One of the strangest things about doing this blog is all the things I ‘ve learned about myself in the process. I don’t mean all the insights into my inner being I’ve gained, though there’s been a bit of that. I mean all the completely untrue things I’ve learned from people who hate me.
For some reason, many of the people who most hate this blog– many of whom have never read it — aren’t satistfied with criticizing me for what I do and who I am; they find it necessary to make up many new and horrible and not-actually-true things to criticize me for: That I plant the things I quote on this blog to make Men’s Rightsers look bad, that I write all the comments myself (all the hundreds of thousands of them) to make Man Boobz look more popular.
Oh, and that I want all men cuckolded.
To those who hate me and this site, I and the Man Boobz commentariat have become what sociologist Stanley Cohen called “folk devils,” convenient scapegoats around which various urban legends — or in this case internet legends — have grown like mushrooms.
The ShitRedditSays empire on Reddit has developed a similar mythos of its own. ShitRedditSays started out as a subreddit to collect together and skewer the worst, most bigoted nonsense that regularly posted and upvoted on Reddit; it grew into a robust Reddit counterculture that’s really one of the only good things about the site.
But to most Redditors, it seems, the SRS folk devils really are akin to the devil, and they are accused of all sorts of preposterous things on a daily basis — many of which suggest that SRS wields vast and nefarious powers behind the scenes on Reddit and possibly even in the real world. There’s so much of this nonsense that the SRSers have started a whole subreddit devoted to the SRS Mythos.
Basically, all the preceding was sort of a long-winded preface to me saying that I just discovered SRSMythos and have been really enjoying reading it.
Here are some of the not-so-true facts about SRS catalogued there:
A claim that
my friend used to mod there [on SRS], he and his buddies from Stormfront.org started it as a joke to get people to hate politically correct liberals and black people.
The notion that SRS was secretly started as a joke by Nazis or other bigots is one of Reddit’s favorite conspiracy theories.
A claim from a Men’s Rights Redditor that one of the Men’s Rights subreddit mods is a secret SRS agent.
Another Redditor, familiar to anyone who reads the anti-SRS and/or Men’s Rights subreddits, offers a convoluted theory about how SRS is all part of a weird eugenics experiment.
Someone called againstSRS complains that “THEY’RE the ones who try to make fun of US for so-called “ridiculous” conspiracy theories? Our theories about SRS and women destroying society are more grounded in concrete facts than their entire sense of reality.”
Someone else asserts that SRS is a
horrible horrible subreddit full of Nazi Feminists that aren’t actually for equality. They hate all men, and think that every man is a rapist. I’ve seen people banned from it just for mentioning that they were a guy while commenting.
Actually, SRS did its own demographic surveys and found that most SRSers — -somewhere in the range of 57% to 59% — were dudes. Granted, that’s a low percentage of men for Reddit — which is overall 80% male — but not exactly evidence that SRSers are a bunch of man-hating feeeeemale separatists.
Check it out. There’s a lot of fascinating stuff there, whether you’re studying the sociology of scapegoating, or if you just like seeing Redditors post idiotic crap.
Yay, I’m a folk devil!
Well, David of course you write the comments here, we’re all cats in a David suit.
You’ve lost a parenthesis. I found it –> )
to be fair, not all Reddit is MRA or racist crap. there are some reasonable quarters, you just have to look for them.
Dear Journal,
I recently learned that I am an evil feminist nazi who hates men. I thought I liked people in general as long as they don’t act like jerks, but I’m sure I can trust the Men’s Rights dudebros to know what I think better than I do. It’s not as though I’m the one living in my own head.
Learning things is fun!
Isn’t there some statistic about what proportion of women you need in a room for it to be perceived as female dominant? I think it was about a third, so being over 40% would be seen as nearly all women. I must go look this statistic up but if anyone else knows it that would be great.
Agh, no luck. Maybe the person who told me made it up 🙁
No, no, we sacrifice the goats. To Satan, because feminists are actually witches.
(Secretly we just want to ride the demon cock carousel.)
(block quotes) “demon cock carousel”
great band name.
If there isn’t already a glam/cock rock band called that there really should be. Maybe if the singer from HIM ever decides to do a solo project.
I’m not familiar with that stat, but I
do knowdid read that they originally went for 1/2 women 1/2 men among the main characters in TNG.Now I can’t find a source. Drat.
Folk devils – would that be devils who’re into Morris dancing?
Eh, I can’t speak for the entire SRS empire, but I find the /r/ShitRedditSays subreddit to be a an incredibly shitty place in itself. I *wish* it were merely a forum to “collect together and skewer the worst, most bigoted nonsense that regularly posted and upvoted on Reddit”. But its response to that bigotry is mainly to spew out its own brand of toxic, hateful, sanctimonious, immature, judgmental hypocrisy that lacks any real value or substance in its critique of the wider Reddit culture. That subreddit simply brings out the worst in even the most well-intentioned people, and actively suppresses any attempt at reason or moderation. ShitRedditSays is not the sort of “feminism” I would ever feel inclined to participate in.
I’ve just got one thing to say!
D’ya like dags?
There was also some noise about how we supposedly took over r/Anarchism.
That guy doesn’t like dags.
Ax, you do realize that SRS is a circlejerk, yes? If you want more reasoned discussions, go to SRSDiscussion.
I can’t say that putting feminism in scare quotes usually inclines me to take a person seriously.
Yes I do realize it’s a circlejerk, and a pretty terrible one. That’s why I don’t like it.
I have a hard time believing SRS could be worse than tumblr.
Also, am I the only person who reads SRS to mean Sexual Reassignment Surgery, every goddamn time? Shows the company I keep, I suppose…
Didn’t we have someone with the nym “againstSRS” comment here once?
Tumblr is just terrible. There’s some decent Tumblrs out there, but then you get shit like “transrace” and “transable”, and that just causes me to purchase new eyeballs in bulk from Costco.
Tumblr always makes me feel like someone took the stupid from LiveJournal and multiplied it by a thousand. Same solipistic wanky tendencies, but much, much worse.
I was recently on Tumblr when this one user was arguing about how non-Arab and/or non-Muslim folks wearing the keffiyeh is always cultural appropriation no matter what (even if you’re wearing it out of solidarity) because it’s a symbol of resistance to Israeli occupation of Palestine. Ignoring the fact that the keffiyeh is neither exclusively Palestinian nor only associated with resistance to Israeli occupation. I mean, I could be wrong, but the whole thing I saw on Tumblr was just ridiculous.
On the rare occasions I see someone wearing a keffiyeh I don’t think “appropriation,” I just think “wanky student hipster”. :/
I saw that too, auggz. V_V It bothered me a lot. What I don’t get is that appropriation implies taking some cultural practice and trying to own it, not simply doing that cultural practice. So when I see “cultural appropriation” being used everywhere, it’s really annoying.