a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage boobs butts creepy drama kings evil sexy ladies evil women imaginary oppression infighting johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam playing the victim sexualization unsolicited penis updates vaginas warren farrell

The Power of Butt: MRA granddaddy Warren Farrell picks a new book cover, and can’t decide between tits, ass or vagina.

Men: Oppressed by butts?
Men: Oppressed by women’s butts?

Warren Farrell’s The Myth of Male Power, published twenty years ago, defined much of the agenda for what’s become the contemporary Men’s Rights movement. If you hear a Men’s Rights activist prattle on about “male disposability”or “death professions” or complain about draft registration (even though the draft itself has been dead for decades), you’ve got Farrell to thank, or blame.

So when Farrell decided to release a new ebook edition of his most famous book, it was perhaps not all that surprising that he decided to turn to the folks at A Voice for Men, probably the most influential Men’s Rights site around, for advice on a picture to use for a new cover.

But what was surprising was the pictures he asked the AVFMers to choose from, three sexually charged, and slightly NSFW, pics highlighting what Farrell evidently sees as the key female challenges to male power: their vaginas, tits and ass.

I’m not speaking metaphorically: one of the pictures shows a nude woman’s pelvic area, her vulva both highlighted and hidden by what is essentially a merkin made of moss; a second picture shows the ass of a young, topless woman in her underpants slaving over a hot stove, and the third shows a famous picture of Marilyn Monroe, also topless.

AVFM’s Paul Elam explained the, er, logic of these images:

Imagine the juxtaposition of the title, “Myth of Male Power” over one of these images. The cover alone will challenge the idea of male power in men and women alike on a gut level.

By “on a gut level” he apparently means “in men’s pants.”

You sort of have to see them to see how utterly tacky they are; here’s the one of the butt, which either Farrell or Elam helpfully captioned “Where’s the power?”

You can find the others on AVFM here; if you don’t want to give them the pageviews, you can find them here.

You couldn’t really ask for better symbols of the essential misogyny of the Men’s Rights movement today — or of its obsession with blaming women (and women’s sexuality in particular) for the restrictions on male power that so chafe the hides of MRAs. Farrell, in the past, generally avoided demonizing female sexuality quite so obviously and directly, but these days he’s apparently been spending too much time amongst the A Voice for Menners.

Farrell’s choices for potential covers also tell us a good deal about him as well; in the past he’s essentially been able to hide his crackpot pseudoscholarship behind a certain veneer or respectability — releasing his books through major publishing houses, touting his PhD — but here he seems to be falling to his natural level, amongst the self-publishers of crappy e-books with stock-photo covers.

While some AVFMers had other suggestions — perhaps a picture of the Wicked Witch? — most seemed to think that the pictures were perfect for his book. Tom Golden — along with most of the voters in the poll — preferred Marilyn and her tits:

Tom Golden says November 23, 2013 at 9:06 PM I think the point that Warren is trying to make is that simply the sight of a very attractive female puts most men into a mental position of subservience and blind willingness to be of service to her in whatever way he can. In essence he becomes a slave. How can men be in so much power when just the sight of a lightly clad young attractive woman throws them into such a state? I think any of the images accomplishes that task but I personally like #3 because when I see that image my awareness of my surrender to her power is palpable.

Others were more taken with the ass pic. Alek wrote:

alek says November 23, 2013 at 1:36 PM My choice (nr. 2) is losing heavily :( :D DDD I like 2 since its the most powerfully influential… The gist of the book “myth of male power” is that “oppression of women” is an interpretational myth – “poor wimminz had to stay in the kitchinz, while man goes outside and has a blast being all hero and shit” (i’m dumbing down female gender role to “kitchen” as representative of all oppression interpretational myths covered by Warren) This photo challenges that whole notion of the kitchen as an oppressive enviroment, while immediately and visually telling the viewer just how powerful she – the woman is, merely by seeing her silhouette, casual relaxed demeanor and posture projecting utter sexual power.

And Elam, while voting for the moss-encrusted vulva himself, was apparently also quite, er, affected by dat ass.  (Those with especially sensitive stomachs may wish to skip the following quote, as it contains an unsolicited update from his boner.)

