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Kevin Federline-andry: The most pressing men's human rights issue of our age?

Presented, without comment — ok, besides this comment, and the comment in the title of the post — is this headline from the Men’s Rights subreddit:

Kevin Federline received $13 million from his divorce with Brittany Spears. Would he have gotten more if genders swapped?

Thanks once again to AgainstMensRights for finding this one.

Also, it’s BRITNEY. Not Brittany. Britney. One T, followed by NEY. B-R-I-T-N-E-Y. It’s not hard to remember.

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Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

On rape accusers: “The long-term solution is to overturn the law that shields accusers, but in the short term, there is another solution: reveal the identity of the accuser.

Doxx them.”

“Should I be called to sit on a jury for a rape trial, I vow publicly to vote not guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the charges are true.”

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

So, then tell us, you who knows what hate is so well. What would be an example of a comment that’s hatred of women?

11 years ago

(He really likes variants on the word jocular. Just want to note that for the record.)

So, is Paul Elam talking about his hate-erection an example of jocularity or heated discussion? Or is it satire? Because I know Paul E thinks he can write the most hateful screeds imaginable and then just call them satire (but the rest of the world is not really buying it).

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

$1000 for the personal information of the women (and one man) who appeared in a video advertising a production adopted from SCUM Manifesto

So called “satire” about how we should totally declare October Bash a Violent Bitch Month

On the rape and death threats that Anita Sarkeesian received for her Tropes vs. Women series: “The wave of so-called hate that Anita received from her carefully chosen dragon, wasn’t really all that bad.”

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Borgified troll it is! But I claim no responsibility for traumatized minds afterward!”

Better that than traumatized by troll…hmm…I might be able to auto-wrap the comment in spoiler tags so you have a troll alert, but it’s still there. That’d kinda work. Comic sans the laughably wrong, disemvowel those pushing for straight up deletion, troll-i-fy the middle ground. (In case anyone forgot // never knew, you can clicky the comment to bring up the menu of these things, I got sick of seeing it All The Time)

As for the actual troll…how in the world is that original reddit post about the average guy and not about gender reversal? (Which is kinda irrelevant in general when talking about multi-millionaires)

11 years ago

The “we only hate feminists” is a good cover–except they define “feminists” in such a way that basically all women qualify, even those who don’t ID as feminist. Think about DKM–he claimed to love real women, who apparently have the personality of a doll and the fur of a kitten.

In effect, they hate all women who don’t conform to a very constricting and usually conflicting standard–that varies from MRA to MRA and that basically no women fit.

But they don’t hate women, because they can imagine women they might not mind–but still wouldn’t respect.

11 years ago

(there’s no woman-hating at

11 years ago

dammit messed up the block qoutes.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Also, it’s not about Kevin Federline

Except for the fact that the OP explicitly says: “Kevin Federline received $13 million from his divorce with Brittany Spears. Would he have gotten more if genders swapped?”

OP isn’t talking about famous people vs Joe Schmo, he’s talking about men vs women. The court also ruled against Spears’s request for custody and granted Federline sole physical custody of their children and $20K per month in child support. According to you terrorist pieces of shit, that NEVER happens, because the courts are run by matriarchal feminazis.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

DefJam | December 8, 2013 at 10:12 pm

So, Futrelle, by your logic, I suppose we can’t complain about the (alleged) discrimination against women in the United States. After all, Saudi Arabia exists!!!111!eleventy!1

I think… and correct me if I’m wrong… but I think that he’s completely misconstruing the original argument. And if that were the original argument he would be technically correct; we cannot infer from one single case the state of affairs throughout the nation.

But he gets the OP totally wrong. David never said what he accuses David of saying.

And thus is all credibility shot.

Oh, DefJam, you poor dear; do be sure to bring some reading comprehension with you when you return, won’t you?

And, no, we can’t infer the state of affairs in the nation from one case. We would try to use broad statistics to do that.

By the way, does anybody else fixate on how well that little rationalization hamster in DefJam’s head is working? He literally is working and working to avoid even acknowledging the original point. He’s just trying so very hard to avoid thinking those thoughts. Why is that, do you think?

11 years ago

I love how the trolls never include sources of their own, just demand everyone else go look it up for them. But when David and/or regulars here offer sources to back up their claims, the trolls just dismiss them as man-hating, if they even bother reading them at all.

It’s almost like the facts don’t matter to MRAs. Funny how that works.

11 years ago


Good point about yarn and kitties. Mine only get to poke around the wool I’m actually knitting with (because it’s no fun otherwise)

Sadly, I’ve barely been able to knit since I re-acquired my childhood kitty. I love her more than anything and I’m thrilled she’s still so playful at the age of 17, but damn it, Grace, I need to make these cat toys for the MSPCA fundraiser!

Can a king be a mangina?

That depends. Has he ever done anything nice for a woman?

@Argenti, pipe cleaners should be fine as long as the ends aren’t sharp.

