a voice for men a woman is always to blame all about the menz antifeminism boner rage crackpottery creepy evil wives evil women excusing abuse imaginary oppression it's science! lazy women eating bon bons marital rape marriage strike men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability only men pay taxes apparently oppressed men patriarchy playing the victim precious bodily fluids rape rape culture shit that never happened taking pleasure in women's pain women's jobs aren't real your time will come

A Voice for Men doubles down: how dishwashers, TV dinners, and marital rape laws are rendering women obsolete. Also, the apocalypse.

Not the apology that Clint Carpentier is looking for.
Not the apology that Clint Carpentier is looking for.

We met new A Voice for Men writer Clint Carpentier earlier this week, when we took a look at a recent post of his waxing nostalgic about the good old days before marital rape laws, when wives couldn’t say “no” to their husbands and expect the law to take this no any more seriously than a husband intent on rape.

In a second posting, he’s doubled down on the whole marital rape thing and incorporated into a vast and fantastical vision of the past and future of humankind that bears so little resemblance to reality that it’s worth quoting in detail as a sort of case study in Men Going Their Own Way delusions.

Carpentier, clearly a Man Going His Own Way From Reality, begins with a brief and erroneous survey of human prehistory that he seems to have picked up at the University of His Own Ass:

The concept of marriage is relatively new to the human species, but was based on the ancient contract emotionally agreed upon by our primitive ancestors when they discovered that due to their big brains, their offspring were born less mature by necessity than other, less intelligent species; this contract promoted the exchange of three C’s (cooking, cleaning, and copulation) from the female, and three P’s from the male (protection, provision, and progeny).

So not only is Carpentier returning to his notion that compulsory copulation is proper wifely duty, but he apparently thinks that the prehistoric “wife” sat around the cave all day eating neolithic bon bons while her husband marched off to hunt mammoths for her — or perhaps commuted by foot-powered car to his job as a Brontosaurus crane operator at Slate Rock and Gravel Company.

In fact, the notion that male hunters were the main providers in prehistoric society seems to have been little more than a projection of the patriarchal attitudes of older generations of anthropologists onto the past. As best as we can figure it today, prehistoric women were involved not only in extensive gathering but in hunting as well, probably providing the bulk of the calories in the prehistoric diet.

To Carpentier, apparently, it’s all gone to hell since our days in the caves. Today, he laments, “the legal system has been unabashedly twisting the ancient contract into something that amounts to slavery” for men, while giving women more benefits, including the ability to say no to sex, which Carpentier, as in his previous post, describes as a terrible hardship for men:

The responsibilities for women have been eliminated by technology and gender politics, while at the same time their contract benefits have  increased. On the whole what was once her responsibility, to copulate, has become whim and weapon. With a legal system in place which has been designed for her to exploit and abuse, it is becoming increasingly difficult to trust women enough to even associate with, never mind marry.

Yep, we’re now coming to the “I’m taking my ball and going home” part of Carpentier’s rant, a necessary part of any MGTOW manifesto worth its salt.

What women didn’t realize was that the very things which made their lives easier – be they appliances or conveniently boxed pre-made meals at the grocery store – simultaneously reduced the necessity for women.

Let’s let that sink in for a moment: because of washing machines and TV dinners, half of the human population is becoming obsolete.

Women have inadvertently been reduced to gestational incubators; everything else, men can take care of on their own.

But Carpentier is convinced that SCIENCE will soon find a way to create what he calls a “gestational beer keg” to enable men to make a little end-run around that traditional (cis) womanly function. All men will need is their eggs, and well, that won’t be a problem:

[M]ake no mistake, women will sell their eggs, and they’ll do it willingly, just as they sell their bodies … And with the advent of Vasagel, a male fertility inhibitor, which is safe, reversible, and lasts roughly ten years per shot, women will lose the stranglehold of procreation over men.

So, wait, do men want to be able to gestate babies in beer kegs, or do they want to avoid having kids altogether? To Carpentier it hardly seems to matter, as his main goal seems to be to say “I told you so” to women.

At this point Carpentier puts on his futurist cap and sets forth what he sees as two possible futures for humanity.

The first, and most obvious answer – and one I so dearly hope for – is women wake up, grow up, and take responsibility for their own life choices. Women are not children, and husbands are not their dads. A radical paradigm shift will have to happen before men begin to have trust in the ancient contract again. A burgeoning respect for the sex that created and continues to maintain the civilization women so blithely enjoy would be nice. Men have been working on it for five thousand years specifically for women. A little recognition would be appreciated.