I am about as red pill as men come I think. There has not been a woman that could sexually manipulate me in decades. But one look at that woman’s ass in image #2 and I feel every instinctive reproductive trigger trying to go off in my brain. It is not a feeling of power at all for me, but a feeling of something I might have to overcome in order to just self-preserve.

So there you have it: Two of the most influential figures in the Men’s Rights movement — indeed, arguably the two most influential figures — actually believe that men are oppressed by women’s butts.

Indeed, Elam is apparently so overwhelmed by the sight of an attractive ass that he considers it a literal threat to his life.

Adding to the creepiness factor here: Farrell is 70 years old, making him literally old enough to be grandfather of the model in her underpants. Elam is in his late 50s.

Now, the weird tackiness of the images Farrell chose for his book cover did not go entirely unnoticed at AVFM. There were critics — including, amazingly, AVFM’s own John Hembling, who was a little baffled by the idea of using a sexualized picture of a woman on the cover of Farrell’s book about men, and asked if Farrell was possibly trolling them.

One MRA blogger, Kevin Wayne, posted a link to his blog, where he excoriated all three choices as “Budweiser Ad rejects” and begged Farrell to try something else:

This is just going to backfire. Don’t we have enough issues of being branded as a bunch of no-necks wanting to take women back to the 1950’s?

Elam, while gentle in his handling of Hembling’s criticism, threw a fit over Wayne’s post, banning him from AVFM and bashing him — on AVFM and on Wayne’s own site — as a do-nothing newcomer to Men’s Rights who was too “borderline retarded” to  understand the profound deeper meaning behind  Farrell’s T&A pics.

Farrell himself seems to have been a a bit more willing to listen to the critics. Indeed, he’s asked AVFM’s readers to submit some more pictures to choose from. There will be a runoff between the winner of the first AVFM poll (Marilyn and her tits) several of the new pics.

So far there hasn’t exactly been a flood of submissions. They’ve included a painting of Diogenes, a painting of Lilith, a photo of a homeless man, and this:


Yeah, that’ll work great.

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Ally S
11 years ago

I don’t think that secularism is necessarily an impetus for change. Religion can change radically as well, although it really depends on the religion.

Also, I think it’s rather unfortunate that the plural of “impetus” is not “impeti.”

11 years ago

Ambrosial means a pleasant taste or smell.

So that really reads:

“If you’ve got a tasty and fragrant God…”

11 years ago

You lose your shit at the mere sight of an attractive woman? Sounds like your problem, buddy. Not hers.

11 years ago

Paul Elam is a loud-and-proud fucking shithead. You find those in all religions, as well those who profess none.

11 years ago

“Sparky, some might be more open to dogma if their god is a fruit-roll-up, I guess.”

Dogma would work really well for those whose god is kibble.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
11 years ago

Hm. A ‘Protestant’. Not a ‘Christian’. Not a particular denomination. Don’t often hear people saying that. You know, except in the context of distinguishing themselves from Catholics, and there’s no contextual reason for that here.

Then there’s some sort of attention getting writing gaffe…

Yeah, I’m smelling sock.

11 years ago

Jammy still doesn’t get how words work.

11 years ago

DefSocks thinks that we’re supposed to be impressed by his use of big words that he doesn’t actually comprehend. And he’s miffed that we’re actually aware of the meanings, and laughing at him and his “intellectual” fakery.

On the bright side, his spelling’s slipping. I sense a meltdown in 3…2…1…

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Hey, this isn’t off topic! Who wants to help hose whose god is kibble? Clicky the watch button!

Friskies is donating wet food to US shelters for every view, so watch the kitties and share the kitties and help some kitties!

11 years ago

No, no, Sir Bodsworth, he’s a Portestant. Not sure what that is, unless it means he’s a piss-head. He’s certainly a pissant.

11 years ago

Left suddenly there; came down with a sudden case of the Exams. (oof). Back now!

True story for me, I haven’t read anything by Robert Jordan (even though I’ve been told the Wheel of Time is good) because I remember that being the name of the protagonist in Hemingway’s “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and I hated that book so, so much.

