) doesn’t get laid, and is probably a 50 year-old virgin living at home with mom. You’re a disgrace to mankind. Go get laid! In fact, I can give you lessons on the house 😉

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