a voice for men a woman is always to blame all about the menz antifeminism boner rage crackpottery creepy evil wives evil women excusing abuse imaginary oppression it's science! lazy women eating bon bons marital rape marriage strike men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability only men pay taxes apparently oppressed men patriarchy playing the victim precious bodily fluids rape rape culture shit that never happened taking pleasure in women's pain women's jobs aren't real your time will come

A Voice for Men doubles down: how dishwashers, TV dinners, and marital rape laws are rendering women obsolete. Also, the apocalypse.

Not the apology that Clint Carpentier is looking for.
Not the apology that Clint Carpentier is looking for.

We met new A Voice for Men writer Clint Carpentier earlier this week, when we took a look at a recent post of his waxing nostalgic about the good old days before marital rape laws, when wives couldn’t say “no” to their husbands and expect the law to take this no any more seriously than a husband intent on rape.

In a second posting, he’s doubled down on the whole marital rape thing and incorporated into a vast and fantastical vision of the past and future of humankind that bears so little resemblance to reality that it’s worth quoting in detail as a sort of case study in Men Going Their Own Way delusions.

Carpentier, clearly a Man Going His Own Way From Reality, begins with a brief and erroneous survey of human prehistory that he seems to have picked up at the University of His Own Ass:

The concept of marriage is relatively new to the human species, but was based on the ancient contract emotionally agreed upon by our primitive ancestors when they discovered that due to their big brains, their offspring were born less mature by necessity than other, less intelligent species; this contract promoted the exchange of three C’s (cooking, cleaning, and copulation) from the female, and three P’s from the male (protection, provision, and progeny).

So not only is Carpentier returning to his notion that compulsory copulation is proper wifely duty, but he apparently thinks that the prehistoric “wife” sat around the cave all day eating neolithic bon bons while her husband marched off to hunt mammoths for her — or perhaps commuted by foot-powered car to his job as a Brontosaurus crane operator at Slate Rock and Gravel Company.

In fact, the notion that male hunters were the main providers in prehistoric society seems to have been little more than a projection of the patriarchal attitudes of older generations of anthropologists onto the past. As best as we can figure it today, prehistoric women were involved not only in extensive gathering but in hunting as well, probably providing the bulk of the calories in the prehistoric diet.

To Carpentier, apparently, it’s all gone to hell since our days in the caves. Today, he laments, “the legal system has been unabashedly twisting the ancient contract into something that amounts to slavery” for men, while giving women more benefits, including the ability to say no to sex, which Carpentier, as in his previous post, describes as a terrible hardship for men:

The responsibilities for women have been eliminated by technology and gender politics, while at the same time their contract benefits have  increased. On the whole what was once her responsibility, to copulate, has become whim and weapon. With a legal system in place which has been designed for her to exploit and abuse, it is becoming increasingly difficult to trust women enough to even associate with, never mind marry.

Yep, we’re now coming to the “I’m taking my ball and going home” part of Carpentier’s rant, a necessary part of any MGTOW manifesto worth its salt.

What women didn’t realize was that the very things which made their lives easier – be they appliances or conveniently boxed pre-made meals at the grocery store – simultaneously reduced the necessity for women.

Let’s let that sink in for a moment: because of washing machines and TV dinners, half of the human population is becoming obsolete.

Women have inadvertently been reduced to gestational incubators; everything else, men can take care of on their own.

But Carpentier is convinced that SCIENCE will soon find a way to create what he calls a “gestational beer keg” to enable men to make a little end-run around that traditional (cis) womanly function. All men will need is their eggs, and well, that won’t be a problem:

[M]ake no mistake, women will sell their eggs, and they’ll do it willingly, just as they sell their bodies … And with the advent of Vasagel, a male fertility inhibitor, which is safe, reversible, and lasts roughly ten years per shot, women will lose the stranglehold of procreation over men.

So, wait, do men want to be able to gestate babies in beer kegs, or do they want to avoid having kids altogether? To Carpentier it hardly seems to matter, as his main goal seems to be to say “I told you so” to women.

At this point Carpentier puts on his futurist cap and sets forth what he sees as two possible futures for humanity.

The first, and most obvious answer – and one I so dearly hope for – is women wake up, grow up, and take responsibility for their own life choices. Women are not children, and husbands are not their dads. A radical paradigm shift will have to happen before men begin to have trust in the ancient contract again. A burgeoning respect for the sex that created and continues to maintain the civilization women so blithely enjoy would be nice. Men have been working on it for five thousand years specifically for women. A little recognition would be appreciated.