And then he says the first positive thing about women I’ve seen him say:

This isn’t about misogyny. This is about disillusionment; we love women, we love their flustered approach to parallel parking, we love it… lift something heavy, or get something high down, we love their sense of helplessness, even when we know they’re not.

That’s right: the only thing he likes about women is what he imagines to be their general incompetence and their possibly feigned “sense of helplessness.”

You know what I love about MGTOWers? Their endless troubles with the basics of grammar. Diagram that last “sentence” of his. I dare you!

In any case, in this scenario, the only way women will be able to get themselves back in the good graces of the men they have wronged by, I guess, not wanting to be raped by their husbands, is for them to admit they were wrong and ask gently for forgiveness:

Men might not be willing to accept the ancient contract back, but we have an amazing capacity to forgive a guilty smile, just meet us halfway, we can work this out.

If women don’t return to men, humbled and ashamed, Carpentier predicts a rather more dramatic future. That is to say: THE APOCALYPSE.

It will start slow, with stores refusing service to those who don’t have the mark of the beast tattooed on their foreheads.

Sorry, wrong apocalypse:

The second thing I can see happening is MGTOW’s becoming criminalized. And here’s how it will happen: it’ll start with a single’s tax, applicable only to men, specifically men who live underneath the tax bracket.

Yeah, this will happen shortly after Congress passes the Monkeys Flying Out of My Butt Revenue Enhancement Opportunity Act of 2014.

Oh, but the Revelations of Clint Carpentier are just getting started. After taxing all the single men, the evil gynocracy will go after their sperm:

If Vasagel can’t be quashed at the FDA level, it will become highly taxed, or just made outright illegal; it’s unlikely anyone with a criminal record, however slight, will be allowed to get a Vasagel injection, on the fear that the doctor may well lose his practicing license. You’ll watch as your fathers, uncles, brothers, friends, get picked up one by one, for what will boil down to not manning up and doing their duty as “men.”

Dude, NO ONE — not even your poor abused socks — WANTS YOUR PRECIOUS BODILY FLUIDS.

But in Carpentier’s mind the evil gyno-governmental conspiracy to steal men’s sperm and make them all into involuntary daddies will ultimately bring everything crashing down:

You’ll feel the first shocks, as the infrastructure fails to maintain itself under the strain of invisible workers who have been imprisoned. You’ll watch as convicts are forced into slave labor to sustain the infrastructure. You’ll feel the crunch as taxes increase, then increase again, because no government seems to understand that slaves and government workers cannot create GDP; without GDP, you have no tax base, without a tax base, you can’t maintain a government, and a large portion of women work for the government, whether directly or through welfare.

And then Carpentier pulls out his trump card:

And this is only if men are so kind as not to revolt.

Yep. It’s always the same old story with these guys: If you don’t listen up, ladies, the world you know will collapse, MEN will arise as one in fury at the women who destroyed the civilization they worked so hard to build, and a new MANLY MALE MANARCHY will put itself in charge.

And presumably the marital raping will begin in earnest again.

Once again, it all comes down to fury that women can say “no.”

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11 years ago

What really scares these guys, of course, is that what goes for the gander goes just as well for the goose, if not more so. Modern men don’t need women to provide “cooking, cleaning, and copulation” (but boy, will MRAs throw a tantrum if they don’t get ’em!), but neither do women need men for “protection, provision, and progeny.” We don’t need a husband to protect us if we have equal protection under the law. We don’t need anyone to drag home the mammoth if we’re free to earn our own salaries. And while gestational beer kegs remain firmly in the realm of strangely fratboy-centered science fiction, women can get knocked up without the help of a penis right now.

People today get married not as part of a socially-mandated transaction of scutwork for food, but because they, you know, like each other. And that terrifies guys like this.

11 years ago

Also, David has taken on Dalrock. Quite often:

He’s just as terrible as any of the others (they all kind of blend together in my mind, frankly.)

On the Obamacare thing:

The Republicans have been spinning the fact that insurers are no longer going to be able to charge men more than women, and have to cover uterus-care* as a “tax” on men–specifically, young men. Which, as several people (including Amanda Marcotte) have pointed out, is basically an attack on the idea of insurance at all–the point of insurance is it creates a “pool” where some people dip more deeply than others. For example, I get insurance through my work, I’ve definitely paid more (so far) than I’ve used, and therefore I’m evening out the cost, for example, my boss and his disabled wife. That’s what insurance is. You should count yourself lucky if you pay in more than you take out.