I’m sorry Hemingway did that to you! I always found him to be one of the lesser classic lit evils (don’t even start me on Faulkner though) not the least of which because I got a snooty chicken joke out of all that reading. I never started wheel of time either, because by the time I had access to 1/10000 of it to borrow (or however many books Jordan wrote), I was face-deep in college and didn’t have the free time to go around finishing a 10000 book series. So…uhhh…I guess the point of all this is this: WANNA READ WHEEL OF TIME? I WILL IF YOU WILL! 😀 (If you’re too scarred by Hemingway, I understand, and should probably be getting on with other things with my time in any case).

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
11 years ago

@ kittehserf – Holy crap, I totally missed that. Let’s add “English skills become progressively poorer” to the list of tells

11 years ago

Sir Bodsworth – yep!

On Wheel of Time – SAVE YOURSELVES. I read the first, which was, mm, not too bad, though it dragged a bit. Got a little way into the second but quit when it squicked me out completely. Mum made it through the second and maybe the third before giving up, and she’d managed to read the first couple of Eragon books. 😛

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Just got my brother to read this post, his comments? So he thinks his life is in danger because of her ass? Well, maybe depending the ass and if she has a boyfriend it might be.

“Did you know that dat ass means women have all the power and oppress you?”
“I don’t think so” (said in a tone that sounded half amused and half confused)

11 years ago

@kitteh – Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll go back to my papers now :/

Argenti – Sit him in a hard chair and try again!

11 years ago

They WANT tits ass and vajay jay .Therefore women have power over them. We are oppressors and slave masters by not “freely giving ” them what they are entitled to .

Did I not tell you about the guy I talked to that said he was being “sexually harassed” because his wife didn’t want sex as often as he did ? So NOT being sexual (if you are a woman) with a man that wants to have sex with you is “sexual harrassment.”

Apparently we as females are sitting on a “pot of gold” that if we “discriminate” when and with whom we “spread the wealth.” We are evil feminist “misandrist.”

11 years ago

lana – and of course if we do “give freely” we’re evil sluts and whores because we’re not giving it to the misogynist doing the complaining.

11 years ago

This sounds ridiculous . But this guy sounds exactly like MRA . He’s just nicer.

When I heard this I laughed so hard because its so them.

11 years ago

“Did you know that dat ass means women have all the power and oppress you?”
“I don’t think so” (said in a tone that sounded half amused and half confused)


Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

chimisaur — he’s well padded, that’d just make him laugh harder!

11 years ago

lana – and of course if we do “give freely” we’re evil sluts and whores because we’re not giving it to the misogynist doing the complaining.


The problem is we “give freely” by choice.(we choose to or not to) . That is NOT fair.

How DARE we sit on the pot of gold and “decide” who gets gold nuggets and who does not !

See we have a “monopoly”…Its not FAIR that I sit on a pot of ‘gold” and sexually harass him by not putting “gold” out for him .

Since I have an “unfair share of wealth” (tits ,ass ,and vagina) I should at LEAST wear a hijab…

11 years ago

Argenti – well, that works too; spread the ridiculous MRA-induced chuckles! We can’t hoard all the fun, that would be misandry. (and thanks for the video Lana, although now I’m reading everything I’m typing about misandry in that bizarre grey dude’s voice).

11 years ago

Some Grey Bloke’s videos are the best. He rips the MRM a new one all the time. He’s commented here on occasion, I think.

lana – yup, women having any choice in anything is what really chafes these guys.

11 years ago

That grey bloke is killingly hilarious. I shall have to subscribe to him.

11 years ago

(and thanks for the video Lana, although now I’m reading everything I’m typing about misandry in that bizarre grey dude’s voice).

You’re welcome. Don’t worry though .Use ever white man’s accent of lower to middle to upper class voice of every area of the world.

How he said “I didn’t even realize it ‘ ..I have have heard men say …you just haven’t listened ..its “there ” …Guys who see NO “misandry” but are in a nutshell horny being “inducted” into the manosphere .They even use commercials to convince them .

Its sad.

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