And then he says the first positive thing about women I’ve seen him say:

This isn’t about misogyny. This is about disillusionment; we love women, we love their flustered approach to parallel parking, we love it… lift something heavy, or get something high down, we love their sense of helplessness, even when we know they’re not.

That’s right: the only thing he likes about women is what he imagines to be their general incompetence and their possibly feigned “sense of helplessness.”

You know what I love about MGTOWers? Their endless troubles with the basics of grammar. Diagram that last “sentence” of his. I dare you!

In any case, in this scenario, the only way women will be able to get themselves back in the good graces of the men they have wronged by, I guess, not wanting to be raped by their husbands, is for them to admit they were wrong and ask gently for forgiveness:

Men might not be willing to accept the ancient contract back, but we have an amazing capacity to forgive a guilty smile, just meet us halfway, we can work this out.

If women don’t return to men, humbled and ashamed, Carpentier predicts a rather more dramatic future. That is to say: THE APOCALYPSE.

It will start slow, with stores refusing service to those who don’t have the mark of the beast tattooed on their foreheads.

Sorry, wrong apocalypse:

The second thing I can see happening is MGTOW’s becoming criminalized. And here’s how it will happen: it’ll start with a single’s tax, applicable only to men, specifically men who live underneath the tax bracket.

Yeah, this will happen shortly after Congress passes the Monkeys Flying Out of My Butt Revenue Enhancement Opportunity Act of 2014.

Oh, but the Revelations of Clint Carpentier are just getting started. After taxing all the single men, the evil gynocracy will go after their sperm:

If Vasagel can’t be quashed at the FDA level, it will become highly taxed, or just made outright illegal; it’s unlikely anyone with a criminal record, however slight, will be allowed to get a Vasagel injection, on the fear that the doctor may well lose his practicing license. You’ll watch as your fathers, uncles, brothers, friends, get picked up one by one, for what will boil down to not manning up and doing their duty as “men.”

Dude, NO ONE — not even your poor abused socks — WANTS YOUR PRECIOUS BODILY FLUIDS.

But in Carpentier’s mind the evil gyno-governmental conspiracy to steal men’s sperm and make them all into involuntary daddies will ultimately bring everything crashing down:

You’ll feel the first shocks, as the infrastructure fails to maintain itself under the strain of invisible workers who have been imprisoned. You’ll watch as convicts are forced into slave labor to sustain the infrastructure. You’ll feel the crunch as taxes increase, then increase again, because no government seems to understand that slaves and government workers cannot create GDP; without GDP, you have no tax base, without a tax base, you can’t maintain a government, and a large portion of women work for the government, whether directly or through welfare.

And then Carpentier pulls out his trump card:

And this is only if men are so kind as not to revolt.

Yep. It’s always the same old story with these guys: If you don’t listen up, ladies, the world you know will collapse, MEN will arise as one in fury at the women who destroyed the civilization they worked so hard to build, and a new MANLY MALE MANARCHY will put itself in charge.

And presumably the marital raping will begin in earnest again.

Once again, it all comes down to fury that women can say “no.”

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11 years ago

I think what would happen if more contraceptive options for men were available is that within established het couples they’d be used a lot, and the women would be very happy with that arrangement. In terms of casual sex, not so much, because do you really trust someone who you’re not a in serious relationship with to be honest about something that you have no way of verifying when they’re in the process of trying to get laid? Especially when the potential consequence is pregnancy. So I think outside of established relationships it would serve mostly as something that men would do for their own peace of mind (which there’s no reason for feminists to object to), and the women who sleep with those men would continue to use whatever form of woman-focused contraceptive they prefer in order to maintain their peace of mind.

If it plays out that way I’m sure that MRAs will decide that women’s reluctance to accept “I’m on the male pill, baby, so we don’t need a condom” is misandry.

Ally S
11 years ago

Hey Ally, who is that person in your icon? I know you change it periodically, but it seems more often to be that girl. (Or someone who looks a lot like her, with the dark hair and earlocks.)

The black-and-white character you keep seeing is Okinu from Ghost Sweeper Mikami, a 90s shounen manga. I often put her in my Gravatar just because I relate to her a lot for some reason.

11 years ago


What you said . Isn’t it ironic though that all these women are desperate for sperm fluid to have babies. But these same guys resent having to pay for BC pills through Obama care.They also tend to be more likely to want to outlaw abortion .