*Women also “have” to buy insurance that covers “penis- and prostate-care”, even those who don’t have penises and prostates, and yet nobody seems to give a fuck. I wonder why that is?

11 years ago

[M]ake no mistake, women will sell their eggs, and they’ll do it willingly, just as they sell their bodies … And with the advent of Vasagel, a male fertility inhibitor, which is safe, reversible, and lasts roughly ten years per shot, women will lose the stranglehold of procreation over men.

Will they? Will they REALLY? >snickers<

Obviously, this dude has no idea what’s entailed in egg donation. The list of side effects alone would deter me, if I were even contemplating it. Which I’m not. (And what’s with this “willingly selling our bodies” shit? That’s got me Nopetopus-ing out.)

Anyway, if you’re gonna talk about procreation as a “stranglehold”, you might want to start addressing all those doods who poke holes in condoms so their ladyfriends don’t leave them. Or the ones who keep throwing out their women’s Pills so she has no choice but to become their gestational beer keg, or whatever that thing is that they plan to replace us with in their future dystopia.

PS: May I ask how they plan to breast-feed these non-woman-gestated future offspring, BTW? And who’s gonna change all the poopy diapers?

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

“Maybe we can send them to live with the mole people? They’ve been incredibly good at secluding themselves so far, so the MGTOW could learn a thing or two for sure.”

I’ll stick to my plan of sending them to the Jellyfish Atlanteans in Ferdinandea.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

“Nawh, just make them work in mines. Then they can complain about it without having the security of their comfy computer chairs (do not get me started on Italian immigrant miners, I’m related to some, this assholes think the women sit around enjoying the fruits of their labor and ARGHHH I’M GETTING STARTED)”

I see you’ve encountered Trevor.

11 years ago

Man, how come all the fun trolls always show up when I’m gone? Because this:

Sunshine Mary (greatest female writer since Teresa of Avila)

is just too funny to be real. I mean that literally…I used to think PPT was genuine (he always sounded enough like the complementarian Christians I’ve had the misfortune of running across to be believable) but I think he kind of jumped the shark today.

It’s pretty aggravating that they make up fake reproductive rights scenarios that men would face when there are very real reproductive rights in jeopardy for women. I think it’d be awesome if there were more options for men’s contraceptives, then they’d have no excuse to continue talking about women stealing their bodily fluids *shudders*

I know. Really, this is another example of them preferring to fantasize about unrealistic scenarios or just whine on the internet rather than actually doing anything, since there actually is a problem* with pharmaceutical companies not wanting to put a lot of money into male contraceptives because they believe it wouldn’t be profitable. It seems like that could be an area ripe for activism (educating men about the possible options being developed, rallying the potential consumer base to show the companies it could be profitable, etc.) but no, instead they’re freaking out about feminists taking away a form of male contraceptive that isn’t even on the market yet. WTF, dudes.

*obviously one that’s not really comparable to the legislative attacks on women’s reproductive rights, but you know…

11 years ago

@ AK Yeah, I’d be on board with that kind of activism!

11 years ago

I have never–never heard a feminist say anything to indicate that they wouldn’t support some kind of long-term, reversible male birth control. I dare say for most of them (including me) that isn’t really a priority*, but if it came to pass, we’d think it was cool–and we’d even support it being covered co-payment free under health insurance.

*There’s always some… uncertainty when funding health breakthroughs, and I only have so much time and money. If I’m going to contribute to any research foundations, it would probably be Alzheimer’s (which is fairly gender-neutral in its victims). Now that I actually have money, I can start trying to figure out what charities I should support…

11 years ago

Because if there’s one thing the US government is well known for on every level, it’s passing laws restricting what men can do with their bodies.

11 years ago

@ wordsp1nner I’m not sure it needs to be funded by donations. If it was thought to be profitable they would do it. I think there’s an underlying assumption that men wouldn’t be interested in it.

11 years ago

Having to do chores in your own home and maybe share your wages with a spouse = slavery
Having to do someone else’s cooking and cleaning while not being able to refuse sex = not slavery.

The moderate wing of the MRM, folks!

The average Stoic Sophist of today
The average Stoic Sophist of today
11 years ago

The second thing I can see happening is MGTOW’s becoming criminalized. And here’s how it will happen…

First they came for the marital rapists, and I didn’t speak out because fuck them.

The End.

11 years ago


I was actually thinking about something I saw in the Red Pill subreddit the other day–a call to fund a primate study for a possible male contraceptive (it apparently got funded–I wonder if the Redpillers did something good for once in their lives?)