Of course, my father insists that chicken bones and the chocolate in my granola and onion and garlic are all safe in small doses


I mean, if you have a large dog and it’s getting very small, occasional doses then yeah, it probably won’t be fatal, but it’s still a terrible idea (the number of dog treats I see with garlic in them…). Also, I’m not sure how long they stay in the body or whether the effects are cumulative. Also too, don’t let him feed the dog grapes/raisins, either.


One of the women in my fiber arts group (who is ironically a vet) had to take one of her cats in for major surgery after he ingested a bunch of tatting thread (really strong cotton). It cost her 700 dollars.

O_O That must’ve been the employee discount.

And then there’s haggis. Who the FUCK first managed to invent that?!

I often think about that old claim that Native Americans used every part of the animal and how wonderful that is, as if it wasn’t done out of need (you don’t throw away perfectly good food/clothing/weaponry/sinew/etc). Then I think about things like haggis and blood pudding, and how the peoples of the British Isles also seem to have perfected the whole “using every part of the animal” thing, probably for the same reasons. And yet despite both these influences, Americans have still managed to end up with a very narrow list of acceptable meats.

11 years ago

Ah, you Americans, all amazed at haggis, blood pudding etc. What do you think hot dogs are made from, precisely? 😉

11 years ago

Eyeballs and toenails mostly, I’m guessing.

(I’d rather eat haggis than hotdogs of unknown provenance.)

11 years ago

@LBT, I haven’t been following all the borg-critter comments. Do you have a parrot of any kind?

@Def Jam

I have never seen an ounce of hatred at [fuck your linkdropping] but I’ll grant I have seen a lot of frustration and some heated hyperbole. These, however, are not equivalent.

What exactly would hatred look like to you? Is there anything that would meet the definition, or do you prefer to remain vague so you can handwave things away?

11 years ago

There’s a difference between heated discussion and jocular bonding on the one hand, and “hatred” on the other. I have never seen an ounce of hatred at, but I’ll grant I have seen a lot of frustration and some heated hyperbole. These, however, are not equivalent.

That is the most willfully obtuse pile of bullshit I’ve seen all day, DefScum. If you think this is all just Male Bonding™ and that women shouldn’t take these obvious and vile rape apologists at their word, I’d hate to see what your idea of real hatemongering is. You go out of your way to minimize the violence-promoting rhetoric over there, and I’m not buying it for an instant. Elam and Co. have all made no bones (and huge bonERS) of how much they fap over the idea of women being forcibly squelched in every conceivable way. I fully expect to hear in the near future that one of them got arrested for stalking, death threats and real-time violence against a woman, because they’re all clearly headed that way.

11 years ago

@deafjam You can do anything at!

Also, the idea that we don’t still use all of the animal is mistaken. They find uses for just about every part. Pet food, glue, cheese additives, nuggets, slime. Makes being a vegetarian annoying sometimes.

11 years ago

I eat headcheese with great pleasure, and will certainly try haggis if I ever travel to the land of my ancestors. Hotdogs hold no terror for me – unnamable bits, yes, but no terror. Still looking forward to trying blood sausage at some point.

The only foods I’ve tried that I really don’t care for are chitlins, raspberries and hazelnuts.

Also, I belong to an all-male organization (the Masons) and have never seen or heard the sort of ‘heated jocularity’ A Voice for Angry Men displays. That kind of talk/behavior would be frowned upon at the lodge, to say the least.

11 years ago

There’s a difference between heated discussion and jocular bonding on the one hand, and “hatred” on the other. I have never seen an ounce of hatred at, but I’ll grant I have seen a lot of frustration and some heated hyperbole. These, however, are not equivalent.

So basically, any of the ample evidence of misogyny at AVFM can be dismissed as “frustration,” “heated hyperbole” and “jocular bonding.”

How wonderful that we dizzy females have the all-knowing DefJam to tell us what we should and should not take offense at. Cause obviously, we are incapable of any kind of critical thinking, and should in no way trust our own thoughts, feelings or judgements.

11 years ago

I think “AVfM doesn’t have any hate” is the funniest thing I will read all day. Followed closely by the idea that AVfM is one of the few male-only spaces where men can bond (with jocularity!).

11 years ago

Can a king be a mangina?

That depends. Has he ever done anything nice for a woman?

He has. Oh noes! My husband isn’t a RealMan™!

(I’d rather eat haggis than hotdogs of unknown provenance.)

Seconded. Only food poisoning I’ve ever had was from hotdogs eaten in London. Mum and I only had a couple of mouthfuls before going “ewww” and binning them.

11 years ago

What, just today? It’s the funniest thing on the internet in months.

11 years ago

It’s even more laughable that EarWax claims it’s all just boys working off their frustrations, ha ha, jocularity, when we’ve had any number of MRAs proclaiming that Manboobz is a hate site and we all want to kill men. Except David, presumably, as resident dogsbody, until we turn on him (presumably when we’ve figured out how to run the blog without him).