And I agree its a complete disconnect and ignorance that women ,particularly women married or in a long term relationships would not want long term, effective, safe ,reversible,inexpensive , very low invasive BC for their husbands /bf’s .OH no ..I would rather have my tubes tide at 30 for example after my second child . Which is very hard to reverse if you change your mind not to mention very invasive to do so, than my husband get a needle prick in his scrotum?

NOOO>>>>>I would rather take hormones for years that jack up (or jack down that is )my libido ,increase my risk of breast cancer and stroke ! Actually I would really RATHER have to cram a diaphram up my patooty every time I have sex .Or have a device put in my uterus (painful procedure) and be at risk for pelvic inflamatory disease or WORSE!

ANYTHING but the man taking the responsibility for birth control !

11 years ago

Maybe it’s because they never, ever trust their wives that they can’t wrap their heads around the idea that most wives trust their husbands.

11 years ago

Thanks, Ally!

RE: Argenti

In that case, I think an emu would be a less bumpy ride… eesh! Can you imagine all the bouncing?

RE: lana

Yeah, it’s this weird thing where they seem to be going spitefully, “Yeah, well, you folks might be able to have children… so that means you have to take responsibility for EVERYTHING involving the creation of said children, plus their upbringing! Yeah, take that!” while at the same time resenting those child-bearing people for having that ability.

It’s like, guys, not all of us get to be babymakers. Move on.

11 years ago

In terms of casual sex, not so much, because do you really trust someone who you’re not a in serious relationship with to be honest about something that you have no way of verifying when they’re in the process of trying to get laid? Especially when the potential consequence is pregnancy.

This I agree would not be ideal for casual sex .Including of course it doesn’t protect against STD’s .

11 years ago

Because I know how MRAs argue, I will point out that their response will be “well you expect us to trust women who say they’re on the pill even if we just met them!”, to which my response is that no, I don’t. If you really want to make sure that you aren’t going to impregnate someone, and you’re not sure you can trust the woman you’re sleeping with, then you should use a condom, because that’s something you can control.

11 years ago

That’s why my eyebrows crinkled again when that guy wrote it out like somehow women would lose out or feel threatened somehow .

When I first saw the article on the research going on for that Vasalgel procedure I was PISSED OF .Not because it looked so promising .But because it said that because there is so little money to be made by it that it may never be marketed !

I think the guys snickering about how threatening it is to ‘we women” should be more concerned about demanding that it be made readily available, at your doctors office, the minute the research is concluded .

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Actually, if it blocks all fluids, it just might protect again some STDs (notably, HIV transmits via certain bodily fluids), for the owner of the orifice the penis is going into anyways. I still wouldn’t trust a casual partner with that (particularly with the risk of HIV, pregnancy can be dealt with after all, HIV can’t)

11 years ago

I completely agree Cassandra ,

Keep it in your pants or wear a condom with spermicide. I have ZERO sympathy for a guy that says “but she said she was on the pill.” ..TAKE responsibility for your self don’t blame her .Besides BC is not 100% effective even if used as prescribed .My DIL got pregnant on BC pills. So did my neighbor.Turns out in my DIL’s case she had taken antibiotics that month that had lowered its effectiveness significantly . My neighbor had taken some over the counter meds for stomach issues same thing.

Not to mention it does not protect the guy from STD’s .

I do not “expect” any guy to trust a woman he does not know or know well. And even if he does …be prepared she could still get pregnant even if you know she is on the pill.

11 years ago

The refusal of guys who say they’re super worried about being tricked into fatherhood to do something as simple as wear condoms doesn’t exactly encourage the listener to take them seriously.

11 years ago

Argenti ,

The one I read about (the injection) doesn’t block all fluids .The chemical that is sitting in the tubes my understanding in affect shreds the sperm as they pass through .Like pulls them apart killing them.The fluid still comes out just the sperm are dead.

11 years ago

Just wondering: assuming for a moment the ridiculous notion that half the population is “obsolete” is true, what exactly to MGTOWs propose to do about it (apart from whining)?

Either way I’ve lost what tiny potential respect for them I could have had; if they have a plan, they are a very dangerous murder-inclined hate-group, and I hope very much that some kind of law enforcement monitors their pages for the safety’s sake. If they don’t, they’re ineffectual complainers and overall a very silly non-activist group. Gross.

11 years ago

Actually, lana, I’ve heard that spermicide calls irritation in a lot of people, actually making the chances of something going wrong WORSE. But I don’t have a source; can anybody more knowledgeable check me on that?

RE: CassandraSays

Yeah, plus, there are PLENTY of fun sexy things one can do with no risk of pregnancy at all. It’s not like you’re freakin’ doomed. I get it, it requires someone to actually think and take care when they have sex, but I don’t see why that’s such a big burden. (But then, I’m from the AIDS generation. Perhaps once upon a time, there was “carefree” sex. But I doubt it.)