Also, lots of medical research–especially the early stages–is supported by non-profit foundations and government grants. *Grumbles about private companies making shitloads of money off intellectual property they didn’t fund all the way through.*

11 years ago

The corporate stranglehold on healthcare must cease. Fully socialized medicine NOW!

–what MGTOWs should say if they had any sense at all

11 years ago

“Men have been working on it for five thousand years specifically for women”

WAHAHAHAHAAAAAAROFL So many lulz…And that was only the beginning of this article. This one has given me so so so so so many laughs. Thank you Dave.

11 years ago

@wordsp1nner, yeah, I’ve never heard any feminists have a problem with increased male birth control options. Honestly, I’d love it if my husband could be on birth control instead of me, especially because if RISUG is all it is cracked up to be, it has far fewer side effects than hormonal birth control does.

The only remotely possible downside I can see to that kind of male birth control is politicians using it to further restrict female birth control, but let’s face it, they don’t need any kind of excuse or justification to do that so I don’t even think that’s particularly realistic. So really, there’s literally no downside to it that I can see, and a lot of potential benefit to both men and women. Why *would* feminists oppose that?

11 years ago

Having finished the OP, we’re refusing BC to criminals now? Someone remind me, when did the US stop sterilizing “undesirables”? (Hint, if you’re over 40, and those “undesirables” are Native American, the answer is “within your lifetime”)

Actually, if you’re over, um, 3…

So, women will TOTALLY give up their eggs if you pay them, even though it’s a horribly invasive, painful, expensive procedure? Of course, because men apparently won’t donate sperm unless you pay them. Due to the hideous, wretched extraction process, I’m sure.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

AK — there’s the non-hormonal IUD option if you and hormonal BC don’t mix, but I am not a medical profession of any sort and you weren’t asking advice, so feel free to ignore me!

Semi-relatedly, cuz I just got asked elsewhere, the current recommandation on pap smears is 3 years (unless your doctor says otherwise of course)

11 years ago

And whaddya know, it’s illegal in Canada for women to sell eggs. So, even if I wanted to, which I don’t…I wouldn’t be able to, unless I wanted to risk arrest, as well as illness and maybe death.

Yeahhhhh, I think I’ll pass.

11 years ago

@Argenti, no worries, I don’t mind the advice. 😀 Unfortunately, the copper IUD (Paragard, IIRC) isn’t really a good choice for me because I already have horrible awful cramps (like, I can barely stand upright for the first two days of my period–don’t worry MRAs, I’m self-employed so I plan for that one), and I’ve had several OBGYNs advise against it because it can make that worse. I’m actually not on any BC right now as my husband and I are more-or-less ready for kids, but prior to this I was on the Mirena IUD and that worked really well for me because of the low and localized hormone dose.

Still, once we have a kiddo and decide it’s time to stop procreating for awhile, it’s my husband’s turn to have people sticking uncomfortable things into his nether regions, thankyouverymuch. 😉

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ouch! That’s a good reason to avoid the copper ones then! Love the last line 🙂

11 years ago


take responsibility for their own life choices.

I love this. Aren’t women ALREADY taking responsibility for their life choices? They put down their boundaries, you don’t like them, so you don’t marry them. Easy!

we love their flustered approach to parallel parking… we love their sense of helplessness

Ew. If I want someone to enjoy my sense of helplessness, they tie me up first with consensual talk, as is good, right, and morally upright.

we have an amazing capacity to forgive a guilty smile, just meet us halfway, we can work this out.

Okay, this is actually extremely gross for me, because my rapist actually used almost the exact same language for that. Just… *shudder* I can’t find it funny, guys. This sort of shit was instrumental in my abuse. (“I wouldn’t have to rape you if you just didn’t say NO!”)

RE: Bina

Sterilize all the MGTOWs! It would be for the best. Really! The world is already too full of stupid people as it is.

Um, seeing as how the mentally disabled have been involuntarily sterilized for THIS PRECISE REASON… let’s not, Bina, okay?

RE: genderneutrallanguage

I know several men that would marry me for tax breaks.

Lolz. Sure you do, sweetheart.

Diana Adams
Diana Adams
11 years ago

What I also find absolutely hilarious is that those guys obviously think that someone is out there to steal their sperm.

11 years ago

Shit, LBT and Marie, I’m sorry. That was the wrong thing to say. I should have just written that no one will miss these guys’ genes if they take themselves out of the pool. Live and learn…

11 years ago

Pro patria uh, truth teller? Pro patria something or other (typical that I remember the Latin huh?)

Pro Patria Truthiness!

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