11 years ago

Right Cassandra ,

Ticked into father hood. I don’t think anyone “tricked” him into pulling his pants down and inserting his penis into her vagina and ejaculating into her . I think its more like they would rather not wear a condom because it dulls the sensations so they “take her word for it.” Besides like I mentioned she could be in fact on the pill .Not lying .Not trying to get pregnant by him .And still get pregnant .So why is it all her responsibility if she conceives?

11 years ago

Actually, lana, I’ve heard that spermicide calls irritation in a lot of people, actually making the chances of something going wrong WORSE. But I don’t have a source; can anybody more knowledgeable check me on that?

Well, I have personal anecdote from personally being allergic to spermicide and finding that out the hard way (the resulting inflammatory response and dryness shreds condoms), but I can go check PubMed for allergy studies to that effect for something more official since I’m supposed to be on that leg of the internet doing research-y things anyway.

11 years ago

Ugh. Used “personal” twice in a row. Sorry, I’m not normally this inarticulate. Blame fatigue.

11 years ago

Actually, lana, I’ve heard that spermicide calls irritation in a lot of people, actually making the chances of something going wrong WORSE. But I don’t have a source; can anybody more knowledgeable check me on that?


Not sure only thing I do seem to recall vaguely is (don’t quote me ) that spermacide can irritate (inflame) the cervix and increase her risk of contracting HPV. BUT also doesn’t spermicide lower the risk of contracting HIV ?

Maybe I’ll look it up .

Good news is the girls now can get the HPV immunization .

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“The fluid still comes out just the sperm are dead.” Ah, never mind then.

Spermicide kills sperm, so I doubt it helps prevent HIV, and boys can get the HPV vaccine too.

LBT — yeah my mother said something about sex and I just gave this blank “seriously?” face, took her a second to go “right, that was before AIDS” — so idk about carefree sex, but it definitely has changed attitudes.

11 years ago

O.K but even if a guy is allergic ? He can still insist SHE use spermicide and he wears a condom .They make spermicidal inserts for women .Its like a little sheet of spermicide she puts right up against her cervix and it melts and is effective in about 15 minutes and good for about 4 hours .He can wear a condom with no spermicide the condom would be a barrier to it.

Other than that .Again keep it in your pants or don’t blame her if she ends up pregnant.

The only 100% way of not getting pregnant as far as I know is abstinence or in the case the woman has no ovaries .Or I’m sure in some rare cases the guy doesn’t produce any sperm .

I knew a guy that had a friend that had a vasectomy and his wife had her tubes tide and years later she got pregnant .Sure a very rare exception but …..

11 years ago


I did not know the boys could get the HPV vaccine. Awesome. I should have known something like that i have boys .Including a 17 year old .I should look into it.

11 years ago

K but even if a guy is allergic ? He can still insist SHE use spermicide and he wears a condom .They make spermicidal inserts for women .

Oh, right, we’re talking about guywhining and “forced fatherhood” : In that case, yeah, it’s pretty much on the guy to make sure somebody’s using spermicide. Also, I’m pretty sure the incidence of allergic reaction is waaayyy lower with male-bodied types. (Ironically I was describing a run-in with just such an insert – you don’t have to tell me they exist! XD)

11 years ago

Right care free . I remember the fear even years later when I was married and I had a routine HIV test with my last pregnancy . I was too chicken to go have one done before that.It was a relief of course that I was negative . I didn’t have to think every time I got sick “what if I have AIDS.” Or if I cut myself and was bleeding “what if I have AIDS and I infect my kids.”

11 years ago

I think the SPLC watches them, since they’re on their official “hate group” list.

They are? That’s wonderful news, and restores a bit of my faith in humanity’s reasonableness as a whole. 🙂

11 years ago

Oh, right, we’re talking about guywhining and “forced fatherhood” : In that case, yeah, it’s pretty much on the guy to make sure somebody’s using spermicide. Also, I’m pretty sure the incidence of allergic reaction is waaayyy lower with male-bodied types. (Ironically I was describing a run-in with just such an insert – you don’t have to tell me they exist! XD)


Forgive me LOL>>>I don’t know why I thought you were a guy !

Earlier I was talking about a guy wearing a condom with spermicide in it . I just assumed the allergic description was about a guy .I was kind of wondering about the “dryness” LOL>>(DUH) (how does a guys penis dry out during sex and rip the condom hmmmm word picture lOL)